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  1. jecebe 14 september 2020 12:16

    Plein777 schreef op 14 september 2020 12:09:


    Dat zal de Republikeinse generaal oud chef staff Colin Powell je uitleggen :


    Ook Republikeinse generaal Eaton heeft hij er een mening over:

    Ik vroeg het aan, ff_relativeren, wat die generaals zeggen zal me worst wezen.
  2. Al Kipone 14 september 2020 14:39
    Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign is establishing a major new legal operation, bringing in two former solicitors general and hundreds of lawyers in what the campaign billed as the largest election protection program in presidential campaign history.

    Legal battles are already raging over how people will vote — and how ballots will be counted — this fall during the pandemic, and senior Biden officials described the ramp-up as necessary to guard the integrity of a fall election already clouded by President Trump’s baseless accusations of widespread fraud.

    The new operation will be overseen by Dana Remus, who has served as Mr. Biden’s general counsel on the 2020 campaign, and Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel during the Obama administration who joined the Biden campaign full-time over the summer as a senior adviser.

    Inside the campaign, they are creating a “special litigation” unit, which will be led by Donald B. Verrilli Jr. and Walter Dellinger, two former solicitors general, who are joining the campaign. Hundreds of lawyers will be involved, including a team at the Democratic law firm Perkins Coie, led by Marc Elias, which will focus on the state-by-state fight over vote casting and counting rules. And Eric H. Holder Jr., the former attorney general in the Obama administration, will serve as something of a liaison between the campaign and the many independent groups involved in the legal fight over the election, which is already raging in the courts.

  3. Al Kipone 14 september 2020 14:49
    Joe Biden's campaign is expanding its staff in Texas, bringing on 13 more people as the state continues to look competitive with just over seven weeks to go before the November election.

    The Democratic nominee's latest hires, shared first with The Texas Tribune, include several experienced Democratic operatives from the state.

  4. Al Kipone 14 september 2020 14:53
    The NFL is back, and as millions of people tune in for the sort of live communal TV event that has been missing through much of the pandemic, they are also getting a dose of presidential politics during the commercial breaks.

    On Thursday night, when some 20 million people tuned in to watch the Kansas City Chiefs defeat the Houston Texans, Joe Biden's campaign was there with a minute-long campaign ad. Sixty seconds is a lot of real estate when it comes to the NFL and those ads don't come cheap.

    And this is only the beginning. Politics and beer ads will mix all season. A Biden campaign aide confirms to NPR that they already have reservations to run at least one ad nationally during each NFL game between now and Election Day. Tracking firm Advertising Analytics says those prebookings add up to $25 million.

    While the Biden campaign's ad was part of the NBC broadcast feed and hit every TV tuned in nationwide, the Trump campaign purchased $1.1 million in ads in 21 local TV markets in swing states, according to Ad Analytics.

    In theory, that could have allowed Trump's team to tailor its message to the issues important to individual states and regions. But, on Thursday at least, the Trump campaign aired the same ad about the "great American comeback" in every market. The ad starts with the line "in the race for a vaccine, the finish line is approaching."

    The Biden campaign ad called "Fresh Start" that aired nationally played to the reality that life is not back to normal. "We need to get control over the virus," the narrator says midway through the ad. "Donald Trump failed. Joe Biden will get it done."

    In addition to that national buy, Ad Analytics found Biden's campaign also aired seven different ads in 18 local media markets during the game. That means Biden's team was trying different messages for different markets. The local ad targeting can give a sense of the campaign's priorities, and in a way there's not much unexpected. Biden's ads aired in the so-called "blue wall" states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania, plus Florida, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won two of those states, Nevada and Minnesota.

    Meanwhile, Trump's local ads aired in a lot of states he won in 2016: Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and the blue wall states. His campaign also made a buy in Fargo, N.D., which has some overlap with Minnesota, a state Trump is hoping to flip Republican.

