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"China trapt in dollar-val"

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Arend Jan Kamp


Arend Jan Kamp is 24/7 van de vroege uurtjes voorbeurs tot de late uurtjes after hours uw gastheer op IEX, als hij in geheel eigen stijl (bondig, maar toch uitbundig) de beursdag met u doorneemt. Van aandelen en indices, via commodities, langs de rentemarkten, naar haute finance tot politiek en centrale banken. Arend Jan is ...


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  1. forum rang 5 theo1 19 februari 2014 15:05
    Doe er maar eentje bij:
    "Als je de bank een miljoen schuldig bent, heb jij een probleem.
    Als je de bank een miljard schuldig bent, heeft de bank een probleem."

    Hier is China de bank. Ze hebben enorme reserves, maar zodra ze die te gelde proberen te maken, stort de markt in. Met als gevolg dat iedereen woedend is op China, inclusief de Chinezen zelf, die dan geconfronteerd worden met het feit dat ze jarenlang voor niks gebuffeld hebben.
  2. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2014 00:02

    trapt China echt in dollar-val?

    Interview With James Rickards: China Planning to Displace Dollar

    The author of the best-selling book ‘Currency Wars’ and the forthcoming ‘The Death of Money’ talks about how China uses gold and the IMF to remove the dollar as reserve currency

    By Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times | February 18, 2014
    Last Updated: February 19, 2014 5:08 am

    Epoch Times: Can China supply the world with a reserve currency?
    Mr. Rickards: Not with the yuan. A: They don’t want to open their capital account. B: The yuan can’t possibly be a global reserve currency. It is expanding in use as a trade currency, but most people don’t understand the difference between a trade currency and a reserve currency. The trade currency is just a way of keeping score in the balance of payments mechanism.

    If you are Brazil and China, and Brazil agrees to take yuan for Brazilian goods, and China agrees to take reals in exchange for Chinese goods, that’s fine. Then you just keep score and settle up every now and then. That’s a trade currency.

    But to be a reserve currency means that countries that have reserves have to invest it in something, so you need a deep liquid pool of investable assets. China does not have that. There is no Chinese bond market. There are a few Dim-Sum bonds and a few other things, but there is no Chinese government bond market to speak of, and it would take 10 to 15 years to develop one.

    But it’s not just about issuing debt. China doesn’t have to borrow because they have too many reserves. If they don’t borrow then there are no bonds, and if there are no bonds there can’t be a reserve currency because there is nothing to invest in.

    Even if they did, there is no rule of law in China, so why would you trust the Chinese not to steal your money? So putting all that together, they are not even close to being a reserve currency.

    Epoch Times: So what are the Chinese up to?
    Mr. Rickards: What China wants is the SDR [Special Drawing Right, a type of money for governments], because it’s not the dollar. It’s issued by the IMF [International Monetary Fund], and China is simultaneously lobbying for more votes in the IMF.

    China is trying to use its willingness to lend money to the IMF to purchase SDR notes from the IMF to give the IMF money to bail out Europe. It’s trying to use that as a lever to get more votes. If it has more votes, it would be comfortable using the SDR as a reserve currency, because its use would be regulated by the membership and that would make China the second largest member after the United States.

    The United States is opposing it, but Christine Lagarde [Head of the IMF], is pushing very hard to increase the Chinese role. It’s a complicated global game.

    If you said to me, does China want to get rid of the dollar as the global reserve currency, the answer is yes. But most people think it’s that they want the yuan. They don’t. It’s the SDR.

    Epoch Times: What can the United States do about the money owed to China?
    Mr. Rickards: All we have to do is inflate our currency and pay them back in cheaper dollars and that reflects a wealth transfer from China to the United States. So China is completely vulnerable to that, which is why they are buying gold to create a hedge.

    If we inflate, then gold will go up. So what they lose on the paper, they make on the gold.

    James Rickards is the author of the national bestseller “Currency Wars” and the forthcoming “The Death of Money.” He is a portfolio manager at West Shore Group and an adviser on international economics and financial threats to the Department of Defense and the U.S. intelligence community. Follow on twitter @JamesGRickards.

    The interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.
  3. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2014 00:57

    theo1 schreef op 19 februari 2014 15:05:

    Doe er maar eentje bij:
    "Als je de bank een miljoen schuldig bent, heb jij een probleem.
    Als je de bank een miljard schuldig bent, heeft de bank een probleem."

    Hier is China de bank. Ze hebben enorme reserves, maar zodra ze die te gelde proberen te maken, stort de markt in. Met als gevolg dat iedereen woedend is op China, inclusief de Chinezen zelf, die dan geconfronteerd worden met het feit dat ze jarenlang voor niks gebuffeld hebben.
    Eh, die spreuk gaat anders:
    Als jij een schuld hebt bij jouw plaatselijke bank van 1000,- is het jouw probleem.
    Heb jij een schuld bij de bank van 1mio dan is het het probleem van de bank.

    Desalniettemin is de lading en context duidelijk. ;)
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