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  1. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2019 17:02
    BHP Results for Year Ended 30 June 2019

    BHP Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Mackenzie said “Our performance over the past five years has delivered an increase in volumes of 10 per cent and a reduction in unit costs of more than 20 per cent across our major assets. Over the 2019 financial year, underlying improvements in our operational performance were offset by the impacts of weather, resource headwinds and unplanned outages in the first half of the year. At Western Australia Iron Ore, unit costs on a C1 basis were below USD 13 per tonne for the 2019 financial year. Higher prices and record production from several of our operations contributed to strong operating cash flows. We used that cash to invest in attractive growth projects, advance our exploration programs and increase returns to shareholders. We now have six major projects under development in petroleum, copper, iron ore and potash, following the approval of the Ruby oil and gas development this month. All of them are on schedule and budget. This disciplined approach sets us up to deliver strong returns over the long term. Our transformation programs have the potential to unlock significant value through more productive and stable operations, as we embrace new ways of working and harness new technology.

    Attributable profit of USD 8.3 billion and Underlying attributable profit of USD 9.1 billion up 2% from the prior year

    Profit from operations of USD 16.1 billion and Underlying EBITDA of USD 23.2 billion at a margin of 53% for continuing operations

    Record final dividend of 78 US cents per share, which includes an additional amount of 25 US cents per share above the 50% minimum payout policy.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2019 17:04
    Brazil Securities Regulator CVM Ramps up Vale Dam Disaster Probe

    Reuters reported that Brazil’s securities regulator CVM said on Monday it has opened up an additional investigation into whether executives of iron ore miner Vale SA breached their fiduciary duties in relation to a January dam collapse which killed nearly 250 people. The securities body, which has the power to impose fines and bar executives from working at listed companies in Brazil, added the investigation does not concern environmental issues, which it said other agencies are looking into.

    In an emailed statement to Reuters, Vale said it was aware of the investigation carried out by CVM. It said “We remain available and will maintain a transparent and collaborative stance.”

    The investigation is related to an initial administrative probe opened on January 28, when CVM started looking into potential violations of securities laws over the incident.

    Source : Reuters
  3. forum rang 10 voda 21 augustus 2019 16:39
    BHP's Commodities Outlook

    Global steel production has maintained healthy growth in the H2 2019 financial year, continuing the upswing from the trough towards the end of the 2015 calendar year. However, the growth profile has become unbalanced recently, with robust expansion in China and the US offsetting weakness in Europe and Japan. As anticipated, steel mill margins have begun to normalise. We expect iron ore quality differentiation to remain a durable element in price formation for steel making raw materials. The Platts 62% Fe Iron Ore Fines price index has been elevated since the Brumadinho tailings dam tragedy in Brazil first disrupted the market in late January 2019. The lump premium has also been strong.

    In addition to the decline in Brazilian exports, prices have responded to stronger than expected Chinese pig iron production and cyclone disruptions to Australian supply. We expect supply conditions will return to a more normal path on a one to three year timeframe, and prices are likely to be volatile as that adjustment plays out. In the longer term, the marginal price setting tonne will be provided by a higher-cost, lower value-in-use exporter from Australia or Brazil.

    The Platts Premium Low-Volatile Metallurgical Coal price index reached a high in the middle of the 2019 financial year amid supply constraints in Queensland. Prices eased from the peak on weaker European demand and improved Australian supply. China’s import policies remain a source of uncertainty. Longer term, we expect India to sustain strong demand growth, while high-quality metallurgical coals are expected to continue to offer steelmakers value-in-use benefits.

    Copper prices have been heavily influenced by swings in global trade uncertainty in the second half of the 2019 financial year. Against this backdrop, we believe underlying fundamentals remain sound. Copper demand should grow steadily. Grade decline, rising input costs, water constraints and a scarcity of high-quality future development opportunities continue to constrain the industry’s ability to meet this growing demand at low cost. Scrap supply and aluminium substitution are constraints on the upside.

    Nickel prices have also been heavily affected by trade uncertainty in the second half of the 2019 financial year. In our view, growth in supply should keep pace with demand from traditional uses in the near term. The electrification of transport will require on-going investment in new sources of supply in the coming decades.

