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Australian Mines AUZ

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  1. Petex 28 februari 2018 11:24
    even een nieuw draadje aangaande Australian Mines.
    Bedrijf dat in the picture staat, omdat er een binding offtake aggreement gesloten is tbv de volledige output van het Sconi project.
    Momenteel al langere tijd in trading halt en nieuwe opstart handel wordt 6 maart a.s. verwacht, nadat een nieuwe aankondiging/announcement is gedaan (voor ons maandagnacht).
    Zeer interessant om te volgen en veel potentie om flink te stijgen op termijn!
    Al e.e.a. gepost in het draadje cobalt over dit bedrijf.
  2. Petex 7 maart 2018 08:53
    Australian Mines reaffirms binding off-take agreement term sheet for Sconi Project, Queensland

    Australian Mines Limited (“Australian Mines” or “the Company”) (ASX: AUZ) would like to address market speculation and provide further clarifying detail regarding aspects of its announcement of its Off-take Agreement Term Sheet1 (“Announcement”) with leading global electric vehicle battery manufacturer SK Innovation.

    The Company confirms that it has signed a binding Term Sheet with Korean-headquartered SK Innovation, committing the parties to the sale and purchase of all cobalt and nickel product produced from the Sconi Cobalt-Nickel-Scandium Project in Queensland.

    The binding terms agreed and confirmed by Australian Mines and SK Innovation as stated in the Announcement include the following key commercial terms:

    (a) A (7) seven-year contract term from the first shipment after commencement of commercial mining operations at the Sconi Project, with an option for SK Innovation to extend the agreement for a further (6) six years at SK Innovation’s election.

    Following an initial two year ramp up, the indicative agreed annualised quantities are for the delivery of up to 12,000 tonnes of battery-grade cobalt sulphate and up to 60,000 tonnes of battery-grade nickel sulphate.

    (b) The US dollar Base Price for product will be either calculated at the average trading price for cobalt or nickel (as the case requires) as quoted on the London Metals Exchange (LME) in the quarter immediately preceding the product delivery, adjusted for the percentage of contained cobalt or nickel and impurities in the product, plus a commercially-confidential adjustment that takes into consideration a market premium for delivery of the metals in this preferred concentrate form.

    (c) SK Innovation will be entitled to a modest commercial-in-confidence buyer discount on the base price, provided it exercises an option to subscribe for up to 19.9% Australian Mines’ ordinary shares or equivalent level of asset investment for the Sconi Project within three (3) months following the release of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) on the Sconi Project. (The BFS is now scheduled to be completed in June 2018).

    The subscription option is subject to Australian Mines’ shareholder approval and the requirements of the ASX and relevant laws.

    (d) The offtake is subject to an ongoing, industry-standard offtake condition that during the life of the offtake the specifications of the products contained within each shipment of cobalt sulphate and nickel sulphate received by SK Innovation from Australian Mines’ operations are validated to be within agreed specifications and tolerances.

    Currently, cobalt metal trades for approximately US$82,000 (~AU$105,000) per tonne with nickel metal trading around US$13,500 (~AU$17,000) per tonne on the London Metals Exchange2.

    The agreed conditions precedent, which are consistent with the resource industry’s normal commodity off-take / sale agreements of this type, are:

    (a) execution of final long-form agreements to replace and expand upon the agreed terms for the offtake and the subscription option; and

    (b) Australian Mines obtaining financing for the development and construction of the Sconi Project before 31 December 2018 (or such later date as SK Innovation and Australian Mines may agree), and that mining commences before 31 December 2020 (or such later date as both the SK Innovation and Australian Mines may agree). The Company considers that the financing and mining commencement timelines stipulated in the conditions precedent are comfortably within the project development timelines being pursued by Australian Mines prior to the agreement.

