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BioPharma« Terug naar discussie overzicht

INSM - Insmed - Deel 15

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  1. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 10:58
    Duizenden berichten in één thread zorgt niet bepaald voor duidelijkheid. Daarom zetten we threads die meer dan 1.000 berichten hebben voort in een nieuwe thread: deel 15.

    --- Vorige delen ---
    Deel 14 (24-02-2007 / 19-03-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 13 (03-02-2007 / 24-02-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 12 (27-12-2006 / 03-02-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 11 (11-12-2006 / 27-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 10 (02-12-2006 / 11-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 9 (22-11-2006 / 02-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 8 (11-11-2006 / 22-11-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 7 (26-10-2006 / 11-11-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 6 (18-09-2006 / 26-10-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 5 (28-08-2006 / 18-09-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 4 (10-08-2006 / 28-08-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 3 (19-07-2006 / 10-08-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 2 (07-07-2006 / 19-07-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 1 (22-08-2005 / 07-07-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...

    --- Website bedrijf ---

    --- Koersen ---

    --- Insider / Institutional holdings ---

    --- Producten in ontwikkeling ---
    IPLEX - www.go-iplex.com

    --- Andere bronnen van informatie ---

    --- Informatie toevoegen? ---
    Om deze startpost uitgebreider te maken kunnen jullie concrete info/links mailen naar forum@iex.nl. Wij zullen deze informatie, mits geschikt, toevoegen aan deze startpost!

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Eric Mencke
  2. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 11:28

    Intrigerend berichtje op forum voor Neurale ziekten:


    03-17-2007, 12:18 AM

    I just finished a clinical trial out of the University of Rochester. I have myotonic dystrophy and found great success using IPLEX. My terrible gastro-intestinal problems disappeared, my fatigue decreased, the myotonia effecting my face and hands decreased as well. I had no side effects whatsoever.

    According to Dr. Moxley, none of the other test patients had side effects, and most found great benefits, including increased focus, strength and decrease in depression.

    I've been attempting to find any way to continue using IPLEX. There is no other treatment for MMD. My sister has a congential form and I'm certain Iplex could help her. My father has a severe form of the disease and won't leave his house because of his horrible gasto-intestinal problems and of course his loss of almost all muscle tone in his body.

    Fortunately for me, I haven't been severely effected yet, and I hoped to keep it that way, possibly even improve and Iplex gave me great hope. This news is devastating to me and my family. Please, anything anyone can do to keep this drug from being destroyed or taken off the market would be so much appreciated.

    B. Pratt

    Positief signaal, maar ik wacht even het PB af.

    mvg, E.

    Even dit laatste berichtje van het vorig draadje en afkomstig van Do, weer naar voren gehaald.
    Het is het waard om een nieuw draadje mee te starten dacht ik zo.
    De belanghebbenden beginnen zich te roeren.
  3. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 20:35

    beur schreef:

    Verdorie, nou zijn de traders er uit.
    Een range van 0,94-0,96.
    Saai hoor.
    Dan maar 'Het Journaal' voor wat opwinding.
    En 'Spoorloos' voor jou Ludwig. BNN voor Do ("Pappen en Nathouden" of zoiets). "De Gouden Kooi" voor Willem. Genoeg te beleven dus.
    Prettige avond!
    +4% nu. 't spoor is nie loos hoor.....maar ja.....echte pareltjes blijven plat liggen.

  4. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 21:01

    SkySpam1 schreef:


    +4% nu. 't spoor is nie loos hoor.....maar ja.....echte pareltjes blijven plat liggen.


    dan hebben we op het andere draadje nog héél véél hoop!
    Totdat ze gevonden worden Sky, totdat ze gevonden worden.....Moet wel eerst die schelp open.....dat dan weer wel.....

    Ook GTCB doe ik niet weg.....'t roest niet. Bijkopen nog niet gedaan....nog tijd zat voor, lijkt 't. :-)
  5. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 21:42
    Zo gefrustreerd kun je raken van MMD!...Wellicht terecht!

    a piece of information that would have been nice to know previously
    « previous entry | next entry »
    Mar. 19th, 2007 | 01:44 pm

    in high school, Fizzy was diagnosed with myotonic muscular dystrophy, a mild-to-medium case of it. her aunt that recently died certainly had a full-blown case of it, and most of her blood relations on her dad's side have varying degrees of it.

    this is very definitely a major cause behind her depression and apathy, which in turn has caused her difficulty in getting a job.

    in reading about it, the more and more pieces of the puzzle get connected. a waddling gait, speech / hearing difficulty, depression, poor balance, drooping eyelids, overall muscular weakness, lack of motivation, etc etc etc.

    i'm trying really hard not to scream, "why wasn't i told about this until nearly our 3rd anniversary rather than at any point in the 2 years prior to us actually getting married?"

    would i have still have married her? absolutely, of course we still would have gotten married. HOWEVER, the whole issue of her unemployment would have been taken care of loooooooooooooooooooong ago. i mean, she might even qualify for Social Security / disability benefits.

    i'm trying really hard... really Really REALLY hard not to be angry about this. i'm working hard not to keep asking "why?" because, you know, it's turtles all the way down, right? but still... this is something you tell your boyfriend, or at least your fiancee... you certainly don't wait until you've been married for almost 3 years.

    Geluk, F.
  6. [verwijderd] 20 maart 2007 15:54
    "Almost all IGF1 that circulates in the bloodstream is attached to IGF binding protein 3, so the combination may be a better mimic of human physiology than IGF1 alone.

    IGF1 is being tested alone in a large-scale, multicenter trial in ALS, for which data analysis is scheduled to begin this summer. That compound, known as Myotrophin, failed to meet criteria for FDA approval in two earlier trials."


    Uit bovenstaande link. Ik weet niet of hier bekend is dat bijvoorbeeld het binding protein 3-loze middel Myotrophin als ALS-middel tot nu toe tekort schoot voor goedkeuring door de FDA (op werking? op veiligheid? beiden?), maar het kan vast geen kwaad hier nog eens de aandacht op te vestigen.
    O,o,o,hoe zal dit allemaal aflopen!

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