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Analyse door:

Royce Tostrams werkt sinds eind jaren zeventig op de financiële markten, onder andere bij Rabobank, Robeco, IRIS en de ING Groep als hoofd van de afdeling Technische Analyse. Hij heeft eind negentiger jaren de Tostrams Groep opgericht. Dit bureau biedt onafhankelijke beleggingsadviezen op basis van technische analyse voor par...


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  1. sims 4 april 2024 23:03

    Calimero schreef op 4 april 2024 21:56:

    even kijken wat er nog meer stond ... :)

    In the shorter term, the “Trickster” (Mercury retrograde) is about to start its version of March Madness on April Fool’s Day (April 1-26). The Mad Hatter, also a Trickster, would like this correspondence. Given the erratic and unpredictable nature of financial markets under the Trickster’s cycle, which also commences right in the middle of the lunar (March 25) and solar eclipse (April 8), anything is in play. Sometimes markets peak right into the Mercury retrograde date, +/- 4 trading days, and then sells off.
    We are in the middle of a powerful eclipse period, which means the Sun and Moon will conjoin the North or South Node of the Moon. In fact, the solar eclipse on April 8 will conjoin the Sun, Moon, Lunar North Node, and Chiron. It’s Chiron and the Lunar North Node that concern us. In the 11 cases in which Chiron and the Lunar North Node have conjoined since the Civil War, seven have coincided with recessions within 10 months
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