    Crude oil prices were volatile in the second half of the 2019 financial year. Swings in global growth expectations, strategic behaviour of major producers, falling production in Venezuela and Iran, and geopolitical risk, all contributed to price volatility over the last six months. The fundamental outlook remains positive, underpinned by rising demand from the developing world and natural field decline in supply.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 augustus 2019 16:48
    US China Trade Spat Not Yet Hurting Demand for its Commodities - BHP

    Reuters, citing top global miner BHP Group, reported that the US-China trade war is not yet affecting demand for its commodities. Mr Andrew Mackenzie chief executive of BHP said that while the trade dispute was putting a dampener on global economic growth, it had not yet affected demand for BHP’s commodities such as iron ore, copper and coal in China, its biggest customer.

    Mr Mackenzie, who spoke to reporters after BHP reported its best underlying profit in five years, also said the company was still considering whether to hold on to its thermal coal assets.

    Source : Reuters
  5. forum rang 10 voda 22 augustus 2019 19:19
    BHP’s Announces Annual Coal Revenues for FY 2019

    BHP’s annual coal revenues for FY 2019 have increased to USD 9.1 billion compared from USD 8.8 billion for the previous corresponding period as the company continued to ramp up production from its Queensland and New South Wales operations. Coal was the company's second biggest contributor to BHP's underlying earnings after iron ore at USD 3.4 billion for FY2019. However, this figure was lower than the earnings before interest and tax result for FY2018 of USD 3.6 billion.

    Queensland Coal unit costs increased 2% to USD 69 per tonne mainly due to wet weather impacts and higher strip ratios, diesel prices and contractor stripping costs, which were partially offset by favourable exchange rate movements.

    Unit costs in the 2020 financial year are expected to be between USD 67 per tonne and USD 74 per tonne based on an exchange rate of AUD/USD70c as a result of increased wash plant maintenance and local inflationary pressures.

    The company said that "In the medium term, we expect to lower our unit costs to between USD 54 and USD 61 per tonne reflecting higher volumes, lower strip ratios, optimised maintenance strategies and efficiency improvements from the transformation programs."

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 22 augustus 2019 19:21
    BHP to Decide on Autonomous Truck Deployment at Goonyella Coal Mine

    International Mining quoted BHP in its annual results to end June 2019 as saying that autonomous truck hauling remains in feasibility across not only its Western Australia Iron Ore but also its Queensland Coal sites with over 500 trucks being automated in total. Safety incidents with the automated trucks are down by over 80% and the first of several investment decisions are expected by end 2019. Beyond that there will be a staged site rollout from 2020 onwards ie it will be done on a site by site basis. Mr Andrew Mackenzie, CEO, said that “As part of our Transformation program, we expect the gradual deployment of autonomous trucks at our Australian coal and iron ore sites to unlock further efficiencies. A decision to proceed with our first deployment at Queensland Coal’s Goonyella Mine is expected to be made by the end of next month.”

    BHP said “In accordance with our Capital Allocation Framework, a decision on the deployment of autonomous trucks will be made on a site by site basis, considering return and risk metrics, as we look to replicate the improvement in haulage costs and reduction in safety incidents seen at Jimblebar.”

    Source : International Mining
  7. forum rang 10 voda 23 augustus 2019 17:15
    Glencore to Expand Controversial Mining Operations at McArthur River in Northern Territory

    The Guardian reported that Glencore has been given the green light to start work on its plans to vastly extend its controversial mining operations at McArthur River in the Northern Territory. The resource company, McArthur River Mine, has sought to extend its mining operation until 2048, which will add on a further 1,000 years of rehabilitation and monitoring. The mine, 1,000 kilometer from Darwin, has a potted history, with multiple allegations and instances of contamination of surrounding environment and mismanagement of toxic waste.

    In December 2017, Guardian Australia revealed the company had accidentally dumped 63 truckloads of toxic waste near the river the previous year. The incident and the government’s investigation, which produced no report were kept out of the public eye.

