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3D printing

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  1. Osho 9 oktober 2020 11:05
    Tesla in de 3D printing business? In vorm van een samenwerking of gaan ze dit zelf op poten zetten.
    electrek.co/2020/10/07/tesla-tsla-gro... (Car manufacturing met 3D)

    Destop Metals, interessante presentatie omtrnt het produceren van autoonderdelen met 3d, en ook de uitdagingen genoemd
    - www.desktopmetal.com/uploads/ebook_Ma...

    What’s Stopping
    Broader Adoption?
    If the benefits of 3D printing metal parts are so clear, why aren’t
    car makers already doing it?
    Essentially, it boils down to three factors - cost, materials
    and speed.
    To date, many 3D printing systems have relied on laser powder
    bed fusion, in which a laser melts a thin layer of metal powder
    to form a part layer by layer. These systems require massive
    up-front investment - $1 million or more for the equipment, and
    the facilities needed to run it - to produce just one metric ton of
    parts annually, not enough to justify the expense.
    Once printed, DMLS parts require labor intensive postprocessing to remove support structures, leading to higher perpart costs.
    The systems also have a limited range of compatible materials
    - they only work with low-oxygen metal powders. The cost of
    their raw materials can reach as high as $60 per kilogram, and
    finished parts can cost hundreds of dollars per kilogram - far too
    costly for mass production.
    When it comes to speed, even the best machines are simply too
    slow to compete with mass production. The fastest powder bed
    fusion printer can produce just 100 cubic centimeters per hour.
    Taken together, cost, materials, and speed challenges
    have resulted in additive manufacturing making only minor
    inroads into auto manufacturing, and most parts continue
    to be produced by traditional methods, like casting, forging,
    machining and stamping.

    Oplossing volgens desktop (vanaf p. 8)
    1. That’s because the system is an ideal tool to rapidly prototype a
    myriad of parts in-house, saving time and money in what is often
    a long and costly design cycle
    2. they also
    apply across a range of composite materials.
    That’s where Fiber™ comes in.
    Though composites aren’t unheard of in the auto industry,
    making such parts is done almost entirely by hand, limiting their
    use to the most expensive, high-performance vehicles.
    By automating that process, Fiber™ makes it possible for car
    makers to bring that same technology to everyday passenger
    cars, as well as next-generation electric vehicles, where weight
    savings can help translate to improved range and efficiency.

    PS. Ook een vlak waar pyrogenesis op actief is, 3D printing powder. Nadien weinig nieuws meer over gehoord. Ben vooral beieuwd op welke schaal ze kunnen/willen gaan produceren:
    - Klant van Pyrogenesis: www.aubertduval.com/ - Heeft iemand kunnen achterhalen hoeveel omzet A&D draait?

  2. MadMushroom 9 oktober 2020 12:49
    Waarschijnlijk mede daardoor dat bv 3Dsystems en SLM de laatste dagen zo gestegen zijn.

    Wat me wel opvalt is dat in de vacature enkel gesproken wordt van "SLA/SLS/FDM 3D printing equipment".
    De vraag is dus waar ze de technologie voor willen inzetten: functionele eindproducten of tooling die bv tijdens de assemblage gebruikt wordt.
    Ik vermoed (voorlopig) het 2de...
  3. [verwijderd] 15 oktober 2020 16:07
    De Marketing Machine begint rustig aan te draaien voor HPQ..

    MONTREAL, Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Innovative silicon solutions provider HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (“HPQ” or “the Company”) (TSX-V: HPQ; FWB: UGE; Other OTC : URAGF) through its wholly – owned subsidiary, HPQ Nano Silicon Powders inc (“HPQ NANO”), is pleased to announce that the PUREVAPTM Nano Silicon Reactor (“NSiR”) presently being developed with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX-V: PYR) will be incorporating the following additional capability in its design:

    Carbon coating the spherical nano silicon powders and nanowires as they are being created.


    The Silicon coating concept was validated on Tesla Battery Day when:

    “Musk also added that he would tackle one of the key downsides of using silicon inside anodes by coating the silicon with elastic polymer coating and holding the silicon together with elastic binders.”1

    Presently, advance coating processes, like Atomic Laser Disposition-coating (ALD) require:

    An additional dedicated self-contain process for the coating of the material;

    Capex for the dedicated process equipment;

    Additional material handling (increasing contamination risk and operational costs).

    Combining the carbon coating process into the same operation cycle that produces the silicon materials, the low-cost transformation of metallurgically produced Silicon into spherical silicon nano powders or nano wires, could be game changing for the industry.


