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  1. [verwijderd] 14 augustus 2018 00:10

    Sir Chanticleer schreef op 13 augustus 2018 22:58:

    Peter Strzok
    I have been fired for expressing my personal opinion in private texts about a dictator that history will soon deem not only a Russian asset but an unhinged madman threatening the sovereignty of the United States of America.

    4:35 PM - 13 Aug 2018
    Je kunt hem steunen,
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 14 augustus 2018 08:55
    Defensiebudget VS van 716 miljard goedgekeurd
    1 uur geleden in BUITENLAND

    WASHINGTON - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft maandag een wetsontwerp met een defensiebudget van 716 miljard dollar ondertekend. Doel ervan is het leger te moderniseren en de paraatheid te bevorderen.

    Trump ondertekende de National Defense Authorization Act, in aanwezigheid van duizenden soldaten in Fort Drum, een militaire basis ongeveer vierhonderd kilometer ten noordwesten van New York City. De wet is „de meest significante investering in ons leger en onze soldaten uit de moderne geschiedenis”, zei Trump.

    Verouderde tanks, vliegtuigen en schepen zullen vervangen worden. De wet maakt budget vrij voor 77 F35-gevechtsvliegtuigen, een nieuw vliegdekschip en andere oorlogsschepen, en voor de modernisering van het Amerikaanse nucleaire arsenaal. Tot slot betaalt de VS 500 miljoen dollar om het Israëlische raketafweersysteem te helpen produceren, 850 miljoen dollar om de Iraakse veiligheidsdiensten te trainen en 250 miljoen dollar om de Oekraïense veiligheid te ondersteunen.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 14 augustus 2018 10:46

    Journalist nieuwe ‘vijand van de staat’ in Zuidoost-Azië

    Bedreigingen, juridische vervolging, overheidscensuur. Het gaat hard achteruit met de persvrijheid in Zuid-Oost-Azië. Experts zien een verband met het autocratischer worden van de regio.

    NB: alle dictators haten de vrije pers, dat komt vooral omdat dictators voortdurend zitten te liegen.......

    Zie Trumpie......
  4. Al Kipone 14 augustus 2018 13:45
    trump tweets:

    .@MarkBurnettTV called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa. I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up. Look at her MANY recent quotes saying....

    ....such wonderful and powerful things about me - a true Champion of Civil Rights - until she got fired. Omarosa had Zero credibility with the Media (they didn’t want interviews) when she worked in the White House. Now that she says bad about me, they will talk to her. Fake News!
  5. Al Kipone 14 augustus 2018 13:48
    More trump tweets

    Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: “The Strzok firing is as much about the Mueller operation as anything else. There would be no Mueller Special Councel to investigate so called collusion but for the machinations of Strzok & his colleagues at the top levels of the FBI. We know this...
    ....guy was corrupt and had anti-Trump animus. Strzok and others at the FBI should be criminally investigated for the way the conducted this investigation. Instead, Mueller is pretending nothing went wrong. He used Strzok, he used the Clinton DNC Dossier...the whole thing....
    ....should be shut down. The Strzok firing shows that the fundamental underpinnings of the investigation were corrupt. It should be shut down by the courts or by honest prosecutors.” Thank you Judicial Watch, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    (Sir note: Judicial Watch reports news on their website with the use of strong emotional language that is usually pro-right or anti-left. Common topics covered are anti-immigration, in which they highlight crimes committed by illegal immigrants such as this: Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes or dedicating an entire website to exposing former President Obama’s alleged IRS scandal. They have also promoted debunked conspiracy theories such as this. Further, the founder of JW, Larry Klayman recently promoted the conspiracy that the Clinton’s were killing people. In general the majority of content and story selection is anti-left.)
  6. forum rang 4 Wadloper 14 augustus 2018 13:59

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 14 augustus 2018 13:53:

    Leugenaars hebben de grappige gewoonte om steeds dieper in de problemen te komen naarmate ze meer tekst produceren.
    'Leugenaars hebben de grappige gewoonte om steeds dieper in de problemen te komen naarmate ze meer tekst produceren.'

    Grappig om te lezen, lees dit draadje ff door wie de meeste tekst produceren.
  7. forum rang 4 Wadloper 14 augustus 2018 14:30

    Wadloper schreef op 14 augustus 2018 13:59:


    'Leugenaars hebben de grappige gewoonte om steeds dieper in de problemen te komen naarmate ze meer tekst produceren.'

    Grappig om te lezen, lees dit draadje ff door wie de meeste tekst produceren.
    De Zwarte Ridder dacht shit en paste zijn bovenstaande post aan naar

    'Leugenaars hebben de grappige gewoonte om steeds dieper in de problemen te komen naarmate ze meer te vertellen hebben.

