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  1. forum rang 10 voda 17 maart 2020 17:44
    Trump wil binnen twee weken geld overmaken naar Amerikanen

    Gepubliceerd op 17 maart 2020 17:35 | Views: 689

    WASHINGTON (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - De Amerikaanse president Donald Tump zou binnen twee weken rechtstreekse betalingen aan Amerikanen willen realiseren die zakelijk in de problemen zijn gekomen door de impact van het nieuwe coronavirus. Dat zei minister van Financiën Steven Mnuchin, tijdens een briefing in het Witte Huis.

    Volgens de minister hebben Amerikanen nu geld nodig, en wil de president daarom de Amerikanen nu geld sturen. Miljonairs zouden geen recht hebben op steun.

    Verder benadrukte Mnuchin dat de Amerikaanse aandelenbeurzen open zullen blijven. Mogelijk worden wel de tijden aangepast. De laatste keer dat de markten dichtbleven was na de aanslagen op het WTC in New York in 2001. Ook worden belastingverplichtingen aan de federale belastingdienst IRS met 90 dagen opgeschort.

    Mnuchin zal later op dinsdag een pakket maatregelen ter waarde van 850 miljard dollar voorleggen aan het Congres.
  2. Al Kipone 17 maart 2020 20:48
    ineens komt de GOP er achter dat mensen geld nodig hebben? Tsk. Friggin socialists :-)
    Ze rollen over elkaar heen met steeds grotere bedragen . $1000! Nee, $2000...nee 1K maar elke maand gedurende zes maanden.....

    Gelukkig worden ook noodzakelijke industrieen gered, zoals de cruise industry, die al jaren met virussenkampt. En de vliegindustie, die al jaren ehm, eigen aandelen inkoopt van de winst en de tax refunds.

  3. Al Kipone 17 maart 2020 21:42

    The chief economists for both George W. Bush and Barack Obama have endorsed unrestricted cash checks as a stimulus measure and, more importantly, as a way to buy food, pay rent, and otherwise survive as mass layoffs are occurring and hourly workers aren’t picking up paychecks.

    The idea got its biggest boost yet on Tuesday when Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters the White House wants to pass a cash program that can distribute money to households ASAP. Other conservative politicians like Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) are on board the cash caravan, with Romney arguing for an immediate $1,000 check for every adult in America.

    Some Democratic senators want to go much bigger than that. Sens. Michael Bennet (CO), Cory Booker (NJ), and Sherrod Brown (OH) drafted a letter to Senate party leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer calling for immediate $2,000 payments to all adults and children in the US below a certain income threshold ($90,000 for singles and $180,000 for couples is one number I’ve heard floated by sources familiar with these discussions). You can read their whole plan in the appendix to the letter here.

    Under the plan, if the US is still in a public health emergency in July, Americans would get another $1,500 each. If the same is true in October, everyone would get another $1,000. If the public health emergency is over in either July or October when the Treasury secretary does his quarterly check-in, but unemployment has increased by a single point, the checks still go out. If unemployment rises by half a point, the checks are cut in half, but they still go out.

    Americans could get as much as $4,500 per person, or $18,000 for a family of four, if all the payments outlined in the plan go out.

  4. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 18 maart 2020 07:58

    Al Kipone schreef op 17 maart 2020 21:23:

    After Blowing $43 Bn on Share-Buybacks in 6 Years, Boeing Scrambles to Borrow $10 Bn, on Top of a $9.5 Bn Credit Line in Oct, to Fund its 737 MAX Fiasco

    43 miljard eigen aandelen inkoop. Omdat..... waarom precies?
    Omdat buy back leidt tot koersstijging en de koersstijging leidt tot extreem hoge waarde van de opties die die managers krijgen als bonus.

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 12:40

    After repeatedly downplaying the seriousness of the Coronavirus Outbreak and calling criticism of his inaction a “hoax,” DonaldTrump now falsely claims, “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

    video 0:52 minuut
  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 13:12

    Trump’s ‘spiritual adviser’ uses coronavirus to beg for cash: ‘Go deeper in your covenant with God’

    “Maybe you’d like to sew a $91 seed, and that’s just putting your faith with Psalm 91, or maybe $9, or whatever God tells you to do. … We would love for you to help us and stand with us.


