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Battery Power

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2019 11:51
    the Texas A&M University Researchers Develop New Electrodes to Improve EV Batteries

    The rise in popularity of electric vehicles and aircraft presents the possibility of moving away from fossil fuels toward a more sustainable future. While significant technological advancements have dramatically increased the efficiency of these vehicles, there are still several issues standing in the way of widespread adoption. One of the most significant of these challenges has to do with mass, as even the most current electric vehicle batteries and super capacitors are incredibly heavy. A research team from the Texas A&M University College of Engineering is approaching the mass problem from a unique angle. Most of the research aimed at lowering the mass of electric vehicles has focused on increasing the energy density, thus reducing the weight of the battery or super capacitor itself. However, a team led by Dr Jodie Lutkenhaus, professor in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, believes that lighter electric vehicles and aircraft can be achieved by storing energy within the structural body panels. This approach presents its own set of technical challenges, as it requires the development of batteries and super capacitors with the same sort of mechanical properties as the structural body panels. Specifically, batteries and super capacitor electrodes are often formed with brittle materials and are not mechanically strong.

    In an article published in Matter, the research team described the process of creating new super capacitor electrodes that have drastically improved mechanical properties. In this work, the research team was able to create very strong and stiff electrodes based on dopamine functionalized graphene and Kevlar nano fibers. Dopamine, which is also a neurotransmitter, is a highly adhesive molecule that mimics the proteins that allow mussels to stick to virtually any surface. The use of dopamine and calcium ions leads to a significant improvement in mechanical performance.

    In fact, in the article, researchers report supercapacitor electrodes with the highest, to date, multifunctional efficiency, a metric that evaluates a multifunctional material based on both mechanical and electrochemical performance, for graphene-based electrodes.

    This research leads to an entirely new family of structural electrodes, which opens the door to the development of lighter electric vehicles and aircraft.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2019 07:52
    Alfen levert Uniper accu voor energieopslag

    Gepubliceerd op 3 dec 2019 om 07:50 | Views: 0

    Alfen N.V. 02 dec
    14,20 0,00 (0,00%)

    ALMERE (AFN) - Fabrikant van laadpalen en energiesystemen Alfen levert het Duitse energiebedrijf Uniper een accu voor de opslag van energie. Het systeem wordt ingezet bij de elektriciteitscentrale op de Maasvlakte bij Rotterdam.

    De opslagaccu, met de omvang van een container en een capaciteit van 10 megawatt, is naar verwachting in het derde kwartaal van volgend jaar in bedrijf. Financiële details zijn niet bekendgemaakt.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2019 19:11
    Wärtsilä to Provide Energy Storage Solution for Fekola Mine in Mali

    The technology group Wärtsilä will optimise the energy system of the Fekola Mine, located in a remote region in southwest Mali. This is needed to improve the mine’s operations, reduce fuel consumption, and lessen the carbon emissions. Wärtsilä has been contracted to design and engineer a cutting-edge 17MW/15MWh energy storage system based on the company’s GEMS energy management solution. The order was placed by B2Gold, a Canadian based public gold-mining company. This project is the first hybrid-project between Wärtsilä and B2Gold and the order was booked with Wärtsilä in November 2019.

    The Fekola Mine, which currently relies on conventional liquid fuels for its power, will benefit from Wärtsilä’s energy storage and hybrid energy system. The significant cost savings and improved power reliability it offers, were key considerations in the award of the contract.

    Fekola is the first mine in the region to add energy storage and solar to their operations. Wärtsilä’s advanced GEMS technology will not only control the new energy storage system, but will also control a new 30MW solar plant currently under construction. In addition, GEMS will continuously optimise energy production for the entire mine. This will ensure the lowest Levelized Cost Of Electricity (LCOE) for the mine, while at the same time securing grid stability and maximizing uptime.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2019 11:24
    Europese Commissie verleent toestemming aan Europese Batterij Alliantie

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft toestemming verleend aan de Europese Batterij Alliantie, een belangrijk project van gemeenschappelijk Europees belang die zich op accu’s zal focussen. Dit maakte de Europese instelling maandag in een persbericht bekend.

    De Commissie aanvaardt 3,2 miljard euro aan overheidssteun van de zeven EU lidstaten die in het project meedoen, waaronder België, Frankrijk en Duitsland.

    De verwachting is dat hiermee nog eens 5 miljard euro aan privé-investeringen kan worden aangetrokken. Het volledige project zou volgens planning tegen 2031 moeten klaar zijn, aldus de Commissie.

