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Aandeel Nokia PSE:NOKIA.FR, FI0009000681

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3,533   -0,006   (-0,17%) Dagrange 3,498 - 3,555 91.582   Gem. (3M) 161,6K

Nokia - 2017

102 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 15 juni 2017 22:42
    Ik zit echt te wachten totdat de koers eens flink omhoog gaat. Wat ik me wel af vraag is dat HMD de Smartphones maakt onder de naam Nokia. Dan lijkt het mij logisch dat wanneer dat een succes blijkt, dat we dat dan gaan zien in de Nokia koers? Aangezien HMD volgens mij niet beursgenoteerd is. Wie kan wat informatie geven? Ik lees dat Nokia straks 5G gaat brengen en ook nu net met een supersnelle netwerkprocessor is gekomen. Dan lijkt mij dat het niet anders kan, dat de koers een flinke inhaalrace gaat maken binnenkort? Ik heb nog niet zo heel veel ervaring met beleggen, maar dit lijkt me niet mis te kunnen gaan toch?
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 juni 2017 09:23

    mcquest84 schreef op 15 juni 2017 22:42:

    Ik zit echt te wachten totdat de koers eens flink omhoog gaat. Wat ik me wel af vraag is dat HMD de Smartphones maakt onder de naam Nokia. Dan lijkt het mij logisch dat wanneer dat een succes blijkt, dat we dat dan gaan zien in de Nokia koers? Aangezien HMD volgens mij niet beursgenoteerd is. Wie kan wat informatie geven? Ik lees dat Nokia straks 5G gaat brengen en ook nu net met een supersnelle netwerkprocessor is gekomen. Dan lijkt mij dat het niet anders kan, dat de koers een flinke inhaalrace gaat maken binnenkort? Ik heb nog niet zo heel veel ervaring met beleggen, maar dit lijkt me niet mis te kunnen gaan toch?
    Ik denk dat Nokia hoogstens een klein percentage krijgt voor het gebruik van de naam.
  3. [verwijderd] 11 juli 2017 20:35
    Het lijkt mij dat het succes of niet van de Nokia telefoon gewoon zijn weerslag heeft op het aandeel Nokia. Ok, het bedrijf Nokia zal niet de winst krijgen, maar het aandeel wel. Op 27 Juli komen volgens mij de halfjaarcijfers. Wat zijn de verwachtingen daarvoor? Wat is dit voor nep forum, waarom reageert bijna niemand? Ik vraag wat info en verwachtingen?

    Met vriendelijke groet Mc.
  4. forum rang 4 Erg chebbi 27 juli 2017 07:31
    I am proud of the entire Nokia team for delivering strong profitability in the second quarter and group-level net sales that were close to flat year-on-year. Underpinning this result was the excellent performance of Nokia Technologies, as well as robust gross margins and continued topline improvement in Networks. With the good work in the quarter, I remain confident that we will deliver on our full-year guidance of an operating margin of 8-10% in our Networks business.
    Additionally, we made further progress in executing on the four pillars of our strategy in the second quarter. In terms of the first pillar, leading in high-performance, end-to-end networks with communication service providers, we saw year-on-year growth in orders in the first half of the year; continued to win the majority of deals we pursued; and landed more large contracts in the first half than we did during the same time period in 2016. Cross-selling also continues to generate new opportunities for us, with several important wins in the quarter, such as our contract to build three Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing networks for M1 in Singapore.
    For the second pillar, expanding sales to new vertical markets, our work is gaining further traction in terms of orders, customers and technology. We saw double-digit growth in orders in most of the verticals we are targeting, and added new customers at a significantly faster rate than one year ago. And, we launched new IP routing products that will put us in a strong competitive position with both our traditional customer base and our new target markets when the products are available at scale next year. The early response from customers to these new products has been excellent, with companies like BT Group and Xiaomi already expressing their intent to purchase.
    We are starting to see the results of the extensive work we have done in the third pillar of our strategy, building a strong, stand-alone software business at scale. Q2 sales in our Applications & Analytics business group were up comfortably year-on-year and order momentum was strong.
    In the fourth pillar of our strategy, creating new business and licensing opportunities in the consumer ecosystem, the licensing and business partnership agreement that we reached with Apple in the quarter was a clear highlight. You could see the benefit of that agreement in Nokia Technologies' results, and we look forward to continuing to expand our overall business with Apple in the coming months. We also closed a licensing deal with Xiaomi, a milestone win with a Chinese smartphone vendor, setting the stage for us to engage further with other vendors in the country.
    Finally, we expect our primary addressable market with communication service providers to be slightly more challenging in 2017 than earlier forecast. We now expect a decline in the market in the range of 3-5%, versus our earlier view of a low-single digit decline. In addition, we continue to expect our Networks sales to perform in line with the market.
    Despite these headwinds, I believe Nokia's disciplined operating model puts us in a strong position to succeed in conditions of all kinds and continue to deliver solid shareholder value. In addition, we are seeing catalysts in the United States, China and Japan that point to an acceleration of 5G and the commencement of meaningful roll-outs in 2019.
    In summary, a good second quarter, some challenges ahead this year, but also reasons to be optimistic about Nokia's ability to deliver.
  5. forum rang 4 Erg chebbi 27 juli 2017 07:46
    Van die telefoons (HMD) moet je niet veel verwachten. Het zit vooral in de licentie's (Xiaomi en Apple), dat is puur geld.
    Verder is het wachten op de implementatie van 5 G. Dat ga je pas in de revenue zien (lees de CEO) in 2019.
    Mijn idee: hogere EPS in 2020 en 2021 in de tussentijd houden ze het lean en mean en grijpen ze kansen om nieuwe markten te betreden.

