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Daimler-(Chrysler) verdient zijn verbleekte ster ...terug

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2020 15:39
    Mercedes-Benz Creates Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems

    In the course of the transformation towards CO2-neutral mobility and digitalisation, Mercedes-Benz is now taking another important step by systematically aligning the drive system unit to the future. To this end, Mercedes-Benz AG is grouping all drive system competencies across the group in the new unit Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems within the company. As an internal system supplier, the new organisational unit aspires to deliver innovative, competitive drive systems which set standards in terms of technology, quality and costs. As part of this the unit works closely with colleagues from related areas for example Procurement. In the new structure, the overlapping areas of Mercedes-Benz Operations, such as logistics, quality management and production planning, are directly connected to the Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems unit. In this way, methods, standards and processes will be synchronised even more closely between the body and powertrain plants.

    This move will help to create synergy effects and drive the transformation forward even more rapidly and more efficiently. For the first time, the new Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems unit combines all trades from the areas of development, production, as well as related areas and cross-sectional functions, quality management, planning and procurement under one roof. As an internal system supplier, it is responsible for engines and transmissions, batteries and electric drives, and also the associated hardware and software.

    The employees of the divisions involved with Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems are bringing their expertise in their tasks at their previous locations to the new drive system competence cluster.

    On the road to CO2-free mobility, Mercedes-Benz AG is pursuing a technologically neutral drive system strategy with an intelligent mix of state-of-the-art combustion engines including 48-volt technology, plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles. The goal is to meet the different requirements and market scenarios around the world through an attractive mix of drive types and thus always be able to offer customers the appropriate vehicle.

    By the end of the year, five all-electric passenger car models and more than 20 plug-in hybrid variants are expected to be on the market. The plug-in hybrid portfolio ranges from model variants of the A-Class through to the S-Class and from the GLA to the GLE with electric ranges of up to 100 kilometres. Further vehicles that run solely on battery-electric power are also in the starting blocks.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 28 juli 2020 14:30
    Werktijdverkorting bij Daimler - media

    Daimler AG
    39,56 -0,51 -1,27 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Daimler AG
    39,555 -0,645 -1,60 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
    Daimler AG -OTCPK-
    $ 47,19 0,00 0,00 % OTC USA

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler zal een werktijdverkorting doorvoeren zonder dat het personeel hiervoor gecompenseerd wordt. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg op basis van een email die de Duitse autofabrikant aan het personeel stuurde.

    Vanaf 1 oktober zal de werkweek met 2 uur worden ingekort.

    De details van de maatregelen zullen volgens Bloomberg in de komende weken worden uitgewerkt.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 6 augustus 2020 16:49
    100 Mercedes-Benz Actros for Transport Company Contatto in Brazil:

    Transportadora ContattoMercedes-Benz do Brasil has received an order for 100 heavy trucks from Transportadora Contatto, a Brazilian transport company. The Mercedes-Benz Actros, with which Contatto is significantly renewing its fleet of 600 vehicles, are to be delivered by December 2020. The new Brazilian-produced Actros uses global technologies and platforms. A large proportion of the innovations were developed with the declared aim of noticeably advancing drivers, customers and society. With new features like the Multimedia Cockpit, more sophisticated safety systems, and the MirrorCam instead of outside mirrors, the new Mercedes-Benz Actros thus provides the appropriate response to issues such as safety, fuel efficiency and availability.

    It also brings new, market-specific solutions to customers: In the Brazilian Actros, for example, there is a modern Euro V engine working with a transmission system in a combination which is only available on the Brazilian market.

  4. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2020 14:36
    Mercedes Benz eActros Electrifies Rotterdam & Hague with Simon Loos

    After about a year of intensive practical use by ten customers in Germany and Switzerland, eight of the purely battery powered trucks are now successively going to new customers in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. They also will put the eActros through its paces in tough everyday transport operations for about a year. Two vehicles will continue the operational testing with customers in the first test phase. Simon Loos, a leading company for logistics services based in the Netherlands, will receive the first eActros of the second phase.

    Simon Loos is using an eActros equipped with a refrigerated box for the Albert Heijn supermarket chain. The daily tour of the eActros starts at Albert Heijn’s regional distribution center in Delfgauw in the province of South Holland. From there, the e-truck supplies supermarket stores in various cities in the region, including Rotterdam, The Hague and Delft, with dry goods and fresh, temperature-controlled food. The eActros will run seven days a week, covering around 200 kilometers every day in locally CO2-neutral operation. The batteries will be charged overnight and in between routes at the distribution center in Delfgauw, where Albert Heijn is currently constructing an innovative square with multiple fast-chargers. In preparation for the test, experts from Mercedes-Benz Trucks gave the Simon Loos drivers special training in the use of high-voltage systems.

    The cool swap body of the eActros used by Simon Loos is the W.KO COOL model from Schmitz Cargobull. It has optimized insulation for the energy-efficient transport of refrigerated goods and its robust construction is ideal for intensive daily use. The purely electrically operated refrigeration unit is completely emission-free in use and is specially designed for distribution transport. As was the case in the first test phase, the bodies of the vehicles will again be mainly provided by Schmitz Cargobull.