    “Dankzij de steun die nu groen licht krijgt, kan dit belangrijke project van start gaan zonder dat de mededinging buitensporig wordt verstoord”, aldus vice-voorzitter Margrethe Vestager in een toelichting.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 december 2019 17:03
    Enel X and Related Companies Install Battery Storage System in New York City

    Enel X announced the launch of the largest battery storage system in New York City. The 4.8 MW/16.4 MWh in-front-of-the-meter battery system is located at Related’s Gateway Center in East New York, Brooklyn community and will support the local grid of New York energy company, Con Edison, in periods of high peak demand, helping to keep service reliable.

    Enel X was selected by Con Edison under the New York energy company’s Brooklyn-Queens Neighborhood Program, which works with customers to help them manage their consumption and the way they use energy. This program and the deployment of solutions, like the battery storage project at the Gateway Center, have helped Con Edison defer costly infrastructure upgrades. Through a lease agreement with Related, Enel X and Related installed and connected the storage system to Con Edison’s grid. The system’s design enables a direct relationship between Enel X’s energy storage resource and Con Edison, while simplifying the lease transaction from a real estate perspective by removing the complexities of energy management and tenant participation from the structure. This novel, highly replicable space leasing real-estate structure could be leveraged to help deliver many of the State and City’s energy and sustainability goals where commercial real estate is a necessary stakeholder.

    To date, the Gateway Center project has delivered over 100 MWh of stored electricity from the battery storage system to the local grid, providing support during periods of peak demand. The system also helps to reduce emissions by limiting the need for more carbon-intensive electricity during peak demand periods.

    The lithium-ion battery system is designed to meet the stringent safety requirements of the New York City Fire Department, and is a best-in-class containerised solution for battery storage systems. Precision Renewables, an affiliate of Related Companies, oversaw the installation of the facility with Enel X.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 24 december 2019 14:35
    IBM Researchers Developing New Battery Technology

    IBM Research is building on a long history of materials science innovation to unveil a new battery discovery. This new research could help eliminate the need for heavy metals in battery production and transform the long-term sustainability of many elements of our energy infrastructure. Using three new and different proprietary materials, which have never before been recorded as being combined in a battery, a team at IBM Research has discovered a chemistry for a new battery which does not use heavy metals or other substances with sourcing concerns. The materials for this battery are able to be extracted from seawater, laying the groundwork for less invasive sourcing techniques than current material mining methods. Discovered in IBM Research’s Battery Lab, this design uses a cobalt and nickel-free cathode material, as well as a safe liquid electrolyte with a high flash point. This unique combination of the cathode and electrolyte demonstrated an ability to suppress lithium metal dendrites during charging, thereby reducing flammability, which is widely considered a significant drawback for the use of lithium metal as an anode material.

    Just as promising as this new battery’s composition is its performance potential. In initial tests, it proved it can be optimized to surpass the capabilities of lithium-ion batteries in a number of individual categories including lower costs, faster charging time, higher power and energy density, strong energy efficiency and low flammability.

    Many battery materials, including heavy metals such as nickel and cobalt, pose tremendous environmental and humanitarian risks. Cobalt in particular, which is largely available in central Africa, has come under fire for careless and exploitative extraction practices.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 14 januari 2020 20:00
    IJzerpoeder als batterij van de toekomst: overal te vinden en opnieuw te gebruiken

    IJzer in de tank. Het lijkt een sprookje, maar ijzer heeft een mooie toekomst als brandstof. ,,Schoon aan de haak’’, zonder CO²-uitstoot, aldus onderzoekers op de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

    Hans van Zon < 12-01-20, 06:00 Laatste update: 09:02

    Als geestdrift een brandstof zou zijn, hoefden hoogleraren Niels Deen en Philip de Goey nooit te tanken. Net zomin als Mark Verhagen, manager van Team SOLID. Het drietal praat op de TU Eindhoven vol enthousiasme over hun ‘kindje’, een met ijzerpoeder gestookte proefinstallatie die warmte produceert. Het bouwwerk, ontwikkeld door het Metal Power consortium waar Team SOLID toe behoort en gefinancierd door de Provincie Noord-Brabant, heeft geen uitstoot van CO² en het restproduct - roest - kan worden teruggewonnen. ,,Bovendien hoeven we niet bang te zijn dat we ijzer tekortkomen’’, zegt hoogleraar Verbrandingstechnologie De Goey. ,,IJzer is het meest voorkomende element op aarde.’’

