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Hydro Power

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2020 14:51
    KPowernet Bags Contract for Hongu Khola A Hydropower Project in Nepal

    Kumpulan Powernet Bhd has secured a contract worth USD 46.2 million for a hydropower project at Mahakulung VDC in Nepal. Its wholly owned subsidiary KPower International Ltd received a letter of award from Apex Makalu Hydro Power Pvt Ltd for the 22MW Mid Hongu Khola A hydropower project in Nepal. The scope of work includes the engineering, construction, supervision, testing, commission, reliability test, remedy of defect during the defect liability period and provision of all equipment, both permanent works and temporary works in connection with the project

    The target completion date for the project is within 36 months from the commencement date, or not later than Aug 31, 2023.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2020 15:05
    ANDRITZ to Supply Electro-Mechanical Equipment for Greenko Pumped Storage Plant in India

    International technology group ANDRITZ has received a contract from Greenko Energy Private Limited, an independent Indian power producer, for the supply of electro-mechanical equipment for the 1,200-MW Pinnapuram pumped storage plant. Located in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh state in India, the hydropower plant will be part of the first integrated renewable energy storage project combining electrical energy production based on photovoltaic solar, wind, and pumped storage. Once commissioned, Pinnapuram will be the largest pumped storage scheme in India. Commissioning of the first units is expected by 2023.

    The contract includes design, manufacture, supply, transportation, erection, testing, and commissioning of four 240-MW units, two 120-MW reversible pump units, main inlet valves, and associated auxiliaries.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2020 16:20
    Skanska to Upgrade Grasjo & Trollheim Hydro Electric Power Plant Dams in Norway

    Skanska has signed a contract with Statkraft Energi AS for the refurbishment and upgrade of four dams and one flood gate. The contract is worth NOK 508 million, which will be included in the Nordic order bookings for the third quarter 2020. The dams serve as reservoirs for Grasjo and Trollheim hydro electric power plants in Surnadal and Rindal municipalities in Norway. The dams at Gråsjø are water reservoirs for the power plant with the same name, while the dam at Follsjø provides water for Trollheim power plant. The dams need to be refurbished and upgraded to meet modern day standards.

    The construction work is expected to start in Q1 2021 and be completed by September 1st 2025. Both power plants are owned and operated by Statkraft Energi AS.

  4. forum rang 10 voda 19 oktober 2020 15:44
    American Hydro to Modernize 2 Units of Ameren’s Keokuk Hydroelectric Plant in Iowa

    Wärtsilä Corporation’s American Hydro has been awarded a major contract to perform rehabilitation services and complete the upgrade and refurbishment of the Unit 5 & 15 turbines at Ameren’s historic Keokuk Hydroelectric plant in Iowa in USA. The order with Ameren Corporation was booked in July. American Hydro designed, manufactured and delivered new 200-inch, 120,000-pound Francis type runners for these units under a previous contract. The new contract includes all field labor and supervision to conduct a simultaneous two-unit outage, disassembly of the major turbine and generator components, shop and field rehabilitation and machining, installation of the new runners and refurbished turbine components, and commissioning of the upgraded turbines. Engineering and planning are currently underway, and the outages are scheduled to start this fall and finish in the spring of 2021. Upon completion of this work, American Hydro will have upgraded all 15 turbines at the Keokuk plant.

    For more than 100 years, the Keokuk Energy Center has provided clean, carbon-free energy to customers. Its continued safe, efficient operation is foundational to Ameren's net-zero carbon emissions goal. The 142 MW Keokuk hydroelectric plant was originally commissioned in 1913 and has been in continuous operation with the original equipment since that time. It is the largest privately owned and operated dam and hydroelectric generating plant on the Mississippi River. The plant is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as Lock and Dam No 19.

    Ameren Corporation is based in St. Louis, serving 2.4 million electric, and 900,000 natural gas customers across 64,000 square miles in central and eastern Missouri and the southern four-fifths of Illinois.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 19 oktober 2020 15:45
    LUKOIL Commissions Small-Scale Hydropower Plant in Krasnodar Region

    LUKOIL renovated and commissioned a small-scale hydropower plant with installed capacity of 1.5 MW on the Beshenka River in the Krasnodar region. The plant was constructed in 2004 as a part of the hydropower complex of the Krasnopolyanskaya HPP. The reconstruction project entailed renovation of the hydropower unit and a complete replacing of the operational dispatching management system, which will allow for the unmanned operation of the HPP
    in the future.