    Guardian Australia has sought further information about the investigation through freedom of information laws, but almost two years later later is yet to receive any documents, for reasons that include objections from MRM.

    In 2013, the suburb-sized waste rock pile combusted, and the resulting fire burned for more than a year, sending toxic smoke into the atmosphere. The incident prompted the NT’s environment protection authority [NTEPA] to demand MRM redo its environmental impact statement if it wanted to extend its operation.

    The NT minister for primary industry and resources, Paul Kirby, announced he had granted approval for an amendment to MRM’s mine management plan, “creating a pathway for the implementation of all 30 recommendations made by the [NTEPA]”.

    The approval means that “under strict regulatory conditions” MRM can now start work on its overburden management project.

    Kirby said that “Ongoing development of the mining industry in the Northern Territory is important. Our government expects it to be done in a sustainable and responsible manner, maximising economic benefits while focusing on minimising environmental impact.”

    Source : The Guardian
  8. forum rang 10 voda 23 augustus 2019 20:22
    BHP to Weigh Pullout from Coal Mining - CEO

    Mr Andrew Mackenzie CEO of BHP said that BHP considering selling off coal assets, a move that would join global peers in the move toward environmentally sustainable businesses. We increasingly have concluded that this is not a business that is going to offer the prospects for growth and would compete for capital compared to our other businesses.

    BHP owns the Mount Arthur thermal coal mine in the Australian state of New South Wales, as well as the Cerrejon project in Colombia; the company's thermal coal production fell 6% YoY to 27M metric tons during the latest fiscal year ended June.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 30 augustus 2019 17:22
    Nickel Ore Export Ban is Good - Vale Indonesia

    Indonesia largest nickel producer, Vale Indonesia said the government's planned ore export ban will give the country a strategic advantage and bring positive impact to the local nickel industry and the Indonesian economy in the long term. The government now wants the ban to start taking effect in October, three years earlier than the initial plan's 2022 target. The Indonesian Nickel Mining Association has voiced their objection to the plan, saying that it would disrupt their members' contractual obligations and business plans.

    Mr Bernandus Irmanto president director of Vale Indonesia, however, said Indonesia may be better off by imposing the ban sooner than later, especially considering its ambition to make electric car batteries from nickel ores. He said that "The best limonite ores for electric car batteries are grade 1.4 and below. If the government allows exports for grade 1.7 and below, then we are exporting the best materials for the batteries. Most countries are buying the main materials for batteries from us, and the receiving countries, such as China, mostly just pile them up.”

    Mr Irmanto said that "Indonesia is a big player in the global nickel market. We contribute 27 percent of all the nickel products in the market. We stand to profit a lot from a higher price for nickel.”

    Source : Jakarta Globe
  10. forum rang 10 voda 6 september 2019 16:45
    Rio Tinto Takes Liberty Group to Arbitration Over Final Payment On Dunkerque Smelter Deal

    Anglo Australian mining giant Rio Tinto Group is taking GFG Alliance to arbitration after the firm said Sanjeev Gupta’s company has yet to make the final payment for the purchase of Rio Tinto’s Dunkerque aluminium smelter. Rio Tinto in a statement this weekend said that “Rio Tinto confirms it has triggered an arbitration process in relation to the sale of the Dunkerque aluminium smelter, France, to Liberty House. The arbitration relates to non-payment of customary post-closure adjustments, including working capital, which was agreed by both parties in the sale and purchase agreement.”

    According to the Financial Times, Gupta’s Liberty House still owes USD 50 million of the USD 500 million purchase price for the French smelter.

    However, GFG went on record disputing that figure, saying the very successful transaction’s remaining payment is significantly smaller than stated by Rio Tinto.

    The statement said that “As is usual practice in sizeable mergers and acquisitions, there is a mechanism in place post-completion to settle the final consideration to be paid to the vendor net of working capital, accounting and other issues. This system is ongoing with the vendor as part of the normal process, and differences are being reconciled. This smelter is operating on budget, it is highly profitable and cash generative despite poor aluminium prices.”

