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Ripple - XRP - nieuwe verdienmodellen noodzakelijk voor bancaire sector

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  1. Frederik C. 21 mei 2015 09:08
    European Commission Proposal: Open Banking by 2016

    Going Fast now!!!


    Ripple Labs is pleased to announce that we have raised $28 million in Series A financing.

    The round includes IDG Capital Partners, the venture arm of CME Group (the world’s leading derivatives marketplace), and global data storage company Seagate.

    Other new investors include Jerry Yang’s AME Cloud Ventures, ChinaRock Capital Management, China Growth Capital, and Wicklow Capital, the investment vehicle for Dan Tierney and Stephen Schuler, co-founders of GETCO (now KCG, one of the world’s largest market makers).

    NACHA Banks Approve Same-Day Settlement in U.S.
    NACHA, the Electronics Payments Association, announced yesterday that its membership banks have approved a proposal that will enable same-day settlement through ACH for consumers and businesses among 12,000 financial institutions in the U.S.

    The Fed’s Strategy for Improving the U.S. Payment System

    The finalized rules represent a major overhaul of the decades-old automated clearinghouse network, which serves as the backbone for domestic payments, supporting 90 percent of the total value of payments in the US.

    Ripple Labs Joins NACHA Alliance

    Today, ACH settlement occurs once overnight in batches. The new plan, which will be implemented in three phases by 2018, introduces two same-day settlement windows:

    Count your blessings!!
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 mei 2015 09:53
    Bitcoins kunnen weer winstgevend (ca 100% winst in 2 jaar, bij huidige koersen) gemijnd worden (dat kun je van Ripple niet zeggen!).

    2 Year Contracts This Week Only

    We have mined more than 10,000 BTC for our customers and to celebrate this we are offering 2 year contracts for the price of a 1 year contract.
    More than 10,000 Bitcoin mined

    Since we started mining we have mined more than 10,000 Bitcoin for our customers, in other words more than $2,350,000 USD at the current price. Payouts are automatic and everyday is payout day.

    How to calculate the ROI?

    The payouts are determined by the Bitcoin network’s difficulty.

    To calculate the ROI you can use a Bitcoin mining calculator and tradeblock.com/mining is one of the most accurate calculators.

  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 mei 2015 14:54
    Banken hebben Ripple niet meer nodig:
    vr 22 mei 2015, 13:59
    Geld in 2019 meteen op rekening

    Over vier jaar moeten betalingen binnen vijf seconden op de rekening van ondernemers worden bijgeboekt. Dat is de ambitie die Nederlandse banken vandaag presenteerden tijdens de voorjaarsvergadering van het Maatschappelijk Overleg Betalingsverkeer (MOB).

    Volgens het plan moeten in 2019 betalingstransacties 24 uur per dag onmiddellijk worden verwerkt, ook in het weekend en op feestdagen. Het gaat hierbij om aankopen in winkels en op internet, en aan betalingen tussen personen en bedrijven onderling.

    Vooral winkeliers is het een doorn in het oog dat pinbetalingen nu in het weekend en op feestdagen niet worden verwerkt.
    Brede steun

    Het plan kan rekenen op brede steun van de MOB-partijen, waartoe onder meer Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, MKB-Nederland, Detailhandel Nederland en Thuiswinkel.org behoren. Afgesproken is dat banken en stakeholders de komende tijd nauw zullen samenwerken om een compleet nieuwe betalingsinfrastructuur te realiseren.
  4. Omnius 29 mei 2015 21:14

    Chief Executive Officer at San Francisco-based software company, Ripple Labs, Chris Larsen expressed his excitement at the progress of creating an ‘internet of value’, and the suitability of the Luxembourg market and its plethora of financial institutions for Fintech, during ICT Spring Europe 2015, held this past week at the New Conferences Centre in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.

    Speaking exclusively to The Luxembourg Chronicle, Mr. Larsen explained the complex nature of Fintech, the conditions required for its viability and the evolution of what he labelled as the ‘internet of value’, as well as the solutions Ripple Labs hopes to provide for its partners currently and moving forward.

    Mr. Larsen elaborated on Ripple Labs’ emphasis on Fintech in particular and the specificities focusing on financial institutions.