    Collega Niels Deen (Werktuigbouwkunde) noemt metaalpoeder een veelbelovende energiedrager. ,,Het aanbod van energie uit windturbines en zonnepanelen fluctueert enorm. Bij overaanbod moet je die energie kunnen opslaan. Dat kun je doen met accu’s, maar dat is niet geschikt voor alle situaties, zoals voor de opslag van grote hoeveelheden energie. Wij doen nu onderzoek naar een alternatief: opslag van energie in ijzerpoeder. Als je dat poeder verbrandt, komt de energie vrij in warmte.’’ Deen: ,,Zie het ijzerpoeder als een opgeladen batterij. Bij verbranding haal je de energie eruit en blijft er een lege batterij over in de vorm van roest. Als je van de roest opnieuw ijzerpoeder maakt, heb je de batterij weer opgeladen. Dat kun je telkens herhalen.’’ De capaciteit van ijzerpoeder voor energieopslag is indrukwekkend.

    De onderstaande afbeelding geeft het proces van ijzerpoeder weer. Klik op de rode oogjes voor meer informatie. Tip: begin bovenaan!


    Deen: ,,Ook is ijzerpoeder gemakkelijk te transporteren en kan het worden gerecycled. Als je ijzerpoeder verbrandt om met hete gassen een turbine of motor aan te drijven, dan blijft er roestpoeder over. Met waterstof, geproduceerd uit elektriciteitsoverschotten van duurzame bronnen, maak je daar weer ijzerpoeder van. Daarmee trek je de zuurstof uit de roestdeeltjes.’’

    Als ijzer zo’n prachtige energiedrager is, waarom werken we daar dan nu pas aan? ,,We doen als mensheid al eeuwen aan metaalverbranding. Denk aan vuurwerk, ontwikkeld door de Chinezen. Maar hoe het allemaal precies werkt, dat weten we pas sinds enkele jaren’’, zegt Philip de Goey. Volgens Niels Deen is er nog een belangrijke reden: ,,Er was altijd een gemakkelijker alternatief: fossiele brandstoffen. Als die ruim beschikbaar en goedkoop zijn en iedereen die wil gebruiken, zoek je niet snel naar alternatieven. Maar we hebben nu de tijdgeest mee. ‘Metal fuels’ profiteren daarvan.’’

    De Goey is er zeker van dat de aandacht voor ijzer als brandstof snel zal groeien. ,,Nu we de toepassing ervan opschalen, wil iedereen meedoen. Geen milligrammen en kleine vlammetjes meer in het lab, nee, we bouwen een industriële verbrandingsinstallatie. Met een vermogen tot 1 megawatt. Bedrijven die eerst zeiden ‘dat is leuk maar laat het maar eens echt zien’, nemen ons project nu erg serieus.’’

    Mark Verhagen valt hem bij. ,,Ik was laatst in China en daar zaten ze me vol ongeloof aan te kijken. Maar dat verandert als je laat zien waar je mee bezig bent. Iedereen ziet de potentie op grotere schaal. We werken samen met bedrijven als Shell en Uniper, het vroegere E.ON.’’ De eerste demonstratie dient zich begin dit jaar aan. ‘Om de hoek’, bij Swinkels Family Brewers, de brouwer van Bavaria bier. De Goey: ,,We plaatsen daar een proefopstelling. Die bouwen we niet zelf. Dat doen andere partijen in ons consortium, waaronder bijvoorbeeld Team SOLID.’’

    Dat team telt inmiddels zo’n dertig leden. ,,Met allerlei expertises. Niet alleen technici. Ook mensen die commercieel zijn onderlegd’’, zegt Verhagen. De hoogleraren zijn trots op Team SOLID. Deen: ,,Het zijn gedreven studenten die niet betaald worden.’’ De Goey: ,,Je ziet een grote maatschappelijke betrokkenheid.’’

    Professor Niels Deen vertelt in deze video van de Universiteit van Nederland over ijzer als alternatief:

    Om de installatie commercieel aan de man te brengen, moet er een compacte, meer efficiënte versie komen. ,,Dat kan. Met onze huidige proefinstallatie zou je een woonwijkje van energie kunnen voorzien. Met een kleinere installatie, maar wel met een groter vermogen van 1 tot 10 megawatt, wordt het een aantrekkelijke optie voor bedrijven die van het gas af moeten”, zegt De Goey.