    Tesla's latest battery day presentation confirmed that the future of battery anodes will be Silicon. Tesla’s “…plans on removing graphite from the anode …”2, points to the need for Innovative Silicon Solutions which HPQ is focused on, as Silicon only based anodes are not yet technically feasible - for now.

    Presently, Silicon is used in a blended form with graphite and typically only represents around 5% by wt, which explains the limited performance improvements achieved to date. The primary hurdle to increasing Silicon anode content in Li-ion batteries is the mitigation of Silicon swelling and cracking during the lithiation phase3 in order to achieve a cyclage stability comparable to graphite.

    Ongoing R&D indicates that the two most promising avenues for resolving these issues are:

    Going small, nanosizing the Silicon in order to eliminate its cracking during the lithiation phase;

    Encapsulating the Silicon in order to manage its swelling and cracking

    This is why HPQ NANO is looking forward to the December 2020 start of our first PUREVAPTM NSiR reactor and moving the Nano Silicon project to the validation phase, to resolve these issues.

    “The decision to proceed with this additional capability demonstrates HPQ NANO’s leadership in the space and reflects the infancy of Silicon anode technology development. HPQ continues to expand the attractiveness of our product line for renewable energy storage participants and electric vehicle manufacturers who continue to search for cost effective ways of increasing the Silicon contained in their batteries. Our belief that HPQ NANO PUREVAPTM NSiR will open up unique multibillion-dollar business opportunity for HPQ and PyroGenesis has never been stronger. Having the vision to add this additional capability to the process is another example of the value of our unique relationship with PyroGenesis, a Company with a long track record of taking high-tech industrial projects from proof of concept to global commercial scalability,” said Bernard Tourillon, President and CEO HPQ Silicon. “Silicon potential to meet energy storage demand is undeniable and generating massive investments, as well as, serious industry interest. We are very confident about the prospect of being one of the first companies coming to market with a low-cost scalable process that can encapsulate, in Carbon, the spherical Nano Silicon Powders and Nanowires that batteries and EV manufacturers are looking for.”
  4. nobahamas 15 oktober 2020 19:49
    We hadden dit draadje beter de 4e industriële revolutie kunnen noemen.
    Door verdieping in 3D printing /additive manufacturing zijn we op het spoor gekomen van bijzonder interessante bedrijven en technologie.
    Europlasma kan in de toekomst ook zo'n kanshebber worden.
    Van een dood bedrijf nu behoorlijk vernieuwd, en met een nieuwe fabriek van asbestverwerking tot bijzondere grondstof.
    Het keramisch glasachtig materiaal wat over blijft is een grondstof voor wegverharding, en nu na onderzoek ook bijzonder geschikt voor warmte opslag (zonnewarmte installaties)
    Eerst zien of het bedrijf het financieel redt en hoeveel opdrachten er binnen komen tot het bouwen van deze installaties....
    p.s. ze werken ook aan Drossrite (achtige) installaties
  5. Osho 16 oktober 2020 12:41

    mjmj schreef op 16 oktober 2020 12:35:

    Er lijkt nu een verschuiving van fossil fuels naar groene electriciteit. Pyro en ook HPQ kunnen daarop meeliften.

    De vraag is of er nog andere takken van sport zijn die hiervan gaan profiteren die nog niet op op het netvlies van de grote beleggers staan.
    Is een hele goede vraag. Ik probeer me daar de laatste tijd ook op focussen.
    Iets heel anders wat mogelijk interessant, en mijn aandacht heeft, is fintech die concurreert met de banken sector


  6. Osho 16 oktober 2020 14:23

    nobahamas schreef op 16 oktober 2020 13:43:

    Wat je ook breed ziet is dat pyrolyse wordt toegepast om van afval energie te maken

    Betreft afval. Ik moet me nog verder diepen in dit bedrijf, maar o.a. de financiele groei ondanks het virus maakt het interessant.
    $50 million revenues in 2018, $73.5 million in 2019, should do $100 million in 2020, and $120 million in 2021.

    Perma-Fix Environmental Services Inc.


    Q1- 2020

    Q2 - 2020

    Perma-Fix sees services segment take off in 2Q results despite coronavirus concerns

    Perma-Fix Environmental Services appoints former Commanding General of the US Army Corps of Engineers to its board of directors

    10 jarig contract
    Perma-Fix selected by US Department of Energy for 10-year waste clean-up contract team

    Contract met US government
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