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Nvidia-de Intel van de toekomst

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2017 17:13
    NVDA: Falling Victim to Its Own Success (NVDA) By Michael Kramer | May 10, 2017 — 6:00 AM EDT

    Nvidia (NVDA

    ) reported fiscal first quarter 2017 revenue increased by 48% to $1.94 billion. The company reported GAAP net income of $507 million, up 144% y/y. Non-GAAP net income rose to $533 million, up 103% y/y. As a result, NVDA reported Non-GAAP EPS of $0.85. Analysts had been looking for EPS of $0.82 and revenue of $1.909 billion.

    The company is guiding for fiscal second quarter 2017 revenue of $1.95 billion +/- 2%, with GAAP and Non-GAAP margins of 58.4% and 58.6%, respectively, +/- 50 bps. The company reported GAAP margins of 59.4% and Non-GAAP margins of 59.6% in this current reporting period. Analysts are looking for NVDA to have EPS of $0.76 and revenue of $1.902 billion. (For related reading, see: Is NVIDIA Topping out?)

    When we look at revenue by business platform, NVDA reported gaming revenue of $1.027 billion, up from $687 million y/y. Professional visualization up to $205 million from $189 million y/y, while Datacenter revenue grew to $409 million, up from $143 million. Automotive revenue increased to $140 million, from $113 million y/y, and OEM and IP revenue fell by $156 million from $173 million y/y.

    These results certainly show why the stock performed so well in 2016, with a monster year-over-year growth rate. That being said investing is not about the past, but instead the future. In the case of the future, we see that these growth rates are slowing materially. The results themselves are a solid beat on the top and bottom, but certainly not a monster beat. Additionally, the revenue guidance provided is mostly in-line with what analysts had been expecting. (For more, see also: Is the Nvidia Growth Story Over?)

    The analyst community had been raising expectations over the past few quarters.
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2017 17:15
    NVIDIA GPU Cloud: It's Not What You May Think It Is

    Moor Insights and Strategy ,


    Straight talk from Moor Insights & Strategy tech industry analysts

    Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

    Post written by

    Karl Freund

    Karl Freund is a Moor Insights & Strategy analyst covering machine learning & HPC

    NVIDIA NVDA +1.34% made a slew of important announcements at its annual GPU conference today, including new hardware, new software and a new design win (Toyota) for self-driving cars. I will cover these announcements in a separate article. But one announcement in particular has created some confusion that I’d like to help clear up, and that’s the “NVIDIA GPU Cloud”. While the name is intuitive to some, it could lead one to believe that NVIDIA is entering the Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service business with its GPUs, directly competing with NVIDIA’s customers such as Amazon AMZN -0.63% Web Services, Microsoft MSFT -1.41% Azure and Google GOOGL -0.32% Cloud Engine. Nothing could be further from the company’s intent.
    Announcing NVIDIA GPU Cloud

    NVIDIA "GPU Cloud" is really a development portal for building state of the art machine learning application, and then running them on your own hardware, Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. (Source: NVIDIA)

    What is the NVIDIA GPU Cloud?

    Provisioning the hardware and software needed to develop and deploy machine learning neural networks and applications can be an arduous task, requiring hundreds of pages of arcane documentation. Data scientists need to focus their time and effort on machine learning, not software and hardware installation, configuration, optimization, deployment, version reconciliation and systems admin. That’s the challenge NVIDIA software architect Phil Rogers set out to address with this offering. During CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote address, Rogers demonstrated a simple but powerful interface to an audience of over 8,000. He used drop down menus to select the desired framework (TensorFlow, Caffe2, Theano, MXNet, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, PyTorch, etc.); specify the version of the framework and libraries you want; and then specify the type and number of GPU instances you want to provision. The hardware, initially, will be your own on-prem hardware, hardware in the Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure (the little “CSP’s” cloud in the illustration) or NVIDIA’s Saturn V supercomputer. The latter is intended only for select, approved researchers requiring the scope of the Saturn V, the 28th fastest and the most power-efficient supercomputer in the world. Since none of the cloud partners has such a massive supercomputer, this in no way competes with them. In fact, the primary use case for Saturn V through this facility will be for NVIDIA engineers and scientists for internal development and research.

