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  1. forum rang 9 rationeel 12 november 2018 11:16

    jonas schreef op 12 november 2018 00:41:

    Pst niet verder vertellen. Kleine toevoeging: USA is a land of immigrants and from the beginning they had to speak the laguage and earn their own living.

    Pst pst pst

    Op eigen benen staan. Eigen kost verdienen.
    Geen land van jaloezie, maar een land van trots op de eigen prestaties:)
  2. forum rang 9 rationeel 12 november 2018 11:22

    Belegde boterham schreef op 12 november 2018 00:12:

    PS niet verder vertellen, het is immers een big secret:

    "The US is a land of immigrants" :-)

    Een leeg land kan immigranten goed gebruiken. Een vol land heeft meer aan emigranten, maar zit zeker niet te wachten op immigranten, en nog zekerder niet op mensen die ook nog onderhouden moeten worden.
  3. [verwijderd] 12 november 2018 13:57

    jonas schreef op 12 november 2018 00:41:

    Pst niet verder vertellen. Kleine toevoeging: USA is a land of immigrants and from the beginning they had to speak the laguage and earn their own living.

    Pst pst pst

    Daar was laatst nog een mooie documentaire over, als je niet hard genoeg kon werken, te oud was of ziek was, kon je gelijk weer terug en daar viel niet over te discussiëren. De mensen die wel werden toegelaten moesten keihard werken, zelfs jonge kinderen moesten 13 uur per dag werken.
    En van de overheid kregen ze helemaal niks en in die tijd is er ook een paar keer een stop op gezet als er teveel kwamen.

  4. jecebe 12 november 2018 15:06

    Sir Chanticleer schreef op 12 november 2018 14:12:

    Good times!
    Er was ook een hele groep mensen die werkten voor niets! Eten en een dak, dat was t. En als er 1tje doodging, kocht je een nieuwe.
    Dat zelfde ook in noord nederland in die tijd, o.a turfstekers, en nog mooier, je hoefde ze geen eens te kopen.
  5. Al Kipone 12 november 2018 15:38
    No, Things Aren’t Good At All

    Watching a wave in slow motion.

    The fact that it is taking so long for many of Tuesday’s races to be decided may look like another data point in the “this is a closely divided country” argument, but the problem with that argument is that the divisions are almost exclusively in Republican territory. What happened on Tuesday is a wave that is somehow moving at the speed of a snail. But it’s still rolling over nearly 40 Republican house seats and flipping them leftward. Some on the right claimed in the early days after the election that the Democratic gains were modest, but they wrote too quickly. Things didn’t look too bad for the GOP in the first hours after the polls closed. After those first few hours, things have looked nothing but bad, and all over the country.

    Resist the happy talk. This election is very bad for the GOP, and harbingers ill for 2020. With the exception of Ohio, Democrats have shown strength in the states that gave Donald Trump his victory in 2016.

  6. Al Kipone 12 november 2018 15:40
    The Twitter account for Fox News has gone into a virtual hibernation. It hasn’t tweeted in 23 hours, and posted just a handful of tweets since Wednesday night.

    A source at Fox News told Mediaite the network’s social media shut-down is a response to the protestors that mobbed the home of Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night.
  7. [verwijderd] 12 november 2018 15:42

    Sir Chanticleer schreef op 12 november 2018 14:12:

    Good times!
    Er was ook een hele groep mensen die werkten voor niets! Eten en een dak, dat was t. En als er 1tje doodging, kocht je een nieuwe.
    Je hebt nu een grote groep mensen die moeten werken voor mensen die niks hoeven te doen, die krijgen alles gratis en krijgen overal voorrang op.
  8. Al Kipone 12 november 2018 15:56
    President Trump calls for end to Florida recount, tweeted ballots 'massively infected'

    WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Monday called Florida ballots from the midterm election “massively infected” and said recounts should end in races for governor and U.S. Senate.

    Trump said Republican Rick Scott, the governor who campaigned to unseat Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, and Republican Ron DeSantis, the House member running for governor against Democrat Andrew Gillum, should each be declared winner in their races.

    “An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected,” Trump tweeted early Monday.

    Trump’s comments followed the beginning of the recount of more than 8 million votes from the Nov. 6 election. It is the first statewide recount in history, and will also cover the state race for agriculture commissioner and several state-level offices.

    Donald J. Trump
    The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!

    Not all ballots have necessarily arrived. The state accepts ballots from military and overseas voters that were postmarked Nov. 6 until Nov. 16.

    Hmmm. Blijkbaar tellen stemmen van militairen niet voor trump, scott en desantis?
  9. Al Kipone 12 november 2018 16:31


    The president, who has attacked news outlets for “fake news” and referred to journalists as “the enemy of the people,” added that reporters need to show more "respect" for the White House.

    Zondag Mrs Conway:

    "Oh, well, that's not altered, it's sped up. They do it all the time in sports to see if there's actually a first down or touchdown," Conway told host Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."

    "So, I'm going to have to disagree with, I think, the overwrought description of this video being doctored as if we put somebody else's arm in there."

    In bovenstaande quotes zie je waarom de trump volk niet langer te vinden is in de wat meer geestelijk ontwikkelde bevolkingsgroepen.
  10. Al Kipone 12 november 2018 16:48
    Nog wat aanvullende data op de eerdere posts:

    Demographic shifts:

    Three voting blocs saw major shifts toward Democrats from 2014 to 2018: Women, young voters and senior citizens. The following shifts are of note:

    Women voters went from D+4 in 2014 to D+19 in 2018
    Young voters were D+11 in 2014 to D+35 in 2018
    Voters 65 and older broke R+16 in 2014, but shifted toward Dems and were R+2 in 2018

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