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Aandeel NEL ASA CHX:NEL_O.CXE3, NO0010081235

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NEL ASA 2022

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  1. cdbe 6 januari 2023 08:19
    Nel ASA: Nel signs agreement with HH2E for potential 120 MW capacity in Germany
    (January 6, 2023 - Oslo, Norway,) Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has agreed with HH2E for a FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) study and a Letter of Intent for two 60 MW electrolyser plants in Germany. The FEED will commence after a firm purchase order is made, and the parties intend to conclude a contract for electrolyser equipment within the first half of 2023.

    "These projects are important for the energy transition in Germany and Europe, and we are excited to support HH2E in their efforts to create a greener society”, says Håkon Volldal, CEO of Nel

    HH2E’s two 60 MW plants will be among the largest green hydrogen production plants in Europe announced to date. Both facilities are in the first phase and can be significantly expanded. The hydrogen will be used for industrial applications, transportation, and heat. In total, HH2E is aiming for 4 GW of electrolyser capacity in Germany by 2030.

    “One of the prerequisites for reaching our growth ambitions is the sufficient availability of high-quality electrolysers in Europe, such as those that Nel will supply. We are very happy and confident with Nel's technology and experience", says Alexander Voigt, Co-founder and board member of HH2E

    The signing of the FEED study and Letter of Intent takes place Friday morning, the same day as Germany’s Vice Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck, Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Lien Aasland and Minister of Industry and Trade, Jan Christian Vestre are visiting Nel’s factory in Herøya, Norway, where the electrolyser equipment for this project will be produced.

    “This shows the importance of the German market for Nel, and we are honoured that the Vice Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck, together with members of the Norwegian Government, want to visit our flagship facility today”, says Håkon Volldal
  2. cdbe 6 januari 2023 11:13
    Nel ASA: Nel and Statkraft pave the way for a green hydrogen value chain in Norway
    (January 6, 2023 - Oslo, Norway) Hydrogen technology company Nel and Europe’s largest supplier of renewable energy, Statkraft, newly signed a contract for delivery of 40 MW of electrolyser equipment, and will thus collaborate to create a strong value chain for production of green hydrogen in Norway.

    “We are determined that we will contribute towards making Norway a leading producer of renewable hydrogen, and to establish an eco-system of electrolyser and equipment suppliers,” says Nel’s CEO Håkon Volldal and CEO of Statkraft, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen.

    The announcement was made in connection with the German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck’s visit to Nel’s fully automated electrolyser manufacturing facility at Herøya in Norway. The Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre, is also joining the delegation together with his colleague, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Lien Aasland.

    The Ministers are enthusiastic about the two companies’ plans for a green hydrogen value chain in Norway.

    “It is encouraging that leading Norwegian players such as Nel and Statkraft are planning value chains for green hydrogen in Norway. This is an important step in the right direction to achieve our ambitions to build a coherent value chain for hydrogen and facilitate the production of hydrogen with no or low emissions to cover the national demand for hydrogen”, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland.

    Statkraft recently placed a purchase order for 40 MW (link to press release) of alkaline electrolyser equipment from Nel. The electrolyser stacks will be produced at Nel’s manufacturing plant at Herøya and used for the production of renewable hydrogen in one of Statkraft’s many hydrogen projects.

    As Europe’s largest supplier of renewable energy, Statkraft has the ambition to accelerate its annual development rate to 4 GW of new power production per year and to add 2 GW of renewable hydrogen production by 2030. In Norway Statkraft will strengthen its efforts in developing new renewable power production as well as flexibility within hydropower and wind power both on- and offshore.

    “The contract with Nel is the first important step in materializing our ambitious target of 2 GW of green hydrogen and securing production capacity for our diverse pipeline of hydrogen projects,” says Rynning-Tønnesen.

    Volldal is very excited to have Statkraft on the customer list.

    “Statkraft is Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy and a well reputed and highly knowledgeable renewable energy company with an ambitious growth agenda. We are extremely proud that they have elected us as a supplier of green hydrogen technology,” Volldal says.

