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Bas Heijink


Technisch analist Bas Heijink schrijft iedere dag een update over de AEX. Senior Technisch Analist Bas Heijink houdt zich binnen de ING Investment Office van ING Bank bezig met Technische Analyse. Heijink let vooral op de kansen die hij ziet in de markt om op korte termijn een goed absoluut rendement te behalen. H...

Recente artikelen van Bas Heijink

  1. TA Arcelor Mittal: Buy the dip
  2. TA: Bedankt!
  3. TA: Van lang naar kort


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  1. [verwijderd] 6 maart 2013 23:48
    En toch lees je een TA forum....


    bezinteergebelegt schreef op 6 maart 2013 23:41:

    Ik lees het al, morgen gewoon verder up, DJ heeft nl schijt aan dubbele toppen, hangende mannen, grafstenen in de vorm van een dohhjieee en dalende Em A Cee Deetjes. Kortom 14400 deze week te bereiken, hier 353, het is eigenlijk allemaal zo simpel, vraag maar aan Lance.
  2. [verwijderd] 7 maart 2013 00:08
    morgen en overmorgen kunnen we nog even verder up gaan tot 1560 max, maar ga er vanuit dat we niet verder komen dan 1548-1550 morgen. Die laatste push up topt dan rond 13:45-14:30. Daarna gaan we dalen. De markt heeft zich namelijk weer gek laten maken door economen die zeggen dat een rate cut mogelijk zou kunnen zijn, of iig een soort stimulus hint van Draghi. Hetzelfde verhaaltje gaven de economen eind 2012 ook al, en toen gebeurde er ook drie keer niets. Markt zal morgen teleurgestelt raken waardoor we down gaan. Draghi zal alleen maar vertellen hoe blij hij is met de German business sentiment die nu weer gestegen is etc etc. Hieronder een samenvatting van artikelen (citaten eruit) waaruit valt te concluderen dat de kans op een rate cut of een stimulus hint erg klein is:

    Draghi acknowledged that ECB policy makers considered a rate cut today, saying they had a “wide discussion.” Still, he said the outlook for medium-term price stability “hasn’t changed substantially” and highlighted “some positive aspects of the current situation,” such as an increase in German business confidence.

    We will continue to look at the situation, but to some extent we have already done much,” Draghi said. “If you think from July to today, some countries’ spreads, or some sovereign bond yields, went down by 200 to 250 basis points. That’s much more than anything you can achieve by a reduction in the short- term policy rate.”

    Nicholas Spiro, managing director of Spiro Sovereign Strategy Ltd. in London, said the ECB has been more successful in driving down Spanish and Italian bond yields than in propping up the economy.
    “The fact that rates weren’t trimmed underscores the limited effect a further cut would have and how politically contentious further easing could be in German eyes,” he said. “The ECB remains firmly in a wait-and-see mode.”


    "Markets continue to overestimate the ECB's willingness to cut rates that are already at rock bottom levels, including if the euro goes up another few big figures, or Eonia creeps higher, barring any significant drop of economic forecast into negative territory," Sassan Ghahramani, chief executive of U.S.-based SGH Macro Advisors, told Reuters .

    The euro reached a 14-month peak against the dollar and a 30-month high against the yen last week, reflecting loose monetary policy by both the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, and intensifying fears that a strengthen currency could dampen the prospects of an export-led recovery in the euro zone

    However, Brzeski estimates the appreciation in the euro has so far cost the euro zone between 0.1 percent and 0.3 percent points of growth in 2013.
    "Fear is that the stronger euro could hit the euro zone periphery and undermine the recent reform efforts. Indeed, exports have become an important source of growth in many peripheral countries," said Brzeski in a note from Tuesday.
    Meanwhile,"core" European countries have re-orientated their export sectors towards non-euro zone countries, making a euro strengthening potentially even more significant.
    According to Brzeski, German exports to other euro zone countries have fallen from 45 percent to roughly 33 percent of all exports over the last few years.

    "Intuitively,the size of the export sector and its orientation towards non-euro zone countries would make the German economy the predestined first victim of a stronger euro," wrote Brzeski.
    On Tuesday, French President Francois Hollande called for a medium-term exchange rate target, echoing concerns from other euro zone countries that the rising euro could dampen the prospects of an export-led recovery.
    However, other countries in the euro zone, notably Germany, oppose any intervention in the currency markets.
    Failing a rate cut, strategists said Draghi had more subtle methods he might employ to dampen the euro.
    "Trichet stopped an appreciation of the euro exchange rate in 2004 by calling it 'brutal'. It will be interesting to see which code words Draghi can deliver,"Brzeski said.
    Or as Valentin Marinov, head of European G10 foreign exchange strategy at Citi, told Reuters on Tuesday: "Draghi will likely refrain from explicitly talking down the euro, but he might try to tone down his outlook for euro zone growth and inflation."

  3. [verwijderd] 7 maart 2013 00:09
    en hier de rest.