    The modernization of the small-scale HPP made it possible to use the hydropower potential of the Krasnopolyanskaya HPP's complex to a greater extent. The HPP will deliver power to the retail market and provide electricity for the consumers located at the Krasnaya Polyana mountaintop resort and in the city of Sochi.

    The renovation of the small-scale HPP is yet another project aimed at increasing the share of renewables in LUKOIL's energy balance.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2020 15:14
    Enel Green Power Wins a Contract in Third Renewables Tender in Italy

    Enel Green Power has just celebrated another success in its role in developing renewable energy plants in Italy to accelerate the nation’s transition to decarbonization.

    In recent days, Enel Green Power secured 23.1 megawatt of hydroelectric power concessions in the third Renewable Energies Sources auction organized by GSE, the Italian Energy Services Operator. The auction concerned a total of 143.8 MW aimed at the refurbishment of stations with power outputs of over 1 MW. This means that five electricity stations already in service for several decades will be upgraded as part of a repowering plan. The work will be carried out between the end of 2021 and 2023.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 21 oktober 2020 13:47
    Statkraft Selects ABB for Hydropower Plants in Norway

    European renewable energy producer Statkraft has selected ABB to ensure efficiency and reliability of hydropower operations in Northern Norway. ABB has been awarded a contract to modernize automation, control, and power solutions at two of Statkraft’s hydropower plants in Norway. The upgrade at Straumsmo and Innset hydropower plants will leverage ABB’s distributed control platform ABB Ability System 800xA, which integrates process control, power management, electrical, and safety within a common reliable system. The deal also includes an option to extend the refurbishment to a third plant, Båtsvann hydropower plant. The 800xA system will enable complete control of the powerplant from high-voltage switchgear to low-voltage motor control, management of AC/DC systems and lighting and heating at each plant.

    Hydropower remains the mainstay of the Norwegian electricity system contributing to over 95 per cent of Norway’s total energy consumption.

    With an extensive background in providing integrated power and automation solutions to hydro power plants, ABB’s global hydro projects have included Enel Green Power in Italy, Copel in Brazil, Aswan in Egypt, Three Gorges in China, Piva in Montenegro, Itaipu in Brazil and Sharavathy in India.

  8. forum rang 10 voda 23 oktober 2020 13:18
    Hydro and Lyse to establish hydropower company

    Hydro and Lyse plan to merge part of their respective hydropower production to create a stronger joint hydropower company. The agreement secures long-term access to renewable power for Hydro’s industrial operations in Norway. The new company will be called Lyse Kraft DA and have a normal annual power production capacity of 9.5 TWh, of which Hydro will own 25.6% and Lyse 74.4%.
    The agreement is expected to bring synergies of approximately NOK 500 million in net present value.

    As a consequence of the transaction, the RSK assets will not revert to state ownership at the end of 2022, meaning Hydro can use its share of the power produced by the new company for aluminum production in Norway.

    Based on the agreement, Hydro will remain the operator of the RSK assets and assume operatorship for Lyse’s fully owned hydropower plants. Consequently, Hydro will become a larger power operator and remain the Norway’s third-largest provider of renewable power, with a combined renewables production of 13.6 TWh in a normal year. Hydro’s annual production, based on equity shares, will be 9.4 TWh in a normal year.

    RSK was established in 1963 to supply power to Hydro’s aluminum plant at Karmøy. In line with the Norwegian rules on license reversion of waterfalls and hydropower installations, private entities can normally only own up to one-third of the shares of a company that owns larger waterfalls. In 2016, the Norwegian government opened for private entities to extract physical power from power companies to ensure predictability for industrial operations.

  9. Joni-2 20 november 2020 19:04
    Verbund AG (VER) zal vanaf 2023 elektriciteit leveren aan Deutsche Bahn (DB AG).

    De twee bedrijven hebben een contract getekend voor de levering van bijna 440 gigawattuur groene stroom per jaar.

    Verbund levert dit uit haar waterkrachtcentrale Egglfing-Obernberg am Inn, op de grens tussen Neder-Beieren en Oostenrijk.
    Het contract met Verbund AG loopt voor vijf jaar, meldt DB.


    Verbund AG is één van de 7 grote Europese nutsbedrijven, die Dr Timmermans in maart 2020 opriepen tot een ambitieuzer EU klimaatwetgeving voor hernieuwbare energie.


