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CO2 nieuws

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 2 oktober 2017 16:47
    Shell, Total en Statoil sluiten overeenkomst voor CO2-opslag

    CO2-opslag gaat plaatsvinden op Noors continentale plat.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De oliemaatschappijen Shell, Total en Statoil hebben een overeenkomst bereikt voor de opslag van CO2 op het Noorse continentale plat van de Noordzee. Dit maakten de drie maatschappijen maandagmiddag bekend.

    De eerste fase van het project kan een capaciteit bereiken van circa 1,5 miljoen ton CO2 per jaar. Daarbij kan CO2 worden opgeslagen van industriebronnen uit verschillende landen. Hiermee willen de bedrijven een bijdrage leveren aan het Parijse klimaatakkoord. Het project wordt gesteund door de Noorse regering.

    Bij de start van het project wordt CO2 per schip aangevoerd vanuit industriële faciliteiten in Oost-Noorwegen naar een terminal, waarvoor de locatie nog moet worden vastgesteld. In de vervolgfase kan de CO2 per pijplijn vanuit de terminal naar injectiebedden bij het Trollveld in de Noordzee worden getransporteerd.

    Op een groen Damrak noteerde het aandeel Shell 0,5 procent hoger op 25,69

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  2. forum rang 10 voda 26 oktober 2017 16:57
    Onderzoek HilverZon: bedrijventerreinen kunnen 73 procent CO2 minder uitstoten

    Onderzoek door Hilverzon heeft uitgewezen dat 13 bedrijven op bedrijventerreinen Kerkelanden en het Havenkwartier in Hilversum hun CO2-uitstoot tot 73 procent kunnen verkleinen.

    'De besparing op CO2-uitstoot wordt niet alleen gehaald uit minder verbruik, maar ook uit het anders opwekken van energie', aldus Hilverzon. 'Door een andere luchtbehandeling en het aanbrengen van zonwering kan een bedrijf al besparen op verwarming of koeling van het pand. De panden kunnen (opnieuw) worden geïsoleerd waardoor de klimaatbeheersing minder energie kost. Ook de aanleg van een nieuwe cv-ketel en led-verlichting zorgen voor energiebesparing.

    De benodigde energie voor licht en klimaatbeheersing kan worden opgewekt door zonnepanelen en warmtepompen, die allebei kunnen worden aangelegd met subsidie waardoor de terugverdientijd van de investering bekort wordt.'

    De benodigde investering is in gemiddeld 9,9 jaar terugverdiend. De directe CO2-reductie loopt op tot 1.655 ton CO2. Deze resultaten komen naar voren uit de energiescan die is uitgevoerd bij de betreffende bedrijven. HilverZon heeft deze scans gemaakt op uitnodiging van de bedrijvenvereniging.

    Er zijn 5 verschillende subsidieregelingen waarop aanspraak kan worden gemaakt. Over de totale investering van in totaal 4,22 miljoen euro kan ruim 1 miljoen euro subsidie worden aangevraagd. Veel bedrijven zijn enthousiast over deze resultaten en willen naar aanleiding van deze scans graag doorpakken. Een aantal verduurzamingsmaatregelen, waaronder investeringen in zonne-energie, wordt nu al voorbereid.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 9 november 2017 16:44
    Shell compenseert CO2-uitstoot wagenpark

    Gepubliceerd op 9 nov 2017 om 14:02 | Views: 714

    Royal Dutch Shell A 16:24
    27,72 -0,16 (-0,57%)

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - Shell compenseert sinds begin deze maand de CO2-uitstoot van zijn Nederlandse leasewagenpark. Dat heeft het olie- en gasconcern donderdag bekendgemaakt. De 650 leaseauto's van Shell stoten jaarlijks zo'n 2,6 miljoen kilo CO2 uit.

    Ook biedt Shell zakelijke klanten die gebruikmaken van de Shell Card, een kaart waarmee leaserijders hun brandstof kunnen betalen namens hun werkgever, de mogelijkheid om hun CO2 te laten compenseren. Die krijgen dan ook inzicht in hun CO2-uitstoot en tips om die te verminderen. De compensatie kan in projecten over de hele wereld plaatsvinden.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 22 november 2017 17:45
    Exxon, Shell en BP pakken uitstoot methaan aan

    Broeikasgas lekt weg bij aardgasproductie.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De drie olie- en aardgasreuzen Exxon Mobil, BP en Royal Dutch Shell gaan samen proberen de uitstoot van methaan bij de productie van aardgas terug te dringen. Dat schreef The Wall Street Journal woensdag.

