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Dedalus, de totale ICT-integratie voor Covid-19 pandemie

11 Posts
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  1. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 14 april 2020 21:04
    Het bedrijf maakte afgelopen tijd enorme koerssprong...

    Dedalus for Covid-19

    Over 1.000.000 healthcare workers in more than 30 Countries in the world are using Dedalus applications while taking care of hundreds of millions of patients from China to USA, from UK to South Africa and Latin America.
    The entire world is facing the emergency of a pandemic which we would have never wanted to happen, but which already affected dozens of Countries. All Governments are gradually adopting ever more restrictive rules, with the aim of reducing the spread of the virus; it is fundamental to interact with citizens in the quickest and easiest way, as well as to organize to most efficient methods to classify citizens showing symptoms, in order to be able to speed up and manage in an orderly way the testing phase and the allocation of the various activities, bringing the patient in the right place on time, avoiding panic amongst the public and preventing incorrect use of healthcare resources.
    It is therefore necessary to have a system available as soon as possible to better manage all the initial stages of the pandemic process. We need to make it available and to operate in an extraordinary way to manage a high-risk pandemic phase.
    In this spirit, Dedalus reacted and went beyond.
    In record time, we created a system to check the spread of the virus. This system is going around the world for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems; together with our international partners we are offering it to several countries and local organizations. We are aware that this is a race against time, but we are ready to activate it in few days for those who will demand it.
    The system is totally integrated and considers any detail: from the initial stage, in order to reduce contagion, to the management of all the steps preceding the possible hospitalization, including the test-cycle management. We already faced all the various issues, that means, not only functionalities but even the dynamics related to: installation, training of the staff that will use it, how to make it user-friendly for the citizen, modalities for large-scale communication and the several particular cases which must be managed.
    Here below you can watch two videos which explain the system in full and the component dedicated to the citizen/patient.
  2. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 5 mei 2020 09:52
    Le Groupe Dedalus Engagé et Solidaire dans la lutte contre la propagation du Covid-19

    L’application Co4Covid-19 de Dedalus propose dans le contexte de crise Covid-19, une prise en charge complète du parcours patient, du diagnostic au suivi ambulatoire du patient.

    Gratuite, cette application s’adresse aux citoyens, aux établissements de santé et aux institutions et permet :

    Répondre aux questions de la population
    Pré-dépister la population, détecter d’éventuels citoyens positifs
    Informer les citoyens de la situation, des risques et de la conduite à tenir
    Suivre la propagation de la maladie en temps réel
    Agir rapidement pour ralentir la propagation du virus

  3. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 5 mei 2020 15:36
    News | April 28, 2020
    AI Accelerating Drug Discovery To Fight COVID-19

    Deep learning, drug docking and molecular dynamics simulations identify ways to shut down virus

    Researchers are running a global race to discover a vaccine, drug or combination of treatments that can disrupt the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, and prevent widespread deaths.

    Major efforts are underway to screen every possible molecule that might interact with the virus -- and the proteins that control its behavior -- to disrupt its activity.

    In addition to working faster, computational scientists are working smarter, combining artificial intelligence with physics-based drug docking and molecular dynamics simulations to rapidly look at the most promising molecules.

    A project using some of the most powerful supercomputers on the planet -- including the National Science Foundation-funded Frontera and Longhorn supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center and Comet at the San Diego Supercomputer Center -- is running millions of simulations, training a machine learning system to identify the factors that might make a molecule a good candidate, and doing explorations of the most promising results.

    "The discovery of effective therapeutics to mitigate the current COVID-19 crisis is critical for the rapid recovery of the global economy," says Ed Walker, a program director in NSF's Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure. "NSF-funded instruments such as Frontera and Comet provide important computational capabilities and human expertise to support multi-institution efforts harnessing our nation's research capabilities."

    The project complements epidemiological and genetic research efforts supported by TACC, which are enabling more than 30 teams to undertake research that would not otherwise be achievable in the timeframe this crisis requires.

    Source: National Science Foundation (NSF)
  4. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 13 mei 2020 08:11
    De zin en onzin van testen op Covid-19.

