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Sopheon« Terug naar discussie overzicht

Sopheon maart 2021

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 maart 2021 20:59
    Nog even de 2 PR van eind feb21 op een rij

    1 Proposed £10m secondary Placing of existing Ordinary Shares

    Sopheon has been advised by Barry Mence, Andy Michuda, Arif Karimjee, and Stuart Silcock (the "Directors"), along with other shareholders (together the “Selling Shareholders”), that they intend to sell approximately 1,116,486 ordinary shares of 20 pence each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) (the "Placing Shares", the ”Placing”) at a price of 900 pence per share (“Placing Price”) for the purposes of estate planning and to improve the liquidity in the Company’s shares. The Directors who, following the Placing, will hold in aggregate c. 22.9% of the issued share capital of the Company remain very supportive long term shareholders.

    The Placing Shares are being offered by way of an accelerated bookbuild, which will be launched immediately following this Announcement.

    The following Directors intend to sell up to the below outlined maximum number of shares each:

    Director/PDMR Position Maximum number of Placing Shares to be sold
    Barry Mence Chairman 356,829
    Andy Michuda CEO 185,036
    Arif Karimjee CFO 48,343
    Stuart Silcock Non-Executive Director 166,500

    The other shareholders intend to sell a maximum of 359,778 shares.
    The Placing is being managed by finnCap Ltd acting as sole bookrunner ("finnCap" or the “Bookrunner”).

    The final number of Placing Shares to be placed will be agreed by finnCap and the Selling Shareholders at the close of the bookbuild process, and the results of the Placing will be announced as soon as practicable thereafter. The timing for the close of the bookbuild process will be at the absolute discretion of finnCap.

    The Company is not a party to the Placing and will not receive any proceeds from it. The books for the Placing will open with immediate effect.

    Barry Mence, Chairman of Sopheon, commented: “We continue to believe that we have a substantial opportunity ahead of us and we are delighted with our continued successful migration to a SaaS subscription model on the back of Total Contract Value (“TCV”) of signed SaaS business almost tripling in 2020. More broadly, we had good commercial traction with growth in total TCV signed, including several $1m deals, during a year marked by the pandemic. This has led to Annual Recurring Revenue (“ARR”) growing to $18m last year, resulting in greater revenue visibility for 2021, currently standing at $23.5m. This Placing will help to provide greater liquidity in the Company’s shares and meets with our long-standing objective of expanding our institutional shareholder base.”

    2 Result of Secondary Placing

    Further to the announcement made at 1.36 p.m. on 26 February 2021, the Company has been advised that in an oversubscribed Placing, the Bookbuild has been completed and the Selling Shareholders have sold 1,116,486 Placing Shares at 900 pence per share. In addition, certain directors and employees have exercised options over Ordinary Shares and the Company has issued and allotted a further 230,475 Ordinary Shares (“Exercise”).

    Following the Placing and Exercise, the Directors resulting interest in the Company's issued share capital will be:

    Director Shares issued as a result of option exercise Placing Shares Sold Resultant Holding % issued share capital following Admission
    Barry Mence* 24,250 356,829 1,895,958 18.17%
    Andy Michuda 165,000 185,036 64,120 0.61%
    Arif Karimjee* 35,850 48,343 70,000 0.67%
    Stuart Silcock** - 166,500 353,818 3.39%

    Holdings in Company

    The Company have also been informed by Myrtledare Corp and Rivomore Limited, related family holdings, that their combined direct interest in the Company has been reduced from 2,428,711 Ordinary Shares to 2,074,308 Ordinary Shares, representing 19.88% of the issued share capital of the Company.

    Admission and Total Voting Rights

    The Company has issued and allotted 230,475 new Ordinary Shares to satisfy the exercise of options by Barry Mence, Arif Karimjee, Andy Michuda and certain employees. Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the 230,475 new Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM ("Admission") and it is expected that Admission will become effective and trading will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 5 March 2021.

    Following Admission, the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue will be 10,433,363 and the total number of voting rights will therefore be 10,433,363. This figure may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

    Capitalised terms have the same meaning as those in the announcement of the Company made at 1.36 p.m on 26 February 2021.


  2. marblesthegame 3 maart 2021 18:42

    1,023,846 aandelen is 9,81% van het totaal.