    De professoren geloven heilig in hun project, maar het zal maar ‘een deel van de oplossing zijn in het grote milieuvraagstuk’. Auto’s zullen voorlopig niet op ijzerpoeder rijden. ,,Drie andere sectoren zijn al wel heel interessant. We werken met de maritieme sector aan de ontwikkeling van duurzame schepen, aangedreven via de verbranding van ijzerpoeder’’, zegt De Goey. ,,En wat te denken van industrie die om hoge temperaturen vraagt (voor chemische processen van rond de 1000 graden) en kolencentrales. Die kun je stoken met ijzerpoeder. Daar kijken we met Uniper naar.’’ Deen: ,,Als je grote Nederlandse kolencentrales sluit, is dat een enorme kapitaalvernietiging. Als je die kunt ombouwen zonder CO2-uitstoot, met alleen roest als restproduct, dan wordt het aantrekkelijk voor energiebedrijven.’’

    IJzererts is er op aarde in overvloed. Maar geldt dat ook voor ijzerpoeder? De Goey: ,,Nee. Er zijn nu zo’n tien leveranciers wereldwijd. Met het huidige aanbod zou je nu tien kolencentrales kunnen ombouwen en van ijzerpoeder voorzien. Maar als de markt erom vraagt, is er snel meer aanbod.’’ Deen: ,,Het grote voordeel is dat je dat poeder één keer maakt. Je kunt het constant hergebruiken. IJzer blijft ijzer.’’

    Hoogleraren Niels Deen (boven) en Philip de Goey © TU Eindhoven

    De volgende partijen nemen deel aan het consortium dat aan de verbrandingsinstallatie met ijzerpoeder werkt: EM Group, Romico Engineering Solutions, Heat Power, Metalot3C, TU/e, SOLID, Provincie Noord Brabant, Nyrstar, Enpuls, Uniper.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2020 12:19
    Waar blijft de goedkope zwavelaccu?

    Nasa's eerste elektrische vliegtuig. Nieuwe accutechniek moet het vliegen op stroom haalbaarder maken. Foto: Reuters

    De lithium-zwavelaccu is veel beter dan de batterijen die we nu hebben. Geweldig dus voor de elektrische auto, de volgende smartphone en om laptops écht licht te maken. Gaat hij de huidige accu vervangen?

    Hoezo beter?

    Lichter en goedkoper, en dat is precies waar fabrikanten om staan te springen. Stop een lithium-zwavelaccu in een telefoon en het toestel kan ineens vijf dagen leven op één lading. Hang dit type accu in een elektrische auto en deze bevat genoeg stroom om net zo ver te komen als we nu gewend zijn met benzineauto's. En de prijs zal ongeveer vier keer zo laag worden. Met lithium-zwavel komt elektrisch transport dus een stuk dichterbij. We kunnen zelfs denken aan elektrisch vliegen, schreef het Duitse Handelsblatt vorige week hoopvol.

    ‘De elektrode kan enkele honderden keren worden gebruikt’

    Waarom dat enthousiasme?

    Dankzij een bericht van de Australische Monash-universiteit. De lithium-zwavelbatterij is al jaren de gedoodverfde opvolger van de huidige lithium-ionbatterij. Alleen blijkt de praktijk weerbarstig. Zo zet lithium-zwavel veel sterker uit bij warmte dan lithium-ion. Daardoor breken de elektroden bij gebruik, het materiaal valt uiteen en na slechts paar keer laden is de accu stuk. Maar dat euvel is nu aangepakt, mailt onderzoeker Mahdokht Shaibani vanuit Melbourne. Ze ontwierp met collega's een webachtige structuur voor de elektroden, waardoor ze minder snel breken. Dat komt de levensduur ten goede. 'De elektrode kan enkele honderden keren worden gebruikt', schrijft ze. Na tweehonderd keer laden bleef 99% van de capaciteit behouden, zo maakten Shaibani en haar team deze maand bekend in Science Advances. Dat is zelfs beter dan de huidige accu's.

    Wat is er dan mogelijk?

    We kunnen vooral meer opslaan. Nu gaat er per kilogram accugewicht ongeveer 0,2 kilowattuur (kWh) in een batterij. Dat betekent dat een lamp van 100 Watt twee uur brandt op een volle accu van één kilo. Of, omgerekend, dat je met een batterij van dat gewicht één kilometer elektrisch kunt rijden. Een lithium-zwavel accu kan zeker 1 kWh per kilo opslaan, dus de lamp brandt vijf keer zo lang en de auto komt vijf keer zo ver met hetzelfde accugewicht. Als er plek voor is, want die nieuwe accu is dan niet zwaarder maar wel groter. En er blijft misschien behoefte aan zeldzame metalen als kobalt, mangaan, lithium, grafiet en nikkel. De wetenschappers in Australië gaan op dat laatste niet diep in. Ze laten weten dat hun accu's eenvoudig te maken zijn en de materialen goedkoop en milieuvriendelijk verkrijgbaar. Hoe dit precies zit, en of de batterij geschikt is voor massaproductie, is nog onbekend. Hun eigen accu is er alleen op laboratoriumschaal.