    Wat moet je doen en niet doen? Steengoed artikel van Bruce Y Lee van Forbes. Het is duidelijk dat er veel meer coördinatie en automatisering nodig is.

    1. How well are the tests really performing? What decisions are being made based on the test results?

    Coronavirus testing continues at the ProHealth testing centers in Jericho, New York on April 22, ... [+]
    Simply telling people that you’ve taken the SAT more often than anyone else is not going to get you admitted into the college of your choice. In a similar vein, when it comes to diagnostic tests, quantity does not trump quality, so to speak. Even though a number of different COVID-19 coronavirus tests may be on the market, it’s not yet completely clear how accurate each of these tests may be or how many of the tests cross the threshold of being reasonably accurate. If you want to put together a Broadway musical or a professional football team, you don’t just get as many people as possible.

    To help more tests reach the market, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has relaxed regulatory requirements. So it makes sense that there are now more different tests on the market. However, there are two sides to the coin. The trouble with relaxing requirements is that a lot more questionable stuff then may leak in as well, meaning that you have to do a lot more weeding out later. Just because a COVID-19 coronavirus test is on the market now, doesn’t mean that it is necessarily reliable or accurate. With any diagnostic test, you want to know these key measures:


    This is not how well the test empathizes with your problems or says, “things must be hard for you.” Instead, it is the probability that the test will be positive if you are actually infected with the virus. In other words, how well can the test detect the presence of a disease?
    The following formula calculates a test’s sensitivity: the number of true positives (TP) divided by the sum of the numbers of true positives (TP) plus false negatives (FN). Basically, the formula comes out to TP/(TP+FN). A TP is when the test result comes back positive and you actually are infected, meaning that the test result was correct. A FN is when the test result is incorrectly negative, even though you are infected.
    A low sensitivity would mean that many cases of infections will be missed. This is clearly not a good thing. An example of a low sensitivity test is using a person’s Tinder profile alone to determine if he or she is indeed a good lifetime partner.


    If you don’t have a COVID-19 coronavirus infection, what is the probability that the test will actually be negative? In other words, how well can the test confirm that you don’t have a given disease? This is what test specificity measures. A true negative is when the test is negative and no infection is present. A false positive is when the test is positive but there is really no infection. Thus, specificity equals the number of true negatives divided by the number of true negatives plus false positives: TN/(TN+FP).
    A low specificity would mean that many people will get positive tests when they aren’t actually infected. This can lead to a lot of people being isolated and worrying unnecessarily. This ain’t good either.
    An analogy would be relying on someone to tell you that he or she is a psychopath. Yes, if someone tells you on a first date that he or she is a psychopath then there’s probably a good chance that it’s true. “Being sort of a psychopath” is not something that people tend to joke about on a first date. However, it’s probably not a good idea to include “hasn’t openly admitted to being a psychopath” as one of the three main qualities that you are looking for in an ideal mate.

    Positive Predictive Value (PPV)

    Are you positive that the positive test result is correct? The PPV measures the probability that you actually have a COVID-19 coronavirus infection if a test result comes back positive. The formula for the PPV of test is the number of true positives divided by the number of true positives plus false positives: TP/(TP+FP). A low PPV means that many people will think that they are infected when they aren’t. An example of a test with a very low PPV is assuming that all people of a certain race are such and such. Sure, some people with that racial background may resemble the description. But most people don’t really match stereotypes.

    Negative predictive values (NPV)

    If you get a negative test, what is the probability that you really don’t have a COVID-19 coronavirus infection? The NPV measure this and equals the number of true negatives divided by the number of true negatives plus false negatives: TN/(TN+FN). A low NPV means that many people will get false assurances that they are not infected. This could lead to people not getting appropriate care in time and unknowingly spreading the virus to others.
    It will be important for the federal government to install some way of tracking the performance of different tests throughout the pandemic and reporting these performance measures to the public. Otherwise, different tests may yield very different results, leading to a comparing apples to oranges to who-knows-what-is-this-even-fruit situation.
  5. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 13 mei 2020 08:15
    2. How many people who want testing are actually getting testing?