    The binding Term Sheet with SK Innovation confirms the Sconi Project’s status as Australia’s most advanced project of its type and Australian Mines as a leader in the Australian cobalt sector.
  3. Petex 7 maart 2018 08:54
    High-priority bedrock conductors detected at Thackaringa Project, New South Wales

    • Helicopter-borne electromagnetic survey detects a cluster of geophysical anomalies within Australian Mines’ Thackaringa Project

    • Several of these conductive bodies are classified as Priority One and Priority Two targets by leading independent geophysical consultant1

    • Priority One targets are considered “likely to be due to sulphides (or sulphidic sediments)” according to the consultant’s report2

    • High-resolution Fixed Loop Electromagnetic survey commenced over high priority targets at Thackaringa

    • Detailed surface sampling program currently in progress over entire Thackaringa tenement package

    • Results of ground-based geophysical survey and surface sampling program expected by May 2018

    • 100% owned by Australian Mines with no third-party royalties or clawback measures
  4. Petex 7 maart 2018 08:55
    Australian Mines Limited (“Australian Mines” or “the Company”) (ASX: AUZ) is pleased to announce that modeling of the helicopter-borne electromagnetic (AEM) data acquired over the Company’s Thackaringa project in late 2017 has identified a total of 18 anomalies, of which more than half were categorized by a leading consulting geophysical company that specialises in base metal exploration3, as high priority targets that warrant ground investigation to better define these targets for drill testing.

    Australian Mines is particularly pleased to report that included within these prospective conductors is a cluster of anomalies within the northern zone of the project area, with at least one of the bodies identified as a Priority One target4. This means that, in the opinion of the consulting geophysicist, this particular AEM response is characteristic of sulphides within the underlying bedrock5.

    Australian Mines is acutely aware that even quite small AEM anomalies can be related to quite significant ore bodies. (Peel Mining – CBH Resources’ Mallee Bull deposit in Central New South Wales is a perfect example of this6). As a result, the Company has now commenced a ground-based Fixed Loop Electromagnetic (FLEM) survey over this target zone at its Thackaringa Cobalt Project.

    Final results, including the detailed modelling of any resulting anomaly, is expected to be received by the Company in May 2018. Australian Mines would then propose to undertake its maiden drill program at Thackaringa from July 2018 (subject to landholder approval).

    In addition to the ground-based FLEM geophysical survey, Australian Mines has also recently commenced a soil and surface sampling program over the entire Thackaringa project area. The Company anticipates receiving the final results of the sampling campaign in May / June, ahead of any planned maiden drilling campaign at Thackaringa
  5. Petex 7 maart 2018 08:55
    Australian Mines Managing Director, Benjamin Bell commented: “Australian Mines has an enviable pipeline of high-quality battery material projects located within established mining regions of eastern Australia.

    “At our flagship Sconi Cobalt-Nickel-Scandium Project in Queensland we secured a major milestone this month through the signing of a binding off-take agreement term sheet with global electric vehicle battery manufacturer SK Innovation for 100% of the cobalt and nickel production7.

    “With Sconi now well down the development path, we are fortunate to have the necessary strength in our balance sheet to systematically evaluate resources and prospectivity at our Flemington Cobalt-Scandium-Nickel Project in New South Wales, and the highly-promising early stage Thackaringa Project to drive medium and long-term value for all Australian Mines shareholders.
  6. Petex 15 maart 2018 10:55

    RP91 schreef op 15 maart 2018 10:25:

    Deze week maar aandelen van australian mines gekocht. Dit gaat om de aandelen die genoteerd staan aan de borse frankfurt. Alleen direct 20% daling om de oren.