    This initiative, which probably could have been better named something like the “NVIDIA Deep Learning Portal”, will actually set NVIDIA up as a channel and demand aggregator for these partners' cloud services, not compete with them. The tool will provision the latest tested versions of AI software stack and development frameworks and then will deploy these software containers on hardware infrastructure provided by the NVIDIA’s partners, initially on Amazon Web Services and the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

    Through this new program, NVIDIA will basically manage a cloud registry and repository of the latest 3 versions of tested applications, optimized libraries and frameworks, which are continually evolving through the open source community. In fact, NVIDIA regularly optimizes these frameworks and then offers these improvements back to the open source community for inclusion upstream. The software is put in an NVDocker container, which is then deployed on the user’s hardware of choice. Think of this as the next generation of CUDA and CuDNN, now expanded to the complete set of Machine Learning software and integrated with container provisioning.

    I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion and misunderstandings I have seen on TV and in the media. This program was extremely well received by NVIDIA customers at the event. I should point out that both Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure executives committed on stage with Jensen Huang that they will offer the new NVIDIA Volta GPUs on their cloud properties in the near future. They certainly aren’t confused.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 mei 2017 19:30
    Toelichting: de market cap van Intel is nu nog ca 2x zo groot als die van Nvidia, maar Nvidia maakt precies de chips die in de toekomst nodig zijn en groeit nu al enorm veel harder dan Intel.
    De kans is dus groot dat in de nabije toekomst de market cap van Nvidia die van Intel gaat overtreffen.
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 14 mei 2017 22:30
    Op bezoek bij NVIDIA in Silicon Valley - AutoWeek Reportage

    Gepubliceerd op 14 mei 2017
    Veel mensen kennen NVIDIA waarschijnlijk alleen als maker van computerchips en processoren van spelconsoles. Maar het bedrijf uit Santa Clara in Silicon Valley speelt ook een steeds grotere rol in de auto-industrie. Alles draait om kunstmatige intelligentie: met 'Deep learning' en neurale netwerken maken ze hier feitelijk de 'hersenen' van zelfrijdende auto's. Deze video legt dat precies aan je uit.

  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 mei 2017 07:07
    We’re now seeing a new era in computing we call the era of AI.”
    Nvidia began working on autonomous vehicles several years ago and has racked up partnerships with dozens of automakers and suppliers racing to develop self-driving cars, including Chinese search engine giant Baidu, Audi, Tesla, and Volvo.
    Nvidia’s original architecture for self-driving cars, introduced in 2015, is a supercomputer platform called Drive PX that can process all of the data coming from the vehicle’s cameras and sensors. The platform then uses an AI algorithm-based operating system and a cloud-based, high-definition 3D map to help the car understand its environment, know its location, and anticipate potential hazards while driving. The system’s software can be updated over the air — similar to how a smartphone’s operating system is updated — making the car become smarter over time.

    A more powerful next-generation computer called Drive PX 2 — along with a suite of software tools and libraries aimed at speeding up the deployment of self-driving vehicles — followed in 2016.
    Nvidia has continued to push its tech further with the introduction last year of Xavier, a complete system-on-a-chip processor that is essentially an AI brain for self-driving cars. Xavier was introduced in September, but until today little was known about what its guts look like.
    Inside the Xavier processor, which can deliver 30 trillion deep learning operations per second and only use 30 watts of power, is a brand-new architecture that Nvidia has dubbed Volta. Nvidia believes Volta is the secret and speedy sauce needed to unlock the power of artificial intelligence. The Xavier processor will be available later this year.
    "With the advent of deep learning and the breakthroughs there, we’re now seeing a new era in computing we call the era of AI,” Huang said during his keynote. "Volta is the next generation, the next giant leap into that new world."
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 juni 2017 18:21
    CITRON RESEARCH: Nvidia has 'become a casino stock' (NVDA)
    Seth Archer
    Jun. 9, 2017, 11:06 AM

    The logo of Nvidia Corporation is seen during the annual Computex computer exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan May 30, 2017. REUTERS/Tyrone SiuCitron Research fired out a tweet calling GPU manufacturer Nvidia a "casino stock." The firm released a scathing white paper on Friday, saying the stock would collapse to $130 a share before trading at $180.