    The Dunkerque aluminium smelter is among the largest smelters in Europe. First commissioned in 1991 by Pechiney, the smelter was built as a more-efficient replacement for the Noguères and Rioupéroux aluminium smelters and their respective capacities of 114 thousand and 24 thousand metric tons per annum.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 23 september 2019 20:46
    Brazilian Police to Press Criminal Charges against Vale & TUV SUD in Dam Breach Incident at Brumadinho

    Brazilian police said the Vale SA presented fake documents backing the stability of Corrego do Feijao iron ore mine’s tailing dam, which collapsed, killing nearly 250 people and unleashing a gush of mining waste on nearby towns and that it will press criminal charges against Vale, 7 of Vale’s employees, German auditor TUV SUD and 6 of TUV’s employees. Police also said it didn’t rule out the possibility of taking executives from Vale & TUV SUD to court on accusations of homicide and environmental damage in coming days.

    Vale said “Vale informs that it was made aware, on September 20th, 2019, of the first police inquiry report on the B1 Dam breach in Brumadinho MG. Vale will analyze the full content of the report in detail before making any pronunciation on its merits. The company reinforces that Vale and its employees will continue to co-operate with the authorities and will respond the charges in due time.”

    Brazilian market regulator CVM has also opened at least two different administrative probes into Vale’s handling of the disaster, while the company faces more than one class action in the US.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 24 september 2019 19:45
    BHP Expects to Meet Iron Ore Commitments

    BHP expects to meet all customer commitments on iron ore shipments, despite maintenance at its Jimblebar and Newman mines in WA. The company said that "There has been a minor impact to production at Newman and Jimblebar due to maintenance, however this is not expected to impact outflow from Port Hedland.”

    BHP was commenting after speculation in China last week of problems at its Jimblebar ore handing plant and reclaimer facilities, as well as port maintenance, fanned supply concerns.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 26 september 2019 16:37
    Rio Tinto, Baowu Steel & Tsinghua University signs MoU to Improve Environmental Performance across Steel Value Chain

    One of the world's largest iron ore producers Rio Tinto has signed a MoU with China's largest steel producer, China Baowu Steel Group and Tsinghua University, one of China's most prestigious and influential universities, to develop and implement new methods to reduce carbon emissions and improve environmental performance across the steel value chain. The China Iron and Steel Association invited the Parties to sign the MOU at its China International Steel and Raw Materials Conference held in Qingdao. The MOU will enable the formation of a joint working group tasked with identifying a pathway to support the goal of reducing carbon emissions across the entire steel value chain, which accounts for between seven and nine per cent of the world's carbon emissions. The working group will establish a joint action plan on how to best utilise the Parties' complementary strengths in research and development, technologies, processes, equipment, logistics, industry coordination and policy advisory capacities to combat climate change and improve environmental performance.

    Rio Tinto CEO Mr J-S Jacques said "This pioneering partnership across the steel value chain will bring together solutions to help address the steel industry's carbon footprint and improve its environmental performance. The materials we produce have an important role to play in the transition to a low carbon future and we are committed to partnering with our customers and others to find the most sustainable ways to produce, process and market them. We are already doing this in aluminium and now, through this partnership, we will be doing it in the steel industry. We thank CISA for its support and look forward to collaborating with China's largest steel producer, China Baowu, and Tsinghua University, a global leader in climate change research and collaboration."

    China Baowu chairman, Chen Derong said "China Baowu is committed to ecological and sustainable development. We will promote sustainable production through intelligent manufacturing. We want to make a difference to the iron and steel ecosystem by developing greener factories and enterprises to deliver a cleaner, more sustainable steel industry. China Baowu looks forward to exploring low-carbon metallurgical innovation with Rio Tinto and Tsinghua University, and building a low-carbon industrial value chain. We hope to jointly address climate challenges with our partners, and create a model of harmonious coexistence between cities and steel mills."