    Of had ik toch beter direct de aandelen op de australische beurs kunnen kopen, de ervaring leert toch dat dit vaak symmetrisch loopt?

    komt door de spread in koers, maar loopt aardig synchroon verder als u niet dagelijks wil traden met dit aandeel.
    Zodra iemand een aankoop doet van een paar stuks, staat de koers weer op de hoogste en is deze 20% plots in 1 keer winst.
    M.a.w. lange termijn belegging via Frankfurt geen enkel probleem. (Day)traden beter rechtstreeks in Australië.
    Ik doe het echter niet meer, omdat ik geen nachtmens ben en vooraf ingelegde orders voor de australische beurs niet altijd feilloos uitgevoerd worden.
    Succes, lange termijn geen verkeerde keus denk ik om ingestapt te zijn.
    Ik heb er inmiddels ook een aardig pakketje van.
  7. Petex 15 maart 2018 11:01
    nog even gekeken, op dit moment van schrijven is de spreiding 0,058-0,072
    Uw aandelen staan nu tegen 0,058 genoteerd.
    Doet er iemand nu een aankoop van bijvoorbeeld 100 stuks, zult u zien, dat uw notering in 1 klap 0,072 staat, dus staat u vermoedelijk wat leuker ;-)
    Mocht u van uw pakket op dit moment af willen en u zet ze te koop voor 0,071, dan komt die order er bij dit aandeel wellicht gewoon door als er iets handel is.
    Gaat vannacht het aandeel in Australië plots flink omhoog, dan zult u zien, dat de laagste en hoogste prijs in Frankfurt gewoon is mee gegaan.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 maart 2018 11:21
    Australia Mines Offers Nickel-Cobalt Exposure With Three Promising Projects In Australia
    Mar. 21, 2018 1:06 PM ET|15 comments| About: Australian Mines Ltd. (AMSLF), Includes: AEOMF, ARRRF, CBBHF, CTEQF, ECSIF, FTMDF, GMRSF, RNKLF
    Matt Bohlsen
    Investment advisor, portfolio strategy, growth at reasonable price
    MARKETPLACETrend Investing
    Australia Mines has three cobalt projects. Sconi is arguably Australia’s most advanced cobalt-nickel-scandium project.

    The Sconi resource estimate has 54,500 tonnes of contained cobalt with exploration upside. The Sconi project has recently secured 100% cobalt and nickel off-take.

    At current valuation investors are getting Flemington and Thackaringa almost for free. Flemington is already showing good potential.

    This article first appeared in Trend Investing on February 22, 2018; therefore all data is as of that date.

    Australian Mines [ASX:AUZ] [GR:MJH] (OTCPK:AMSLF) - Price = AUD 0.10, USD 0.10

    Australian Mines 100% own three nickel-cobalt projects in Australia:

    The flagship Sconi cobalt-nickel-scandium laterite project in Greenvale North Queensland.
    The Flemington cobalt-scandium-nickel project in NSW next to Clean TeQ's Sunrise project.
    The Thackaringa Cobalt Project next to Cobalt Blue
    Note: The Company also 100% owns the Marriotts Nickel Project in Western Australia. This project is on hold for now with a small nickel sulphide resource so not discussed further. You can read more here.

    Note: Australia Mines are optioned to acquire 100% of Flemington. Also the company has a Perth demonstration plant which they state "will produce saleable cobalt sulphate and nickel sulphate for validation by SK Innovation in March 2018 & scandium oxide samples for other interested off-take parties."

    Australian Mines projects location map

    Sconi cobalt-nickel-scandium laterite project
    The company states that Sconi is "Australia’s most advanced cobalt-nickel-scandium project", and "our flagship Sconi Project is one of very few large ore bodies of its type in Australia."

    The Sconi project resource

    The current JORC Resource for Sconi, was announced on 31 March 2017.

    The combined nickel and cobalt mineral resource for the project is 89-million tonnes at 0.58% nickel and 0.06% cobalt for 514,000 tonnes of contained nickel metal and 54,500 tonnes of contained cobalt. The total scandium resource at Sconi is 12 million tonnes, at 162 parts per million of scandium for 2,989 t of scandium oxide. Sconi is still open with exploration upside.