    Als de lijst met aandeelhouders klopt, dan zijn er geen aandelen meer vrij.
    De gegevens van de onderstreepte aandeelhouders zijn zeker goed.

    fin architects 625 0,01%
    first manhattan 10000 0,10%
    morgan stanley 17786 0,17%
    scotia inc 21643 0,21%
    IG Group Holdings Plc, Asset Management Arm 41170 0,39%
    thomas j herzfeld 53866 0,52%
    walleye trading 56696 0,54%
    Equiniti Group Limited, Asset Management Arm 63790 0,61%
    Aviva Investors Global Services Limited 70000 0,67%
    berenberg capital management 537987 5,16%
    A J Bell Holdings Limited, Asset Management Arm 87465 0,84%
    Acadian Asset Management LLC 89063 0,85%
    LGT Vestra LLP 97500 0,93%
    Allianz Asset Management AG 101286 0,97%
    Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 101487 0,97%
    Herald Investment Management Limited 106500 1,02%
    Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers Ltd. 144000 1,38%
    Barclays Bank PLC, Wealth and Investment Management Division 147365 1,41%
    ancora 225470 2,16%
    ING Groep NV, Insurance and Banking Investments 247775 2,37%
    Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank (Paris Branch) 255292 2,45%
    blue bell private wealth 257935 2,47%
    charles stanley & co 262711 2,52%
    UBS asset management 334456 3,21%
    Hargreaves Hale limited 335000 3,21%
    Binckbank 378068 3,62%
    shaker financial 433433 4,15%

    Chelverton Asset Management Ltd. 590069 5,66%
    universal investment gesellschaft 716102 6,86%
    Canaccord Genuity Wealth Ltd. 1023846 9,81%
    Myrtledare corp / rivomore (related family holdings) 2074308 19,88%
    Barry Mence 1895958 18,17%
    Stuart Silcock 353818 3,39%
    Arif Karimjee 70000 0,67%
    Andrew Michuda 64120 0,61%
    D. Metzger 5000 0,05%

    aandelen in vaste handen 11271590

    totaal uitstaande aandelen 10433363

    vrij -838227 -8,03%

  3. marblesthegame 4 maart 2021 08:15

    abc123xyz987 schreef op 3 maart 2021 21:52:

    Vergeet te vermelden dat ik onmogelijk kan vaststellen of de gegevens van dec '20 kloppen
    Inderdaad, van de aandeelhouders onder de drempel meldingsplicht is niet bekend of zij nog aandelen hebben.
    De conclusie is wel dat er weinig aandelen vrij verhandelbaar zijn.

  4. [verwijderd] 4 maart 2021 09:59

    marblesthegame schreef op 3 maart 2021 18:42:

    1,023,846 aandelen is 9,81% van het totaal.

    Als de lijst met aandeelhouders klopt, dan zijn er geen aandelen meer vrij.
    De gegevens van de onderstreepte aandeelhouders zijn zeker goed.

    fin architects 625 0,01%
    first manhattan 10000 0,10%
    morgan stanley 17786 0,17%
    scotia inc 21643 0,21%
    IG Group Holdings Plc, Asset Management Arm 41170 0,39%
    thomas j herzfeld 53866 0,52%
    walleye trading 56696 0,54%
    Equiniti Group Limited, Asset Management Arm 63790 0,61%
    Aviva Investors Global Services Limited 70000 0,67%
    berenberg capital management 537987 5,16%
    A J Bell Holdings Limited, Asset Management Arm 87465 0,84%
    Acadian Asset Management LLC 89063 0,85%
    LGT Vestra LLP 97500 0,93%
    Allianz Asset Management AG 101286 0,97%
    Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 101487 0,97%
    Herald Investment Management Limited 106500 1,02%
    Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers Ltd. 144000 1,38%
    Barclays Bank PLC, Wealth and Investment Management Division 147365 1,41%
    ancora 225470 2,16%
    ING Groep NV, Insurance and Banking Investments 247775 2,37%
    Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank (Paris Branch) 255292 2,45%
    blue bell private wealth 257935 2,47%
    charles stanley & co 262711 2,52%
    UBS asset management 334456 3,21%
    Hargreaves Hale limited 335000 3,21%
    Binckbank 378068 3,62%
    shaker financial 433433 4,15%

    Chelverton Asset Management Ltd. 590069 5,66%
    universal investment gesellschaft 716102 6,86%
    Canaccord Genuity Wealth Ltd. 1023846 9,81%
    Myrtledare corp / rivomore (related family holdings) 2074308 19,88%
    Barry Mence 1895958 18,17%
    Stuart Silcock 353818 3,39%
    Arif Karimjee 70000 0,67%
    Andrew Michuda 64120 0,61%
    D. Metzger 5000 0,05%

    aandelen in vaste handen 11271590

    totaal uitstaande aandelen 10433363

    vrij -838227 -8,03%

    universal-investment-gmbh, heeft een belang van, 7.02%
  5. Bertus S 4 maart 2021 14:16

    Gartje schreef op 4 maart 2021 12:09:

    Maar leuk en aardig dat de meeste aandelen onder gebracht zijn, maar wat zegt dit over de toekomst van onze aandeeltjes? Is dit gunstig of ongunstig voor de groei naar die 15 pond toe? Wie kan daar zijn licht over laten schijnen!
    Dit is uiteraard gunstig, de weg ligt nu open om naar de £15 te gaan, kwestie van "gewoon" op aandelen bieden, telkens boven de dan geldende prijs..............*_*

    Bertus S.
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