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 26 september 2019 16:47
    Rio Tinto Canada gets Approval for Responsibly Produced Aluminium

    Rio Tinto has been given independent verification that all of its Canadian operations offer responsibly produced aluminium. It comes as the company had the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative’s chain of custody certification extended to include its BC Works smelter and Kemano power operations in Kitimat, British Columbia. The certification provides verification that material can be traced through a ‘chain of custody’ spanning Rio Tinto’s Gove bauxite mine in Australia to its alumina refinery, aluminium smelters and casthouses in Quebec and British Columbia.

    The company has been at the forefront of the responsible production for the aluminium industry, having been a founding member of the ASI, according to Rio Tinto Aluminium vice president sales and marketing Tolga Egrilmezer. He said that “This certification continues Rio Tinto’s leadership on responsible production. It increases the availability of ASI certified aluminium in a range of markets, giving customers the ability to offer end consumers products made with aluminium that meets the highest sustainability standards.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2019 16:42
    Rio Tinto schrapt desinvesteringsplannen Canadese ijzerertsdivisie

    Rio Tinto PLC
    £ 42,175 -0,32 -0,75 % London Stock Exchange

    (ABM FN) Rio Tinto heeft de plannen om zijn Canadese ijzerertsdivisie naar de beurs te brengen of te verkopen, geschrapt. Dit schreef The Wall Street Journal maandag op basis van een bron.

    De Brits-Australische mijnbouwgroep is al sinds 2013 af en aan op zoek naar een koper voor het belang, maar kon nooit een prijs overeenkomen met geïnteresseerden. In het afgelopen jaar heeft Rio Tinto de zoektocht geïntensiveerd, maar zonder succes.

    Mijnbouwbedrijven wereldwijd, waaronder Rio Tinto, bekijken al jaren naar mogelijke desinvesteringen om zo de schulden terug te brengen en om het rendement voor aandeelhouders te verhogen door zich alleen te richten op de kernactiviteiten.

    De ijzerertsprijzen stegen dit jaar tot het hoogste niveau sinds 2014 vanwege zorgen over een tekort aan ijzererts. Inmiddels zijn de prijzen weer wat afgezwakt en wordt er voor volgend jaar zelfs een daling verwacht.

    Bestuurders van Rio Tinto lieten al eerder weten dat zij geen haast hebben met het afstoten van de Canadese activiteiten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2019 20:31
    BHP & Anglo American Could Boost FDI in Coal Mining in India - Platts

    Platts reported that India's move to open its coal sector could attract global mining majors and help boost domestic output, with analysts believing peak demand is still years away in a country where coal contributes more than half the energy needs. However, some concerns around coal quality and regulatory hurdles remain. New Delhi's decision to allow 100 percent foreign direct investment in coal mining will not only help bring more competition in a sector dominated by the government for decades, it could potentially save billions of dollars in foreign exchange outflows amid the country's dependence on imports. Although, the move has come as a surprise to some analysts because India is aiming to move towards a gas-based economy, some said the country can't afford to reduce its dependence on coal sharply, given plentiful availability of the energy resource at home.

    Mr Pradeep Mittal, executive vice chairman and CEO of Essar Power said that "The government's decision to allow 100% FDI in coal mining will attract global miners like BHP and Anglo American. This will result in FDI inflows along with updated technology and increase India's coal production."

    However, India has been looking to move away from coal imports and boost domestic production to 1 billion mt by 2024-2025. The government had initially aimed to produce that amount as early as 2020, but a shortage of railway rakes and a lack of other infrastructure affected those plans.

    Source : Platts
  17. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2019 16:47
    Rio Tinto Announces Positive Drill Results

    Forum Energy Metals Corp announced that it has received positive assay results from the first two holes drilled by Rio Tinto Exploration Canada on its Janice Lake sedimentary-hosted copper project. Copper mineralization has been significantly expanded along strike and down dip from the initial drilling success by Forum on the Jansem showing last year. Rio Tinto Exploration Canada completed 21 holes totalling 5,209 metres this summer under an Option Agreement to earn an 80% interest in the Janice Lake project by spending USD 30 million in exploration. Nine holes have been completed on the Jansem target, nine on the Janice target and three on the Kaz target. Results from the remaining holes will be reported once received from RTEC.

