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  1. [verwijderd] 15 augustus 2020 14:44
    Mijn idee,,
    -Technische analyse “ perfecte grafiek “ (6maand)
    -Buyout kandidaat. ( grote partij is aan het inkopen)
    -Goede resultaten Q2 ( ook na wegvallen reclame inkomsten door corona)
    - explosieve groei streaming diensten.
    - Nog laag gewaardeerd.
    -Dividend van 3,8%

    Nog volgers ?

  2. [verwijderd] 15 augustus 2020 19:00
    -ViacomCBS zooms in on streaming rebrand, and isn't opposed to company sale - FT
    Aug. 14, 2020 12:42 AM ET|About: ViacomCBS Inc. (VIAC)|By: Jason Aycock, SA News Editor

    -Activist Investor May Be on Prowl for Viacom: Gordon Haskett
    ViacomCBS shares rose after a Gordon Haskett analyst said recent trading in the stock suggests an activist investor may be on the prowl,

    -Apple creating TV+ bundle with CBS All Access, Showtime - Bloomberg

    Aug. 13, 2020 3:23 PM ET|About: Apple Inc. (AAPL)|By: Brandy Betz, SA News Ed

    -ViacomCBS Stock Surges as Streaming Gains Outweigh Legacy Pains
    August 6, 2020
  3. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2020 08:27
    ViacomCBS overweegt om de naam van zijn streamingdiensten te veranderen in Paramount +, wat samenvalt met een verandering van mening door Shari Redstone over de mogelijke verkoop van het media-imperium opgericht door haar familie.

    De dood van Shari's vader, Sumner Redstone, deze week heeft geleid tot nieuwe speculaties over het lot van het bedrijf, dat ooit een van de machtigste in Hollywood was, met kanalen als MTV, de filmstudio van Paramount, waar ze werden gefilmd. hits als Top Gun en Star Trek, en het CBS-kanaal.

    De streamingdienst van het bedrijf is een centraal onderdeel geworden van de strategie om ViacomCBS opnieuw te activeren. Bob Bakish, de CEO van de groep, is onlangs begonnen met het uitbreiden van de CBS All Access-streaming-app met programmering van Viacom en Paramount, iets dat mogelijk werd gemaakt na de fusie in 2019 van de twee door Redstone gecontroleerde bedrijven, CBS en Viacom. . Het doel is om een ??superservice te creëren die kan concurreren met platforms zoals Disney + en Netflix.

    Volgens mensen in de omgeving is het bedrijf van plan om de naam van het content-on-demand-platform te wijzigen, mede omdat het management vindt dat het merk CBS vooral een publiek van een bepaalde leeftijd aanspreekt. Paramount + is de eerste op de lijst, hoewel er nog geen definitieve beslissing is genomen.

    ViacomCBS maakte deze maand bekend dat het via zijn diensten 16 miljoen streaming-abonnees had bereikt, een groei die de verwachtingen overtrof.

    Volgens analisten van Goldman Sachs zouden deze resultaten "het vertrouwen van investeerders in de strategie van het bedrijf moeten vergroten". Aan het begin van de maand had Disney + 60,5 miljoen abonnees, terwijl Netflix eind juni 193 miljoen had.

    Hoewel Sumner Redstone altijd terughoudend is geweest om zijn meest gewaardeerde bedrijven te verkopen, geeft de rest van de familie, inclusief Shari, prioriteit aan het maximaliseren van de aandeelhouderswaarde. De Redstones zijn, net als de directeuren en directeuren van ViacomCBS, van mening dat hun activa ondergewaardeerd zijn nadat hun aandelen kelderden, waardoor een op handen zijnde verkoop van het gehele of een deel van het bedrijf onwaarschijnlijk is.

    Aandelen van ViacomCBS, waar de familie Redstone 10% controleert
  4. [verwijderd] 8 september 2020 13:18
    Goede analyse ;)

    Jeff D. Opdyke

    If you’re a media company and your name doesn’t rhyme with Pet Licks, then these days you’re pretty much compania non grata (which is not the proper way to say that in Latin, but you get the gist).