    Shell en BP hebben eerder meegedaan aan dit soort gezamenlijke initiatieven voor klimaatkwesties maar Exxon bleef dan meestal aan de zijlijn staan, volgens de Amerikaanse zakenkrant.

    Aardgas stoot bij verbranding minder kooldioxide uit dan olie of steenkool, maar er kan ook onverbrand methaan vrijkomen bij het productieproces, bijvoorbeeld door lekkende pijpen. Methaan is het belangrijkste bestanddeel van aardgas en is een broeikasgas dat bijdraagt aan de opwarming van de aarde.

    Volgens een recente studie van de International Energy Agency lekt er jaarlijks 76 miljoen ton methaan weg bij aardolie- en gaswinning wereldwijd. Dat is gelijk aan de jaarlijkse aardgasproductie van Australië.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2017 20:21
    Nederland ontkomt niet aan negatieve emissies

    Shell wil zijn productieprocessen én zijn producten schoner maken. In 2050 moet de zogenoemde netto CO2-voetafdruk van Shell zijn gehalveerd. De olie- en gasmultinational zegt hiermee een bijdrage te willen leveren aan het halen van de doelstellingen die voortvloeien uit het klimaatakkoord van Parijs, om de opwarming van de aarde onder de twee graden te houden.

    De ambitie van Shell betreft echter niet de absolute uitstoot van CO2, maar de hoeveelheid uitgestoten CO2 per eenheid energie. In theorie is het dus mogelijk dat Shell in absolute hoeveelheden juist méér CO2 gaat uitstoten. Dat neemt niet weg dat Shell het eerste grote olie- en gasbedrijf is dat dergelijke klimaatdoelstellingen voor het gebruik van zijn producten heeft geformuleerd. Dat is prijzenswaardig, maar het laat ook zien dat niet alle ambities in Nederland hetzelfde zijn.

    Het kabinet wil de absolute uitstoot van broeikasgassen in 2050 met 80% tot 95% hebben gereduceerd. Dat lijkt voor Shell, ook met de jongste ambities, niet haalbaar. Toch is er een 'escape', namelijk negatieve emissies. Door CO2 niet uit te stoten, maar juist uit de atmosfeer te halen komen de doelstellingen wél binnen bereik.

    Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving stelde vorige week dat het 'hoogst noodzakelijk' is dat er snel openlijk wordt gesproken over het al dan niet inzetten van technologieën die CO2 uit de lucht halen, omdat het zonder die technologie bijna onmogelijk is de klimaatdoelen te halen. Vrijwel alle scenario's in klimaatmodellen tonen het belang aan van negatieve emissies.

    Het kabinet doet er daarom goed aan onderzoek te stimuleren naar dergelijke technologieën, die nog in de kinderschoenen staan. Nederland zal die nodig hebben. Een volledig uitstootvrij Nederland lijkt immers niet haalbaar in 2050. Bepaalde onderdelen van de industrie zullen moeilijk te elektrificeren zijn of alleen op waterstof kunnen draaien. Een CO2-neutraal Schiphol lijkt eveneens een utopie.

    Een belangrijk risico van het gebruik van negatieve emissies is dat het fossiele processen in stand kan houden. De overgang naar een 100% duurzame maatschappij kan zo veel langer gaan duren. Maar uiteindelijk zou het Kabinet, zoals het ook in het regeerakkoord is aangekondigd, vooral moeten sturen op het terugdringen van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen en niet op percentages duurzame energie.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 10 januari 2018 21:30
    Large ships must monitor and report CO2 emissions now- CMS

    As of 1 January 2018, subject to a few exclusions, ships over 5000 gross tonnage became subject to monitoring and reporting requirements on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), fuel consumption and cargo carried within all ports under the jurisdiction of a Member State and for any voyages to or from a port under the jurisdiction of a Member State. The new monitoring and reporting requirements for ships were established by the EU Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport (Regulation (EU) No. 757/2015 as amended) which came into force in April 2015.

    It is estimated that Relevant Ships account for 55% of all ships calling into EU ports and 90% of related emissions. The monitoring and verification requirements are part of a staged process to understand GHG reduction potential prior to possible pricing of those emissions. There has been talk of including them within the EU ETS subject to any proposals for global agreements on the reduction of GHG from international shipping. The EU Regulation is therefore a key European measure designed to understand how to make shipping ‘greener’.

