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Aandeel BAM Groep Koninklijke AEX:BAMNB.NL, NL0000337319

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BAM juni 2020

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  1. forum rang 6 Zwijnash 16 juni 2020 21:00
    Between £29bn – £37bn of contracts across economic and social infrastructure will be brought to market over this financial year.
    The Government’s Infrastructure and Project Authority has detailed the work pipeline for this year in a bid to provide much-needed confidence and certainty to the market during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Details of the procurement pipeline published today reveal up to 340 procurement contracts across over 260 projects, programmes and other investments will be coming to the market by April 2021.

    Nick Smallwood, chief executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority, said: “In publishing projections of short term procurement, we aim to boost market confidence and help the sector with business planning during this challenging period.

    “In addition, we will seek to publish a full National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline later in the year.

    “We cannot afford to waste the opportunity presented as the sector recovers to do things faster, more effectively and more productively.

    Demands to publish details of the immediate Government work pipeline were a key part of the Construction Leadership Council’s ‘Road to Recovery’ roadmap to get the industry back on its feet.

    Andy Mitchell said: “The construction sector is facing an unprecedented challenge as a result of COVID-19.

    “As the largest single client of economic and social infrastructure, a strong and clear pipeline of work from Government is vital to generating confidence and certainty.

    “I am therefore delighted that the Government has today responded to one of the proposals in the CLC Industry Recovery Plan and look forward to working with Government to deliver these projects over the months and years to come”.
  2. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 17 juni 2020 06:12

    Government unveils £37bn infrastructure pipeline as part of covid-19 response

    By Jordan Marshall16 June 2020

    Workload includes 340 contracts across 260 projects

    The government has revealed that up to £37bn of infrastructure work will be up for grabs this financial year.

    Firms have a chance to share in 340 contracts across 260 projects that includes work that has already been committed to for the 2020/21 year, according to analysis carried out by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA).

    HS2 - tunnel boring machine prep - June 2020 (1)

    Source: HS2

    HS2 is carrying out preperation work at a site near the M25 so tunnelling can begin next year under the Chilterns

    The list of contract opportunities has been published by the government body, which reports into both the Cabinet Office and Treasury.

    A £7bn Smart Motorways Alliance contract, which is expected to be awarded in the final quarter of this year, is the highest value job in the pipeline.

    This is followed by the £3bn HS2 rolling stock contract and the £2.8bn Stonehenge Tunnel project.

    Nick Smallwood, chief executive of the IPA, said this procurement pipeline (see below) is part of the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    He said: "In response to covid-19 and subsequent requests from industry to provide short to medium-term certainty, this National Infrastructure and Construction Procurement Pipeline goes a step further by setting out contracts planned to be brought to market throughout 2020/21.

    "In publishing projections of short-term procurement, we aim to boost market confidence and help the sector with business planning during this challenging period."

    Smallwood said the organisation will also look to publish a full National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline later in the year.

    Construction Leadership Council chair Andy Mitchell has said the pipeline will provide reassurance for the sector, which is facing an unprecedented challenge because of covid-19.

    Mitchell said: "As the largest single client of economic and social infrastructure, a strong and clear pipeline of work from government is vital to generating confidence and certainty.

    "I am therefore delighted that the government has today responded to one of the proposals in the CLC industry recovery plan and look forward to working with government to deliver these projects over the months and years to come.”

    The CLC has called for a government commitment to invest in infrastructure and to bring forward public spending to help the sector recover.

    In a webinar about the recovery plan, hosted by Building, Fergus Harradence, deputy construction director at the business department, said public sector projects look set to be speeded up to help the industry ride out the fallout from covid-19.

    He said contract awards could be handed out sooner than planned in efforts to kickstart a sector which saw output nosedive 40% in April alone.
  3. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 17 juni 2020 07:04
    'We hebben meer ambtenaren nodig'

    BNR Webredactie

    Vandaag, 06:33

    Niet meer geld, maar snellere ambtenaren zijn nodig om de economie draaiende te houden. Dat is de reactie NVB Bouw en de Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie op het CPB-advies om juist nu te investeren in grote projecten. Pas als er minder gedoe met vergunningen en regeltjes is, kunnen zij stappen zetten, zeggen ze tegen BNR. 'We hebben meer ambtenaren nodig', zegt directeur Olof van der Gaag van Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie.
    De windmolens van het windpark Krammer
    De windmolens van het windpark KrammerANP/Sem van der Wal
    Doorlooptijd project duurt meestal 10 jaar

    'Regels duren lang in Nederland', zegt Van der Gaag, 'Neem het klimaatakkoord. Dat is honderd miljard aan investeringen, maar dat komt lastig los. De doorlooptijd van een project duurt meestal tien jaar: acht jaar ben je kwijt aan procedures en vergunningen en twee jaar met bouwen. Wil je volgend jaar bouwen, dan moet je acht jaar geleden zijn begonnen.'
    Meer ambtenaren nodig

    Volgens de directeur hebben we meer ambtenaren nodig. 'Bij de Raad van State is onderbezetting, veel projecten zijn startklaar, maar liggen nog bij de Raad van State. Ik merk dat het Kabinet staat voor groen economisch herstel en dat ze op zoek zijn naar hoe het voor elkaar te krijgen. Corona heeft voor extra vertraging gezorgd bij gemeenten en provincies, maar ik verwacht deze zomer dat veel ambtenaren met slimme voorstellen komen, want dit zijn no brainers, ik denk dat iedereen dit wil.'
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