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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 januari 2020 22:09

    Zwarte doos blijft in Iran en wordt voorlopig nog niet aan Oekraine gegeven.

    Iran backtracks on plans to send black boxes from downed jet to Ukraine
    The head of the probe into the downed Ukrainian airliner says the recordings will be examined by Iran. His comments contradict those from a day earlier, according to which the black boxes would be sent to Kyiv.

    Iran has appeared to reverse course after its earlier decision to send abroad the black box flight recorders from the Ukrainian jetliner shot down earlier this month, saying Tehran would first review the audiotapes.

    "The flight recorders from the Ukrainian Boeing are in Iranian hands and we have no plans to send them out.''

    "We are trying to read the black boxes here in Iran. Otherwise, our options are Ukraine and France, but no decision has been taken so far to send them to another country,"

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 januari 2020 22:16

    Het Islamitisch Regiem van Iran wil de black box niet aan Oekraine geven.

    Iran had eerder schuld bekend aan het neerschieten. Dit heeft ook gevolgen voor compensatie van de slachtoffers.
    Volgens bronnen wil Iran de schuld gaan leggen bij de piloot, omdat deze zijn koers zou hebben gewijzigd. Hierdoor zou Oekraine verplicht moeten worden compensatie aan de slachtoffers te vergoeden.

    #BREAKING: The Islamic Regime wants to keep #Ukraine liable for paying compensation for victims of Flight #PS752 by means of falsely blaming pilot for changing heading which is untrue! A source in #Iran Civil Aviation Org. told me this is why Black Box of #PS752 is not delivered!


  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 januari 2020 22:25

    De ogen van Devin Nunes vertellen hoe hopeloos de zaak is.

    Met name na de impeachment verklaring van ambassadeur Sondland tijdens de impeachment hearing van het Huis.



    Maar dit is een blik die boekdelen spreekt

  4. Stapelaar 19 januari 2020 22:34

    luchtschip schreef op 19 januari 2020 00:36:


    In 2014, just after a revolution (Maydan Revolution) chased Yanukovych from power, the FBI issued an arrest warrant for Firtash.
    Austrian authorities detained Firtash near his Vienna mansion.
    The indictment alleged that he had bribed Indian officials on behalf of Boeing, which desperately wanted to acquire rare materials (titanium) for the construction of its 787 Dreamliner. (McKinsey & Company, the now-vilified consulting firm, apparently vetted Boeing’s decision to work with Firtash and didn’t recommend against it.

    When Firtash needed someone to pay his bail (borgtocht)—which the Austrians set at $155 million, the highest in the nation’s history—the oligarch Vasily Anisimov, a member of Putin’s inner circle, supplied the cash.

    Over the past five years, Firtash has successfully battled the Justice Department’s attempts to extradite him to the US.
    He’s hired an army of American lawyers, lobbyists, and consultants, including the notorious Jack Abramoff and the longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton friend Lanny Davis (die ook de advocaat is van Michael Cohen), as well as the Donald Trump–supporting lawyers Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing.
    His spokesman is Mark Corallo, who worked for Trump’s legal team during the Mueller investigation.


    Omdat William Barr de aanklacht tegen Firtash onder de huidige omstandigheden natuurlijk nooit kan intrekken wordt intussen gewerkt aan een andere oplossing: "omdat er veel klachten zijn van amerikaanse ondernemers over de strafbaarheid van het plegen van dan wel medewerking verlenen aan omkoping in het buitenland", wordt bezien of de wetgeving niet zou moeten worden versoepeld.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 januari 2020 23:14

    Stapelaar schreef op 19 januari 2020 22:34:


    Omdat William Barr de aanklacht tegen Firtash onder de huidige omstandigheden natuurlijk nooit kan intrekken wordt intussen gewerkt aan een andere oplossing: "omdat er veel klachten zijn van amerikaanse ondernemers over de strafbaarheid van het plegen van dan wel medewerking verlenen aan omkoping in het buitenland", wordt bezien of de wetgeving niet zou moeten worden versoepeld.
    Deze link had ik nog niet gelegd.
    Nu je dit zegt, dit is inderdaad mogelijk de reden om de wet op omkoping in het buitenland te versoepelen.
    Vervolgens zeggen dat Firtash onder de nieuwe wet niet hoeft uitgeleverd te worden aan de US.
  6. [verwijderd] 20 januari 2020 13:20
    Ralph Northam

    We have received credible intelligence from our law enforcement agencies of threats of violence surrounding the demonstration planned for Monday, January 20. This includes extremist rhetoric similar to what has been seen before major incidents, such as Charlottesville in 2017.

  7. forum rang 6 asti 20 januari 2020 14:43

    luchtschip schreef op 19 januari 2020 22:16:

    Het Islamitisch Regiem van Iran wil de black box niet aan Oekraine geven.