    The EU Regulation
    The EU Regulation establishes rules for monitoring, reporting and verifying CO2 emissions from Relevant Ships which make voyages that start or finish in an EU Member State port (for further details on the scope and exemptions see our previous lawnow). The EU Regulation has been designed to be compatible with a global data collection system which is being developed by the IMO (effective from 2018). The duty holders directly affected are defined in the EU Regulation as “Companies” meaning “a shipowner or any other organisation or person, such as the manager or the bareboat charterer, which has assumed responsibility for the operation of the ship from the shipowner”. Importantly, ships are subject to the EU Regulation regardless of their flag. A limited number of categories of ships are excluded, including warships, naval auxiliaries, fish-catching or fish-processing ships, ships not propelled by mechanical means, and government ships used for non-commercial purposes.

    Key compliance dates
    From 1 January 2018, Companies are required to monitor emissions for each Relevant Ship on a per-voyage and aggregate on an annual basis by applying the appropriate method chosen in their monitoring plan. The monitoring plan indicating the method chosen to monitor and report emissions and energy efficiency related data for each Relevant Ship should have been submitted to independent verifiers by 31 August 2017.

    From 2019, by 30 April of each year, Companies will be required to submit to the Commission and to the authorities of the flag States concerned, an independently verified emissions report concerning the emissions and other relevant information (such as distance travelled, time of journey, type of fuel used and cargo carried) during the annual reporting period for each Relevant Ship under their responsibility.

    From 2019, by 30 June of each year all Relevant Ships having performed activities in the previous reporting period and visiting EU ports, must carry on board a valid Document of Compliance (“DoC”) issued by an accredited EU Regulation shipping verifier (.i.e. an independently accredited company appointed to assess the veracity of the emissions report). This might be subject to inspections by Member States’ authorities.

    Implementing Regulations
    Importantly, on 4 November 2016 the European Commission published the following pieces of legislation which specify (a) how cargo is to be calculated for different categories of Relevant Ships; and (b) which templates are to be used for monitoring plans, emissions reports and DoCs.

    Further details are contained in the following:

    1. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1928 on determination of cargo carried for categories of ship others than passengers ro-ro and container ships pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/757

    2. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1927 setting templates for monitoring plans, emissions reports and DoCs pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/757

    UK enforcement of the EU Regulation
    The EU Regulation is in force and binding but the precise enforcement process is left to Member States. The UK Government has implemented the enforcement process via the Merchant Shipping (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Carbon Dioxide Emissions) and the Port State Control (Amendment) Regulations 2017 which entered into force on 1 October 2017 (the “UK Regulations”). The key point to note is that under the UK Regulations a Company could be made criminally liable.

    The potential fines should a Relevant Ship:

    1. enter or leave a port in the United Kingdom without a valid DoC; and/or

    2. fail to keep on board a valid DoC or to present a valid DoC upon inspection,

    are unlimited in England and Wales and subject to the then statutory maximum in Scotland and Northern Ireland. For instance the current statutory maximum in Scotland is GBP 10,000.

    The UK Regulations also amend the Merchant Shipping (Port State Control Regulations) 2011 to make it a requirement for an inspection under those regulations to include a check that the ship is carrying a DoC. This will apply to inspections carried out on and after 30th June 2019. Any impact on these inspections as a result of the proposed exit by the UK from the EU is unknown at this point.

    Importantly, under the UK Regulations there are wide powers of enforcement including the power:

    1. To detain a Relevant Ship by serving it with a ‘detention notice’ if anyone attempts to navigate it out of a port without a valid DoC; and

    2. Where a Member State has informed the Secretary of State that it has issued an expulsion order, refuse entry for the particular Relevant Ship to any port in the UK.

    The UK Regulations make provision for arbitration in the event that a Company alleges that a Relevant Ship was improperly detained. In the event that an arbitrator finds in favour of the Company following detention of a Relevant Ship, compensation will be payable in respect of any loss suffered in consequence of the detention of the Relevant Ship as the arbitrator thinks fit.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2018 21:48
    European lawmakers vote for more ambition on renewables targets

    REUTERS reported that European lawmakers voted to ramp up climate goals in draft measures to reform the power market, setting up for tough talks with EU member states. The proposal aims to help implement the European Union's climate goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, in the wake of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to no more than 2 degrees.