    The eActros is based on the chassis of the Mercedes-Benz Actros. In addition, however, the vehicle’s architecture is completely geared to electric drive and has a high proportion of specific parts. Two electric motors close to the rear-axle wheel hubs provide drive with an output of 126 kW each and a maximum torque of 485 Nm each. This results in 11,000 Nm each after the transmission ratio, providing a performance equivalent to that of a conventional truck. Lithium-ion batteries with 240 kWh supply the energy for the eActros. Depending on the available charging power, the batteries can be fully charged within two hours (at 150 kW).

  5. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2020 14:46
    Mercedes-Benz & CATL Team Up for Battery Technology

    mercedes-benz-catl-ev-battery_10633.jpg Image Source: Mercedes Benz CATL EV Battery

    Mercedes-Benz and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Limited have entered the next stage of their strategic partnership and will create cutting-edge battery technology in support of the high-volume electrification of the Mercedes-Benz model portfolio. The Stuttgart-based luxury car maker with the three-pointed star is accelerating its Electric First strategy with advanced, CO2-neutrally produced battery cells, modules and systems supplied by CATL, a technology leader in lithium-ion batteries. The agreement covers the full range of battery technologies, from cells across modules for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars to entire battery systems for Mercedes-Benz Vans in promising innovative technology configurations. This also includes the CATL cell-to-pack design, which eliminates conventional modules and integrates the cells directly into the battery.

    Battery cells are at the heart of highly complex battery systems. Their chemistry contributes significantly to the performance, range and service life of electric vehicles. Through its strategic partnership with CATL, Mercedes-Benz will advance its development of current and future best-in-class lithium-ion batteries. The two partners have already started working on future battery generations to be introduced in a number of vehicles within the next few years. The clear goal is to shorten development cycles, significantly increase the ranges of future batteries through advances in energy density and reduce charging times. In order to make electrification even more attractive for customers in the luxury segment, the goals set are ambitious: With the EQS luxury sedan, which will be delivered to customers next year, the development goal is a long-distance range of more than 700 km WLTP range and a doubling of the charging speed compared to current models. The Mercedes-Benz EQS will also be equipped with CATL cell modules.

    The strategic partnership of Mercedes-Benz and CATL accelerates the further development and industrialization of cutting-edge battery technologies in Germany. With the construction of CATL’s Thuringia plant, CATL is developing a European service system to offer Mercedes-Benz more competitive products, as well as a smooth supply. This will allow Mercedes-Benz to further increase the degree of localization in procurement and to purchase battery products from the CATL plant near Erfurt in the future. In order to maintain competitiveness, the company continues to rely on a balanced set of suppliers.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 14 augustus 2020 05:22
    Miljardenschikking Daimler in de VS

    Daimler AG
    42,31 -0,31 -0,73 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Daimler AG
    42,305 -0,445 -1,04 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
    Daimler AG -OTCPK-
    $ 50,00 -0,40 -0,79 % OTC USA

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler heeft een schikking gesloten van 1,5 miljard dollar met verschillende Amerikaanse autoriteiten in verband met het emissieschandaal. Dit meldde de Duitse autofabrikant donderdag.

    Daar bovenop werd een akkoord bereikt over de schikking van een zogenaamde class-action over dezelfde kwestie ter waarde van 700 miljoen dollar.

    Daimler verkocht in de Verenigde Staten circa 250.000 personenauto's en bestelwagens met sjoemelsoftware waarbij de CO2-uitstoot lager leek dan in werkelijkheid het geval was.

    De autofabrikant zei over genoeg voorzieningen te beschikken om de kosten te dekken.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 14 augustus 2020 06:19
    Deze SUV is de duivel op wielen volgens de Duitse milieubeweging

    Hij is 600 pk sterk, 2500 kilo zwaar en heeft een grote achtcilinder motor die drie keer meer verbruikt dan gemiddeld. De Deutsche Umwelthilfe heeft de Mercedes GLS daarom uitgeroepen tot ‘ecologisch meest zinloze SUV'.

    Erik Kouwenhoven 13-08-20, 05:00 Laatste update: 10:01

    De Mercedes GLS 63 AMG kreeg daarom in Duitsland de ‘Goldener Geier’ uitgereikt, oftewel de Gouden Gier. Een tamelijk onaangename prijs, die het model won ten koste van vijf andere genomineerde auto’s van de merken VW, Audi, BMW en Range Rover.

    De Mercedes-Benz won glansrijk, want in totaal koos ongeveer een derde van de 18.000 ondervraagden voor de Mercedes SUV, zo meldt de milieuorganisatie. Het gaat om de AMG-versie van deze 'Monster SUV’. De milieuactivisten hadden vooral kritiek op het vermogen van 600 pk en zijn leeggewicht van rond de 2,5 ton. De bond riep op tot een verkoopstop voor dergelijke SUV’s.

    ,,Deze gigantische stads-SUV’s zijn buitengewoon schadelijk voor het klimaat en passen niet in onze steden”, aldus de organisatie. ,,De fabrikanten promoten deze klimaatmoordenaars met enorme reclamebudgetten omdat ze naar verluidt onmisbaar zijn voor de ‘stedelijke levensstijl", aldus DUH-adjunct-directeur Barbara Metz. Ze roept ook op tot een strafbelasting van tienduizenden euro’s van deze bijzonder schadelijke voertuigen en sprak zich uit tegen grotere parkeerplaatsen in stadscentra.