    ‘In de praktijk zijn er nog problemen’

    Dus wanneer zijn ze er?

    Dat blijft spannend, de komst van de lithium-zwavel is al vaker voorspeld. 'Doorbraak voor lithium zwavelbatterij', schreef het chemisch weekblad C2W in mei 2009. Begin 2016 voorspelde Sony dat in 2020 de commerciële productie zou starten, als eerste voor smartphones. Maar in de praktijk zijn er nog problemen, weet Peter Notten, emeritus hoogleraar batterijtechnologie aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Zoals dendrietvorming: scherpe naalden die vanzelf in de accu groeien en uiteindelijk door de laagjes in de batterij prikken, waardoor kortsluiting ontstaat. 'Dit kan hele gevaarlijke situaties opleveren zoals brand en explosie', zegt hij. Maar de kansen voor de batterij blijven groot en dus gaat het onderzoek door. 'Het is en blijft een veelbelovend systeem.'

  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2020 16:18
    ABB to Power Northvolt Battery Factory in Sweden

    The reliable and efficient power distribution network is an important building block in the construction of Europe's largest and most advanced lithium-ion battery factory, to be built by Northvolt in Skelleftea in northern Sweden. ABB will provide power supply infrastructure from the local grid right into the production facilities. The power system network will be commissioned incrementally, starting in 2021, when battery production is scheduled to start.

    Electrification and storage of renewable energy are prerequisites for a carbon neutral society. By building Europe's largest battery factory, Northvolt is helping to drive the energy transition to a carbon neutral society. The factory will initially have a production capacity of 16 GWh per year.

    ABB's delivery, which will ensure stable and reliable power for the factory, includes project management, design, procurement of all 3rd party equipment, monitoring of installation, and commissioning. The scope of supply includes transformers, switchgears, cables and installation materials, protective equipment and control systems.

    The power supply to the battery factory is designed for high energy efficiency and low losses. The cost-effective design is jointly evolved by ABB and Northvolt, based on Northvolt's specific needs and requirements for reliability.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2020 16:44
    Eaton and Green Motion to Integrate EV Chargers in Buildings with Energy Storage

    Power management leader Eaton and the 10-year pioneer in electric vehicle charging stations Green Motion, have joined forces to enable a smooth integration of EV chargers in commercial buildings, residential housing and shopping malls.

    As the EV adoption is increasing with EV sales to reach 10 million globally by 2025 according to Bloomberg NEF, this significantly increases the energy demand putting grids under strain. Indeed, only six EVs charging close to each other at peak time could lead to local brownouts if the EV charging is not properly managed.

    There is therefore an urgent need to put in place the right EV charging infrastructure to ensure EV users can charge their vehicles reliably when needed while ensuring local grid stability for the building and the neighborhood.

    A combined intelligent EV charging and energy storage solution enabling building owners to access the power capacity required to install the EV charging infrastructure they want

    Connected to the grid or renewable energy sources such as solar panels, the combined intelligent EV charging and energy storage solution provides building owners with the power capacity needed to install the number of EV chargers they want. They can smoothly integrate EV chargers while ensuring grid stability for their buildings. They can save money on their utility bills by charging up when renewable energy is available, or energy is cheaper and releasing that stored energy when demand and costs are high. If the building is equipped with solar technology, this means that EV users can use more of the solar energy locally produced to power their EVs at night using the clean energy stored.

    The energy storage system also provides the ultimate back-up solution, ideal at a time when energy grids are coming under enormous strain. Moreover, building owners can also generate additional revenues by selling stored energy back to the grid when demand and costs are high.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2020 20:25
    Enel X Launches Project in Italy to Aggregate Residential Storage Units

    For the first time in Italy, residential energy storage systems will be able to offer balancing services to the electricity grid thanks to the experimentation launched by Enel X, the Enel Group business line that focuses on innovative products and digital solutions, in collaboration with RSE (Ricerca Sistema Energetico). The project was launched in the provinces of Brescia, Bergamo, and Mantua and the first residential storage systems were included in the UVAM (Unità Virtuali Abilitate Miste, e.g. Mixed Enabled Virtual Units) aggregates at the end of December 2019.

