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Aandeel Pharming Group AEX:PHARM.NL, NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,690   +0,003   (+0,51%) Dagrange 0,688 - 0,699 2.503.422   Gem. (3M) 3,2M


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  1. [verwijderd] 12 januari 2010 08:12
    Lijkt mij een stijging waard.

    Leiden, The Netherlands, January 12, 2010. Biotech company Pharming Group NV (“Pharming” or “the
    Company”) (NYSE Euronext: PHARM) today provided a business update. The Company has made
    substantial progress on corporate and development targets previously stated in 2009 and is now at a
    transformational stage with the anticipated approval of its lead product, Rhucin and commercialization
    partnerships for Rhucin in major territories expected during 2010.
    Developments in 2009:
     Submission of Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) for Rhucin with the European Medicines Agency
    (EMA, formerly EMEA) in September as planned
     Initiation of pre-BLA process (Biologics License Application) for Rhucin with US FDA in December as
     Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) and IND (Investigational New Drug) granted for Prodarsan and clinical
    program for Cockayne Syndrome (CS) indication initiated
     Partnering discussions for Rhucin and Lactoferrin ongoing
     No milestones received to date from lactoferrin collaboration with Aslan Group AS (Aslan)
     Convertible debt reduced from originally €70.0 million to €10.9 million
     Standby Equity Distribution Agreement (SEDA) with YA Global for a total of up to €30.0 million in a three
    year period.
    Dr. Sijmen de Vries, Chief Executive Officer of Pharming, said: “This first full year as CEO of Pharming has
    been a challenging year, however as result of the hard work during this year, 2010 now has the potential to
    begin to reveal the true value of Pharming’s impressive achievements. We have great confidence on the
    outcome of our European filing and remain on track for BLA filing. In the meantime, we are in advanced
    discussions with a number of parties for the marketing and sales of Rhucin in major world markets and we
    expect to secure commercial partnerships and additional financing in the not too distant future. All together, I
    am looking forward to 2010 with great confidence.”
    Rhucin progression for HAE and other indications
    As planned, Pharming submitted the MAA for Rhucin to EMEA early September 2009. The Day 120 List of
    Questions (LoQ) is expected end of January 2010. Pharming intends to respond within 3 months (as
    determined by the standard timetable), after which the review procedure will be continued (Day 121).
    Pharming may expect the adoption of the final opinion 90 days later (on Day 210). The Company also initiated
    the pre-BLA process with the US FDA with a pre-BLA meeting held early December as planned. Pharming will
    provide further updates with respect to progress on the US filing and review process for Rhucin during the first
    half of 2010.
    The development and filing of Rhucin for the treatment of acute HAE attacks has continued to be the key
    focus. Preparations for development of Rhucin in other indications have progressed with limited resources.
    Pharming expects to initiate the clinical phase of development of its C1 inhibitor product for applications in the
    field of transplant indications in 2010.
    Prodarsan and DNage
    In 2009, Pharming’s wholly owned subsidiary DNage BV (DNage) made significant progress with its product
    Prodarsan for Cockayne Syndrome. In 2009, the FDA granted Prodarsan ODD designation and accepted the
    IND for Prodarsan to allow the initiation of a clinical study in children suffering from Cockayne Syndrome.
    Under the IND, DNage initiated an observational study in CS patients. Further clinical Phase II/III studies are
    expected to commence later in 2010.
    Commercial agreements
    During the second half of 2009, Pharming has progressed discussions with several international pharma
    companies with a view to engage partners for the commercialization of Rhucin for major markets, such as the
    European area (excluding those covered by contracts with Esteve and Eczashibashi) and North America.
    Pharming expects to be able to conclude one or more commercial deals in the first half of 2010.
    Due to various regulatory, logistical and legal issues, Aslan Group has not yet started operations in Turkey. As
    a result, Pharming has not yet received any of the milestones originally planned for 2009. It therefore has
    decided to identify other parties interested in setting up lactoferrin operations. Discussions with interested
    parties in Europe and Asia are currently ongoing and are expected to conclude during the first half of 2010.
    With respect to the lactoferrin GRAS filing in the USA no progress in reviewing the dossier could be reported
    in 2009. The Company has requested the authorities to stop the review of the file and may re-submit the file
    with additional data depending on progress in commercial partnerships.
    Financial developments
    In 2009, Pharming has made considerable progress in its continuing efforts to strengthen its equity position
    while at the same time decreasing its liabilities and future interest payments. In December 2008 and during
    2009, Pharming entered into various agreements with several holders of bonds to reduce the original
    convertible debt of €70.0 million to €10.9 million in exchange for €8.6 million in cash and a total of 45.1 million
    newly issued shares.
    In April 2009, Pharming signed a €20.0 million Standby Equity Distribution Agreement with YA Global with an
    extension of €10.0 million in October 2009. In 2009, the Company started using the SEDA and called a total
    amount of €6.6 million in cash in exchange for the issuance of approximately 11.9 million Pharming shares. As
    per today, €23.4 million of the total €30.0 million facility is available. In addition, Pharming secured a shortterm
    convertible debt financing of €7.5 million in early January 2010.
    The financial results for the full year 2009 will be published on February 18, 2010.
    About Pharming Group NV
    Pharming Group NV is developing innovative products for the treatment of genetic disorders, ageing diseases,
    specialty products for surgical indications, and nutritional products. Pharming’s lead product Rhucin® for acute
    attacks of Hereditary Angioedema has passed clinical development stage and the Market Authorization
    Application is under review with EMEA. Prodarsan® is in early stage clinical development for Cockayne
    Syndrome and lactoferrin for use in food products The advanced technologies of the Company include
    innovative platforms for the production of protein therapeutics, technology and processes for the purification
    and formulation of these products, as well as technology in the field of DNA repair (via DNage). Additional
    information is available on the Pharming website, www.pharming.com.
    List of used abbreviations
    Aslan Aslan Group AS from Istanbul, Turkey
    BLA Biological License Application
    CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
    CS Cockayne Syndrome
    DNage Pharming’s wholly owned subsidiary DNage
    EMEA European Medicines Agency
    Esteve Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve, SA
    FDA US Food and Drug Administration
    HAE Hereditary Angioedema
    IND Investigational New Drug
    GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe
    LoQ List of Questions as part of the European evaluation procedure
    MAA Market Authorization Application
    SEDA Standby Equity Distribution Agreement
    YA Global Yorkville Advisors Global Master SPV LTD
    This press release contains forward looking statements that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which
    may cause
  2. Handelenwandel 12 januari 2010 08:21
    Wat een flut bericht, hier wordt niets nieuws gezegd. Alleen een soort van zoethoudertje, want natuurlijk gaan ze ervan uit dat ruchin nu wordt goed gekeurd, anders waren ze wel heel dom geweest om het voor de 3e keer te 'gokken' Al met al komende maanden geen nieuws te verwachten, behalve misschien van Aslan.