    Infrastructure and access

    The Sconi project has excellent road access and about 250 kilometers direct to the Townsville Port. The project has access to local electricity, water, and a workforce.


    Stage and the SK Innovation off-take deal

    The company states "all relevant mining and environmental licences are in place for development of a mining and processing operation at Sconi."

    The company announced this week a great 7 year (with 6 year extension option) (?binding) off-take deal with South Korean battery maker SK Innovation for up to 12,000 tonnes per year [tpy] of cobalt sulphate and 60,000 tpy of nickel sulphate. Reuters reported:

    The agreement is contingent on Australian Mines obtaining financing for the project by the end of 2018 and for mining to start before the end of 2020. Australian Mines said the agreement also includes an option for SK Innovation to buy up to 19.9 percent of its ordinary shares.

    This de-risks the project further.

    Note: The trading halt pertains to some issues with the SK Innovation ?binding off-take announcement, and with the latest company presentation.

    The Sconi Pre-Feasibility Study [PFS] was based on a throughput estimated to deliver an annual average production of 3,010 tonnes of cobalt sulphate, 24,420 tonnes of nickel sulphate and 77 tonnes of scandium oxide for at least the first 20 years. The Bankable Feasibility Study [BFS] is assessing scenarios which include "trebling" the volumes produced annually from the ore body. The market is keenly awaiting their BFS in June 2018.

    As a guide the Clean TeQ PFS result was a post-tax NPV 8% of US$891m (A$1,187m) and a 25% post-tax IRR (based on production of 18,730tpa of contained nickel metal equivalent and 3,222tpa of contained cobalt metal, nickel at US$7.50/lb and cobalt at US$12.00/lb, LOM 20+years). The Sconi BFS should be significantly higher if they do use the higher production volumes and higher cobalt prices. The best interim guide for CapEx is CleanTeQ's CapEx of US$680m (A$906m) for their similar Sunrise project. Australia Mines is planning to use the expensive High-Pressure Acid Leach [HPAL] and solvent extraction [SX] processing methods needed for laterite ores.

    2018 should therefore see several catalysts for the Sconi project and a stock price re-rating if we see a great BFS and especially if they secure project financing.

    The Flemington cobalt-scandium-nickel laterite project
    Flemington is still in the early stages of defining a potential resource.

    The Flemington maiden resource was 2.7 million tonnes of ore at 0.101% cobalt, 403ppm scandium, for 2,744 tonnes contained cobalt.

    The company states:

    The initial cobalt Mineral Resource release for the project identified 89 million tonnes of ore at an expected average feed grade of 0.11% cobalt and 0.80% nickel, with opportunity to significantly increase this given the existing Resource covers only 1% of the interpreted prospective host geology.

    A scoping study has been done resulting in a NPV 8% of AUD 225m, CapEx AUD 74m. Clearly the PFS and later studies will improve significantly on this.

    The company is currently working to define the resource and achieve permits, with a PFS to follow in later 2018 (an earlier PFS only included scandium). Flemington is seen as a mid-term project for the company.

    Flemington location map and tenements (next to Clean TeQ)
  9. Petex 11 april 2018 09:19

    RP91 schreef op 11 april 2018 08:46:

    Jeetje, -30%. Weet iemand waar dit vandaag komt?
    komt door de spread in Frankfurt wat u nu ziet.
    Zodra iemand nu bijvoorbeeld 1 aandeeltje AUZ daar koopt, springt hij meteen 2 cent hoger en staat u op winst.
    De daadwerkelijke slotkoers van het aandeel in Australië vannacht, kunt u via Google op diverse websites zien.
    Dan zult u zien, dat hij op 8,8 ausdolcent is gesloten en dus 4,76% in de plus gegaan is.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 april 2018 09:22