  8. Al Kipone 14 augustus 2018 15:12
    Interessant artikel over hoe een job te houden in het Witte Huis:

    trump’s argument is Manigault Newman:

    Was only hired because she begged for a job, and he acquiesced.
    Was not smart.
    Was broadly disliked and mean to people.
    Constantly missed meetings and skipped work.
    Struck Kelly so negatively he suggested she be fired, and, perhaps most damningly.
    Was of such questionable quality as an employee that she failed to win his reality show three times.
    But she kept her job, even after Kelly complained — Kelly, whose job was to guide trump’s White House staff. Why? What is the one quality Manigault Newman possessed that was sufficient for trump to argue she keep her job?

    She praised trump.

    A White House led by a president who values praise for himself over ability is a White House that has eliminated even the appearance of relying on merit for staffing and decision-making. If the most important quality for keeping your job in the White House is praising the president, some capable employees will simply work that praise into their daily duties. Other, less- or incapable employees might simply use that praise as a way to maintain access and their jobs.

    It extends beyond Washington. When trump talks about China and Saudi Arabia, he offers praise that often includes mentions of how he was treated when he visited each country: the celebrations that greeted his arrival in Riyadh and the dinner that was thrown in his honor in Beijing. Foreign leaders have learned flattery can be an effective way to manage trump (see: Putin, Vladimir), and those who offer criticism can find themselves ostracized or, at least, bearing the brunt of trump’s anger.

    The question raised by this obvious focus of trump’s is a simple one.

    If foreign leaders learn pleasing trump is paramount, what sort of international agreements are likely to result?

    If White House staffers come to understand the most important part of their jobs is to serve trump’s ego, how effectively are they serving the American people?

  9. Al Kipone 14 augustus 2018 15:26
    Meer tweets: blijkbaar tot de lunch geen afspraken. Is hij nu al zijn zonden aan het opbiechten, zodat Mueller helemaal geen interview meer hoeft af te nemen? Hangt er al een oranje jumpsuit in de kast?

    donald j. trump
    ? 5m5 minutes ago

    Lou Dobbs: “This cannot go forward...this Special Counsel with all of his conflicts, with his 17 Angry Democrats, without any evidence of collusion by the trump Campaign and Russia. The Dems are the ones who should be investigated.” Thank you Lou, so true!

    Donald J. Trump
    11m11 minutes ago

    Strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt - why isn’t this so-called “probe” ended immediately? Why aren’t these angry and conflicted Democrats instead looking at Crooked Hillary?

    donald j. trump
    20m20 minutes ago
    Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is a fraud, as is the rigged investigation he started. There was no Collusion or Obstruction with Russia, and everybody, including the Democrats, know it. The only Collusion and Obstruction was by Crooked Hillary, the Democrats and the DNC!

    donald j. trump
    1h1 hour ago
    “They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME donald trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.

    donald j. trump
    1h1 hour ago
    Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends
  10. forum rang 10 voda 14 augustus 2018 16:36
    Trump Trade War - Donald Trump backs boycott of Harley-Davidson

    Reuters reported that, US President Mr Donald Trump has backed boycotting American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson, the latest salvo in a dispute between the company and Mr Trump over tariffs on steel. In response, Mr Trump has criticized Harley-Davidson, calling for higher, targeted taxes and threatening to lure foreign producers to the United States to increase competition. Mr Trump tweeted, "Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas. Great! Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! US will soon have a level playing field, or better.”

    Harley-Davidson has repeatedly declined to comment on Mr Trump's remarks over the course of the dispute. The company could not be immediately reached for comment on Sunday.

    The Wisconsin-based motorcycle manufacturer announced a plan earlier this year to move production of motorcycles for the European Union from the United States to its overseas facilities to avoid the tariffs imposed by the trading bloc in retaliation for Mr Trump's duties on steel and aluminium imports.

    Source : Reuters
  11. forum rang 6 gbakl 15 augustus 2018 08:00
    Trump Trade War - Donald Trump backs boycott of Harley-Davidson

    wederom blijkt trump (motorisch) gestoord.
    America-first, tenzij het een (roemrucht) bedrijf betreft dat
    niet trump-vriendelijk acteert en dan wordt je in no-time failliet gemaakt wat trump betreft want zijn ego is groter dan de hele
    Amerikaanse economie.
    trump is niet de moter achter de economie maar heeft per ongeluk de
    wind mee en zijn belachelijke belastingmaatregelen en schuldopdrijving gaan zich tegen hem keren....gevolgd door alles en iedereen.

    raak je Joe Sixpack in zijn portemonnee dan gaat het mis en wat trump tot nu toe betekend heeft is kleingeld en gaat nu vele dollars kosten.
    en ook geen betere en goedkopere zorgverzekering en...eigenlijk niks alleen beloftes.

    deze meesteronderhandelaar en bruggenbouwer ontmaskerd tot
    het grootste fiasco in de geschiedenis van de VS politiek.
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