  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 13:15

    White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham self-quarantines after possible virus exposure at Mar-a-Lago


    The White House confirmed on Tuesday that Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham has voluntarily quarantined herself at home over concerns that she may have the novel coronavirus.

    The White House told The New York Post that Grisham is working from home out of “an abundance of caution.”

    According to the report, Grisham had dinner at Mar-a-Lago with a Brazilian official who later tested positive for COVID-19.

    The White House also confirmed on Tuesday that Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is under a self-imposed quarantine after his niece came in contact with the same Brazilian official at Mar-a-Lago.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 maart 2020 13:22

    luchtschip schreef op 18 maart 2020 13:15:

    White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham self-quarantines after possible virus exposure at Mar-a-Lago


    The White House confirmed on Tuesday that Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham has voluntarily quarantined herself at home over concerns that she may have the novel coronavirus.

    The White House told The New York Post that Grisham is working from home out of “an abundance of caution.”

    According to the report, Grisham had dinner at Mar-a-Lago with a Brazilian official who later tested positive for COVID-19.

    The White House also confirmed on Tuesday that Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is under a self-imposed quarantine after his niece came in contact with the same Brazilian official at Mar-a-Lago.
    Trump gaat natuurlijk het leger inschakelen om mensen te testen.

    Die muur met Mexico kan wachten.........
  9. forum rang 10 voda 18 maart 2020 13:26
    Trump kondigt belangrijk nieuws FDA aan

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse president zal later vandaag een persconferentie beleggen en dan "belangrijk nieuws" van de Food and Drug Administration delen met betrekking tot "het Chinese virus". Dit schreef Trump woensdag op Twitter.

    Naar eigen zeggen heeft Trump de corona-uitbraak altijd "zeer serieus" genomen en vindt dat hij "een uitstekende prestatie" geleverd vanaf het begin. De president wees onder meer op het vroege besluit om de grenzen met China te sluiten, "tegen de wens van velen".

    Eerder deze week noemde Trump het coronavirus ook het al Chinese virus, wat hem kwam te staan op boze reacties vanuit China.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 13:28

    Video emerges showing Trump talking about cutting pandemic team in 2018, despite saying last week 'I didn't know about it'

    A video has emerged of Donald Trump talking about cutting the US pandemic response team in 2018 – days after claiming that he knew nothing about the disbanded White House unit.

    Mr Trump said of the pandemic team that “some of the people we’ve cut they haven’t been used for many, many years and if we ever need them we can get them very quickly and rather then spending the money”.

    After denying that his administration was responsible for any failures in the roll-out of American coronavirus testing, Alcindor had asked Mr Trump: “You said that you don’t take responsibility, but you did disband the White House pandemic office, and the officials that were working in that office left this administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take to that?”

    The US president responded by saying: “Well, I just think it’s a nasty question ...You say we did that, I don’t know anything about it.”

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 13:53

    McConnell urging GOP-appointed judges to retire this year

    Oudere rechters die door de GOP zijn aangesteld met pensioen laten gaan. Om ze dan te vervangen door jongere rechters die Republikeins gezind zijn.

    Trump en McConnell vrezen een verlies bij de 2020 november verkiezingen.
    En dan kunnen ze daarna geen rechters meer benoemen, want dan doen de democraten dat.

    Beter eerst de rechtspraak de komende jaren veilig stellen voor de republikeinen.


  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 14:16

    When BarackObama left office Jan 20, 2017 the Dow closed at 19,827. When he entered office Jan 20, 2009 the Dow closed at 7,949.

    In other words in his 8 years in office the Dow went up roughly 150+%.

    As I tweet this at 2:33pm (16 march) " DonaldTrump's" 3+ yr stock market is at 20,890.


  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 maart 2020 14:36

    Gerry Connolly brilliantly calls out Republicans, who've tried to claim that DEMOCRATS are politicizing the outbreak, while Trump is literally showing up to press conferences in campaign merch.

    Listen to every second of this.

    video 2:05 minuut
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