    Nokia is een cameleon. Ze zijn heel innovatief (mijn indruk). Ik verwacht veel van hen in de komende markt voor connected cars (2020-25). Daar heb je nu nog nix aan.

    Statement van CEO is geen reden voor paniek lijkt me..
  6. Hkdnp 27 juli 2017 08:18
    donderdag 27 juli 2017, 7:58
    Nokia profiteert van deal met Apple
    © ANP
    Nokia heeft zijn resultaat in het afgelopen kwartaal weten te verbeteren met dank aan een deal die het met Apple sloot. Daarnaast sneed de Finse fabrikant van netwerkapparatuur met succes in de kosten, zo bleek donderdag uit een publicatie over de afgelopen periode.

    In mei legde Nokia een slepende ruzie over patenten met Apple bij. De iPhone-maker en de voormalige mobieletelefoongigant tekenden een meerjarige overeenkomst die Nokia's patentenafdelingen 90 procent extra omzet opleverde.

    De totale kwartaalopbrengsten bleven mede daardoor nagenoeg gelijk aan een jaar eerder op 5,6 miljard euro tegen iets meer dan 5,5 miljard een jaar eerder. Onder de streep verkleinde Nokia zijn verlies van 726 miljoen een jaar eerder tot 433 miljoen euro.

    Nokia heeft net als zijn Zweedse concurrent Ericsson last van afnemende vraag naar netwerkapparatuur voor 4G-netwerken, omdat veel providers inmiddels voorzien zijn. Daardoor wordt de patentenverkoop steeds belangrijker voor Nokia, dat uit zijn tijd als mobieltjesgrootmacht nog over veel technologische kennis beschikt.
  7. forum rang 4 Erg chebbi 26 oktober 2017 08:41
    Nokia delivered excellent non-IFRS earnings-per-share in the third quarter of EUR 0.09; strong year-on-year group-level performance, with both gross and operating margins up significantly; and continued momentum in the execution of our strategy. Given this good progress, Nokia's Board of Directors plans to propose a dividend of 19 euro cents for 2017, up 2 cents from one year ago.
    The performance of our patent licensing business was the clear highlight of the quarter. We reached a favorable arbitration outcome with LG and have since reached agreement with them on a license for a longer term than what was set out in the arbitration. With this fast and effective execution against our patent licensing strategy, we have approximately doubled our recurring licensing revenue from EUR 578 million in 2014. I am also particularly pleased that in 2017 the growth in patent licensing has helped to offset the sales decline on the Networks side. We have excellent momentum and considerable opportunity to further develop the business in 2018 and beyond.
    We also saw strength in many parts of our Networks business in the quarter. On the sales side, we saw constant currency year-on-year growth in Global Services and IP Routing as well as our Middle East and Africa, and Asia-Pacific regions. Orders were up in many areas, including Applications & Analytics, which logged its fifth consecutive quarter of order growth in Q3, showing the progress we are making in our strategy to build a strong, stand-alone software business.
    On the profitability side, the overall Networks gross margin of 38.6% was up compared to one year ago, a remarkable achievement in the context of a market that remains challenging. In addition, Global Services and IP Networks and Applications delivered significant improvements in operating margin compared to Q3 2016, at 8.1% and 10.7%, respectively.
    We continued to build momentum in our strategy to expand our customer base beyond communication service providers. Across the adjacent segments that we are targeting, year-to-date orders were up by double-digit percentages and sales were up by 8%, excluding the former Alcatel-Lucent third-party integration business that we are currently winding down.
    We also added more than 60 new customers in these adjacent segments so far this year, including China Pacific Insurance Company, the first large enterprise win for our Nuage business in China. With cable operators, we won the first customer - WOW! in the United States - for our new products coming from the acquisition of Gainspeed, which we are also trialing with almost a dozen customers, including some of the industry's largest players.
    These results reflect the power of our disciplined operating model and the advantages of our end-to-end portfolio. In a market where competition remains robust, operational discipline is a must, and it is a core strength of Nokia. Furthermore, as the market transitions to 5G, I believe that the benefits of our portfolio will become even more apparent given that 5G is about much more than Radio. It requires Cloud core, IP routing, transport of many kinds, fixed wireless access, Software-Defined Networking and more - and Nokia is one of the very few companies that is able to meet all those needs.
    Despite the progress we made in the quarter, we experienced some challenges in our Mobile Networks business and see a continued decline in our primary addressable market in 2018. That decline, which we estimate to be in the range of 2% to 5%, is the result of the multiple technology transitions underway; robust competition in China; and near-term headwinds from potential operator consolidation in a handful of countries.
    In terms of the issues we are facing in Mobile Networks, I have noted in previous quarters that the R&D team in this business group has faced an extraordinarily high workload. Given this situation, we have seen some issues with the time taken to converge some products that have, unfortunately, impacted a small number of customers. As a result, Mobile Networks has experienced both revenue pressure and an increase in expected network equipment swap costs.
    My team is fully committed to getting these things back on track and we are already seeing meaningful improvements. Field deployments of our new AirScale products were ramping up in all our geographies, including with key North American customers. These products help improve operator competitiveness, not just by addressing cost challenges, but also by setting a new standard for performance and flexibility. We also saw a meaningful increase in customer satisfaction scores.
    I would also note that despite some additional investment required in Mobile Networks to maintain product leadership, we are committed to our EUR 1.2 billion cost savings plan in full-year 2018. These savings come at a slightly higher cost than previously expected, and we continue to assess opportunities to deliver further savings in the area of cost-of-goods sold.
    Regarding our cash position, I am not satisfied with our performance in the third quarter and we are redoubling our efforts in this area. Maintaining our strong balance sheet is a clear priority.
    In short, Q3 was a period in which we faced some challenges, but delivered good performance in many areas as well as momentum in the execution of our strategy.
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