    Nothing against the Big N, but it sucks up so much oxygen that its breathless flagbearers on the Street seem to forget that other media companies exist, and that some of them are worthy of a spot in a portfolio. And here I’m thinking of ViacomCBS (VIAC), the media giant that resulted from the 2019 marriage of, well, Viacom and CBS.

    Purely based on valuation, Viacom is cheaper than a bag of rocks.

    Forward P/E: less than seven
    Price/sales: 0.7
    Price/book: 1.2
    It’s not like Viacom is some Old World media has-been with limited growth prospects. Its profit margins are up near 12% and its year-over-year revenue growth is near 65%, marking it one of the Street’s profitability/growth leaders. Netflix (NFLX), by comparison, sports profit margins just above 9% and saw year-over-year growth of just under 25%. That’s not to imply Netflix is an inferior investment, just that Viacom is a worthy one.

    The big knock against ViacomCBS is its sizable debt load of just under $20 billion, or 1.6x shareholder equity. But the thing is, all the way out to January 2025, maturities range from just $35 million to $841 million, amounts Viacom can manage without much strain. Moreover, the company is in the process of selling off CNET and Simon & Shuster. Combined, those assets should fetch vaguely $1.5 - $1.7 billion, which will help right-size the balance sheet. (Netflix has more than $15 billion in long-term debt, or 2.2x shareholder equity, just for a point of comparison.)

    It’s true, as well, that Viacom faces some fundamental issues as consumers continue the cord-cutting trend as they gravitate to streaming services. But here, too, Viacom is moving in the right direction with the popular CBS All Access, as well as a “super service” that will stream a wide range of original and library content from brands including MTV, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Showtime and others. That’s coming in early 2021 – and, better yet, it’s going to be a global service, initially focused on Australia, Latin America and the Nordic markets. That’s going to opening up ViacomCBS to a vast audience of potential customers.

    All told, then, Viacom looks to be an undervalued media play with meaningful growth prospects ahead.

    Viacom has two share classes: Viacom A (VIACA) and Viacom B (VIAC). The only difference is voting rights, which only the A shares have. Yes, there’s value in voting rights, but, frankly, not enough value for me to choose A over B. Instead, I prefer the B shares. They’re cheaper both nominally ($28.75 vs. $31.18) and in terms of valuation (6.98, forward P/E vs 7.76). Plus, they sport a larger yield (3.13% vs. 2.89%).

    In the landscape we now find ourselves – oxygen-deprived valuations for Wall Street as a whole and a near-zero interest-rate world – VIACB is a slightly better buy, assuming you don’t care about voting rights.

    Frankly, in a downdraft – and one seems likely and imminent – I’d much prefer to own a stock with a mid-single-digit PE and an S&P-topping yield, than an overhyped streaming service trading on the bleeding edge of perfection. When you’re Netflix and you’re trading at more than 80x forward earnings because investors except every tomorrow is going to be better than today, the air pocket beneath you is quite deep. (Depending on the severity of the market’s downdraft, price support for Netflix, now near $520 per share, looks to be in the $250 range).

    Meanwhile, Viacom, trading at forward PE so small it’s almost a rounding error, likely has downside support in the $20 range. The shares are already down more than 30% so far this year, though they are trending back up.

    If we give Viacom a generic, unremarkable 12 PE, and apply that to full-year earnings likely to be in the range of $4.20 share, you have near-term upside of $50.

    Not a bad risk/reward ratio.
  5. [verwijderd] 15 september 2020 14:57
    ViacomCBS to rebrand CBS All Access streaming service as 'Paramount+'

    the service broke a new record for total monthly streams in August and experienced one of its best months ever in terms of new subscriber sign-ups. In addition, the average age of new subscribers in August was measurably younger than the service’s overall average subscriber age, due in large part to the addition of UEFA and the newly added content from various ViacomCBS brands.
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