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  1. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 15:12
    The indictment alleges that in March 2010, Assange engaged in a conspiracy with Chelsea Manning, a former intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army, to assist Manning in cracking a password stored on U.S. Department of Defense computers connected to the Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNet), a U.S. government network used for classified documents and communications. Manning, who had access to the computers in connection with her duties as an intelligence analyst, was using the computers to download classified records to transmit to WikiLeaks. Cracking the password would have allowed Manning to log on to the computers under a username that did not belong to her. Such a deceptive measure would have made it more difficult for investigators to determine the source of the illegal disclosures.

    During the conspiracy, Manning and Assange engaged in real-time discussions regarding Manning’s transmission of classified records to Assange. The discussions also reflect Assange actively encouraging Manning to provide more information. During an exchange, Manning told Assange that “after this upload, that’s all I really have got left.” To which Assange replied, “curious eyes never run dry in my experience.”

    Assange is charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 15:21

    Julian Assange

    USA Today artikel van October 13, 2016 :
    voorafgaand aan de verkiezingen november 2016 :

    1ste alinea :
    " Every day this week WikiLeaks has released hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta."

    2de alinea :
    "The Trump campaign, meanwhile, has jumped on the leaked emails and the Republican Nominee(Trump) has been bringing them up on the trail"

  3. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 15:25
    President Trump’s reelection campaign has cycled $1.3 million in campaign funds into his businesses, according to an analysis of the campaign’s recent filings released by Forbes.

    Documentation filed by the president’s reelection campaign and reviewed by the business publication revealed that the campaign spent $1.3 million at Trump businesses for rent, food, lodging and other expenses since he took office in 2016.

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 15:52

    Julian Assange :

    De aanklacht vanuit de US is gebaseerd op een aanklacht die nu un-sealed is.

    Opmerkelijk : Deze aanklacht is gedateerd 6 Maart 2018 bij EDVA (Eastern District of Virginia), Alexandria Court.

    De aanklacht is gebaseerd op activiteiten in 2010 , betreffend een samenzwering tussen Assange en Mannings.
    Voor deze aanklacht staat max 5 jaar gevangenis.

    Mogelijk dat deze aanklacht gebruikt wordt om Assange naar de US gedeporteerd te krijgen. Daar zal hij verhoord worden voor deze aanklacht. Het is niet ondenkbaar dat er nog meer sealed indictments tegen hem zijn.

    Mogelijk zal men verder onderzoek en verhoor doen, zodra hij in de US is. Bijvoorbeeld naar de activiteiten met betrekking tot vrijgeven Clinton's emails en contacten met trump team.

    Veel hangt ook af van AG William Barr.
    Stelt Barr zich op als onafhankelijk jurist of stelt hij alles in het werk om Trump (en GOP leden) te vrijwaren.

    Unsealed indictment :

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 16:17

    Michael Avenatti

    Erica Orden(CNN) :
    Los Angelos
    Officials with the Justice Department and the IRS(belastingdienst) will announce the filing of a 36-count indictment against Michael Avenatti.
    Announcement at 9:00 uur PDT(Pacific Daytime=18:00 uur ned tijd).

    Een aanklacht op 36 punten is niet gering.
    Michael Avenatti was de advocaat van Stormy Daniels en verdedigde haar in een rechtszaak tegen Trump.
    Michael Avenatti was onlangs in het nieuws over een afpersingszaak, waarbij hij werd gearresteerd.

    Opvallend is dat als Trump of GOP spectaculair in het nieuws is Avenatti iets spectaculairs heeft.

  6. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 16:50
    trump tweet Fox, approval rate is 55%

    Dit is het antwoord van het instituut dat de poll uitvoerde.

    “I’m the Director of Georgetown Politics,” wrote Elleithee, “and this graphic is incorrect. The Battleground Poll shows 58% approval on the economy. But it shows only 58% approval on the economy. The 55% number is the president’s unfavorable rating (only 40% favorable).”

  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 17:21

    Veiligheid consumenten producten voor peuters.

    Trump heeft op veel instanties leiding gevende neergezet. Deze mensen kwamen uit het bedrijfsleven en zitten nu in controlerende instantie , zoals milieu en veiligheid.
    Het gevaar dreigt dat veiligheid van consumenten, werknemers en de bevolking in gevaar komt.
    Nu is er ophef bij Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC)

    De non profit "kids in danger " wijst er op dat de product recall met 44% is afgenomen in 2018.

    "kids in danger" en American Academy of Pedestrians trekken aan de noodklok met betrekking tot 2 artikelen.

    Ondanks waarschuwingen van de CPSC hebben zij van de CPSC geen producten hoeven terug te nemen uit het schap.

    Fisher Price heeft het product Rock'n Play Sleeper voor peuters De dood van 32 peuters kan gerelateerd worden aan het product volgens de American Academy of Pedestrians.
    Britax heeft jogging stroller (looprekken voor peuters) en hieraan kunnen een aantal verwondingen gerelateerd worden.

    Waarschuwing American Academy of Pedestrians : We can not put any more children's live at risk, by keeping these dangerous product on the shelves"

  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 18:23

    Michael Avenatti
    Aanklacht tegen hem bij de rechtbank van Central District of California

    Avenatti wordt aangeklaagd voor :
    1 wire fraud 2 willful failure to collect and pay over withheld taxes 3 endeavoring to obstruct the Administration of the IRS(Belasting dienst) 4 willful failure to file tax return 5 bank fraud 6 aggrevated identity theft 7 false declaration in bankruptcy 9 casino an act to be done 10 criminal forfeiture

    Michael Avenatti is advocaat
    -volledig eigenaar van A&A advocatenkantoor
    -eigenaar van Global Baristas , bedrijf van Tully's Coffeee met coffee shops ("Tully's") in California en Washington
    -eigenaar van GB Autosport LLC, Avenatti's car racing team. Heeft ook 24 uurs van Le Mans in het verleden gereden. Werd gesponsord door een rijke Arabier.
    -eigenaar passport 420 LLC, dit bedrijf is eigenaar van een prive vliegtuig waar Avenatti gebruik van maakte.