    “With this and other orders Nel is strengthening its position as a leading supplier and exporter of hydrogen equipment, which is crucial for the green transition in Europe and beyond, and for the development of new green jobs in Norway,” Volldal says.
  3. Colorful 6 januari 2023 17:02

    DeWalt schreef op 6 januari 2023 11:26:

    NEL is lekker bezig. Heeft vandaag de Duitse politiek over de vloer.
    gaan inderdaad lekker, als ze volgende week de 16.00 NOK kunnen vasthouden, beter nog de weerstand van 17 Nok weten te doorbreken, dan zijn we vertrokken, en gaan ze niet voor de 20 NOK de deur uit.
  4. Colorful 15 januari 2023 17:44
    www.stock-world.de/nachrichten/dax_md... Energy-NIKOLA-e-on-SFC-Energy-Uniper-Courses-weak-operative-ok-H2-Update-n15156763.html "...De aangekondigde lawine van bestellingen zou in 2023 kunnen beginnen, aangewakkerd door de wet op de inflatievermindering in de VS, het REPowerEU-initiatief van de EU met de eerste ICPEI-kredieten, de nationale waterstofinitiatieven in China, India, Australië, Chili, Japan, Zuid-Korea, Groot-Brittannië, verschillende olieproducerende landen zoals Azerbeidzjan, Saoedi-Arabië, VAE, en vele anderen..." "...Waterstofprojecten met een direct equivalent van USD 240 miljard met investeringen tot 2030..." "...USD 700 miljard investeringen tegen 20230 zijn nodig in waterstof om klimaatdoelstellingen te halen... " "..."Waterstofvoorraden zouden de meest explosieve investeringen van 2023 kunnen worden behoren..."
  5. Colorful 15 januari 2023 18:00

    Sirlander schreef op 9 januari 2023 08:23:

    Waarom niet een jaartje op de plank leggen? 2024 wordt een belangrijk jaar.
    30 lijkt mij haalbaar tegen 12/2023.
    Klopt, mijn oude uitgangspunt was eruit bij NOK 18,00-20,00 gemiddelde inkoop 11,80.
    Maar heb besloten om ze te blijven houden, te veel potentie
  6. cdbe 6 februari 2023 08:53
    Nel ASA: Receives purchase order for 40 MW electrolyser equipment from HyCC
    (February 6, 2023 - Oslo, Norway) Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has signed a contract for 40 MW of alkaline electrolyser equipment for about EUR 12 million with HyCC for its H2eron project in Delfzijl, Netherlands. Kraftanlagen Energies & Services has been contracted for the FEED study related to the project.

    SkyNRG will use the hydrogen to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), made from industrial byproducts and residue streams, such as used cooking oil. HyCC recently received the environmental permit for the project, and the company is working towards a final investment decision (FID) in 2024, in close alignment with SkyNRG and its partners.

    “H2eron will have a great positive impact on emission reductions from the aviation sector, and we are proud to be selected as the supplier of our well-proven electrolyser technology to this exciting and important project”, says Hans Hide, Nel’s Chief Project Officer. “We are also excited to work with Kraftanlagen on this project, a professional EPC company. This allows Nel to focus on its core scope while still bringing a competitive solution for the hydrogen production system to the customer.”

    “Reliable supplies of green hydrogen are key to decarbonizing sectors such as the aviation industry. We build on decades of experience in large-scale electrolysis and are excited to move to the next phase of the project with these strong partners to lay the foundation for the new hydrogen economy”, says Marcel Galjee, Managing Director of HyCC

    “We are proud to bring our proven EPC expertise to this lighthouse project. This project will significantly support the decarbonization of the aviation industry. It is important that large-scale green hydrogen production plants now become reality and H2eron will provide for more sustainable aviation. At Kraftanlagen, we are committed to bring these projects to execution and make green hydrogen available”, says Alfons Weber, CEO of Kraftanlagen Energies & Services.

    This is a firm purchase order for alkaline electrolyser equipment. Electrode production is estimated to commence in Q4 2025.
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