    Verbund AG is het grootste beursgenoteerde waterkrachtbedrijf van de Europa, en heeft daarnaast ook wind- en zonparken.
    (51% = van diverse Oostenrijkse overheden en de Duitse deelstaat Baden Wurttemberg)

    Verbund werkt met 3 partners, aan een Co² opslag / cement verwerking project, waarmee men uiteindelijk kunststof kan maken.


    Momenteel bouwen, RWE in Duitsland en Orsted in Denemarken vergelijkbare projecten.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2020 12:54
    GE Renewable to Refurbish Hydro Turbines at Rock Island Plant

    GE Renewable Energy signed a Design Build Agreement with Chelan County PUD, a US public utility, to start the design process for the rehabilitation of eight Bulb generating units at Rock Island Powerhouse 2 in the US. The main objective of the Powerhouse 2 rehabilitation is to maintain the overall plant equipment reliability for the next 40 years using innovative and environment-friendly solutions, two important factors that guided the development of a new GE’s hydro solution. As part of the rehabilitation, GE Renewable Energy will provide a new oil-free runner solution. Traditional runners use oil as lubricants, by avoiding that the GE design eliminates the risk of oil leaking into water passing through the runners.

    Rock Island Dam is the second-largest of three hydroelectric sites operated by Chelan County PUD that owns and operates one of the nation’s largest nonfederal, customer-owned hydroelectric generating systems. The eight horizontal Bulb generating units in Powerhouse 2 are the only such turbines on the Columbia River and one of the few in North America. The hydro project is located near the geographical center of Washington State, on the Columbia River. The second powerhouse can generate enough electrical power to serve a city the size of Vancouver, Washington, plus the rest of Clark County.

    The design is expected to be completed in late 2020. The work to rehabilitate the eight generating units is expected to begin in 2022 and be completed by 2030.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 24 december 2020 10:57
    GE Renewable & BE Power to Develop Hydro Storage Project

    GE Renewable Energy and BE Power have signed an agreement to co-develop the 400 MW Big-T Cressbrook pumped hydro storage project in Toowoomba, Australia. Under the agreement, GE Renewable Energy’s Hydro Solutions business will work alongside BE Power and their partners to optimize and finalize the design of the plant and help the project secure financing and reach commercial operations. When generating, the project will provide power equivalent to the demand of roughly 200,000 typical Queensland households; when pumping, it will provide long-duration, high capacity storage to absorb excess wind and solar output. At all times, it will provide valuable system strength and inertia to the grid, safeguarding security and reliability.

    As Queensland pushes towards its target of 50% renewables by 2030, projects such as the Big T will be vital enablers, ensuring that supply continues to meet demand, despite the variable nature of other renewable energy resources. Given the scale of the transformation that is under way, pumped hydro projects such as the Big T represent by far the most cost-effective and long-lasting solution for the high capacity, long duration storage that is needed.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 9 januari 2021 13:04
    Vattenfall mag in de Maas doorgaan met massaal vermalen van vissen

    Het massaal vermalen van vissen in de waterkrachtcentrale van Vattenfall tussen Lith en Alphen zal voorlopig door blijven gaan na een uitspraak van de Raad van State. En daar zijn visliefhebbers laaiend over.

    Wouter ter Haar 09-01-21, 06:19 Laatste update: 10:57 Bron: BD

    ‘Volstrekt onacceptabel’, ‘schandalig’ en ‘uiterst kwalijk’. Zo betitelen Bjorn van Beurden van Hengelsport Vereniging Ons Genoegen uit Oss en Ruben Bil, jurist bij Sportvisserij Nederland, de massale vissendood die al jaren plaatsvindt bij de waterkrachtcentrale in de Maas, tussen Lith en Alphen. De visliefhebbers zijn laaiend over de huidige werkwijze van de energiegigant Vattenfall, waar in de schoepen van de Lithse watercentrale dagelijks vissen een brute dood vinden.

    Juridische strijd
    Vattenfall en RWE, eigenaren van de waterkrachtcentrales bij Lith en Linne (bij Roermond) in de Maas, zijn al jarenlang in een juridische strijd verwikkeld met Rijkswaterstaat en het ministerie. Een strijd waar de vissen in de Maas het slachtoffer van worden, aldus Van Beurden en Bil. Begin vorige maand diende bij de Raad van State namelijk de zaak waarin ze protesteerden tegen de eisen die het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat stelt aan hun waterkrachtcentrales.