    Dit is alleen de rechtszaak in California.
    Er loopt nog een onderzoek waarin hij een bedrijf heeft afgeperst middels chantage.

    Aanklacht ingediend bij de rechtbank :

  9. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 18:33
    In 2010, President Barack Obama nominated economist Peter Diamond to the Federal Reserve Board. A short time later, Diamond -- a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- received the Nobel Prize for his work on theories of the labor market. That pioneering research forms the basis of a whole branch of macroeconomic theory to this day.

    But this brilliant academic career wasn't enough for Republicans in the Senate, who repeatedly blocked Diamond’s nomination. Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama huffed that since Diamond’s academic work was on labor markets and pensions, Diamond had no “experience in conducting monetary policy.”


    The conservative political apparatus largely embraced the idea that economics was on its side. Though relatively few commentators could master Sargent’s math, Stigler’s empirical work or Buchanan’s subtle logic, a network of conservative think tanks and pundits arose to translate (or, sometimes, mis-translate) simple economic models into free-market rhetoric. Law professor James Kwak documents this effort in his book “Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality.”


    But in the 1990s, the political tide within the profession began to turn. As grand theories were gradually replaced with humble empirical work, economists began to see that government interventions in the market like minimum wages were often much more benign than the think tankers and pundits had predicted. The financial crisis helped dispel the idea that the government should sit back and let recessions take their course. A new crop of academic stars -- Paul Krugman, Thomas Piketty, Joseph Stiglitz and others -- emerged to advance more left-leaning ideas.


    With this intellectual shift underway, perhaps it’s natural that Republicans would start to view pundits and pizza executives as preferable to professors. There are still high-profile academic economists who lean to the political right -- Harvard University’s Robert Barro, for example, or Stanford University’s John Taylor. A few prominent Republican policy advisers, like Glenn Hubbard of Columbia University Graduate School of Business, have solid academic credentials. But trumpeting these credentials might force Republicans to admit the equal or greater authority of the expertise among economists who advise the Democrats and urge more government intervention.

    Whether that’s the case -- or whether Moore and Cain are just one more manifestation of increasing GOP hostility to academia in general -- it signifies a shift in the public role of the economics profession. The idea that economics is a conservative science is losing its grip on the public consciousness.


    Experts? Nah. Study? Nah. Intellectuals? Nah. Let's wing it, how much harm can they do?
  10. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 18:45
    Egypt has pulled out of the U.S. effort to forge an “Arab NATO” with key Arab allies, according to four sources familiar with the decision, in a blow to the Trump administration’s strategy to contain Iranian power.

    Egypt withdrew because it doubted the seriousness of the initiative, had yet to see a formal blueprint laying it out, and because of the danger that the plan would increase tensions with Iran, said an Arab source who, like the others, spoke on condition of anonymity.

    Uncertainty about whether U.S. President Donald Trump will win a second term next year and whether a successor may ditch the initiative also contributed to the Egyptian decision, the Arab source said.

    “It’s not moving well,” a Saudi source said of the initiative.

    The initiative, which Saudi Arabia first proposed in 2017, also is aimed at limiting the growing regional influence of Russia and China, according to a classified White House document reviewed by Reuters last year.

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 20:08

    Aanklacht Julian Assange

    Pagina 5 nr 18 :
    Manners and means of the conspiracy

    Assange and his co-conspirators used the following ways, manner and means, among others, to carry out this purpose :

    18. It was part of the conspiracy that Assange and Manning used the "jabber" online that service to collaborate on the acquisition and dissemination of the classified records, and to enter into the agreement to crack the password stored on the United States Department of Defense computers connected to the Secret Internet Protocol Network"

    Assange wordt hierin duidelijk aangeklaagd middels een samenzwering geheime informatie te verkrijgen.

  12. Al Kipone 11 april 2019 20:17
    “I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters. “It’s not my thing. I know there is something to do with Julian Assange. I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange. And that will be a determination, I imagine, mostly by the attorney general.”

  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 20:31

    Al Kipone schreef op 11 april 2019 20:17:

    “I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters. “It’s not my thing. I know there is something to do with Julian Assange. I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange. And that will be a determination, I imagine, mostly by the attorney general.”

    In aanloop naar de verkiezingen November 2016.
    Met name in October 2016 heeft Trump het regelmatig over WikiLeaks.

    In tweets. Hier een overzicht van 11 tweets van Donald J Trump@RealDonaldTrump
    klikken op lijst voor uitvergroting

    En in de verkiezingen campagne richting November 2016 verkiezing. Beelden in deze video clip van vernoeming van WikiLeaks gevolgd door zijn commentaar van vandaag , waar hij zegt I know nothing about WikiLeaks.

  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 april 2019 21:06

    Vrijgave verzoek Mueller rapport

    Vandaag hebben Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein en Warner een brief aan AG William Barr geschreven.
    Zij dringen er op aan het rapport onmiddellijk, zonder redacties, aan het Committee van het Congress te overhandigen.

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