    The Trump campaign declined to comment for this story. A Biden campaign aide suggested that Trump's campaign is strapped for cash and was trying to cherry pick states that are most critical to his reelection. For the Biden campaign, a national buy is just more efficient, the aide said, because they have so many states on their target list.

    It also means people watching football in Texas, for instance, will see his pitch too. According to polling averages, Biden trails narrowly in Texas, a state that is traditionally an easy win for Republicans but has been gradually getting more Democratic. Spending a lot of money targeting Texas wouldn't really make sense for the Biden campaign, but having his ads air there can't hurt when that same ad is also airing in North Carolina, Florida and Michigan.

  5. [verwijderd] 14 september 2020 21:12

    HenriF schreef op 13 september 2020 22:17:


    Het maakt geen enkel verschil, ik heb je gemeld en wordt lid af als ze jou nog verder als IEX-lid toestaan. Ik hoop dat er een aantal medeleden zijn die je eveneens gaan melden. Je beledigd opzettelijk en dat kan niet de bedoeling zijn.
    Misschien is het tijd om je belofte na te komen.
  6. forum rang 6 Plein777 15 september 2020 10:04

    HenriF schreef op 14 september 2020 21:00:


    Om je gelijk te geven over trump, kun je hier honderden republikeinse trump stemmers hun persoonlijke mening horen geven en zij maken zich ook net als jij vanuit frankrijk grote zorgen over de toekomst van de USA en ook over hun republikeinse partij.
    Allemaal nette hard werkende amerikanen, die van hun land houden.

    Neem de tijd om een aantal van hen hun mening te horen geven.

  7. [verwijderd] 18 september 2020 19:00
    3 columns over de Town Hall met Joe Biden :

    - edition.cnn.com/2020/09/18/politics/j... ;

    - eu.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/... ;

    - edition.cnn.com/2020/09/18/politics/b... .

    "And guys like Trump, who inherited everything, and squandered what they inherited, are the people that I have always had a problem with, not the people who are busting their neck."

    That line may be Biden's single strongest moment and message of the entire 2020 campaign. Why? Because it goes to the heart of the most masterfull trick that Trump pulled in the 2016 election. A billionaire businessman born into considerable wealth, somehow convinced working class Americans that he was their voice and a fighter for their interests.
  8. jecebe 19 september 2020 03:42

    Plein777 schreef op 18 september 2020 18:14:

    De USA Army generaals komen in opstand tegen trump :


    Generaals willen oorlogen en chaos, dat is uiteindelijk hun werk terrein en kunnen ze lintjes en bevorderingen verdienen, dus zullen ze voorkeur hebben voor iemand die dat wel even voor hun regelt.

  9. forum rang 6 Plein777 19 september 2020 10:11

    jecebe schreef op 19 september 2020 03:42:


    Generaals willen oorlogen en chaos, dat is uiteindelijk hun werk terrein en kunnen ze lintjes en bevorderingen verdienen, dus zullen ze voorkeur hebben voor iemand die dat wel even voor hun regelt.

    Ook de veteranen die gevochten hebben voor de USA zijn woest op de laffe onbeschofte dienstplicht ontduikende trump, wegens verraad en dat hij gesneuvelde amerikaanse soldaten, suikers / loosers en pussy betitelde.


    Zie hoe de van oorsprong republikeinse militairen/veteranen trump spuugzat zijn !
  10. enwatnu 20 september 2020 09:51

    Plein777 schreef op 15 september 2020 10:04:



    Om je gelijk te geven over trump, kun je hier honderden republikeinse trump stemmers hun persoonlijke mening horen geven en zij maken zich ook net als jij vanuit frankrijk grote zorgen over de toekomst van de USA en ook over hun republikeinse partij.
    Allemaal nette hard werkende amerikanen, die van hun land houden.

    Neem de tijd om een aantal van hen hun mening te horen geven.

    Vast nooit gehoord van de walkaway campaign. Hier kun je verhalen horen van tienduizenden democraten die zijn overstapt naar de republikeinen. Maar dat zullen vast geen nette hard werkende Amerikanen zijn in je ogen.

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