    Voting on its position ahead of negotiations with EU nations on the final legislation, European Parliament set more ambitious renewable energy targets for the bloc than agreed by national governments. It is also voting on energy efficiency targets later on Wednesday.

    Parliament also backed banning the use of palm oil, a major import Southeast Asian nations such as Indonesia and Malaysia, in draft rules on motor fuels from 2021.

    Source : Reuters
  8. forum rang 10 voda 8 februari 2018 22:07
    Neste's renewable fuels reduced global climate emissions by 8.3 million tonnes in 2017

    Replacing fossil fuels with Neste's renewable fuels reduced global climate emissions altogether by a staggering 8.3 million metric tonnes or 8.3 billion kilograms in 2017. The figure equals removal of 3 million passenger cars from the roads for a full year more than the amount of cars in the city of London, UK, for example.

    The amount of greenhouse gas emissions saved with Neste's renewable fuels, primarily Neste MY Renewable Diesel, increased by 1.6 million tons from 2016. The positive result was made possible by Neste's increased production volumes at its renewables-producing refineries in Finland, the Netherlands, and Singapore.

    The emission reduction is calculated by comparing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of the renewable fuels that Neste produces in a year to the life cycle emissions of conventional European diesel. The figure represents also Neste's positive climate contribution.

    The greatest, 90% carbon emission reduction can be reached when fossil diesel is replaced with neat or 100% Neste MY Renewable Diesel refined entirely from waste and residue raw materials, such as animal fat from meat processing waste, used cooking oils, and waste and residues from vegetable oil processing. Waste and residues account nearly 80% of Neste's renewable raw material usage.

    In addition to significantly reducing global climate emissions, replacing conventional diesel with Neste MY Renewable Diesel can improve local air quality for example in cities by reducing local exhaust emissions, such as those of nitrogen oxides, particulates, and carbon monoxide. The older and less developed the engines, the clearer emission-cutting benefits Neste MY Renewable Diesel can offer.

    Neat Neste MY Renewable Diesel is already available to drivers and fleets in Finland and in California. In Sweden, Neste's renewable diesel is sold as an HVO-type biofuel (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, i.e. renewable diesel) through selected retailers. It is also used as a premium-quality emissions-reducing biocomponent in various diesel blends in many European countries and in the Baltics.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2018 16:06
    Neste reduces 7 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions with one billionth gallon fuel sale

    Neste US Inc is marking its 1 billionth gallon of Neste MY Renewable Diesel sold in North America which has effectively helped reduce more than seven million metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth's atmosphere. This is the equivalent of removing 1.6 million passenger vehicles from the road for one year.

    Mr Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US Inc said that "In light of Earth Day, there's never been a better time to take a closer look at the steps we're taking to ensure we're leaving our planet in a healthier state for future generations. Companies looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment can start with simply lowering traffic emissions, which can also lower maintenance costs and improve their bottom line."

    Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a drop-in low-carbon diesel produced from 100 percent renewable and sustainable raw materials, such as waste animal and fish fat, vegetable oils and used cooking oil. It emits up to 80 percent less carbon when compared to petroleum diesel.

    With the goal of empowering commercial fleet vehicles, city sanitation, utility companies, and schools to become more environmentally responsible by making clean and renewable fuel readily available, Neste has been leading the charge on creating cleaner renewable fuels and supplying the North American market since 2012.

    The company's efforts have been recognized in a number of sustainability indexes. Most recently, Neste ranked second in the 2018 Global 100 list of the world's most sustainable companies.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 mei 2018 21:38
    50pct Co2 cut by 2050 – governments must acknowledge enormity of what IMO has agreed - ICS

    Speaking at Singapore Maritime Week, the Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Esben Poulsson, said the adoption by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) of a comprehensive strategy to phase-out shipping’s greenhouse gases “should be more than sufficient to discourage those who mistakenly advocate regional measures which would greatly damage global trade and would not be effective in helping shipping to further reduce its total CO2 emissions.”, ICS said in its press release.

    The ICS Chairman was commenting on the ambitious IMO strategy to cut the total greenhouse gas emissions of shipping by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008 – with an agreed efficiency goal, as an average for the sector, for a 40% improvement by 2030 compared to 2008, and a 70% improvement by 2050 – so that the entire sector will be in a position to decarbonise completely, consistent with achieving the 1.5 degree climate change goal identified by the UN.