    The experimentation allows for the aggregation of residential energy storage systems in order to enable private users to also participate in active demand management programs through the UVAM aggregates. The latter units allow the distributed resources to participate in the supply of flexibility services to the electricity network; a prerogative that until recently was reserved only for large production plants or industrial loads. With this initiative, the first residential storage systems managed by Enel X, as an aggregator, are also included in the UVAM aggregates within a sort of virtual plant offering network services.

    The trial, which will end at the end of 2020, already includes the participation of more than 100 photovoltaic systems with storage. All owners of residential plants and small businesses in the provinces concerned can join the initiative and leverage on its benefits by joining the Enel X Smart Community. Once the possibility of including a system in the experimental project has been checked, Enel X will install a communication and remote control system for the storage unit. By doing so, and taking into account the usual self-consumption functions, the storage unit can be called upon to provide services for the power system, with a management that at the same time aims to minimize the impact on the battery’s state of charge and availability.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2020 14:38
    wartsila's 100 MW Energy Storage Project in South East Asia to Boost Regional Grid Stability

    The technology group wartsila's has signed an Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract for a new 100 MW/100 MWh total capacity energy storage project in South East Asia. The energy storage system facility, including Wärtsilä’s GEMS, an advanced energy management software platform, and GridSolv solution, will be used for grid support purposes. The order was booked with Wärtsilä in Q4 2019. This contract comes in addition to the similar size contract announced in July 2019.

    Wärtsilä is enabling the transition towards a 100% renewable energy future around the world by designing and building flexible systems that integrate renewables, traditional thermal assets and energy storage. In 2018, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations committed to meeting 23 percent of its primary energy needs from renewables by 2025. The region is aiming to leverage its abundant wind and solar resources and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, especially as grid systems develop and economies grow. Wärtsilä’s new 100 MW/100 MWh energy storage project will help provide some of the reliability necessary to support South East Asia’s transition to renewable energy sources.

    wartsila's GEMS platform has the ability to react near-instantly to smooth the integration of renewables, enabling the grid to emerge more stable and responsive. Grid support applications of GEMS include voltage and frequency regulation, reactive power support, spinning reserve, ramp rate optimisation, renewable energy output smoothing and energy arbitrage. GEMS will make it possible for grid operators to rely on renewables as baseload power.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2020 14:51
    Bosch Truck Battery with AGM Technology for Long Distance Traffic

    Bosch range of commercial-vehicle batteries has now been complemented by the new and particularly powerful TA AGM 12-volt starter battery. Bosch TA AGM reliably supplies a large number of electrical consumers installed at commercial vehicles during stationary operation. That is, features such as parking cooler, parking heater, microwave or TV. This allows reducing breakdowns and thus unnecessary downtimes.

    The new TA AGM truck battery featuring AGM technology was specifically developed for demanding applications in long-distance traffic. AGM stands for Absorbent Glass Mat. At this technology, the acid is completely absorbed by micro-fiberglass mats. It makes the new battery absolutely leakproof and maintenance-free. Thanks to its high vibration resistance, it can also be installed at the back of the truck. At a depth of discharge of up to 80 percent, TA AGM features a deep-cycle resistance six times higher than conventional lead-acid batteries. This reduces the number of breakdowns caused by cyclic loads. Featuring a cold start performance of 1 200 A (CCA) and a capacity of 210 Ah, it reliably supplies enough energy for safe cold starting and all comfort and hoteling functions. Thanks to the micro-cycle stability closely linked to AGM technology, it is also suitable for functions such as start/stop systems and sailing or coasting – without engine support.

    By means of the most powerful TA AGM battery, Bosch complements its existing range of commercial-vehicle batteries – comprising EFB batteries and conventional lead-acid batteries – by a new and reliable premium product featuring original-equipment quality.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 6 februari 2020 20:15
    Wärtsilä GEMS Energy Storage Technology for Renewables in Honduras

    The technology group Wärtsilä has been contracted to add a 10 MW/26 MWh energy storage solution to a power plant owned by Roatan Electric Company on the Caribbean island of Roatan in Honduras. Wärtsilä’s proprietary GEMS energy management software solution will control the utility’s energy system, including earlier delivered Wärtsilä engines, and solar PV. The order was placed with Wärtsilä in December 2019.

    The addition of energy storage and GEMS solution to RECO’s generation resources will provide additional flexibility to integrate renewables into the local grid and secure reliability while eliminating the need for mechanical spinning reserve. The storage system will provide virtual spinning reserve capacity needed to maintain stability of the grid - particularly important for the energy security of an island. The solution will be delivered on a fast-track basis and is expected to be operational before the end of 2020.