  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 augustus 2020 11:10
    Nokia wint patentzaak van Daimler, verkoopverbod dreigt

    Gepubliceerd op 18 augustus 2020 10:58 | Views: 143

    Daimler 17 aug
    42,34 +0,07 (+0,17%)

    DAIMLER AG NA O.N. 17 aug
    42,40 +0,24 (+0,56%)

    MANNHEIM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Duitse automaker Daimler wordt in Duitsland mogelijk geconfronteerd met een verkoopverbod van bolides van het merk Mercedes-Benz. Dit nadat het een octrooizaak met het Finse Nokia verloor. Daimler zou de auto's hebben uitgerust met mobiele technologie van Nokia zonder dat daar een vergunning voor was afgegeven, beslisten de rechters.

    Of het daadwerkelijk tot een verkoopverbod komt, is nog maar de vraag. Dan zal Nokia een afzonderlijke zaak moeten aanspannen en een grote zak geld mee moeten brengen, zo'n 7 miljard euro. Dit bedrag geldt als onderpand voor eventuele schade die wordt geleden door Daimler. Die moet worden vergoed mocht een hogere rechter nadien beslissen dat het verkoopverbod toch niet rechtsgeldig zou zijn geweest.

    Daimler meldt in een reactie de beslissing van de rechter nu te beoordelen. Volgens de uitspraak moet Daimler Nokia ook gegevens geven over het aantal auto's dat het met de technologie heeft verkocht. De automaker zei al voor de uitspraak dat het in beroep zou gaan als de zaak zou worden verloren.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 18 augustus 2020 16:37
    Mercedes-Benz partners with supermodel Helena Christensen

    At Copenhagen Fashion Week SS21, Mercedes-Benz partnered with Danish supermodel Helena Christensen to raise awareness around the importance of wearing mouth-nose-masks to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. During the four day event from 9-12 August, Christensen was photographed against some of Copenhagen’s most storied landmarks, styled in five Danish designers new collections that incorporated face masks they had either created or customised.

    A face of the luxury industry for over three decades, Helena Christensen perfectly typifies the social responsibility of Mercedes-Benz, by demonstrating the importance of wearing a mask at the Copenhagen Fashion Week SS21, and how they can even be elevated to a piece of iconic design. Both parties want to make a stand on the importance of wearing face coverings, and to do so in a suitably creative way.

    Helena Christensen emerged in a blaze of high octane glamour during the 1990s as one of the original supermodels and changed the fashion industry forever. A muse to the late Gianni Versace, she starred in campaigns and runway shows for the iconic Italian fashion house, as well as brands like Chanel, Hermès, Prada and Valentino. Christensen has graced the cover of magazines like W, Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue on multiple occasions. With her appearance in the Herb Ritts shot music video for Chris Isaak's “Wicked Game” in 1989, she had a worldwide breakthrough as one the iconic supermodels of the 90ies.

    Behind the lens, Christensen is an accomplished photographer and has shot editorials for titles including Vogue, Elle, Dscene, ODDA and Marie Claire magazine, recognized for co-founding Nylon magazine. Throughout her career she has continually used her voice for change, using numerous platforms and organisations to raise awareness of and document the impact of climate change, and numerous humanitarian causes. Christensen partnered with Oxfam in 2009 to document the impact of the social impact of the changing weather in Peru, where her mother was born. In 2019, the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR appointed Christensen as a “Goodwill Ambassador”, one of only a handful of people to receive such an accolade, she continues to use photography to document and show the refugee crisis around the World.

    Mercedes-Benz Denmark's long standing relationship with Copenhagen Fashion Week can be traced back to 2009, when Mercedes-Benz began facilitating shared fashion show locations for several designers each season. More recently, Mercedes-Benz has focused on collaborating with one designer in a more in depth capacity, often to create engaging social media content and impactful visuals around their show or event. Recent partnerships include the likes of Danish Designer Soeren Le Schmidt. On the 10th August 2020, Mercedes-Benz co-hosted the opening reception of much loved fashion brand GANNI’s 202020 exhibition, which brought together clothing, art, discussion and performance for an immersive and collaborative brand experience. Mercedes-Benz also highlighted Copenhagen Fashion Week’s commitment to sustainability by using branded electric and hybrid vehicles to transport VIP guests between events, along with providing shut­tle service at the GANNI opening reception.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2020 16:14
    Daimler Trucks & Torc Robotics Adding Testing Center in New Mexico

    September 2020 marks one year of Daimler Trucks and Torc Robotics partnering as a team after the US based automated driving technology company became part of Daimler Trucks Autonomous Technology Group. One year together, collaboratively pursuing a common goal of bringing series-produced highly automated trucks SAE Level 4 to the roads within the decade; including on-road deployment of a Level 4 test fleet, initiation of redesign of truck chassis, adoption of a hub-to-hub model, formalized rigorous testing protocols, formal truck safety driver certification process, and extended software capabilities. Now, the Autonomous Technology Group will extend its testing to New Mexico by building up a new testing center in Albuquerque. Expanding to a new location will support testing and provide data for more use cases of next generation vehicles on public roads starting this fall.