    The research firm has been right before. It predicted a return to $90 a share when Nvidia was trading at $119. The stock fell to $95.

    Nvidia's shares are moving so fast, they are trending on Google. The GPU manufacturer is up around 5% on Friday and 16.24% this week despite the company not announcing any major news. Comparatively, the S&P 500 is only up 0.38% this week.

    Growth in the company can be explained partially by an increased demand for powerful graphics processing units worldwide. Virtual reality, driverless cars, machine learning and artificial intelligence all run well on GPUs.

    Citron points out that Nvidia's core business, gaming, is where the focus should be. The company is expected to make $6.1 billion in revenue in 2018, compared to $1.9 in revenue expected from other bets.

    "While we are fans of NVDA emerging business in auto, gaming, and AI …have the prospects of these technology doubled in value in 6 months or is this an example of analysts chasing stock price?," Citron's white paper asks.

    Meanwhile, Wall Street's biggest Nvidia bull is Citi Research, who says Nvidia chips could be used in large-scale data centers and that more of those centers are being built to keep up with demand in artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The firm increased its target price for the stock to $180, representing an 8.5% upside to the current share price. When Citi announced their increased target price, it was a 21% upside.

    The stock took off Citi's call, but Citron says the move is not sustainable. The white paper points out that the number of call options on Nvidia is exploding in popularity. Because traders aren't actually buying the shares it's like "the market is pricing lottery tickets -- $160 calls -- not an investment in future prospects on NVDA in common stock," Citron said its report.

    Only time will tell who is right.
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 juni 2017 13:41
    Amerikaanse overheid steekt $258 mln in supercomputer

    Het Amerikaanse ministerie van energie heeft $258 mln beschikbaar gesteld aan Nvidia, HPE, Intel, IBM, Cray en AMD. De zes bedrijven moeten in 2021 minstens één supercomputer hebben gebouwd die niet onderdoet voor Chinese supercomputers. Hij zal minstens vijftig keer zo snel moeten werken als de meest krachtige computer die er nu is, het Titan system in de Oak Ridge National Laboratory. De VS hebben nu vijf van de tien krachtigste computers, maar de eerste twee plaatsen zijn voor supercomputers uit China.

    De zes bedrijven moeten de overheidssubsidie zelf aanlengen met 40%, tot in totaal $430 mln. Het Exascale Computing Project moet ook ertoe leiden dat computers energiezuiniger worden. Dat is volgens Perry wezenlijk als de VS de leidende rol wil blijven spelen in nationale veiligheid en de industriële concurrentiekracht, en in de wetenschap over energie en de aarde. Met het geld moeten de zes bedrijven drie jaar toe kunnen. Het wordt ingezet voor hardware, software en onderzoek naar nieuwe toepassingen.

    Een miljard maal een miljard

    IBM heeft een al redelijke bekende supercomputer: Watson. HPE lanceerde vorige maand zijn supercomputer, The Machine, die helemaal is ingesteld op het verwerken van enorme hoeveelheden data. Hoe het overheidsgeld precies verdeeld wordt, is niet bekend. Evenmin is duidelijk hoe de zes bedrijven gaan samenwerken.

    Een exascalecomputer moet in een seconde een miljard maal een miljard berekeningen kunnen maken. Dat is duizend keer zoveel als de petascalecomputer die in 2008 het licht zag. De snelheid van exascale wordt vergeleken met die van het menselijk brein. De Amerikaanse overheid stopt sinds 2008 fors geld in dit project. In de EU loopt een gelijksoortig project onder de naam SERT en ook in Japan en India wordt aan dergelijke computers gewerkt. De twee exascalecomputers van China moeten in 2020 werken.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 6 september 2017 09:44
    Increasing Demand for Blockchain Sets Nvidia Up for Big Profits
    3777 Total views
    157 Total shares

    Today, many companies are already adopting Blockchain technology. Market and Markets reports that the Blockchain market size is likely to grow from last year's $210.2 mln to $2,312.5 mln in 2021.