    De energiereuzen hebben een vergunning om het water van de Maas te gebruiken voor het opwekken van energie. Belangrijk onderdeel van die vergunning is de eis dat de centrales niet meer dan tien procent van de passerende vissen mogen doden. Vattenfall en RWE gingen tegen deze eis in beroep en kregen vorige maand deels gelijk van het hoogste rechtsorgaan.

    Volgens de Raad van State was ‘de beleidsregel niet voldoende in de wet verankerd’. ,,En als gevolg daarvan worden er dagelijks vissen vermalen”, aldus Bil van Sportvisserij Nederland.

    Slechts 0,8 procent van palingen bereikt de zee
    Volgens Bil worden er vooral in de centrale bij Lith véél meer dan tien procent van de passerende vissen - paling, zeeforel en zalm - vermalen door de vier dodelijk turbines van de waterkrachtcentrale. Volgens hem wijzen metingen uit dat een groot deel van de vissen wordt gedood. ,,Het verschilt een beetje per soort. Bij paling ligt de sterfte bijvoorbeeld tussen de 25 en 40 procent. Uit onderzoek met zenders bleek dat slechts 0,8 procent van de palingen die de Lith passeerde de zee wist te bereiken.”

    De waterkrachtcentrale is een van de grootste centrales van het land. Bil benadrukt echter dat de totale energieopbrengst vrij laag is. Hij wijst op cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek dat alle zeven grote en kleine waterkrachtcentrales in Nederland een maximaal vermogen hebben van 37 megawatt, goed voor het energiegebruik van zo’n 35.000 gezinnen. ,,Vijf windmolens op zee leveren meer op.”

    Doorn in het oog
    De ecologische schade die de Lithse waterkrachtcentrale aanricht, is ook een doorn in het oog van Van Beurden van Ons Genoegen, met 2900 leden de grootse visclub in de regio. De club organiseert regelmatig wedstrijden op de Maas. ,,Het is verschrikkelijk wat er gebeurt in Lith. De vissen worden er versnipperd, vermalen of verhakseld. Dat doet je pijn als visliefhebber.”

    En hij neemt de gelegenheid te baat voor het pleidooi om vissers sowieso meer bij de besluitvorming te trekken. ,,Ook de meanderende Maas - op zich goed voor de visstand - maakt het voor vissers moeilijk een goede stek te vinden. Maar ons wordt niks gevraagd.”

    Zowel van Beurden als Bil van Sportvisserij Nederland hopen dat de energiemaatschappijen tot inkeer komen en maatregelen nemen om de vissterfte te voorkomen. ,,Er zijn al turbines die dat kunnen, maar dat kost geld”, aldus Bil. Vattenfall zegt dat het al van alles doet om de sterfte van vissen te beperken. Zo zijn er verschillende vistrappen of worden palingen gevangen en voorbij de centrale weer losgelaten.

    Ook Rijkswaterstaat zit met de vissterfte en de uitspraak van de Raad van State in de maag. Het zint op manieren om de vissensterfte op andere manieren te voorkomen.

  13. forum rang 6 'belegger'' 9 januari 2021 20:07
    De renewable tak van Brookfield doet ook het nodige met waterkracht. Hun capaciteit bestaat uit 7900MW Hydro, maar ook 2700MW pumped hydro and battery storage. Een tijdje terug had Joni het (bij Verbund?) over stuwmeren als batterij. Verder heeft Brookfield 4700MW Wind, 2600MW Solar en 800MW distributed (on-site). Ik kan geen topic vinden voor Brookfield, dus kom ik hier.

    Je moet even opletten met de structuur van de organisatie en de financiële producten. Zo richt Brookfield zich op private equity, vastgoed, infrastuctuur en renewables.

    Bij de renewables tak had je voorheen Brookfield Renewable Partners (BEP). In juli 2020 is er een afsplitsing geweest in de vorm van Brookfield Renewable Corporation (BEPC). Deze afsplitsing was geïnitieerd om fiscale redenen, maar BEPC trok ook veel aandacht van Amerikaanse institutionele beleggers die niet mochten beleggen in (Canadese) Partnerships.