    Daimler Trucks and Torc started their collaboration in spring 2019. Initial public road testing on highways began in September in southwest Virginia, where Torc is headquartered. Additionally, closed-track road testing is conducted in Madras, OR, at Daimler Trucks North America’s High Desert Proving Grounds. In February 2020, Daimler Trucks and Torc announced plans to expand testing of automated truck technology to additional locations, adding new public routes in the US, but the activation was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

    During the pandemic downtime, the teams continued testing by focusing on robust simulation testing. Public road testing with safety and health protocols in place resumed in Virginia in June 2020 and will be continued with the next generation of automated driving software. The team in Oregon will continue focusing on the development of vehicle safety systems, which are critical for delivering the safety standards for self-driving trucks today and in the future. The goal is to refine a truck chassis that is perfectly suited for highly automated driving and includes the redundancy of systems needed to achieve safe, reliable driving.

    Daimler Trucks has dozens of years of experience in testing and validating the durability, reliability and safety of commercial vehicles around the world. In 2019, Daimler Trucks North America, the North America market share leader, unveiled the first SAE Level 2 automated truck, the Freightliner Cascadia. With Active Drive Assist (Mercedes-Benz Actors, FUSO Super Great) and Detroit Assurance 5.0 with Active Lane Assist (Freightliner Cascadia), Daimler Trucks has delivered automated driving features into series production.

    Similarly, Torc has 15 years of experience in commercializing self-driving technology in heavy-duty, safety-critical applications. Moreover, Torc’s “Asimov” autonomous driving system has been tested on public roads including a cross-country journey. As a result of combining their extensive technology and testing experience, Daimler Trucks and Torc have developed a comprehensive validation approach and safety protocols for automated driving; aligned with the federal framework policy for testing and commercial deployment of SAE Level 4 automated trucks.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2020 16:14
    Daimler Joins Responsible Mica Initiative to Combat Child Labor in Indian Mica Mines

    Daimler AG is taking further important steps to ensure respect for human rights in the vicinity of raw-material mines: The Company has joined forces with the Terre des Hommes Netherlands NGO for a project and has joined the Responsible Mica Initiative to combat child labor in Indian mica mines. The cooperation with Terre des Hommes Netherlands in Jharkhand India aims to enable children in the vicinity of mica mines to attend school and to provide economic support for their families. The raw material mica is used, among other things, to achieve the shimmering effect of vehicle paints. The project aims to prevent parents from having to send their children to work in mica mines. At the same time, a good education makes it more likely that the children can earn their own living later as adults and that the family is not dependent on income from child labor. In addition to the educational opportunities for children, local structures are to be strengthened and information is to be provided on children's rights. To this end, Daimler and Terre des Hommes Netherlands are also working together with regional aid organizations. The project supported by Daimler will initially run until 2022.

    By joining the Responsible Mica Initiative, Daimler AG intends to take even more consistent action against child labor in mines in the future. The initiative is committed to a fair, responsible and sustainable mica supply chain in India. To this end, Daimler AG is working with other companies, NGOs, industry associations and government representatives to develop standards for responsible working conditions, to strengthen local communities, and to support the establishment of a legal framework for the mica industry. The initiative aims to completely eliminate child labor and unacceptable working conditions in mica mines by 2022.

    Daimler AG takes a systematic approach to counteracting human-rights violations early and actively. A strategic approach to respecting human rights, the Human Rights Respect System, has been developed both for its own majority-owned companies and for its supply chains. As an important measure, the company has identified potentially risky raw materials. The aim is to gradually make the supply chains for these potentially risky raw materials transparent and to take risk-based measures.

    Two years ago, Mercedes-Benz Cars already made its paint supply chains transparent, audited mines and processors and traced the path of mica supplies. The project with Terre des Hommes and Daimler’s entry into the Responsible Mica Initiative complement these measures so that sustainable improvements can be achieved locally around the mica mines and beyond the boundaries of the company’s own supply chains.

    Daimler’s approach to cobalt is similar to that for mica. As a supplement to these measures, such as checks through audits in its own supply chains, the company already launched a social project against child labor in the Democratic Republic of the Congo together with the non-profit organization Good Shepherd International Foundation in 2019. The aim is to improve the living conditions of the people in the Kolwezi mining region. The four-year project made a successful start and has reached important milestones after just over a year.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2020 15:40
    Daimler Trucks & Torc Robotics Adding Testing Center in New Mexico

    September 2020 marks one year of Daimler Trucks and Torc Robotics partnering as a team after the US based automated driving technology company became part of Daimler Trucks Autonomous Technology Group. One year together, collaboratively pursuing a common goal of bringing series-produced highly automated trucks SAE Level 4 to the roads within the decade; including on-road deployment of a Level 4 test fleet, initiation of redesign of truck chassis, adoption of a hub-to-hub model, formalized rigorous testing protocols, formal truck safety driver certification process, and extended software capabilities. Now, the Autonomous Technology Group will extend its testing to New Mexico by building up a new testing center in Albuquerque. Expanding to a new location will support testing and provide data for more use cases of next generation vehicles on public roads starting this fall.