    Mr Poulsson said that “It’s important that governments recognise the enormity of what has been agreed by IMO. While the ultimate goal is zero emissions, a 50% total cut by 2050 is very ambitious indeed, especially when account is taken of current projections for trade growth.”

    He said that “To put this in context, the aviation sector’s regulators have so far only agreed to hold its total CO2 emissions at 2020 levels, with no clear plan for absolute reduction. Moreover, compared to the 50% cut agreed by IMO, the commitments made by governments under the Paris Agreement with respect to the rest of the global economy will not see total CO2 emissions begin to reduce until the 2030s, while shipping’s total current CO2 emissions are already about 8% lower than ten years ago despite a 30% increase in trade demand.”

    Mr Poulsson remarked “The shipping industry deserves great credit for persuading IMO Member States to respond to the Paris Agreement in such an ambitious manner. This includes the detailed proposals which the industry made about what the IMO strategy might look like within weeks of the Paris Agreement being adopted”.

    He added that “The shipping industry, very unfairly, is often criticised for foot-dragging. But this new IMO agreement makes it absolutely clear that shipping is now far and away ahead of the rest of the world economy in the scale of its ambition.”

    ICS is confident that new technology will eventually deliver; whether through the use of fuel cells or batteries powered by renewable energy, new fuels such as hydrogen, or some other solution not yet anticipated.

    He said that “To be clear, while LNG and biofuels will probably form a part of the interim solution, the very high goals IMO has now set for 2050 can only be achieved with the development of zero CO2 propulsion systems.”

    The new IMO strategy includes a list of possible candidate measures to achieve further CO2 reduction while shipping is still dependent on fossils fuels, including additional measures that could be ready for implementation before 2023.

    ICS is already now developing detailed input to IMO on all these proposals. But most controversial is further consideration of applying some kind of Market Based Measure (MBM).

    The position of ICS is that it remains deeply sceptical of MBMs as a means of further incentivising CO2 reduction. Fuel is already by far the largest cost for shipowners and this is expected to increase dramatically as a result of the new mandatory global IMO sulphur cap in 2020.

    Mr Poulsson said that “As IMO debates how best to implement its strategy we would much prefer that it concentrates on further technical CO2 reduction measures, not least promoting the development of zero CO2 fuels.”

    He further added that “However, should IMO decide there is a political need to develop an MBM, the clear preference of the global industry would be for a bunker fuel levy payable to some kind of IMO climate fund. If such a levy was developed, the funds should be deployed to support research into new low carbon technologies or to support the roll-out of the expensive new bunkering infrastructure that will be required to supply zero CO2 fuels.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 mei 2018 21:40
    Klimaatadvies aan minister: zet in op CO2 direct uit de lucht halen

    Het uit de lucht halen van CO2 moet een belangrijke rol gaan spelen bij het realiseren van de klimaatdoelstelling van Parijs. Het terugdringen van de uitstoot door het bouwen van wind- en zonneparken is niet genoeg. Daarvoor waarschuwt een aantal klimaatdeskundigen dinsdag in een brief aan minister Wiebes van Economische Zaken & Klimaat.

    'Vrijwel zeker zullen we de komende jaren teveel broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer brengen. De voorgestane vermindering van deze uitstoot is urgent nodig, maar intussen niet meer voldoende om de Parijs-doelstellingen te halen. Het teveel aan broeikasgassen, en met name CO2, moet weer uit de lucht worden gehaald', aldus de briefschrijvers.

    Herbebossing en nieuwe installaties

    Een ring met een zwart steentje gemaakt van koolstofdeeltjes die uit de lucht zijn gehaald door een filterinstallatie van kunstenaar Daan Roosegaarde.Foto: Jaap Arriens/HH

    Er is ook een programma van onderzoek, ontwikkeling en demonstratie nodig om beter inzicht te krijgen in methoden en technieken om tot negatieve emissie van broeikasgassen te komen, en inzicht in de kansen hierbij voor Nederland,
    schrijven deze deskundigen, onder wie Bert Metz, voormalig co-voorzitter van de werkgroep Mitigatie van de IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Wim Turkenburg, emeritus hoogleraar Science, Technology & Society aan de Universiteit Utrecht en directeur Sible Schöne van klimaatbureau HIER.
    Volgens deze experts is het onttrekken van CO2 aan de lucht mogelijk door bijvoorbeeld herbebossing en het afvangen en opslaan van CO2 uit processen waarbij biomassa als grond- of als brandstof wordt gebruikt. Dat kan bij zowel industrie als elektriciteitscentrales.