    European Central Bank Leaves Key Rate Unchanged
    FRANKFURT — The euro zone economy shows signs of stabilizing and may even be in a period of “positive contagion,” Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, said on Thursday after the bank left its main interest rate at a record low.
    As usual, Mr. Draghi was careful to qualify his upbeat assessment of the euro zone financial crisis, which is now entering its third year. Though financial markets have calmed and some economic indicators have stabilized, he said it was too early to declare a turning point.
    Mr. Draghi listed a number of indicators that the euro zone economy could be on the mend. Market interest rates on government bonds have fallen, while stocks have risen. The flow of bank deposits from troubled countries has reversed, and euro zone economies have become more competitive, he said.
    Where problems in one country once infected other members of the currency union, optimism is now spreading, Mr. Draghi said at a news conference after the regular monthly monetary policy meeting of the central bank’s governing council.
    “There is a positive contagion when things go well,” Mr. Draghi said. “That’s what is in play now.” But, he added, “The jury is still out. It’s too early to claim success.”
    Mr. Draghi’s comments suggested that the central bank would not cut its main interest rate further, as some economists have argued it should, given that unemployment is at a record high and inflation is close to the central bank’s target of 2 percent and falling. Many businesses continue to have trouble obtaining credit, without which a recovery of the European economy is unlikely.

    Draghi is right to stress that several leading indicators have stabilized recently,” Jörg Krämer, chief economist at Commerzbank, wrote in a note to clients. “The recession in the euro zone is likely to come to an end in spring. This makes a further E.C.B. rate cut unlikely.”

    While cutting interest rates is a standard policy tool of central banks, Mr. Draghi has often complained that the central bank has lost much of its influence over rates in troubled countries like Spain. Commercial banks there are already struggling with problem loans and reluctant to lend except at much higher rates.
    The central bank’s governing council may have concluded that a rate cut now would be superfluous or even dangerous if it encouraged some investors to take too much risk. Mr. Draghi said on Thursday that some recent leveraged buyout deals were overvalued, though such examples of risky behavior were limited.
    Low rates can cause problems: Draghi
    THE head of the European Central Bank has outlined the risks of keeping interest rates low for a long periods, suggesting the ECB is unlikely to slash rates further from already record lows.
    Speaking to members of the European Parliament in Brussels, Mario Draghi also reiterated the bank's view on the level of the euro on the foreign exchange markets, saying talk of a currency war was "really excessive".

    Turning to the exchange rate, Draghi said: "I find really excessive any language referring to currency wars" amid concerns that the euro is too strong on the foreign exchange markets and worries over the weak Japanese yen.
    He referred to the statement made by the Group of 20 developed and developing countries in Moscow over the weekend, where leading powers vowed they would not target specific forex rates or devalue currencies to make them more competitive.

    Read more: www.news.com.au/business/breaking-new...

    Read more: www.news.com.au/business/breaking-new...
  4. forum rang 7 bezinteergebelegt 7 maart 2013 00:18

    De Groene Techneut schreef op 6 maart 2013 23:48:

    En toch lees je een TA forum....

    Zeker, stel Bassies stukkies op prijs, de commentaren ook maar hoe harder men schreeuwt om de correctie hoe harder die niet komt en al helemaal niet in Yankenland, het enige wat ze daar nog hebben is die beurs en die zal onder invloed van benny en zijn persen voorlopig niet substantieel dalen, ik denk eerder dat Benny net zo lang doorgaat todat ie letterlijk wordt begraven onder zijn eigen dollars maar tegen die tijd zit mijn beurstijdperk er al op.


  5. forum rang 7 bezinteergebelegt 7 maart 2013 00:21
    [quote alias=Winning! id=6782698 date=201303070008]
    morgen en overmorgen kunnen we nog even verder up gaan tot 1560 max, maar ga er vanuit dat we niet verder komen dan 1548-1550 morgen. Die laatste push up topt dan rond 13:45-14:30. Daarna gaan we dalen.


    Duidelijke stelling, we'll see maar denk het niet.
  6. retsok 7 maart 2013 07:54
    Then of course the 90 to 99 window which goes out to May 27th and is very close to the one year cycle which has been a strong force in this advance. And for this to run a 90 from here would be usual.
    In the 1987 blowoff the last leg was 90 days with a 33 day final exhaustion.

    It has become a fact that with the FED printing as much money as they want with no restrictions they could continue to pump 3 billion to 5 billion a day into stocks.

    This means the hype from the media will be huge. The investment banks who were given billions to put into the stock market by the FED buying the crap off their balance sheet and putting it on the FEDs balance sheet will continue. The past two years this has amounted to over 2 trillion dollars and still counting. The investment banks know they need lots of individual investors buying to dump the equity investments they have acquired the past two years of QEs. So I am assuming the hype will be pretty strong.

    aex 450 tot 480 minimaal..
  7. [verwijderd] 7 maart 2013 10:54

    retsok schreef op 7 maart 2013 10:23:

    niet dat ik hem ooit begrijp, maar mn kikkervriend heeft ook eindelijk in de gaten dat tie beter kan blijven zitten.. en dan op vakantie gaan.. ga ik dan ook maar doen ...of zou die al weer aan het stelen zijn.. hmmmm
    Beste jongen, met alle respect, maar je mag niet eens in z'n schaduw staan... en beter een kikkervriend, dan een Winningvriend. Succes ermee...
  8. retsok 11 maart 2013 09:41
    kwaak kwaak en weer dat gelul over prijs en tijd... op de aex is tijd all that matters. en waar het echt omgaat is, patroon van de trend, zonder dat heb je ook niet veel aan gann....

    patroon vd trend maakt je duidelijk waar de trend heengaat, up or down, of tie snel gaat stijgen of dalen en al dat soort zaken. Zonder die kennis is gann, tja niet meer dan leuk voor de toevaltreffers.
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