    Though Blockchain mainly targets banks, payment systems, and financial institutions, other companies have seen promise in the technology as well. Airbnb, Uber and Capital One are just a few of the major corporations integrating Blockchain into their systems. This move may make one chipmaker, Nvidia, some extra profit.
    Why are they adopting Blockchain?

    Right now, banks worldwide are prone to cyberattacks, hacks and malware, causing consumers to lose confidence in ATMs and credit cards due to the threat of identity theft.Financial institutions have also shown themselves to be surprisingly prone to losing customer data, and in the process, consumer trust. Blockchain technology aims to help lessen and combat such security concerns by helping to prevent identify theft and counterfeit transactions.

    Former Ethereum lead developer Roman Mandelei shared:

    “I think the identity hacking will be solved through Blockchain because if your identity is controlled by one private key that is saved by you personally, there is no way to hack it, or at least much less than in the traditional database systems.”

    Blockchain boost great for Nvidia business

    With various large corporations are now looking at integrating Blockchain technology into their current systems, such move could positively reflect on Nvidia’s sales. Major firms like IBM and Samsung are already hiring more Bitcoin and Blockchain experts than ever before for their new initiatives. If these companies use chips produced by Nvidia, it would mean big wins for the chip manufacturer.
  9. [verwijderd] 10 juli 2021 00:08

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 juni 2017 13:41:

    Amerikaanse overheid steekt $258 mln in supercomputer

    Het Amerikaanse ministerie van energie heeft $258 mln beschikbaar gesteld aan Nvidia, HPE, Intel, IBM, Cray en AMD. De zes bedrijven moeten in 2021 minstens één supercomputer hebben gebouwd die niet onderdoet voor Chinese supercomputers. Hij zal minstens vijftig keer zo snel moeten werken als de meest krachtige computer die er nu is, het Titan system in de Oak Ridge National Laboratory. De VS hebben nu vijf van de tien krachtigste computers, maar de eerste twee plaatsen zijn voor supercomputers uit China.

    De zes bedrijven moeten de overheidssubsidie zelf aanlengen met 40%, tot in totaal $430 mln. Het Exascale Computing Project moet ook ertoe leiden dat computers energiezuiniger worden. Dat is volgens Perry wezenlijk als de VS de leidende rol wil blijven spelen in nationale veiligheid en de industriële concurrentiekracht, en in de wetenschap over energie en de aarde. Met het geld moeten de zes bedrijven drie jaar toe kunnen. Het wordt ingezet voor hardware, software en onderzoek naar nieuwe toepassingen.

    Een miljard maal een miljard

    IBM heeft een al redelijke bekende supercomputer: Watson. HPE lanceerde vorige maand zijn supercomputer, The Machine, die helemaal is ingesteld op het verwerken van enorme hoeveelheden data. Hoe het overheidsgeld precies verdeeld wordt, is niet bekend. Evenmin is duidelijk hoe de zes bedrijven gaan samenwerken.

    Een exascalecomputer moet in een seconde een miljard maal een miljard berekeningen kunnen maken. Dat is duizend keer zoveel als de petascalecomputer die in 2008 het licht zag. De snelheid van exascale wordt vergeleken met die van het menselijk brein. De Amerikaanse overheid stopt sinds 2008 fors geld in dit project. In de EU loopt een gelijksoortig project onder de naam SERT en ook in Japan en India wordt aan dergelijke computers gewerkt. De twee exascalecomputers van China moeten in 2020 werken.
    4 jaren na boven aangehaalde bericht:
    NVIDIA,$ 802,01
    in 5 jaren : +1.421,84%
    in 1 jaar : + 91,33%

    Gesloten: 9 jul., 17:46:06 UTC-4 · USD · NASDAQ · Disclaimer

    PS; sinds jaartje zit ik ook in IBM: motief: LT belegging met veel kansen in de machines vooor dataverwerking/cloud etc.
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