    Petex schreef op 11 april 2018 09:19:

    komt door de spread in Frankfurt wat u nu ziet.
    Zodra iemand nu bijvoorbeeld 1 aandeeltje AUZ daar koopt, springt hij meteen 2 cent hoger en staat u op winst.
    De daadwerkelijke slotkoers van het aandeel in Australië vannacht, kunt u via Google op diverse websites zien.
    Dan zult u zien, dat hij op 8,8 ausdolcent is gesloten en dus 4,76% in de plus gegaan is.
    Koop of verkoop dit soort aandelen NOOIT in Frankfurt...!!
  11. RP91 18 april 2018 11:11
    Amerikaanse wetenschappers sleutelen aan een lithium-ionbatterij die zijn kobalt vervangt door een materiaal dat zowel goedkoper, minder zeldzaam en meer ecologisch is en dat bovendien een grotere energiedichtheid belooft.
    Een team van Amerikaanse wetenschappers heeft een batterij bedacht die niet langer kobalt gebruikt om haar stabiliteit en lange levensduur te garanderen. Kobalt is steeds zeldzamer, het is duur en de ontginning ervan gebeurt soms op erg milieuonvriendelijke wijze. Kobalt is doorgaans een bijproduct van de winning van koper en nikkel, maar meer dan 50 procent van de wereldwijde productie komt uit Congo, waar het met de hand wordt opgegraven, vaak door kinderen.

    Ander materiaal
    De onderzoekers van de universiteit van Berkeley in Californië hebben het kobalt in hun batterij vervangen door mangaan en andere metalen. De energiedichtheid van de kathodes zou er met liefst 50 procent op vooruitgaan in een lithiumbatterij. Dat de studieresultaten zijn verschenen in het tijdschrift Nature, maakt ze zeer geloofwaardig.

    Chemie met mangaan
    Ingenieur Gerbrand Cedar van de universiteit van Berkeley verklaart: “Voor het eerst hebben we een goedkoop element gevonden dat elektronen kan uitwisselen binnen een batterij. In de huidige generatie batterijen worden de lithium-ionen opgeslagen op de kathode (de negatieve pool), die een gelaagde structuur heeft. Kobalt is daar onmisbaar, want het houdt deze structuur in stand en draagt bij aan de goede stroomgeleiding”. Maar Cedar heeft ontdekt dat de kathodes ook een erg hoge energiedichtheid kunnen halen zonder deze lagenstructuur. Uit zijn studies blijkt dat mangaan, een goedkoop en alomtegenwoordig element, daar erg geschikt voor is.

    Kobaltgebruik beperken
    Volgens Cedar kan zijn ontdekking de kobaltafhankelijkheid sterk beperken. “We hebben gewerkt met diverse elementen uit het periodieke systeem. Dankzij een bepaald procedé konden de onderzoekers een grote hoeveelheid mangaan gebruiken in de kathodes, waardoor die ook meer lithium-ionen bevatten”. De technologie moet weliswaar nog worden bewezen en getest, maar ze belooft toch een betekenisvolle vooruitgang omdat ze aantoont dat we alle elementen van het periodieke systeem kunnen gebruiken en dat de gelaagde kathodenstructuur niet noodzakelijk is.


  12. Petex 21 mei 2018 09:13

    Riedel Resources Limited (“Riedel” or “the Company”) (ASX: RIE) is pleased to advise that Australian Mines Limited (ASX: AUZ; USA OTCQB: AMSLF) has increased its interest in the Marymia Gold and Copper Project in Western Australia to 80%, having satisfied its Stage 2 expenditure requirements (“Stage 2 Earn-in”).
    Under the Heads of Agreement (“HOA”) signed on 30 April 2014, AUZ was required to spend an additional A$2 million on exploration across the Marymia tenements, taking AUZ’s total exploration spend to A$3 million (inclusive of Stage 1 Earn-in expenditure of A$1 million).
    AUZ previously secured a 51% interest in the Marymia Project having successfully completed the Stage 1 Earn-in requirements, with both parties having now commenced procedures to transfer the additional 29% aggregate share in the project to AUZ.
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