    Daimler Trucks and Torc started their collaboration in spring 2019. Initial public road testing on highways began in September in southwest Virginia, where Torc is headquartered. Additionally, closed-track road testing is conducted in Madras, OR, at Daimler Trucks North America’s High Desert Proving Grounds. In February 2020, Daimler Trucks and Torc announced plans to expand testing of automated truck technology to additional locations, adding new public routes in the US, but the activation was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

    During the pandemic downtime, the teams continued testing by focusing on robust simulation testing. Public road testing with safety and health protocols in place resumed in Virginia in June 2020 and will be continued with the next generation of automated driving software. The team in Oregon, will continue focusing on the development of vehicle safety systems, which are critical for delivering the safety standards for self-driving trucks today and in the future. The goal is to refine a truck chassis that is perfectly suited for highly automated driving and includes the redundancy of systems needed to achieve safe, reliable driving.

    Daimler Trucks has dozens of years of experience in testing and validating the durability, reliability and safety of commercial vehicles around the world. In 2019, Daimler Trucks North America, the North America market share leader, unveiled the first SAE Level 2 automated truck, the Freightliner Cascadia. With Active Drive Assist (Mercedes-Benz Actros, FUSO Super Great) and Detroit Assurance 5.0 with Active Lane Assist (Freightliner Cascadia), Daimler Trucks has delivered automated driving features into series production.

    Similarly, Torc has 15 years of experience in commercializing self-driving technology in heavy-duty, safety-critical applications. Moreover, Torc’s “Asimov” autonomous driving system has been tested on public roads including a cross-country journey. As a result of combining their extensive technology and testing experience, Daimler Trucks and Torc have developed a comprehensive validation approach and safety protocols for automated driving; aligned with the federal framework policy for testing and commercial deployment of SAE Level 4 automated trucks.

    All automated test drives require the combination of a safety conductor, overseeing the system, and a highly trained safety driver, certified by Daimler Trucks and Torc. All safety drivers hold commercial driver’s licenses and are specially trained in vehicle dynamics and automated systems.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2020 16:55
    Daimler IT Inbound Logistics at Wörth Plant Manage Innovation Project

    At the Mercedes-Benz lorry plant in Wörth, lorries now send out early status updates to announce their arrival all without drivers lifting a finger. To support this capability, the Inbound Logistics unit at the Wörth plant and Daimler’s IT unit, which are responsible for managing incoming lorries as well as the underlying IT system, have developed a new system: Spearheaded by the Daimler IT unit, project partners Inform and Fleetboard Logistics have implemented a process in line with VDA Recommendations 4945 and 4996. The key element is SyncroSupply lorry control software from Inform that controls plant traffic using a time slot management system. This is where the freight forwarders’ vehicles register using Fleetboard Logistics’s HABBL app when they set out on a trip. In addition, vehicles send out status updates of the estimated time of arrival every 15 minutes and at predefined distances along the route. Well in advance of their destination, the lorry control software sends drivers a green light to drive directly into the plant. If all the docks are busy, the drivers are asked to wait outside the plant and take their scheduled break early.

    At the plant gate, drivers can use a barcode in the app to identify themselves and drive right in. Inform had already developed a highly specialised app for this registration process. Thanks to the joint project, SyncroSupply’s incoming traffic control feature is now also supported in HABBL, an off-the-shelf product for mobile order management that can be downloaded to a smartphone and used by carriers working for contracted freight forwarders. Schedulers and drivers can now digitally view the entire transport process, from the start of the trip to the delivery at the plant. This makes it easier to change the schedule on the fly in response to unforeseen problems and make maximum use of driving times. In addition, the HABBL app supports several languages, which greatly simplifies communication with drivers from other countries. The app is fully integrated in the multimedia cockpit of the new Mercedes-Benz Actros. It gives drivers information about their unloading points and guides them there using waypoints. To get off to a quick start with the HABBL app, Fleetboard Logistics provides Daimler Truck AG’s contract freight forwarders with the basic HABBL workflow as a template. The HABBL app and SyncroSupply lorry control system can already communicate fully with each other, eliminating the need for a special implementation.

    By simplifying the lorry sign-in process, Daimler has taken the digitalisation of its inbound logistics processes to a new level. The new process will first be rolled out to other production sites in Germany. However, it is also suited to all inbound scenarios featuring time slot management and central lorry sign-in – exactly those points in the logistics chain where lorries and drivers often have to wait.

  14. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2020 17:06
    Daimler Buses Bags 415 Order from Egged in Israel

    Daimler Buses has received one of its largest orders ever. The bus division of Daimler Truck AG has put in a successful bid for a large tender in Israel and has won the order for a total of 415 city and inter-city buses. The vehicles will go to Egged, the largest private bus company in Israel. The order is the result of a successful collaboration between Daimler Buses and Colmobil, which as a general distributor is responsible for both the sale and service of Mercedes-Benz buses. The large order comprises 156 units of the OC 500 RF 1939 inter-city chassis and 259 units of the OC 500 LE 1830 city-bus chassis. The city buses are low-entry models that allow passengers to board more easily. The chassis are being produced in Daimler Buses Spanish bus plant in Sámano, the bus bodies produced by the Israeli bodybuilders Haargaz and Merkavim will be fitted on site. The vehicles will be delivered this year and through into next year and Egged will operate them on its city and inter-city routes throughout the whole of Israel.

