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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 03:57

    Trump op twitter

    Will be immediately sending 100 Ventilators to Colorado at the request of Senator Gardner!

    A Republican Senator up for re-election gets quick help from a president who has told others (Democrats really) that they are overstating their need for ventilators


  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 05:18

    Royal Philips N.V. agreed in September to sell 10,000 ventilators to the U.S. for $3,280 each. It did not deliver. But the Dutch company just announced a new deal with the government. This time, it’s charging roughly $15,000 each.


  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 05:47

    Ontslagen bij de NRA (National Rifle Association)

    The lay-offs come after the National Rifle Association had to cancel its huge annual meeting, which which usually brings in millions of dollars for the organization


    he NRA has laid off 60 employees amid pandemic and will cut remaining employee's salaries.

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 05:51

    Moving closer toward authoritarianism, Trump removed two inspectors general within one week and now says he plans to replace seven more.

    Trump has made clear that he does not want watchdogs in place whom he perceives as disloyal.


    Trump Plans To Purge 7 Inspector Generals, One Of The Last Checks On His Power

    President Trump is looking to replace inspectors general that he perceives as biased against him for doing their jobs.
    President Donald Trump sparked outrage this week when he effectively removed the inspector general selected to lead a panel overseeing the massive $2 trillion coronavirus relief fund — a move that came on the heels of firing the intelligence community inspector general who handed Congress the Ukraine whistleblower complaint that got him impeached.

    Now, the president has admitted that he is looking to replace another seven inspectors general, suggesting during his Tuesday press briefing that he does not trust IGs who served under former President Barack Obama.

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 05:54

    President Trump has repeatedly told states and hospitals to secure their own supplies to fight the coronavirus, but hospital officials say their orders are being seized by the federal government without notice or explanation.


    Hospitals Say The Feds Are Seizing Their Supplies Without Any Notice

    According to hospital and clinic officials, the federal government is sweeping in without notice to seize their orders.
    President Donald Trump has made clear that he wants states and hospitals to secure their own medical supplies in fighting the coronavirus pandemic — his administration is not a “shipping clerk,” he said — but medical providers across the country say the federal government is swooping in to seize orders without warning, and they have no idea where those supplies are going or how they can get the items they need.

    The Los Angeles Times reports that the “Federal Emergency Management Agency is not publicly reporting the acquisitions, despite the outlay of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, nor has the administration detailed how it decides which supplies to seize and where to reroute them.”

    But hospital and clinic officials have made clear that the seizures are taking place, and they have received no help from the government in terms of whether or how they might gain access to the supplies they initially ordered.

    The Trump administration — in particular, the president and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner — has said it is using a data-driven approach to doling out supplies in an effort to ensure that medical equipment is being directed to the places that need it most urgently.

  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 08:22

    Now look at this USA county map that shows counties without hospitals, counties with hospitals with no ICU facilities, and counties with hospitals that have ICU facilities, as an overlay. Unfortunately, rural America is feeling invincible and still operating in "Hoax" mode.


  7. forum rang 4 Kees1 9 april 2020 09:44

    alexnr75 schreef op 9 april 2020 08:30:

    Blij te zien dat er op dit draadje geen crisis sfeer is. Er wordt hard gewerkt.

    Activiteit is duidelijk opgeschaald. Zelfs nu een nachtploeg aanwezig.


    Trump doet het toch maar weer!!
    Eens. Ik voeg hier graag aan toe dat het inhoudelijk allemaal goede postings zijn!
  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 11:09

    White House aides still have confidence in Trump's new chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and are trying to work with him. But morale has dipped quite a bit. "Someone should address it before this powder keg completely ignites," one aide told me.


    Trump’s New Chief of Staff Rattles White House in Crisis Mode

    Donald Trump’s new chief of staff, Mark Meadows, has escalated tensions in the White House with a swift series of staff changes that have drawn complaints from some in the West Wing about his management style, according to people familiar with the matter.

    Trump changed his top aide last month just as the U.S. coronavirus outbreak began to accelerate. After a slow start -- Meadows didn’t resign his North Carolina House seat until the end of March -- the new chief of staff kicked off his tenure by ousting a top legislative liaison last week and then, on Monday, replacing the White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham.

    Meadows brought in Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany as press secretary and also installed two loyalists in the communications operation, Pentagon spokeswoman Alyssa Farah and his top congressional aide, Ben Williamson.

    Other aides may depart in the near future, including the chief of domestic policy, Joe Grogan, according to two people familiar with the matter.


    Het wordt er niet gezelliger op in het Witte Huis.

    De sfeer is om te snijden
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 11:34

    The tide is turning AGAINST DonaldTrump!

    video1:37 minuut

    New Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll shows Americans turning against Trump

    With more than 400,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 14,000 deaths in the United States, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that Americans are souring on President Trump’s leadership during the pandemic.

    After a brief period during which some polls found more Americans approving of Trump's coronavirus response than not, half of them (50 percent) now disapprove, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov survey, compared to only 42 percent who approve. Among registered voters, that gap is even wider: 54 percent disapprove vs. 43 percent approve.