    Iran had eerder schuld bekend aan het neerschieten. Dit heeft ook gevolgen voor compensatie van de slachtoffers.
    Volgens bronnen wil Iran de schuld gaan leggen bij de piloot, omdat deze zijn koers zou hebben gewijzigd. Hierdoor zou Oekraine verplicht moeten worden compensatie aan de slachtoffers te vergoeden.

    #BREAKING: The Islamic Regime wants to keep #Ukraine liable for paying compensation for victims of Flight #PS752 by means of falsely blaming pilot for changing heading which is untrue! A source in #Iran Civil Aviation Org. told me this is why Black Box of #PS752 is not delivered!


    Reuters op 18 jan:

    'Iran to send black boxes of downed Ukrainian plane to Ukraine'


    Je wordt - alweer - flink in de maling genomen door deze leugenachtige Twitteraar. Het chronische slaaptekort in combinatie met Twitter is bij jou geen goede combinatie gebleken, dat zou je zelf inmiddels ook al door moeten hebben. Maar je blijft desondanks op dezelfde weg door gaan.
  8. Al Kipone 20 januari 2020 14:51
    Alex Jones is gearriveerd in Richmond. Ook de Proud Boys (white supremacist group).
    De Senator (een republikeinse mevrouw, Amada Chase) gooit nog wat olieop het vuur.
    Donderdag was er paniek in een school net buiten Richmond vanwege een vermeende schutter.
    Mijn dochter had een discussie in haar high school of het lokaal waarin ze zat wel bestendig was tegen een gewapende aanval.
    Haar leraar vertelde ze dat ze in geval van een aanval moeten wegrennen en zich verschuilen in de bossen rondom de school, of in een huis in de buurt.

    En waar gaat het om?

    De Democraten, die de absolute meerderheid hebben veroverd na trump, door in de twee volgende verkiezingen zowel State House, State Senate en Governor te winne. Mede omdat ze iets willen doen aanhet wapengekletter.

    En wat willen ze?

    Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

    A proposal for a "red flag" law, which would allow authorities to temporarily take guns away from anyone deemed dangerous to themselves or others, is also being considered.

    Other proposals Democrats and Northam have backed include rules about reporting lost or stolen firearms, increased penalties for recklessly leaving loaded, unsecured firearms near children, a ban on anyone subject to a final protective order from possessing firearms, and a ban on "assault firearms" – though some moderate Democrats expressed concerns over that bill.

    Virginia is de staat van de VaTech shooting (2007, 32 doden), de Virginia Beach shooting (2019, 12 doden) en Charlottesville. (1 moord door neonazi, 2 agenten omgekomen door ongeluk terwijl ze patrouilleerden).

    Wie organiseert dit?
    The Virginia Citizens Defense League is expecting at least 30,000 people to show up on Jan. 20.

    According to the group, it typically books three buses for the event. But this time, it has already arranged about 30 buses, not including buses coming from other Virginia groups and out-of-state organizations.

    Who the F- is Philip van Cleave?
    Hij was de man die het een goed idee leek om kleuters te bewapenen (in de Sacha Baron Cohne spoof).



  9. Al Kipone 20 januari 2020 15:48
    Wat toelichting bij de foto hierboven:

    Throughout the late 1960s, the militant black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for black people to arm themselves.”

    The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions.

    “The law was part of a wave of laws that were passed in the late 1960s regulating guns, especially to target African-Americans,” says Adam Winkler, author of Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms. “Including the Gun Control Act of 1968, which adopted new laws prohibiting certain people from owning guns, providing for beefed up licensing and inspections of gun dealers and restricting the importation of cheap Saturday night specials [pocket pistols] that were popular in some urban communities.”

    In contrast to the NRA’s rigid opposition to gun control in today’s America, the organization fought alongside the government for stricter gun regulations in the 1960s. This was part of an effort to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans as racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA felt especially threatened by the Black Panthers, whose well-photographed carrying of weapons in public spaces was entirely legal in the state of California, where they were based.

  10. Al Kipone 20 januari 2020 16:13
    En wat gebeurde er verder dit weekend?

    Two dead, 15 wounded in shooting outside Kansas City bar hours after Chiefs win spot in Super Bowl

    San Francisco police are still looking for the gunman who opened fire on a busy street last night injuring eight people. Authorities now believe a dice game was the motive for the shooting.

    2 dead, 5 injured in shooting at bar in downtown San Antonio, police say

  11. Al Kipone 20 januari 2020 16:49
    En omdat hij de president is, op deze Martin Luther King day:

    Donald J. Trump
    The Democrat Party in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia are working hard to take away your 2nd Amendment rights. This is just the beginning. Don’t let it happen, VOTE REPUBLICAN in 2020!
    10:43 AM · Jan 20, 2020
  12. Al Kipone 20 januari 2020 16:54

    Donald J. Trump
    They didn’t want John Bolton and others in the House. They were in too much of a rush. Now they want them all in the Senate. Not supposed to be that way!
    10:47 AM · Jan 20, 2020

    Ik geloof dat 1 van de 2 articles of Impeachment daar aan refereert....
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