    Ook kunnen er installaties worden gebouwd waarmee CO2 direct uit de lucht wordt gehaald en langdurig wordt omgezet in duurzame producten zoals koolstofvezels. De klimaatdeskundigen roepen Wiebes op maatregelen om CO2 direct uit de lucht te halen mee te nemen in het Klimaatakkoord voor 2030 waarover op dit moment wordt onderhandeld.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 11 juni 2018 18:28
    ArcelorMittal bouwt nieuwe fabriek in Gent

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal is begonnen aan de bouw van een nieuwe faciliteit op zijn fabrieksterrein in het Belgische Gent, waarmee 150 miljoen euro is gemoeid. Dit maakte de staalreus maandag voorbeurs bekend.

    In de nog te bouwen faciliteit komt een nieuwe installatie die de gassen uit hoogovens kan omzetten in bio-ethanol. De technologie erachter is afkomstig van het Amerikaanse LanzaTech, waarmee een langetermijnovereenkomst werd getekend. Het bio-ethanol zal worden gebruikt als brandstof voor transport en mogelijk voor plasticproducten.

    ArcelorMittal verwacht in Gent een jaarlijkse productie van bio-ethanol van circa 80 miljoen liter. Met de bouw van de faciliteit creëert de staalreus vijfhonderd banen over de komende twee jaar en 20 tot 30 permanente banen. De eerste productie wordt halverwege 2020 verwacht.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal sloot vrijdag 2,5 procent lager op 28,04 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 juli 2018 19:29
    EU C02 rules could ruin profits - Volkswagen's labour chief Mr Osterloh

    Reuters cited Volkswagen's labour chief Mr Bernd Osterloh said the German carmaker needed to sell 1 million electric cars by 2025 to comply with proposed European Union anti-pollution rules, a step which may ruin profits. Mr Osterloh told the Stuttgart Press club "Of course the auto industry has some homework to do - but if the infrastructure is not there, then it is difficult to convince a person to buy an electric car."

    Mr Osterloh, who spoke, the industry would struggle if electric cars did not gain traction with consumers given the investment companies were having to make to develop the new vehicles.

    Carmakers say governments need to help subsidise the roll out of essential infrastructure, such as charging points on streets and in homes, to help make the vehicles popular.

    European lawmakers will vote on tightening emissions rules in July to help the bloc cut overall greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

    Source : Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 3 juli 2018 19:30
    Cargill launches global CO2 Challenge to help decarbonize the shipping sector

    Cargill launches the “CO2 Challenge” which aims to find and scale new technologies capable of reducing a ship’s gross CO2 emissions by ten percent. The initiative, focused on decarbonizing the shipping sector, is being launched in partnership with DNV GL, the global quality assurance and risk management company and Rainmaking, a company which specializes in start-up accelerators, co-working projects and innovation partnerships.

    All businesses and entrepreneurs who have a product in need of commercial assessment, testing, investment and scaling can apply to participate in the CO2 Challenge immediately, with an application deadline of September 17, 2018.

    Mr Jan Dieleman, president of Cargill’s ocean transportation business, said that “The CO2 Challenge is the start of an exciting journey. By taking this innovative approach, we hope to uncover new technologies, new ideas and new ways of working to help our industry meet the challenge of decarbonization and reduce its impact on global warming. Applicants have a unique opportunity to see their product make it onto a vessel and, hopefully, into wider commercial production.”

    DNV GL will provide its world-leading technical expertise throughout the project, helping to conduct thorough assessments of the technologies proposed and modeling potential efficiency gains. Cargill adds trading and operations experience and expertise to the Challenge, as well as extensive relationships in the ship financing and ownership sectors.

    Mr Trond Hodne, senior vice president, sales & marketing director at DNV GL – Maritime, said that “The IMO strategy for carbon reduction sets a clear target for shipping. Initiatives like the CO2 Challenge are an important part of helping our industry reach these ambitious but achievable goals. As an industry, we need to explore solutions like zero-carbon fuels, energy efficiency measures, efficient vessel designs, and better ship utilization backed by deep technical knowledge, solid data and analysis. We look forward to working with Cargill and the applicants to realize these goals.”

    In its 2017 corporate responsibility report, Cargill affirmed its commitment to improving the sustainability of its global dry bulk shipping operations and help lead the maritime industry to a sustainable future. Cargill aims to reduce its CO2 per cargo-ton-mile by 15 percent by the end of 2020.

