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Aandeel KPN Koninklijke AEX:KPN.NL, NL0000009082

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
3,655   +0,012   (+0,33%) Dagrange 3,600 - 3,655 6.498.261   Gem. (3M) 7,6M

KPN Weekdraadje 28 oktober t/m 03 november 2013

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 15:57

    aandeeltje! schreef op 1 november 2013 15:45:


    Ja maar daar hoef ik allemaal niet die ingewikkelde lijntjes voor te maken. Als ik een trentkanaal niet gewoon kan zien maar allerlei moeilijke patroontjes moet bekijken is ie ook nietszeggend.
    Dus dat bedoel ik. Ik noem dat geen TA , maar gewoon een grafiekje bekijken, zoals ik er zoveel bekijk.
    Ik denk dat elk systeem voordelen kan bieden aan de beleggers die er gebruik van maken maar het geeft geen garantie dat het altijd klopt

    Sommigen doen er ook veel interessanter over om het moeilijk te laten lijken omdat het kennelijk geweldig lijkt voor diegenen die er niet mee werken

    Als je met een gezond verstand en alertheid de markt volgt heb je dat helemaal niet nodig en ik denk veel beleggers dat juist doen.

    Het systeem dat hier wordt gepropagandeerd door SNS lijkt leuk maar binnen een range van enkele centen totaal zinloos.

    Er zijn hier forumbezoekers die doen alsof ze ermee werken, maar ik geloof dat niet zo. Ik heb nog van niemand gelezen dat er veel werd verdiend door die methode te gebruiken

  2. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 15:59

    SNSN schreef op 1 november 2013 14:53:


    That’s right - for those who don't understand TA - it's useless, indeed

    So, as usual - "for whom how"....

    Ach... laat ze lullen, voor degene die interesse in TA hebben, meelezen gewoon, voor degene die geen moer in TA interesseer, gewoon de stukken negeren, zo moeilijk is het toch niet? niet waar? :-)

    Zo is er in the end voor ieders wat wils... vrije meningsuitingen moet kunnen hier toch? :-)

    p.s. please just keep doing your fantastic and great job, SNSN :-)

    Voor mij geldt maar 1 ding, als KPN maar stijgt... TA,fundamenteel, strong buy advice, strong sell advice bla bla bla... is voor mij secundaire... :-)

    Is de trend opwaarts, maar KPN daalt, heb ik ook geen moer aan, heb je 10x strong buy advices, maar KPN daalt, heb je ook nog steeds geen moer aan... belangrijkste is dat KPN in waarde toeneemt, dus stijgen met de koersen met of zonder overname nieuws c.q. geruchten, rumors etc... :-)

  3. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:02

    aandeeltje! schreef op 1 november 2013 15:22:


    Inderdaad. Het is veel zinvoller de koers oppervlakkig te bekijken met de balangrijke nieuwsevents/gebeurtenissen erbij? Misschien werkt TA wel in een periode dat er niets noemenswaardig gebeurd, het probleem is dat de events nooit voorspeld kunnen worden en je dan nat gaat.
    Kijk naar sentiment, prestaties, hoe lang groeits iets of krimpt iets, marktomgeving, concuntuur etc...

    With some exclusions, the “dynamic TA” provides you with flexible info on the prob of future (ex-ante) market dynamics (take a look at today price formation as a short term example).

    Another point is whether you understand it and/or can use it in your trading .... But that is as usual - “philosophy” is trivial - “for whom how” .... and “we’ll see what we will see” ....

    By the way, we just reached the upper border (~2.375 currently) of our rising channel .... So, a usual “border reaction” may be expected ... Otherwise, further rising could indicate some change in trend, if any, and may be some (still hidden) info in the market. We’ll see it very soon

  4. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:17

    MerDeNoms schreef op 1 november 2013 16:09:

    Doesn't matter how many times you repeat this, it simply doesn't mean anything.
    It's not proper English, buddy.
    Who cares about "not proper English" , kid, .... we are talking business

    Actually slang was never proper language by definition..... although, people use it..... and often understand
  5. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:22

    SNSN schreef op 1 november 2013 15:13:


    Yes, elf,

    It's again as usual..... The more you live - the more you study .... The more you study - the more you understand.... The more you understand - the high results, and so on....

    So, do not waste time..... (if you still have it)

    To be honest; most of my time is already gone but not with the wind.......
  6. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:29

    elf schreef op 1 november 2013 16:22:


    To be honest; most of my time is already gone but not with the wind.......
    Sorry, elf, it was a "general philosophy" not linked to you, but to that general discussion .... as well as, to some still young enough members wasting their time by posting “empty” messages (rubbish)

    ps. i see, you like classic literature...
  7. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:30

    SNSN schreef op 1 november 2013 16:17:


    Who cares about "not proper English" , kid, .... we are talking business

    Actually slang was never proper language by definition..... although, people use it..... and often understand
    Calling me a kid... Funny : )

    And there's a difference between your disastrous, broken English and slang.
    Besides, you take it one step further by making up your own expressions and sayings, which can't even be read since they don't mean anything. At least say those things in your own language - Russian - so we can translate it from the origin.

    And for the last time: learn how to use interpunction, please. It's really not that hard. If you truly think you are more adult and educated than me (which for some reason you actually believe), at least show some form of sophisticated communication in your messages.
    You keep telling me to go back to school, but you would never make it here with the degree of linguistic skills you have shown us thus far.
  8. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:30

    Do you use software like Bursa station professional for your analysis?
    It takes about a hundred different parameters to get your predictions then.
    So dynamic ta is still subjective tool. You also need real time extended trading data.

    All together to expensive for the most of us I think.
    Please keep informing me, i'll think its interesting to see were we are going.
    Gr Ton
  9. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:49

    MerDeNoms schreef op 1 november 2013 16:30:

    Calling me a kid... Funny : )

    And there's a difference between your disastrous, broken English and slang.
    Besides, you take it one step further by making up your own expressions and sayings, which can't even be read since they don't mean anything. At least say those things in your own language - Russian - so we can translate it from the origin.

    And for the last time: learn how to use interpunction, please. It's really not that hard. If you truly think you are more adult and educated than me (which for some reason you actually believe), at least show some form of sophisticated communication in your messages.
    You keep telling me to go back to school, but you would never make it here with the degree of linguistic skills you have shown us thus far.
    "Kid" = slang. Heeft niets met de leeftijd van de aangesprokene te maken.
  10. [verwijderd] 1 november 2013 16:51

    Gtcftwcw! schreef op 1 november 2013 16:30:


    Do you use software like Bursa station professional for your analysis?
    It takes about a hundred different parameters to get your predictions then.
    So dynamic ta is still subjective tool. You also need real time extended trading data.

    All together to expensive for the most of us I think.
    Please keep informing me, i'll think its interesting to see were we are going.
    Gr Ton
    Not exactly.....

    We use our own software that was first developed for electricity trading still in 90th

    Again, as the set of "in-put" parameters is "complete" and taken from the objective data-base, the "out-put" set is objective as well..... Of course, so-called "model risk" is always there.... that's why you need to think ..... evaluating the probs...

    And you are right that the last step - trading application of probs - is "a bit subjective", indeed
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