    With a fleet of more than 4000 vehicles, Egged transports just short of a million passengers every day and are responsible for the operation of almost half of the public transport in Israel. This includes 945 inter-city and city bus routes on which their vehicles cover more than 700,000 kilometers daily.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2020 07:04
    Daimler schikt in VS om gesjoemel met uitstoot auto's

    Gepubliceerd op 14 september 2020 21:02 | Views: 701

    DAIMLER AG NA O.N. 14 sep
    46,01 -0,59 (-1,27%)

    WASHINGTON (AFN/RTR/BLOOMBERG) - Het Duitse autoconcern Daimler en zijn Amerikaanse dochteronderdeel Mercedes-Benz USA betalen 1,5 miljard dollar in een schikking met de Amerikaanse autoriteiten over het gesjoemel met de uitstootwaarden van auto's. De definitieve schikking werd getroffen met het Amerikaanse ministerie van Justitie en milieutoezichthouder EPA. Een rechtbank moet de overeenkomst nog wel goedkeuren.

    In augustus werd al bekend dat er een voorlopige regeling was getroffen. De deal met de autoriteiten gaat over ongeveer 250.000 auto's en bestelbusjes waarbij werd gesjoemeld met de uitstootwaarden van dieselmotoren. Daimler denkt verder ook 700 miljoen dollar uit te moeten trekken om een massaclaim van gedupeerde consumenten af te handelen in de Verenigde Staten, plus nog eens honderden miljoenen aan kosten te moeten maken om aan de eisen van de schikkingen te voldoen.

    Het is niet voor het eerst dat Daimler flink in de buidel moet tasten voor zijn rol in het dieselschandaal, dat in 2015 het eerst bij Volkswagen aan het licht kwam. Vorig jaar kreeg het concern bijvoorbeeld al een grote boete in Duitsland. Ook moesten veel kosten gemaakt worden omdat er honderdduizenden auto's terug naar de garage moesten.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2020 06:24
    Beleggersclaims tegen Daimler om dieselkwestie stapelen zich op

    Gepubliceerd op 20 september 2020 14:18 | Views: 1.011

    Daimler 18 sep
    45,48 -0,92 (-1,98%)

    DAIMLER AG NA O.N. 18 sep
    45,40 -0,91 (-1,95%)

    STUTTGART (AFN/DPA) - Boze beleggers hebben via een Duitse rechtbank nog eens honderden miljoenen euro's aan schadevergoedingen geëist van Daimler. Ze vinden dat het Duitse moederbedrijf van Mercedes-Benz te laat openheid van zaken heeft gegeven over verdenkingen van gesjoemel met uitstootmetingen bij dieselauto's.

    In één proces alleen al eisen beleggers bijna 250 miljoen euro aan schadevergoedingen, meldde de rechtbank van Stuttgart. Daarnaast zijn drie andere zaken tegen het autoconcern goed voor claims ter waarde van 100 miljoen euro. Samen met de al lopende procedures tegen Daimler komt dat neer op ruimschoots meer dan 1 miljard euro aan geëiste schadeloosstellingen.

    Justitie in Duitsland verdenkt Daimler ervan in bepaalde dieselauto's illegale technologie te hebben verwerkt, waardoor de uitstootwaardes in laboratoriumtests gunstiger leken dan ze in werkelijkheid waren. Verschillende groepen beleggers beweren dat Daimler te laat met informatie kwam over de financiële gevolgen van deze affaire. Aandelen die ze op dat moment kochten of bezaten werden daardoor minder waard, zonder dat ze zich dit realiseerden.

    Daimler trof onlangs al een schikking met het Amerikaanse ministerie van Justitie en de milieutoezichthouder EPA wegens het dieselschandaal. Volgens de Amerikaanse autoriteiten verkocht Daimler tussen 2009 en 2016 in de VS 250.000 dieselauto's met sjoemelsoftware. De autofabrikant kocht voor 1,5 miljard dollar verdere vervolging af in de VS. Daimler spreekt alle beschuldigingen van fraude met emissietests tegen.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 september 2020 15:41
    Daimler Trucks & Buses Electric Vehicles Cross 7 Million Kilometers Mark

    Daimler Trucks & Buses celebrated another milestone on the road to the electrification of its vehicle portfolio with customers worldwide covering more than seven million kilometers with battery-powered, locally CO2-neutral trucks and buses. Positive customer feedback and findings from intensive practical tests with electric trucks from Mercedes-Benz, FUSO and Freightliner show that the electrification of road freight transport is already feasible today. In addition, the electric city bus Mercedes-Benz eCitaro is already in series production since 2018 and in customer use in various European cities. As part of its electrification strategy, Daimler Trucks plans to offer electric vehicles in all its main sales regions by 2022: from the FUSO eCanter in the light-duty segment, the Freightliner eM2 in the medium-duty segment, and the Mercedes-Benz eActros and the Freightliner eCascadia in the heavy-duty segment.

    Mercedes-Benz Trucks was the world’s first manufacturer to present a heavy-duty electric truck at the IAA Commercial Vehicles Show in 2016. With the all-electric eActros truck, Mercedes-Benz Trucks is demonstrating that heavy-duty distribution transport for urban areas can already be locally emission-free. The eActros, which has a range of approximately 200 kilometers, has been proving its worth as a locally CO2-neutral alternative for urban distribution transport in a wide range of practical applications with various customers in Europe since 2018. Series production is scheduled to start in 2021.

    The first practical applications of the Mercedes-Benz eEconic low-floor truck, which is based on the eActros, were announced in 2020 and are planned for next year. Series production is scheduled to start in 2022. The eEconic is mainly used as a waste-collection vehicle in urban waste-management. This is very suitable for battery-electric trucks due to the comparatively short and planned routes of about 100 km with a very high proportion of stop-and-go operation.