    “We are definitely in the Fintech space, and I would define that as different from the pure technology space, which is mostly about technology. What’s interesting about Fintech is it has to marry together three very different domains [technology, capital, and compliance and regulatory]. It’s not good enough just to be dominant in one. Frankly that’s why if financial institutions get up to speed on the technology changes that are happening, [they] are pretty well-positioned for this notion of the ‘internet of value’, because they already have the compliance and capital parts well established. That’s what Ripple Labs is all about, and we have to be thinking of all three domains all the time, they are all inter-related.”

    rest zie link
  5. Omnius 20 juni 2015 08:24

    This could be huge news for the creators of the Ripple payment protocol as Ripple Labs, have been elected to the Federal Reserve’s Faster Payment Task Force Steering Committee. The company has though been playing vital role in helping out people get fast and safe payment solution for some time; however, the latest recognition will definitely boost its credentials
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 juni 2015 10:19
    Ik verwacht dat de banken tzt een eigen blockchain gaan oprichten met een eigen vaste 'valutakoers', voor overboekingen tussen banken.
    De experimenten met Ripple en Bitcoin duiden daarop.

    Banken willen nu eenmaal alles in eigen hand houden, die gaan niet in zee met een systeem van outsiders.
  7. Omnius 20 juni 2015 16:41
    dat is inderdaad een risico, daarom is het goed om te zien dat Ripple de vaart erin houdt en blijkbaar met alle partijen aan tafel zit. Dat is ook de reden dat ze de laatste maanden enkele zwaargewichten met flinke overheid ervaring/netwerk binnen hun team gehaald hebben, zoals bijvoorbeeld deze:

  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 juni 2015 19:03

    Omnius schreef op 20 juni 2015 16:41:

    dat is inderdaad een risico, daarom is het goed om te zien dat Ripple de vaart erin houdt en blijkbaar met alle partijen aan tafel zit. Dat is ook de reden dat ze de laatste maanden enkele zwaargewichten met flinke overheid ervaring/netwerk binnen hun team gehaald hebben, zoals bijvoorbeeld deze:
    De banken willen gewoon de kunst afkijken en als ze genoeg weten gaan ze zelf iets ontwikkelen. Het is uitgesloten dat ze Ripple of Bitcoin gaan gebruiken, want dat tast hun verdienmodel aan.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 juni 2015 19:13
    Bitcoin Could Change The Derivatives Market, Says UBS Banker
    by Justin OConnell

    Bitcoin could change derivatives, in particular settlement, trading and securities issuance according to some individuals, among whom are bankers and technologists. Alex Batlin, who has been a vocal supporter of banks adopting Bitcoin related technologies, told attendees of the IDX Derivatives Expo in London that blockchain technologies will change banking.

    “Blockchain technologies can make banks more efficient – for example through instantaneous settlement rather than the days it takes at present, lower costs and lower operational risk,” according to Alex Batlin, chief technology officer for innovation at UBS.

    The simple lesson for banks is that if we don’t do it someone else will. The key attraction is that there is no middle or back office, and no registry, so clearly a major impact on costs.

    “Utilising the blockchain is a natural digital evolution for managing physical securities,” claims Nasdaq CEO Bob Greifeld. “Once you cut the apron strings of need for the physical, the opportunities we can envision blockchain providing stand to benefit not only our clients, but the broader global capital markets.”

    “All kinds of revenue opportunities can emerge, but it’s still more expensive, so there is a way to go,” said Batlin. Batlin in April tweeted in cryptography, "search for a challenge at UBS on the blockchain."
  10. Omnius 1 juli 2015 08:55

    Earlier this year, Ripple Labs Founder and CEO Chris Larsen made headlines by claiming, “We don’t think the world needs a new currency; we already have plenty.” The statement was made during a presentation to the California General Assembly. It appeared as if Larsen was of the opinion that the technology behind bitcoin and other forms of distributed ledgers was much more important than the creation of a new currency or digital asset. Naturally, Larsen — and Ripple Labs — faced a sharp spike in criticism from the bitcoin community over the remarks.
  11. Omnius 1 juli 2015 08:57

    Commonwealth Bank to launch Ripple payments between its subsidiaries
    — June 30, 2015
    The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) will soon launch Ripple technology for its subsidiaries to transfer payments between them, said CIO David Whiteing.