    You don’t comfort your friend who is fretting over being single by telling him or her the total number of marriages that are occurring in the country. You don’t tell someone who is short on money about all the money that other people have. So declaring the total number of tests performed is not really going to assuage someone who is worried about COVID-19 coronavirus tests not being available.
    Instead, you want to offer statistics on the likelihood that the person will get what he or she wants. In other words, what are the chances of a person’s wishes or demands being fulfilled? That’s why there are measures of demand fulfillment such as:

    • Test availability: This is the percentage of people who want to get tested who actually end up getting tested. It is calculated by dividing the number of times people get tested by the number of times people want tests. You want this as close to 100% as possible.
    • Missed testing opportunities: This is the total number of times someone wanted a test but couldn’t get it. Of course, the higher this number goes, the worse the program.
    • Time-to-testing: Timing is important. If you order a pizza and get it delivered two years later, technically pizza availability was 100%. Technically, no missed pizza delivery opportunities occurred. But this may not leave you happy unless you’re planning your meals two years in advance. Time-to-testing is the amount of time that elapses from when you first want a test to when you actually get it.
    • Time-to-results: Testing is not like sex. Simply getting it is not enough. You also want to know the results, unless you happen to just want the experience of a cotton swab being shoved up your nose. Results need to return as soon as possible so that you and your doctor can make key decisions.
  6. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 13 mei 2020 08:17
    3. How much of the country are you really covering with testing? Who is getting tested and who isn’t?

    • Local residents Burnetta Kinsey (C) and Zina Parker (R) fill out paperwork at a mobile COVID-19 ... [+]

    • What if Google Maps only told you the total number of roads in the U.S or Tinder the total number of single people in your city? What if a news report just stated that one million killer rabbits wearing capes have invaded the country without giving a sense of where they actually are? As anyone who’s been in real estate knows, location matters.

    • That’s why seeing detailed maps that show testing coverage (i.e., what percentage of the population has gotten tested) would be helpful. Or at least a breakdown of all the previously mentioned testing measures by location and key socio-demographic groups.

    • After all, total numbers can hide the actual distribution of testing. There may be over 1.6 million sailboats in the U.S. but some people may have more than one, which decreases “sailboat coverage.” Similarly, the White House staff may be tested for the COVID-19 coronavirus every day adding to the total, but you may not be. Lopsided testing isn’t going to stop the spread of the virus. Unlike people, the virus does not discriminate. Even when the virus stops spreading among your close circles of friends and colleagues, as long as it is spreading somewhere, it is still spreading.

    • Ultimately, testing should be just one component of a coordinated response. Simply focusing on testing would be like going to a college where no teaching is done, only testing. Therefore, it will be important to know exactly how the COVID-19 coronavirus test results are being used, how they are guiding decision making, and how the results are being communicated to others. The pandemic isn’t an Olympic competition in which the goal is just have more of something than other countries, whether it is points or medals. Instead, public health responses are complex systems that require a systems approach of different measures to track progress or the lack thereof.

    • Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website.

    • Bruce Y. Lee
  7. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 21 mei 2020 08:10
    Alabama, North Dakota And South Carolina To Debut Apple And Google’s Covid-19 Contact Tracing
    Rachel Sandler
    Rachel SandlerForbes Staff
    I cover breaking news.


    Apple and Google released software on Wednesday that will allow public health agencies around the world to build their own apps to track who may have been exposed to Covid-19 using bluetooth signals, with Alabama, North Dakota and South Carolina the first U.S. states to sign on.
    Apple Affordable Housing Pledge

    In this June 3, 2019, file photo Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks at the Apple Worldwide Developers ... [+] AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File

    Apple and Google won’t build apps themselves, but have instead released the underlying technology that allows public health authorities to create their own contact tracing apps to download in the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

    Alabama, North Dakota and South Carolina are the first U.S. states to commit to using Apple and Google’s technology, along with 22 countries, including Ireland, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

    The Apple and Google contact tracing system will use bluetooth signals to exchange anonymous “keys” between phones that are in close proximity with each other; if someone is later diagnosed with Covid-19, they can enter their positive test result into an app and alert all the other phones that were near that “key” recently.