    The existing 28 MW plant was delivered on an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract by Wärtsilä in 2017. It operates on four Wärtsilä 34SG-LPG engines running on propane gas.

    Wärtsilä’s total installed power capacity in Honduras is approximately 500 MW.

    RECO is a progressive and visionary Caribbean utility that is constructing 12.5 MW of solar PV energy, has a 26-turbine wind farm, and a recently completed a 6-mile underwater subsea cable to expand their distribution system to two nearby islands.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2020 16:50
    Pivot Power Orders 100 MW of Energy Storage from Wärtsilä

    EDF Renewables company specialising in battery storage and infrastructure for electric vehicle charging Pivot Power has placed an order with technology group Wärtsilä to deliver 100 MW of energy storage in the UK. Pivot Power is developing a world-first national network of grid-scale batteries and high-volume power connections to provide essential capacity for rapid electric vehicl charging. The first two projects at Cowley in Oxford and Kemsley in Kent are expected to be fully operational before the end of this year. Wärtsilä will support the projects under 10-year service agreements with flexible performance guarantees. The order was booked with Wärtsilä in December 2019.

    The two 50 MW lithium-ion batteries will be the first projects completed as part of Pivot Power’s programme to develop, own and operate up to 2GW of grid-scale energy storage and high volume power connections which are directly connected to the UK high-voltage transmission system. The projects will provide flexible capacity and reliability to support increased renewable energy generation and EV charging infrastructure. The UK market for EVs is expected to expand significantly in 2020 in what has been described as “the year of the electric car” by industry analysts.

    This is the largest energy storage deal in Europe for Wärtsilä, which has set its sights on the UK as a key new market, as part of its plan to lead the global transition towards a 100% clean energy future.

    The systems are based on Wärtsilä’s advanced energy management software platform GEMS, which leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to enable the intelligent management of large-scale energy storage systems, and innovative GridSolv modular storage solution, which supports stand-alone energy storage deployments and integrated hybrids with thermal or renewable generation assets. Wärtsilä’s solutions can be dynamically adjusted according to the demands of the markets across multiple revenue streams and can optimise a fleet of assets for best results.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2020 19:20
    Enphase Energy onthult nieuwste generatie van thuisbatterij

    Energietechnologiebedrijf en micro-omvormerfabrikant Enphase Energy toont tijdens Solar Solutions International de nieuwste generatie thuisbatterijen: de Encharge 3 met een capaciteit van 3,5 kilowattuur.

    Enphase Energy startte 3 jaar geleden in de Benelux met de verkoop van zijn AC-batterijoplossing. Ook de nieuwe AC-batterij Encharge 3 van Enphase is een onderdeel van de Enphase Home Energy Solution, een geïntegreerde oplossing die zonne-energie, energiebeheersing en opslag combineert.

    De Encharge 3 – die tijdens Solar Solutions International voor het eerst in de Benelux te zien is – is gebaseerd op lithium-ijzerfosfaattechnologie. De thuisbatterij is voorzien van 4 geïntegreerde micro-omvormers, te weten de IQ8X. Bovendien wordt het energieopslagsysteem passief gekoeld, waarbij de afwezigheid van bewegende delen en ventilatoren de levensduur verlengt.

    Doordat het een slimme batterij is, kan deze op afstand van nieuwe software en firmware worden verwijzen, wordt de gebruikstijd geoptimaliseerd en de zelfconsumptie van zonnestroom gemaximaliseerd.

    96 procent
    De opslagcapaciteit van de Encharge 3 bedraagt 3,5 kilowattuur. Daarvan kan 3,36 kilowattuur effectief benut worden, wat zorgt voor een roundtrip-efficiency van 96 procent. Heeft een eindgebruiker de Encharge 3 eenmaal in gebruik, dan kan hij zijn energieopslagsysteem modulair uitbreiden.

    De Encharge 3 wordt geleverd met een vermogensgarantie van 10 jaar of 4.000 laadcycli. Op dat moment bedraagt de capaciteit van de batterij nog minimaal 70 procent.

    Update 3 maart 2020: De vakbeurs Solar Solutions International is vanwege het coronavirus uitgesteld naar 7, 8 en 9 september 2020. Tickets die bezoekers hebben besteld, blijven gewoon geldig voor de nieuwe data. De beursorganisatie stuurt deze tickethouders enkele weken voor de beurs een herinnering. Professionele bezoekers kunnen bovendien nog altijd gratis toegangskaarten bestellen voor 7, 8 en 9 september 2020 via de website van Solar Solutions door gebruik te maken van de actiecode ‘SOLARMAG’.