  3. [verwijderd] 12 januari 2010 08:24

    Handelenwandel schreef:

    Wat een flut bericht, hier wordt niets nieuws gezegd. Alleen een soort van zoethoudertje, want natuurlijk gaan ze ervan uit dat ruchin nu wordt goed gekeurd, anders waren ze wel heel dom geweest om het voor de 3e keer te 'gokken' Al met al komende maanden geen nieuws te verwachten, behalve misschien van Aslan.

    Wat wel opvallend is, is dat de aanvraag voor GRAS voor Lacto is stopgezet en dat men in de toekomst (wellicht) een nieuwe aanvraag zal doen. Blijkbaar verwacht Pharming er wat betreft de huidige aanvraag na twee jaar ook niets meer van en gaan ze een nieuw dossier opstellen en indienen.

    Beter laat dan nooit.

    Verder een aardige update maar inderdaad niet veel nieuws.

  4. Darter Arie 12 januari 2010 08:26

    Handelenwandel schreef:

    Wat een flut bericht, hier wordt niets nieuws gezegd. Alleen een soort van zoethoudertje, want natuurlijk gaan ze ervan uit dat ruchin nu wordt goed gekeurd, anders waren ze wel heel dom geweest om het voor de 3e keer te 'gokken' Al met al komende maanden geen nieuws te verwachten, behalve misschien van Aslan.

    Ben ik het NIET mee eens. Lees het berciht maar goed. Er worden duidelijke doelstellingen en verwachtingen voor 2010 afgegeven.
  5. [verwijderd] 12 januari 2010 08:42
    Pharming in gevorderde gesprekken voor Rhucin
    12-1-2010 8:31:00

    Pharming Group NV
    0,439 ( 11/01 )

    Door Ben Zwirs


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Pharming Groep nv voert gevorderde gesprekken met een aantal partijen voor de marketing en verkoop van Rhucin en verwacht "in de niet al te verre toekomst" commerciele samenwerkingsverbanden en aanvullende financiering veilig te stellen.

    Het Leidse biotechconcern vroeg in september 2009 goedkeuring aan bij de Europese toezichthouders EMEA voor het middel Rhucin, een middel tegen acute aanvallen van erfelijke angio-oedeem. In de VS worden voorbereidende gesprekken gevoerd met de FDA voor een marktaanvraag voor het medicijn.

    Het jaar 2010 heeft de potentie om de werkelijke waarde van Pharming's indrukwekkende resultaten te onthullen, zegt bestuursvoorzitter Sijmen de Vries. Hij heeft veel vertrouwen in de uitkomst van de Europese marktaanvraag voor Rhucin en het bedrijf blijft volgens hem op schema voor de aanvraag in de VS.

    Wat betreft het product lactoferrine meldt Pharming tot op heden geen mijlpaalbetalingen te hebben ontvangen van de Turkse partner Aslan, om diverse redenen van regelgevende, logistieke en juridische aard. Het biotechbedrijf gaat derhalve op zoek naar andere geinteresseerde partijen.

    Gesprekken met geinteresseerde partijen in Europa en Azië zijn momenteel gaande, licht Pharming toe. Deze zullen naar verwachting in de eerste helft van 2010 worden gesloten, aldus de onderneming.

    Pharming maakt op 18 februari 2010 de financiele resultaten over 2009 bekend.

    Door Ben Zwirs; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715201; ben.zwirs@dowjones.com

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