    The light-duty FUSO eCanter had its world premiere in September 2017 and is being delivered to numerous customers worldwide. This all-electric light-duty truck is FUSO’s answer to the public need for locally emission-free trucks for light urban distribution traffic. As part of a small series, more than 170 FUSO eCanter light-duty trucks are already in use with numerous customers in Japan, the United States and Europe, and more of them will be handed over successively. The range of the 7.49-ton truck of 100 kilometers reliably covers the requirements of customers in urban distribution transport. With a fast charger, the charging time can be reduced to about one and a half hours. The eCanter is produced in Kawasaki, Japan and in Tramagal, Portugal.

    In the United States, the heavy-duty eCascadia and the medium-duty eM2 were premiered in Portland in June 2018. Both electric trucks are currently undergoing practical tests with customers in the United States. The test fleet comprises 38 vehicles in a variety of applications including regional and local distribution, food distribution and parcel delivery. The vehicles have a target range for series production of up to 370 km (eM2) and up to 400 km (eCascadia). Series production of the eCascadia is scheduled to start in mid-2022 and of the Freightliner eM2 in late 2022.

    With the all-electric Mercedes-Benz eCitaro Daimler Buses has been offering a locally emission-free city bus for environmentally friendly public transport in cities and metropolitan areas since 2018. The eCitaro is based on the Citaro urban bus which has proven itself time and again. It is the first and only fully-electric urban bus to be developed and manufactured in Germany. With its many features, from its elegant design to its exemplary thermal management which minimises energy consumption and its friendly yet functional passenger compartment, the eCitaro is a truly impressive vehicle. The urban bus celebrated its world premiere as a solo vehicle two years ago.

  18. forum rang 10 voda 24 september 2020 16:49
    Innovating the Construction Industry with New Mercedes Arcos

    Mercedes-Benz Arocs has all the qualities required to be the perfect partner for construction-related transport: powerful engines, varied drive configurations and a robust chassis for the sustainable development of industry-appropriate vehicle bodies. The Arocs has an extensive programme allowing customers to design their own transport solutions that cater to individual requirements. Construction haulage today, however, requires more than that. Operations represent logistical masterpieces, often completed under extreme conditions and which call for state-of-the-art-technology. Exactly the type of innovation brought to the construction site by the new Arocs. Boasting the latest generation of technological developments such as Predictive Powertrain Control, Sideguard Assist, Active Brake Assist and market firsts such as MirrorCam and the Multimedia Cockpit, not to mention the Truck Data Center connectivity platform, the Arocs is setting the standard for efficiency, digitalisation, safety and connectivity.

    The Mercedes-Benz Arocs now also benefits from the advanced cruise and transmission control Predictive Powertrain Control. PPC has thus also found its purpose in inter-urban traffic and the Arocs, which frequently navigates rural roads, is now set to see major progress in the reduction of fuel consumption. In addition to a GPS-based positioning system, the new generation of PPC uses digital road maps that contain data on topography, road bends, the geometry of intersections and roundabouts, as well as traffic signs.

    Out on the road, the Arocs is up to five percent more fuel-efficient when compared to models without the intelligent cruise and transmission control. PPC is now also available for heavy duty trucks up to 120 tonnes, all-wheel drive vehicles and vehicles with Hydraulic Auxiliary Drive or fluid coupling with the exception of the cement mixer. In combination with MirrorCam, fuel savings are even better thanks to the optimised aerodynamics of the streamlined camera housing mounted on the side of the cab roof frame. This replaces the conventional main and wide-angle mirrors in the new Arocs.

    The optimised aerodynamics are just one positive feature of MirrorCam. The camera technology also provides advantages when it comes to the handling and primarily safety of the truck. It makes work easier, both on and off the beaten track, for drivers in construction supplier traffic where there are numerous unloading points.

    The absence of the mirrors has, on the one hand, considerably improved all-round visibility. The driver has excellent visibility even diagonally in front of the truck, an angle which would otherwise have been concealed by the mirror housing. And it is no longer possible for the driver to incorrectly adjust the mirror. Furthermore, MirrorCam provides the driver with a series of auxiliary functions. MirrorCam also works hand-in-hand with the Mercedes-Benz Sideguard Assist. The assistance system can help to avoid accidents on the co-driver’s side when the vehicle turns to the right due to it can warn the driver both visually and audibly before a collision occurs. Sideguard Assist in the new Mercedes-Benz Arocs is able to recognise and warn of obstacles to the right of the vehicle along the entire length of the vehicle

    The now fifth generation of Active Brake Assist should also contribute to even greater safety. The system can now better react to people within speeds of up to 50 km/h thanks to the combination of radar and camera system. This can be a safety advantage, especially when driving in built-up areas. Regardless of whether it’s a stationary vehicle or travelling ahead, or an unprotected road user such as a cyclist or pedestrian: ABA 5 can help to avoid a rear-end collision.

    The warning of dangers and other important information in a way that did not overly burden the driver was another important aspect during development of the new Arocs. The Multimedia Cockpit plays an important role here, replacing the classic instrument cluster. It gives the driver a clear overview of all relevant driving and operating conditions. This also includes the information about all assistance systems. Further advantages of the Multimedia Cockpit: predominantly glare-free thanks to a special filter, as well as a modern retina resolution.