    Likewise, only 38 percent of Americans are satisfied the Trump administration is doing everything it can to stop the virus; 47 percent say they are not satisfied. That spread — 9 percentage points — has more than doubled over the last two weeks.

    The public figure who has earned the highest approval ratings for his work on the pandemic is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert on the White House coronavirus task force.

    Yet as the crisis increasingly hits home for Americans — 72 percent report now living under stay-at-home orders, up 20 points over the last two weeks, and 42 percent now say they have worn a face mask, up 30 points — Trump’s standing has suffered.

    Of those who have heard from the president in the last seven days, a full 56 percent rate his performance as either fair or poor. Wide majorities also believe the president is doing only a fair or poor job on a variety of leadership metrics, including unifying the country (59 percent fair or poor); organizing the government’s response (56 percent fair or poor); communicating with the public (55 percent fair or poor); listening to scientists (57 percent fair or poor); relating to problems faced by average Americans (58 percent fair or poor); and taking bold actions (53 percent fair or poor). Each of those ratings has worsened since the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll was conducted in late March.

    Part of the reason for that decline may be that Americans increasingly blame Trump for the vast scale of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak. Asked how much the president could have reduced the damage if he’d acted sooner, 65 percent said “a lot” (40 percent) or “somewhat” (25 percent). Only 36 percent said “slightly” (14 percent) or not at all (22 percent). Likewise, the percentage of Americans who say the Trump administration was not adequately prepared to deal with the deadly pathogen has risen from 51 percent a month ago to 63 percent today, while the percentage who say the administration was adequately prepared has fallen from 30 percent to 22 percent.

  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2020 11:49

    12,469 Americans died of H1N1 flu in 09
    275,000 Americans were hospitalized for H1N1 in the 09
    12,878 Americans have died to date from #TrumpCoronaVirus
    399,667 have been diagnosed to date w/#TrumpCoronaVirus

    Will DonaldTrump
    brag (opscheppen) that his pandemic was bigger than Obama's?


  11. Al Kipone 9 april 2020 15:27
    In state after state, the COVID-19 crisis is affecting black folks disproportionately relative to whites.
    In Milwaukee, where African Americans are 26 percent of the population, they comprise 46 percent of diagnosed COVID cases and 73 percent of fatalities.
    In Michigan, black folks are 14 percent of the population but 35 percent of all cases and 41 percent of COVID-19 deaths.
    In Chicago, blacks are 32 percent of the population, but over half of infections and two-thirds of fatalities. On a per-capita basis, black folks are twice as likely as whites to contract the virus there. For Illinois as a whole, 42 percent of deaths have occurred in the black community, even though black folks are only 14 percent of the statewide population.
    In Louisiana — where 40 percent of deaths have occurred in majority-black New Orleans, and where heavily black parishes along the Mississippi River have been especially hard hit — over 70 percent of deaths have been among African Americans, despite blacks being only a third of the population.
    In New York State, the black share of deaths is double their percentage of the population, and although the disparities in New York City are not as large, they do exist for both blacks and Latino/as. Indeed, as for the city, the disparities will likely grow as more data comes in. Preliminary numbers indicate poorer and blacker neighborhoods, and those with large amounts of service workers, who can’t as easily “shelter in place,” have been the hardest hit by infections.
    Nationally, people in counties with majority black populations are six times more likely than those in majority-white counties to die from coronavirus.


  12. s.lin 9 april 2020 20:24
    Mr. Trump has likened the virus crisis to another war.

    “After the dust settles in the U.S. there will be arguments over who should pay for all of this spending and absorb the burdens of the debts, which will be political arguments,” said Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, the large hedge fund company.

  13. Al Kipone 9 april 2020 20:32

    s.lin schreef op 9 april 2020 20:24:

    Mr. Trump has likened the virus crisis to another war.

    “After the dust settles in the U.S. there will be arguments over who should pay for all of this spending and absorb the burdens of the debts, which will be political arguments,” said Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, the large hedge fund company.

    vandaar dat het van enig belang is dat de GOP de macht verliest. Want dan gaat de VS terug naar de periode voor FDR.
  14. Al Kipone 9 april 2020 22:35

    gbakl schreef op 9 april 2020 21:55:

    in het tijdperk van/voor FDR kon een president probleemloos 12jaar op
    het pluche zitten.

    breng ze nou niet op gedachten :0)
    Niet echt. FDR is de enige pres die meer dan twee termijnen achter elkaar heeft gediend.
    En sinds het 22ste amendement (1947) is er een officiele limiet van 8 jaar.
  15. [verwijderd] 9 april 2020 22:43

    Al Kipone schreef op 9 april 2020 22:35:

    Niet echt. FDR is de enige pres die meer dan twee termijnen achter elkaar heeft gediend.
    En sinds het 22ste amendement (1947) is er een officiele limiet van 8 jaar.
    .. dus het 22e amendement uitschakelen en termijnen tot in lengte van dagen zijn mogelijk, zolang je herkozen wordt ?
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