    The app has stringent privacy measures in place, such as not using location data and storing data on user devices rather than a centralized database overseen by a government authority—but some states and countries, such as the U.K., have complained that those measures make the app less effective.
    Crucial quote

    “North Dakota is excited to be among the first states in the nation to utilize the exposure notification technology built by Apple and Google to help keep our citizens safe,” Gov. Doug Burgum said in a statement. “As we respond to this unprecedented public health emergency, we invite other states to join us in leveraging smartphone technologies to strengthen existing contact tracing efforts, which are critical to getting communities and economies back up and running.”
    key background

    Public health experts say identifying and isolating infected people and their contacts will be necessary as countries begin to reopen their economies, though some say that while technology can help with the process, it is no substitute for hiring thousands of contract tracers, humans who are trained to track down and notify people who have been potentially exposed. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security estimates that the US needs to hire roughly 100,000 human contact tracers to be effective.
    news peg

    Other countries have opted to launch their own contact tracing apps without using Google and Apple’s technology, including China, India, Australia and Israel. Only China and India have mandated citizens use the app, which has led to widespread use, but those apps have still been scrutinized for privacy practices. Utah, too, has built its own contact tracing app that uses GPS location data, unlike Apple and Google.
    what to watch out for

    Adoption will be a challenge: Oxford University researchers say contact tracing apps have to be downloaded by 60% of the population in order to be effective, and it remains to be seen if Apple/Google’s effort will get that much buy-in.

    Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus
  8. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 25 juni 2020 11:02
    Dedalus afgelopen jaar zo'n kleine 200% gestegen. Staat nu op ca 0,8.

    Het Franse medisch software bedrijf was vanaf begin Bergamo ingeschakeld en heeft een enorme expertise opgebouwd in hoe staten / ziekenhuizen / bedrijven Corona- besmettingen kunnen tegengaan en indammen; cyberbeveiliging en begroting, kortom het hele ICT-plaatje.

    Ik zeg het nog maar even: ik heb nu al een rendement van 60% en het blijft hier niet bij.
  9. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 29 juli 2020 10:00

    MisterBlues schreef op 25 juni 2020 11:02:

    Dedalus afgelopen jaar zo'n kleine 200% gestegen. Staat nu op ca 0,8.

    Het Franse medisch software bedrijf was vanaf begin Bergamo ingeschakeld en heeft een enorme expertise opgebouwd in hoe staten / ziekenhuizen / bedrijven Corona- besmettingen kunnen tegengaan en indammen; cyberbeveiliging en begroting, kortom het hele ICT-plaatje.

    Ik zeg het nog maar even: ik heb nu al een rendement van 60% en het blijft hier niet bij.
    Dadalus overgenomen op 0,8 door:

    Agfa Health Care IT solutions

    Agfa HealthCare is a division of the Agfa-Gevaert Group which is headquartered in Mortsel, Belgium and traded on Euronext Brussels (AGFB).

    COVID-19 specific configurations

    As a healthcare IT partner, we are deeply committed to support our clients during the COVID-19 crisis. Around the globe we are setting up COVID-19 specific configurations. By sharing the customer cases we encounter and the configurations we’re setting up, we hope to be of help.

    1 – COVID-19 specific priority worklists
    2 – Faster reporting with COVID-19 drop-down menus and text macros
    3 – Remote and home reporting
    4 – COVID-19 hanging protocols
    5 – Supporting triage of high-risk patients
    6 – Real-time collaboration across quarantine-lines
    7 – Balance the load – Image sharing across hospital networks and regions
    8 – Adding COVID-19 specific terminology to the speech recognition lexicon
    9 – Business Intelligence: using data to better measure, understand, predict
    10 – eLearning: 24/7 access to key knowledge

    Partner configuration:
    – MediReport COVID-19 Update Collaboration
    – XERO Viewer & Microsoft Teams integration
    – Dell Technologies, Barco, and Agfa HealthCare are teaming together

    Laatste bericht.
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