    There is now no need, for example, to take the instrument cluster apart in order to satisfy bodybuilder requirements, e.g. displaying their preferred symbols. The symbols can be very easily configured from a vehicle library by a service partner, using so-called XENTRY diagnosis. Up to five virtual switches can be freely selected for the primary display of the Multimedia Cockpit. In this case, the switches with integrated indicator lamp show the operating status of the vehicle body – for example, whether the body-mounted headlamps are switched on, or the support legs for a crane have been extended.

    The Multimedia Cockpit includes a second screen, in addition to the usual switch panel to the right of the steering wheel. This secondary screen has been designed as a multimedia touch display. The driver can control several functions intuitively and conveniently at the touch of a finger, provided the traffic situation allows it.

  19. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2020 16:43
    Production of Mercedes-Benz eActros Truck to start at Worth Plant in 2021

    Series production of the battery-electric eActros for heavy-duty distribution haulage is due to start in 2021 at the Mercedes-Benz Trucks Wörth plant, alongside the existing manufacture of trucks with combustion engines. The eEconic, designed specifically for municipal use, is based on the Mercedes-Benz eActros and is intended to follow it into series production in 2022.

    At the site, preparations are in full swing to get our production ready for the demands associated with electric drive systems. The electric truck models are set to be assembled alongside trucks with conventional drives in a flexible process. The construction of the different vehicle types should in principle be integrated as far as possible, with the basic vehicle structure being built on one line regardless of whether it will be getting a conventional combustion engine or an electric powertrain. Certain modifications will be made to the production process to accommodate the different types of vehicle. The installation of various non-conventional drive components will take place in a separate process, as will the assembly of the electric powertrain for the eActros: the centrepiece of the eActros manufacturing process is going to be the production hall in building 75 of the Wörth plant. For around a year, work has been going on to convert the building and prepare it for the new production processes. This includes setting up a new assembly line on which the construction of all the electrical architecture of the eActros, in particular the high-voltage components, will take place, as will its initial operation. Subsequently, the vehicles will be fed back into the regular production process for finishing and final inspection.

    The series-production eActros will be significantly superior to the existing prototype in a variety of areas, such as range, drive power and safety. With regard to payload, the series-production eActros will also be on a par with the conventional Actros. The eActros will be available at launch as a two-axle and a three-axle model. Daimler Trucks will integrate the vehicle into a comprehensive ecosystem which will also include consultancy services relating to electric mobility. Among these are route analysis, checking for possible subsidies, support with operational fleet integration and formulating suitable solutions for charging infrastructure.

    From 2022, the battery-electric Mercedes-Benz eEconic will also roll off the production line at Wörth, in addition to the eActros. This constitutes a further step taken by Daimler Trucks on the path towards the electrification of trucks. The eActros will provide the technical basis for the eEconic. Both vehicles also benefit from the global platform strategy of Daimler Trucks & Buses. In this way, the series production of the electric models can be seamlessly extended. With its ergonomic qualities and safety features, the eEconic is ideally suited as a refuse collection and disposal vehicle for municipal use, above all in urban traffic. This usage lends itself very well to battery-electric vehicles due to the relatively short and strictly scheduled routes of around 100 kilometres with a large proportion of stop-start driving.

  20. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2020 16:45
    Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant Produces 9 Millionth Vehicle

    The Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant is celebrating a special anniversary: Mercedes-Benz among electric vehicles EQC is the nine millionth vehicle made in Bremen to roll off the assembly line. The EQC is one of ten models that are successfully produced at the site. Within the global production network of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Bremen is the centre of competence for the worldwide production of the C-Class, which has been Mercedes-Benz’s highest-volume model for more than ten years. Bremen is also responsible for the global production of the GLC as well as of the all-electric EQC. With a flexible production of vehicles with different powertrain variants, the Bremen site contributes to the efficiency and productivity of the entire production network.

    The Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant looks back on a history of over 40 years. The production of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars in Bremen started in February 1978 with the Estate model of the 123 model series. Since then, the plant has already successfully mastered more than 25 vehicle start-ups and pursues the long tradition of automotive construction in the Hanseatic City. To this day, the Bremen team is distinguished by its great experience with start-ups and the flexible integration of new models.

    The EQC was the first all-electric vehicle to be integrated into ongoing production in 2019. It is produced there on the same line as the C-Class Saloon and Estate as well as the GLC and GLC Coupé. This is possible because Mercedes-Benz Cars invested in high-tech equipment with pioneering Industry 4.0 solutions in the entire production network at an early stage.

    Ten models are currently produced at the location: C-Class Saloon, Estate, Coupé and Cabriolet; E-Class Coupé and Cabriolet; the SUV GLC, GLC Coupé as well as the SL Roadster and the EQC. More than 360,000 vehicles were produced in Bremen in 2019. As the centre of competence for the C-Class, the Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant oversees the worldwide production of Mercedes-Benz’s highest-volume model series at the company’s overseas plants. Also the production of the GLC is controlled from Bremen as the main production location. Vehicles “Made in Bremen” cover the whole range of intelligent powertrains – from traditional combustion engines and plug-in hybrids to electric vehicles.

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