    Highlights from the first two holes are:
    JANL0002 - 0.38% Cu and 2.1g/t Ag over 44.78 metres from 45.22m to 90m, including 0.71% Cu and 4.2g/t Ag over 18 metres from 72m to 90m.
    JANL0001 – 0.18% Cu over 63 metres from 19m to 82m

    Drill Hole Summary
    Hole JANL0001 was drilled to a depth of 261 metres and intersected 0.18% Cu over a 63 metre interval between 19m and 82m. It is located approximately 100m to the north-northwest of FEM-01 to intersect mineralization down dip from the intercept drilled by Forum last summer of 18.5 m (59.0 to 77.5m downhole depth) grading 0.94% Cu and 6.7 g/t Ag including 5.2 metres grading 2.22% Cu and 16.5 g/t Ag.
    Hole JANL0002 was drilled to a depth of 219 metres and intersected 0.38% Cu and 2.1 g/t Ag over a 44.78 metre interval between 45.22m and 90m in depth, including 0.71% Cu and 4.2 g/t Ag over an 18 metre interval between 72m and 90m. It is located 150m along strike to the southwest of FEM-01.

    With these first two drill holes, the mineralized zone at Jansem is now a minimum of 294m in strike length, 130m in width, and with an estimated true thickness varying from several metres to more than 50m. Drill holes were orientated to crosscut the stratigraphy as close as possible at right angles, as the interpretation is that the copper is mostly stratabound.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2019 16:20
    Rio Tinto & Minmetals JV Exploring for Copper, Zinc & Lead in China

    Rio Tinto is looking for copper and zinc lead deposits in four Chinese regions, including Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, as part of an exploration venture with state owned China Minmetals Corp. Technical teams are carrying out field assessments in the major mineral belts of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, as well as in China’s southwestern Yunnan province and northeastern Heilongjiang.

    The two companies set up a 50-50 joint venture to explore for mineral deposits in China in June 2018.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2019 15:06
    Vale's Manganese Ore and Ferroalloys Results for Q3 2019

    Vales's manganese ore production totaled 443 kt in Q3 2019, 39.3% higher than in 2Q19. The increase represents the gradual resumption to regular levels of production following operational improvements and maintenance conducted at the Urucum mine in 2Q19. Manganese ore sales volumes reached 150 kt in 3Q19, 63.0% higher than in 2Q19, basically recovering from the unusual weather-related conditions faced last quarter by operations at Ponta da Madeira port.

    Ferroalloy production totaled 40 kt in 3Q19, in line with 2Q19. Ferroalloys sales volumes totaled 29 kt in 2Q19, 25.6% lower than in 2Q19 mainly due to a temporary decrease in domestic client demand following a prolonged shutdown and maintenance period.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 16 oktober 2019 15:07
    Vale’s Announces Pellets Production & Sales Results for Q3 2019

    Vale’s pellets production was 11.1 million tonnes in 3Q19, 22.7% higher than in 2Q19, mainly due to better operational performance, which was impacted in 2Q19 by the maintenance carried out at the Tubarao plants, and 19.8% lower than in 3Q18, mainly due to stoppage at the Fabrica and Vargem Grande operations. On September 26th, 2019, Vale revised its pellets production guidance to 43 million tonnes from the 45 million tonnes previously announced in “Vale’s Production and Sales in 2Q19” report to adapt its product portfolio to temporary market conditions.

    Northern system - Production at the Sao Luis pellet plant was 1.1 million tonnes in 3Q19, 0.6 Mt higher than in 2Q19, mainly due to restored pellet feed moisture, which was impacted in 2Q19 as a result of abnormal rains in the Northern System.

    Southeastern system - Production at the Tubarao pellet plants, Tubarao 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, was 7.6 million tonnes in 3Q19, 1.5 million tonnes higher than in 2Q19 and 1.1 million tonnes lower than in 3Q18, mainly due to greater productivity at the plants, which was partially offset by scheduled maintenance carried out at plants 5 and 6 and maintenance stoppage at plants 3 and 4.

    Southern system - Fabrica and Vargem Grande pellet plants operations were halted on February 20th, 2019,

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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