    Door Edwin van Gastel

  17. forum rang 10 voda 4 maart 2020 20:07
    GE Completes First Battery Assisted Black Start of a GE Heavy Duty Gas Turbine

    GE announced today the successful completion of the first battery energy storage assisted black start of a GE 7F.03 gas turbine at the 150 megawatt simple cycle unit at Entergy Louisiana’s Perryville Power Station. This is the first time GE has achieved a black start of a GE heavy-duty gas turbine using energy storage. A black start consists of rebooting an idle power plant without support from the grid in the event of a major system disruption or a system-wide blackout. The Perryville Power Station is supported by GE’s 7.4 MW battery-based energy storage system paired with the plant’s simple cycle gas turbine.

    A black start is one of the most difficult tasks in the power business. To provide a black start, traditionally some power stations have small diesel generators, normally called black start diesel generator, which can be used to start larger generators of several megawatts capacity, which in turn can be used to start the main power station generators.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2020 19:29
    Total to Build Battery based Energy Storage Project in France

    Total launches a battery-based energy storage project in Mardyck, at the Flandres Center, in Dunkirk’s port district. With a storage capacity of 25 megawatt hours (MWh) and output of 25 MW of power, the new lithium-ion energy storage system will be the largest in France. It will be used to provide fast reserve services to support the stability of the French power grid. It is part of government policy to support the development of electrical capacity through capacity mechanisms.

    Scheduled for commissioning in late 2020, the new storage system, which represents an investment of around €15 million, will be based on Saft’s Intensium Max 20 High Energy solution and will comprise 11 integrated 2.3 MWh containers, designed and manufactured at Saft’s production site in Bordeaux.

    Saft specializes in advanced technology battery solutions for industry, from design and development to production, customization and service provision. For 100 years, Saft’s longer-lasting batteries and systems have provided critical safety applications, back-up power and propulsion for our customers. Our innovative, safe and reliable technology delivers high performance on land, at sea, in the air and in space. Saft is powering industry and smarter cities, while providing critical back-up functionality in remote and harsh environments like the Arctic Circle and the Sahara Desert. Saft is a wholly-owned affiliate of Total.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 7 april 2020 18:21
    BYD New Blade Battery Set to Redefine EV Safety Standards

    BYD officially announced the launch of the Blade Battery, a development set to mitigate concerns about battery safety in electric vehicles. At an online launch event themed “The Blade Battery – Unsheathed to Safeguard the World”, Wang Chuanfu, BYD Chairman and President, said that the Blade Battery reflects BYD’s determination to resolve issues in battery safety while also redefining safety standards for the entire industry. The Blade Battery has been developed by BYD over the past several years. The singular cells are arranged together in an array and then inserted into a battery pack. Due to its optimized battery pack structure, the space utilization of the battery pack is increased by over 50% compared to conventional lithium iron phosphate block batteries.

    While undergoing nail penetration tests, the Blade Battery emitted neither smoke nor fire after being penetrated, and its surface temperature only reached 30 to 60°C. Under the same conditions, a ternary lithium battery exceeded 500°C and violently burned, and while a conventional lithium iron phosphate block battery did not openly emit flames or smoke, its surface temperature reached dangerous temperatures of 200 to 400°C. This implies that EVs equipped with the Blade Battery would be far less susceptible to catching fire – even when they are severely damaged.

    The Blade Battery also passed other extreme test conditions, such as being crushed, bent, being heated in a furnace to 300°C and overcharged by 260%. None of these resulted in a fire or explosion.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2020 16:21
    Wärtsilä to Deliver 70MW Energy Storage System to California

    The technology group Wärtsilä is finalising a 70MW energy storage and energy management system project in the California Independent System Operator energy market. The energy storage system will be paired with Wärtsilä GEMS platform to maximise system efficiencies and will add renewable power to the grid at times when it otherwise wouldn’t be available. The order was booked by Wärtsilä in late 2019 and the project will be finalised in mid-2020.

    Wärtsilä GEMS advanced software platform will optimise the deployment and functionality of the customer’s existing renewable energy power system, and will connect the site to the local energy market. GEMS will increase revenue and ROI by maximising battery performance and longevity and enabling additional value streams. For example, GEMS will facilitate energy arbitrage with the system’s battery storage capabilities. This allows the customer to purchase electricity from the market when prices are low, and sell stored energy back into the market when short-term costs spike.

    Other technical considerations include battery chemistry. Wärtsilä is incorporating lithium iron phosphate batteries, enhancing safety measures of the site.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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