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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 maart 2020 15:33

    Trump begins his phone interview with Fox & Friends by trying to blame Obama for the country's lack of "medical product" (Trump had 3 years to replenish supplies!)

    video 0:38 minuut

    tweede tweet(scrollen)
    Trump on Pelosi criticizing his slow coronavirus response: "Well, she's a sick puppy in my opinion. She really is. She's got a lot of problems. And that's a horrible thing to say. You know, I've gotten from fair people a lot of accolades, and I don't want the accolades."
    video 1:53 minuut

    derde tweet
    Trump on Pelosi and San Francisco: "Her area where she lives has become like a slum. It's a slum. And she should focus on that ... we may get involved and take over that area and clean it up."

    video 1:08

    vierde tweet
    "I think NY should be fine, based on the numbers that we see. They should have more than enough [ventilators]. I mean, I'm hearing stories that they're not used, or not used right...the states should be getting it. We should be a backup"- Trump blames NY for a ventilator shortage

    video 1:42

    vijfde tweet
    Trump on Russia: "They also fought World War 2. They lost 50 million people. They were on partner, in World War 2. Germany was the enemy. And Germany's like this wonderful thing...now we don't talk to Russia, we talk to Germany. I mean, look, it's fine. I want to talk to Germany"

    video 1:01 minuut

    zesde tweet
    "I want to talk to Germany. My father was born-- you know, Germany is in my heritage" -- Trump starts to claim that his father was born in Germany (which is false, he was born in Queens), but then catches himself

    video 0:27 minuut

    zevende tweet

    Fox & Friends' final question for Trump comes courtesy of Ainsley Earhardt: "How can we pray for you?"

    (Trump doesn't answer the question.)

    video 0:57 minuut

    achtste tweet

    "Let's bring in Fox News medical contributor Dr Mark Siegel. What's your headline from our chat with POTUS?"

    "First of all, he's very concerned about what's going on in some of our hospitals ... you could see his emotions in a very stirring phone interview you just did"

    video 0:33 minuut

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 maart 2020 20:21

    A US Navy hospital ship is nearing its New York City dock

    The US Navy Hospital Ship Comfort is expected to soon dock in New York City.

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke about the coronavirus pandemic as the ship approached its dock.

    The ship is not expected to treat coronavirus patients. Rather it will be used to relocate shore-based patients undergoing treatments that are not coronavirus-related in an effort to help ease the burden on hospitals.

    It contains 12 fully-equipped operating rooms, 1,000 hospital beds, radiology services, a medical lab, pharmacy, optometry lab, a CAT-scan and two oxygen producing plants, according to the Navy.

  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 maart 2020 21:24

    Private Jet companies could get billions in aid from coronavirus bailout

    The $2 trillion economic stimulus package gives private-jet companies tax breaks, loans and loan guarantees.

    The aid follows a lobbying effort by private-jet companies and general aviation firms to receive a portion of the federal aid money.

    Private-jet companies could receive billions of dollars in loans, aid and tax relief from the federal government as part of the $2 trillion coronavirus aid package.

    Under the bill, private-jet charter companies and jet-card companies will receive several types of help from the federal government. First, private-jet companies will no longer have to pay a 7.5% tax. The tax, known as Federal Excise Tax, is charged to customers of private-jet charters and jet-card users. The tax won’t be charged for the rest of the year. Jet companies also won’t have to pay any fuel taxes.

    In addition, private-jet companies will be eligible to receive funding from the $25 billion in loans and loan guarantees available to the aviation industry. They are also included in the $25 billion in grant payments for the continuation of wage payments to workers

    Private-jet airports and smaller airports will also receive more than $100 million in federal funding under the bill.

    The aid follows a lobbying effort by private-jet companies and general aviation firms to receive a portion of the federal aid money, arguing that private aviation generates 1.2 million jobs and $77 billion in income.

    “On balance, the bill is helpful to general aviation,” said Ed Bolen, president and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association, which represents private-jet companies and owners as well as general aviation companies. “The industry clearly made its voice heard in insuring that the important provisions for general aviation, commercial operators and other small businesses were considered as this legislation was assembled.”

    Yet using taxpayer funding to help an industry that caters to the wealthy has also sparked criticism. Before the bill was announced, Dean Baker, senior economist at the liberal-leaning Center for Economic Policy, told CNBC:

    “It’s hard to imagine anything worse.

    Putting up public money to support an industry that serves the rich would be hard to justify.

    It’s absurd.”


    Inderdaad, het is absurd

    Maar schijnbaar normaal in Trump's world.

    En iedereen schijnt het te pikken in de uS.

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 maart 2020 21:31

    To landlords who lease to medical professionals:

    In other states, we've seen news stories about nurses being thrown out of apartments or denied leases out of fear of exposure.

    We haven't yet specifically seen that here, but let me be clear, it will not be tolerated in Illinois.


    De governor van Illinois heeft dus informatie, dat in andere staten verpleegsters hun huis uitgezet worden door de huiseigenaren waarvan zij huren.

    Omdat zij een gevaar vormen voor de woonomgeving.

    Het moet niet gekker worden.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 maart 2020 21:39

    Putin and Trump had another conversation.