    Top nieuws!
  12. Frederik C. 10 juli 2015 19:50
    Nooit meer een bank nodig: The Guardian (oja en Ripple)



    The Internet of Value!!

    Stefan Thomas, chief technology officer of Ripple Labs, wants to build something he calls the "internet of value". "By value we're talking about money but were also talking about stocks and bonds… intellectual property... anything you can think of that might have value," he tells the audience at WIRED Money.
  13. Omnius 30 januari 2016 08:16
    Deal with SBI Holdings to Meet Growing Demand for Ripple Solutions Across Asia
    Jan 28, 2016 | Amanda Bullington
    $28 Billion Financial Services Giant to Apply Deep Industry Experience and Turnkey Bank Network to Drive Ripple Adoption in Asia

    Dit zou wel eens de turn-around voor xrp kunnen worden.
  14. Omnius 24 april 2016 19:27

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    INSIGHTS News Views Features
    Introducing CGI’s Ripple-Enabled Intelligent Gateway
    Apr 19, 2016 | Meghan Elison

    Ripple and CGI are pleased to announce the successful integration of Ripple’s distributed financial technology into CGI’s payments portfolio. CGI’s Ripple-enabled Intelligent Gateway is one of the first solutions in the industry to integrate Ripple technology. It works as a translation layer between a bank’s payment hub and Ripple; a turnkey solution that allows participants to transact directly with one another.

    The Ripple-enabled Intelligent Gateway allows banks to send payments in real-time, across the globe.

    However, banks must consider the risks and complexity in adopting any new technology. This is why we are particularly excited to introduce Intelligent Gateway by CGI: it minimizes the need for a complex integration. This product makes access to Ripple as easy as flipping a switch. This ease of use de-risks the technology, shortens the time-to-value for the banks, and it gives them the business agility to pursue new revenue opportunities such as expanding to new corridors, or offering new types of payment product to their customers.

    Today, payments are complicated by a lack of interoperability between networks. Cross-border settlement is slow, costly, opaque and difficult in many corridors. Even the most powerful banks cannot offer a consistent, high-quality cross-border payments service to their customers, because the infrastructure is so antiquated and the results are so unpredictable.

    At a time when global cross-border volume is increasing at a rate almost 3 times faster than the global GDP, these conditions are unacceptable. New payment service providers have proliferated in the last few years, attempting to pick up the slack in cross-border transactions and meet customer demand. However, even with these new players, global financial infrastructure is struggling to facilitate real-time settlement for many reasons.

    In order to meet customer demand, banks must contend with a changing regulatory and liquidity landscape. They are innovating to optimize their correspondent banking footprint, while upgrading their core technology to reduce costs and improve efficiency for processing payments.

    Distributed financial technology can solve this complex set of problems by connecting and interoperating the world’s payment networks. Ripple’s enterprise-grade solutions enable the movement of value the same way that the internet world moves information today, creating a new Internet of Value. Our solutions are designed to not only address the challenges in cross-border payments for today, but also open up new business models and revenue streams for banks tomorrow.

    The Ripple-enabled Intelligent Gateway allows banks to send payments in real-time to other banks across the globe. Using the flexibility of Ripple’s technology to interoperate with different payment systems, Intelligent Gateway gives banks the ability to reduce settlement time to a matter of seconds, provide end-to-end tracking of payments, increase their access to global corridors, all while reducing costs.

    These advantages will have a direct effect on the payments experience at every level. Retail customers can send low-value payments, for the first time with complete certainty and traceability. Corporate customers can enjoy cost-effective, low-value disbursements, as well as more advanced treasury solutions and cash management products.

    Intelligent Gateway is the beginning of a long and productive relationship with CGI. We are looking forward to many more joint success stories that bring benefits to our customers and make the Internet of Value a reality.

    Ze zijn goed bezig. Alleen de vraag of dit de koers van XRP gaat helpen.
  15. Omnius 14 juni 2016 15:20

    Ripple Receives New York’s First BitLicense for an Institutional Use Case of Digital Assets

    Early last year, the state of New York began requiring a license to engage in virtual currency activity. Ripple engaged with New York’s Department of Financial Services and today received a “BitLicense” to sell and custody XRP, the digital asset native to the Ripple Consensus Ledger, for institutional investors and financial institutions in New York.

    hier nog aanvullende info over hoe banken XRP kunnen gaan gebruiken:
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