    Mr Dieleman said that “Cargill is confident we will meet our CO2 commitments. This Challenge is focused on extending that commitment and ability across the industry.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2018 16:37
    Video: Energieprijzen in de lift

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De prijs van CO2-emissierechten is de afgelopen weken gestegen tot meer dan 25 euro per ton. Ook de prijzen van gas, kolen - en daarmee de elektriciteitsprijzen - nemen toe. Energie-econoom Hans van Cleef van ABN AMRO licht toe.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 9 oktober 2018 21:31
    GroenLinks na uitspraak Hof: Kolencentrales direct sluiten

    GroenLinks eist dat onmiddellijk twee kolencentrales worden gesloten, om zo de doelstelling van 25 procent CO2-reductie in 2020 te halen. Volgens de partij is dat ‘de enige manier’. ,,Dit betekent dat het regeerakkoord moet worden opengebroken”, zegt een woordvoerder van GroenLinks-leider Jesse Klaver.

    Peter Winterman 09-10-18, 14:10 Laatste update: 14:50

    De partij reageert op het nieuws dat het gerechtshof heeft bepaald dat de Nederlandse Staat meer moet doen om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen terug te dringen.

    In het regeerakkoord is nu afgesproken om de laatste vijf kolencentrales in Nederland uiterlijk in 2030 te sluiten. Twee daarvan moeten in 2024 de deuren sluiten, maar GroenLinks wil die datum vervroegen. Oud-minister Henk Kamp van Economische Zaken suggereerde vorig jaar dat de Amsterdamse kolencentrale Hemweg mogelijk eerder zou kunnen sluiten om de Urgenda-deadline van 2020 te halen.

    Nieuwe voorspelling
    Het kabinet laat nu weten nog niet met maatregelen te komen. Volgens een woordvoerder van minister Eric Wiebes van Economische Zaken en Klimaat ligt het kabinet op koers om in 2020 een CO2-reductie van 25 procent te halen. In het voorjaar van 2019 komt er een nieuwe voorspelling. Als de 25 procent dan niet wordt gehaald, neemt het kabinet mogelijk extra maatregelen.

    ,,25 procent reductie in 2020 is binnen bereik”, zegt ook Kamerlid Carla Dik-Faber van regeringspartij ChristenUnie. ,,Maar dat zal inzet vragen van iedereen in onze samenleving, van burgers en boeren tot industrie en elektriciteitssector.”
  17. forum rang 10 voda 11 oktober 2018 20:02
    EU nations agree to seek 35pct CO2 cut by 2030

    Auto News reported that European Union nations agreed to seek a 35 percent cut in vehicle CO2 emissions by 2030, as Germany warned that overly challenging targets risked harming industry and jobs. Several countries had sought a higher, 40 percent reduction in car emissions, in line with targets backed by EU lawmakers last week, with Ireland and the Netherlands among those voicing disappointment with the compromise deal. EU sources said that Germany, with its big auto sector, had backed an EU executive proposal for a 30 percent cut for fleets of new cars and vans by 2030, compared with 2021 levels. Germany, with the backing of eastern European nations, had held a blocking minority among the 28 nations against the more ambitious targets.

    But a last-minute amendment helped ease concerns among poorer member states over the new rules, which also create a crediting system encouraging automakers to raise sales of electric cars.

    It would allow for a different accounting in countries where the current market penetration of zero- and low-emissions vehicles is less than 60 percent below the average in the bloc.

    Torn between reducing pollution and preserving industry competitiveness, EU environment ministers meeting in Luxembourg talked for more than 13 hours until nearly midnight to reach a compromise over what 2030 carbon dioxide limits to impose on Europe's powerful automakers.

    "We saw a really complicated discussion," Europe's Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said of the compromise that gained the support of 20 nations, with 4 voting against and 4 abstaining. "I never believed in the beginning that such a strong support would be obtained."

    The final rules will now be hashed out in talks beginning on Wednesday with the EU's two other lawmaking bodies: the European Parliament, which is seeking a more ambitious climate target, and the European Commission, which proposed a lower one.

    Source : Auto News
  18. forum rang 10 voda 23 oktober 2018 21:24
    US greenhouse emissions fell in 2017 as coal plants shut - EPA

    Reuters reported that US greenhouse gases emissions from the largest US industrial plants fell 2.7 percent in 2017, the Trump administration said, as coal plants shut and as that industry competes with cheap natural gas and solar and wind power that emit less pollution. The drop was steeper than in 2016 when emissions fell 2 percent, the Environmental Protection Agency said.