    BEP en BEPC betreffen exact dezelfde assets, maar door de vraag uit de markt is de koers van BEPC veel harder opgelopen dan die van BEP. Hierdoor betaal je met BEPC een flinke premie van 27% boven BEP. Net als de assets is ook het dividend van BEP en BEPC aan elkaar gelijk, dus BEPC heeft een hoger dividendrendement. Zo valt er voor de belegger iets te kiezen, namelijk dividendrendement of inspelen op de de markt.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2021 10:59
    RWE Sells 19 Small Scale Hydropower Stations to KELAG

    RWE is to sell its 19 small scale hydropower station portfolios in France and Portugal as well as its small Portuguese onshore wind stake of 3 megawatts, representing a total capacity of 65 megawatts, pro-rata, to KELAG, an Austrian energy utility based in Carinthia. Under the terms of the deal, 16 employees will also transfer to KELAG. The power plants moved to RWE as part of its transaction with E.ON in 2019. The transaction will become effective as of 1st of January 2021; closing is expected in the course of 2021. The parties involved have agreed to keep the purchase price confidential.

    RWE has a stake in KELAG since 2001, with a current shareholding of 37.9%. In autumn 2020 the state of Carinthia and RWE agreed to continue their successful partnership for a further decade. By working together they aim to further expand and bolster the position of KELAG as a leading energy utility and centre of competence for hydro-electricity. This transaction is an important step towards this goal. RWE’s main focus, as part of the expansion of renewables, is to invest in onshore and offshore wind power, photovoltaics and storage technologies.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 12 februari 2021 11:08
    GE Renewable Completes Lower Kaleköy Hydropower Plant in Turkey

    GE Renewable Energy has successfully completed the Lower Kaleköy Hydropower plant at the Lower Kaleköy Dam in Turkey. Now that the last of three units has been connected to the grid, the plant has gone into full commercial operation. As leader in a consortium, Hydro Solutions has provided a total of three 155 MW Vertical Francis Turbines including the control system, the balance of plant and the switchyard for the hydroelectrical powerplant. With its 500 MW installed capacity, Lower Kaleköy will be the sixth largest Hydropower plant by installed capacity in Turkey developed by the private sector. Thanks to the new plant, about one million people will be supplied with clean energy.

    GE Hydro Solutions built the turbines at its manufacturing facility in Taubate, Brazil. The first unit was completed in May 2020. Units two and three followed in November and December last year, allowing Kalehan Energy to bring the power plant into commercial operation. “Congratulations to Kalehan Energy and all the parties involved on the successful start of commercial operations of the Lower Kaleköy Hydropower plant. The fact that the plant is now up and running is clear proof of the commitment and the resilience of the entire team that completed the project against the backdrop of the pandemic and the challenges that came with it,” said Pascal Radue, CEO of GE Renewable Energy Hydro Solutions. He added “I am very proud to see GE Hydro Solutions at the forefront of hydropower development in Turkey. As GE Renewable Energy, we have delivered one out of five operational turbines and one generator out of three under operation in the country since early 20th century.”

    Located on the Murat River, Lower Kaleköy is the third project executed by GE in the same region on behalf of the Kalehan Energy Group. Before that, GE Hydro Solutions completed the Beyhan-1 and Upper Kaleköy hydropower plants. Turkey is a rich country in terms of hydroelectric sources. Although the level of installed Hydropower capacity is quite important with over 28.8 GW overall, eight GW of run of river plants, and 20.8 reservoir dams, there is still an additional economical potential of up to 50 GW. The country has seen a six percent annual average growth rate in energy demand over the past 15 years.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2021 11:21
    Tanzania to Start Construction of Rumakali & Ruhudji Hydropower

    Tanzania’s Minister for Energy Dr Medard Kalemani has said that the government will soon start construction of two hydropower projects in Njombe Region with the capacity of generating 580 MW. The projects involve the construction of the Rumakali and Ruhudji hydroelectric power plants which will have capacities of 222 MW and 358 MW respectively.

    He said “We now hope to enter the second stage of announcing tenders to find eligible contractors who will be able to produce quality projects.”

    He said that once the construction work begins, the projects are expected to be completed within three years and thus add 580MW to the National Grid.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 25 mei 2021 08:27
    GE to Build Tauernmoos Pumped Hydro Storage Power Plant

    GE Renewable Energy has been selected by the Austrian National Railway Operator ÖBB to supply and commission two 85 MW variable speed pumped storage turbines for the new Tauernmoos Pumped Hydro Storage Power Plant located in the Stubachtal Valley/Austria. As part of the project, GE Renewable Energy will be responsible for the design, engineering, model testing, manufacturing, supply, erection supervision and the commissioning of the two 85 MW variable speed pumped storage turbines and generators. A special feature of the project is that GE is thus the only OEM to cover the entire scope of delivery of the machine sets. In addition, the company’s scope also includes power transformers and power frequency converters as well as part of the balance of plant.