    Reportedly, it was a long one, discussing #coronavirus and oil prices.

    As usual, we find out from the Russians.

    According to the Kremlin, Trump initiated the phone call. The call addressed:
    coronavirus & "closer interaction between the U.S. & Russia"
    oil prices
    "some other issues re: bilateral relations"
    Trump and Putin "agreed to continue personal contacts


    Het Kremlin vermeldt wel dat er gesproken is met Trump.

    Maar het Witte Huis doet geen mededeling over het telefoon gesprek

  6. s.lin 30 maart 2020 23:46
    7m ago
    Trump said that the US production of ventilators will ramp up sufficiently to supply some other countries, including Italy and Spain. The president has repeatedly marveled at why US hospitals would need thousands of ventilators — which healthcare providers need to help coronavirus patients with severe symptoms breathe.

    An article in the New England Journal of Medicine published on Wednesday 25 March categorically concluded that the US does not have enough ventilators to treat patients with Covid-19 in the coming months.

    The authors, American public health experts, wrote: ‘There is a broad range of estimates of the number of ventilators we will need to care for U.S. patients with Covid-19, from several hundred thousand to as many as a million. The estimates vary depending on the number, speed, and severity of infections, of course, but even the availability of testing affects the number of ventilators needed.... current estimates of the number of ventilators in the United States range from 60,000 to 160,000, depending on whether those that have only partial functionality are included. The national strategic reserve of ventilators is small and far from sufficient for the projected gap. No matter which estimate we use, there are not enough ventilators for patients with Covid-19 in the upcoming months.”

    Ford today announced it will work with GE to make ventilators. And GM announced on Friday that it will start manufacturing ventilators in April on behalf of Ventec Life Systems.

  7. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2020 08:32
    VS koopt flinke lading medische spullen van China
    In de strijd tegen het coronavirus heeft de VS een grote lading medische spullen gekocht van China.

    Het eerste vrachtvliegtuig is maandag geland in New York, melden Amerikaanse media. Dat zal nog negentien keer plaatsvinden.

    De eerste aflevering van de twintig ladingen bevat 130.000 mondkapjes van het type N95, 1,8 miljoen operatiemaskers, 70.000 thermometers en meer dan tien miljoen medische handschoenen.

    Het Witte Huis verklaarde dat het om een “speciale samenwerking” gaat.

    Amerikaanse media berichten ook dat er kritiek is op president Donald Trump omdat hij medische goederen uit China importeert, terwijl hij eerder covid-19 ‘het Chinese virus’ noemde.

    © Turksemedia.nl – Alle rechten voorbehouden | AA | Gepubliceerd: 30-03-2020
  8. forum rang 7 JdeFL 31 maart 2020 10:18
    'Covid-19 heeft alle zombie-ideeën weer op de been gebracht'
    Je zou de visie van Donald Trumps regering en de rechtse media op het coronavirus zo kunnen samenvatten, schrijft Paul Krugman: “Het is bedrog. En als het geen bedrog is, stelt het toch maar weinig voor. En er iets tegen doen, zou de economie vernietigen. En het is de fout van de Chinezen.”
    "Geeft dat een gevoel van déjà vu? Het lijkt inderdaad sterk op de visie van Trump en rechts op de klimaatverandering." (DM)
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 31 maart 2020 11:18

    Meadows Takes Over as White House Chief of Staff

    Longtime Trump ally resigned from Congress Monday and becomes the fourth person to serve as the president’s top aide

    In an administration that has seen no shortage of drama related to the White House chief of staff, President Trump’s fourth chief is arriving with relatively little fanfare:
    Mark Meadows, officially joins the White House Monday, with his resignation as a North Carolina congressman set to take effect at 5 p.m., an aide said.

    Mr. Trump fired his first chief of staff, Reince Priebus, in a tweet while both men were aboard Air Force One.
    His second chief, John Kelly, on his first day axed the contentious—and short-lived—White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci. Mr. Kelly’s own tenure was marked by constant reports on his imminent ouster, and in December 2018 Mr. Trump abruptly announced his coming departure.
    His third chief, Mick Mulvaney, was given only a temporary title—acting chief of staff—that he kept over the course of his 14-month tenure.

  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 31 maart 2020 11:32

    CBS News obtained audio of a call Monday between Pres. Trump and rural state governors about coronavirus. After Montana Gov. Steve Bullock discusses difficulty getting testing equipment,

    Trump says, "I haven't heard anything about testing being a problem"

    video 1:49 minuut
  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 31 maart 2020 11:36

    CNN's Acosta reads Trump his previous statements downplaying the coronavirus and asks what he would tell Americans upset over his handling of the crisis.

    Trump in return attacks CNN, and says the question is "nasty" and "snarky."

    video 1:49
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 31 maart 2020 11:38

    luchtschip schreef op 31 maart 2020 11:36:

    CNN's Acosta reads Trump his previous statements downplaying the coronavirus and asks what he would tell Americans upset over his handling of the crisis.

    Trump in return attacks CNN, and says the question is "nasty" and "snarky."

    video 1:49
    Het maakt niet uit wat Trump doet of zegt: zijn fans zijn dom en blind en blijven gewoon op hem stemmen.
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