    EPA acting administrator Mr Andrew Wheeler said the data proves that federal regulations are not necessary to drive carbon dioxide reductions. Mr Wheeler said in a release that "Thanks to President Trump's regulatory reform agenda, the economy is booming, energy production is surging, and we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions from major industrial sources.”

    While Mr Wheeler gave the administration credit for the reductions, which mainly came from the power sector, the numbers also underscore that the administration has not been able to stop the rapid pace of coal plant shutdowns.

    Voters in states that produce and burn coal form a large part of President Donald Trump's base, but the administration has not been able to forge a path for subsidizing aging coal and nuclear plants, despite industrial players urging the administration to act.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 16 november 2018 15:37
    EU lawmakers back at least 35 percent CO2 cut from trucks by 2030

    Reuters reported that European Union lawmakers backed the region's first ever curbs on carbon dioxide emissions from trucks, calling for a cut of at least 35 percent by 2030, despite protests from manufacturers. A 20 percent reduction in CO2 pollution from trucks by 2025 was also voted through the European Parliament to combat global warming, despite less ambitious limits proposed by the EU executive in May.

    The EU currently has no limits on heavy-duty vehicles, which account for almost one quarter of the bloc's transport-related emissions.
    EU lawmakers back at least 35 percent CO2 cut from trucks by 2030

    Mr Bas Eickhout, a Green lawmaker responsible for seeing the bill through the European Parliament said that "The Parliament is sending a clear signal that it's serious on reducing CO2 emissions.”

    The proposal, passed by 373 to 285 votes, aims to set tougher reduction targets from 2019 levels than the 30 percent cut by 2030 proposed by the European Commission.

    The bloc's 28 governments must still agree on the final law, with talks between environment ministers on Dec. 20 expected to be tough as nations with big automotive industries fear stricter rules could hamper growth and cost jobs.

    If a common position is reached among EU governments in December, negotiations between the EU's three lawmaking institutions on the final targets would start early next year.

    The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) has lobbied for far lower targets of 7 percent by 2025 and 16 percent by 2030.

    Source : Strategic research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 16 november 2018 15:38
    NET Power Demonstration Plant Wins 2018 ADIPEC Breakthrough Technological Project of the Year

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    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (November 14, 2018) – In recognition of its demonstration plant in La Porte, Texas, NET Power, LLC, was awarded the 2018 Breakthrough Technological Project of the Year at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC). ADIPEC is one of the world’s largest and most influential oil and gas events. NET Power’s 50MWth plant demonstrates the company’s low-cost, emissions-free, natural gas electric power system. It is the world’s first and only industrial-scale supercritical CO2-based power plant.

    H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and NET Power CEO Bill Brown discuss how NET Power can transform the energy industry in the UAE.

    By generating non-intermittent, competitivelypriced power with full carbon capture, NET Power will help the world to reach deep decarbonization targets at the lowest cost. Using its novel power system, the company strives to push the cost of CO2 capture so low that it will be more economic to re-use and sequester carbon than to emit it into the atmosphere. NET Power’s CO2 can be used for enhanced oil recovery or oil field pressure maintenance, with the goal of cutting the carbon footprint of fossil fuels to zero. In addition, NET Power’s CO2 can be directly and safely sequestered in saline aquifers, sedimentary deposits, and depleted oil fields. Ultimately, NET Power’s goal is to make CO2 so affordable that it will catalyze the establishment of a new carbon economy built around novel CO2 utilization technologies, such as sour gas cleanup and the production of carbon nanofiber, methanol and concrete.
    In May of this year, NET Power achieved first-fire at its 50MWth demonstration power plant. The last phase of testing is underway and is expected to be completed in early 2019.

    Since commencing development in 2014, NET Power identified important market needs by working with major power, oil, gas, chemical and industrial companies worldwide. In early 2019, NET Power expects to commence detailed engineering of 300MWe commercial-scale plants with customers.

    NET Power is owned by Exelon Generation (NYSE: EXC), McDermott (NYSE: MDR), 8 Rivers Capital, and, subject to regulatory approval, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, LLC, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: OXY).
    # # # #
    NET Power, LLC, is a Durham, NC-based company developing the natural gas-fueled Allam Cycle power system. For more information, please visit
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