    Tauernmoos will be the first new build Pumped Hydro Storage facility worldwide featuring fully-fed variable speed technology. The power plant will be designed for high flexibility and short response times to load changes. Unlike conventional fixed speed units, the variable speed operation allows for very quick starts and stops as well as fast transitions between turbine and pump operation. Among the most adaptable production systems, variable speed hydro storage units can store great quantities of immediately available electricity, giving the network greater flexibility, predictability and efficiency. For a unit, variable speed can increase weighted efficiency in turbine mode by an average of 1% and pumping power adjustment range by 30%. Thanks to the variable speed technology, Tauernmoos is going to be one of the most flexible pumped hydro storage plants globally.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  18. Joni-2 27 mei 2021 09:07
    VERBUND Hydro Consulting AG (AT): sluit langlopend adviescontract voor de bouw en uitbating, van een energiecentrale met pompaccumulatie in Noord Israël

    Onder het label VERBUND Hydro Consulting biedt het grootste energiebedrijf van Oostenrijk zijn duurzame adviesdiensten op het gebied van waterkracht ook aan externe klanten. Het meest recente contract omvat het ondersteunen van de detailplanning en installatie en het verlenen van assistentie bij het exploiteren van een energiecentrale met pompaccumulatie die gepland staat voor de bouw in Israël.
    De financiële afsluiting op 11 februari 2021 was het officiële startschot voor de 156 megawatt pompaccumulatiecentrale op Manara Cliff in het noorden van Israël. Met een investeringsvolume van 390 miljoen euro levert het Israëlische bedrijf Ellomay Pumped Storage Ltd een essentieel onderdeel voor de toekomst van hernieuwbare energie in het land. De bouw start in de eerste helft van 2021; De zeer flexibele energiecentrale met pompaccumulatie zal volgens de planning in 2026 operationeel zijn en zal bijdragen tot de voorzieningszekerheid in Israël.

    Met onmiddellijke ingang is een ervaren consortium bestaande uit VERBUND, Voith Hydro en het nationale Israëlische waterschap Merkorot verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerp en de uitvoering van de efficiënte bedrijfsvoering van deze centrale. Het consortium werd geselecteerd als beste bieder in een internationale aanbesteding, met VERBUND's uitgebreide ervaring met waterkracht, met name in de bouw en exploitatie van grote pompaccumulatiecentrales, waarmee de deal werd beklonken.
    VERBUND's jarenlange advies omvat het ondersteunen van de ontwikkelaar bij de installatie en de eerste ingebruikname, het opzetten en trainen van het bedieningsteam en het opstellen van onderhouds- en serviceprocedures. Om de pompaccumulatiecentrale met succes in normaal bedrijf te stellen, zal VERBUND de operations manager leveren voor de eerste paar jaar dat het bedrijf in bedrijf is.

    Gepompt opslagcentrale Manara Cliff
    De energiecentrale met pompaccumulatie op Manara Cliff wordt gebouwd in het noorden van Israël, nabij de stad Kiryat-Shimona, en maakt deel uit van het landelijke energieopslag- en flexibiliteitssysteem, dat wordt geïmplementeerd als aanvulling op de enorme uitbreiding van windenergie en fotovoltaïsche zonne-energie voor een toekomst met hernieuwbare energie in Israël.
    In de ondergrondse grottencentrale wordt water naar een hoger reservoir gepompt in tijden van overtollige wind en PV-opwekking door een 156 MW pompturbine en gebruikt om elektriciteit op te wekken wanneer dat nodig is. De installatie wordt daarom gebruikt om het systeem van het nationale energiebedrijf, Israel Electric Corporation Ltd.

    VERBUND Hydro Consulting
    Onder het label VERBUND Hydro Consulting biedt het grootste elektriciteitsbedrijf van Oostenrijk zijn decennialange ervaring aan in de bouw, het onderhoud en de exploitatie van waterkrachtcentrales van elke omvang, ook voor externe klanten in Oostenrijk en in het buitenland.
    Naast een groot aantal consultancycontracten in Oostenrijk zijn er ook andere succesvol afgesloten of worden momenteel verwerkt in verschillende landen in Afrika en Zuidoost-Azië. Dit onderstreept niet alleen de wereldwijd erkende competentie van VERBUND in de bouw en exploitatie van waterkrachtcentrales, maar levert ook een bijdrage aan de verdere ontwikkeling van knowhow in de kernactiviteiten van VERBUND in Oostenrijk en Duitsland.

    CC: verbund.com/hydro-consulting
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