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  1. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 2 augustus 2018 16:30

    maurice73 schreef op 2 augustus 2018 13:35:

    Trump tweet: "Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan."
    Trump kan zich niet meer herinneren dat Hillary volgens de polls de absolute winner zou worden
  2. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 16:38
    Are white people ready to bail on democracy? These researchers say the danger is real

    donald trump’s combination of racism and authoritarianism, made repeatedly clear through his words and deeds, has not been disqualifying for his voters and most Republicans. Indeed it is central to his appeal, and has lured tens of millions of Americans into his movement.

    In an increasingly diverse and cosmopolitan America, this combination is like a dagger pointed at the heart of the country’s democracy. Whether our republic can survive changing racial demographics and white racial paranoia, and how much donald trump’s racist and authoritarian movement is really a deviation from America’s historic norms, is very much in question. It seems clear that white identity politics has helped the Republican Party maintain control over its voters, and that a large number of white Americans value the privilege conferred on them by skin color more than they value democracy.

    In an effort to address these questions and many others, I recently spoke with Steven Miller, a professor of political science at Clemson University, and Nicholas Davis, a research scientist at the Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A&M University. They are the authors of the new research paper “White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy.”

  3. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 16:39
    Meer van deze study:

    How do we locate trumpism and the resurgence of overt white supremacism and the extreme right in the United States, relative to what is happening in Europe and elsewhere?

    Miller: trump successfully launched a minority-scapegoating campaign to win the White House. Marine Le Pen’s National Front made it to the presidential runoff in France. The Tories [the British Conservative Party] and UKIP had a symbiotic relationship in which UKIP was able to coerce an in-or-out referendum on the EU from [former Prime Minister] David Cameron, resulting in a successful Brexit campaign animated largely by concerns over immigration. The AfD in Germany [a far-right party] is barely five years old and now has 13 percent of the seats in the Bundestag. Italy’s populist parties just got the OK to form a government.

    These movements share a similar theme. They have outsized views of past glory and target immigrants as responsible for real or perceived downturns in national status. They’re targeting the same international governmental organizations and supranational institutions responsible for post-World War II peace and prosperity, to the extent that they coincide with perceived loss of status and increases in immigration.
  4. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 16:41

    Second, and most curious: Other right-wing populist parties are trying to bundle anti-immigration measures with greater investments in social spending and welfare. Notice the reason why: White people are getting older everywhere in the West and immigrants are responsible for plugging gaps in the social safety net’s spreadsheet, ensuring that governments can afford to pay out these benefits. At some level, voters probably know this and these right-wing parties needing to come up with unequivocal assurances, whether or not they are genuine, to mollify these concerns.

    Republicans in America kind of stand out by trafficking in the same anti-immigration hysteria while also proposing policies to dismantle social spending and the welfare state. These are incidentally policies that disproportionately benefit rural white Americans. Indeed, most Republican voters hate their party’s fiscal policies, but will vote for them anyway when bundled with the white identity politics the Republican Party has been offering for the past few decades.
  5. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 16:42
    tot slot:

    The question you’ve posed is this: Will democracy persist when it runs headlong into demographic changes that make it improbable that a party can win by solely relying on the sort of aggrieved white voters who elected donald trump to the White House? I don’t know. Probably, yes. Americans don’t really have a good grasp on the terror and pain involved in actual regime change. The burgeoning “crisis-of-democracy” literature may oversell the problem, but only in the sense that the “problem” seems to be that the trump administration has simply removed the veneer and revealed that American democracy, by design, is sincerely dysfunctional.
  6. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:09
    Effect of ACA repeal:

    Insurers will earn large profits in the ACA-compliant individual market in 2018: Fiedler projects that insurers’ revenues in the ACA-compliant individual market will far exceed their costs in 2018, generating a positive underwriting margin of 10.5 percent of premium revenue, as illustrated in Figure 1 of the paper. This is up from a modest positive margin of 1.2 percent of premium revenue in 2017 and contrasts sharply with the substantial losses insurers incurred in the ACA-compliant market in 2014, 2015, and 2016. The estimated 2018 margin also far exceeds insurers’ margins in the pre-ACA individual market. These estimates for 2018 as a whole are broadly consistent with the results of a recent analysis of individual market insurers’ financial results for the first quarter of 2018 recently published by researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
    The estimated improvement in insurers’ margins for 2018 is driven by the substantial premium increases insurers implemented for 2018, which will almost certainly be more than sufficient to offset the loss of cost-sharing reduction payments and what appears likely to be another year of moderate growth in underlying claims spending. Prior analysis of insurers’ 2018 rate filings suggests that many insurers expected policy changes that are now scheduled to take effect in 2019, notably repeal of the individual mandate penalty, to take effect in some form during 2018, which may have led insurers to incorporate those policy changes into their premiums a year early.


    Under my base assumptions, I estimate the average per member per month premiums in the individual market would fall by 4.3 percent in 2019 in a stable policy environment, as depicted in the shaded cell in the middle of the table.
    I find that average premiums would also be likely to fall in 2019 under a range of alternative assumptions. Only in the scenarios where insurers are aiming to maintain margins similar to those achieved in 2018 or where both target margins and expected claims growth are meaningfully higher than in my base scenario do I find premium increases, and those increases would generally be modest.


  7. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:13

    izdp schreef op 2 augustus 2018 17:05:

    Ha, eindelijk iemand die mijn bewering van de democratie in de US ondersteunt.

    Het is een bananenrepubliek geworden.
    Het Amerikaane model is doordacht opgezet door een aantal slimme heren. Checks and balances alom. Macht verdelen, verkiezingen schakelen, etc.
    Opgezet voor een twee-partijen systeem.

    Het werkt, mits:

    de kandidaten ethisch zijn en zich houden aan geschreven en ongeschreven wetten en regels.
    het stemvolk zich informeert over de politiek keuzes van de partijen en kandidaten.

    Beide is in deze cyclus ver te zoeken, en de laatste factor is al decennia minimaal.
  8. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:21
    White House Proposal Rolls Back Fuel Economy Standards, No Exception For California

    The trump administration has proposed a rollback of Obama-era fuel efficiency and emissions standards, while simultaneously taking aim at California's unique ability to set more stringent rules.

    Under the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency called for the fuel economy standards for new vehicles to ratchet up over time. The increasingly strict standards were designed to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    On Thursday, the EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a new proposed rule that would instead freeze the standards at their 2020 levels for six years.

    The agencies say that increasing fuel efficiency requirements contributes to an increase in the cost of new cars and trucks, which may discourage consumers from buying new vehicles. Because newer vehicles have advanced safety features, the administration argues, increasing fuel economy requirements therefore harms highway safety, as well as having economic effects.

    EPA Moves To Weaken Landmark Fuel Efficiency Rules
    EPA Moves To Weaken Landmark Fuel Efficiency Rules
    "Cars and trucks are just part of the basic fiber of the American economy and the American experience so we take what we're doing very, very seriously," Bill Wehrum, EPA assistant administrator, told reporters on Thursday.

    The EPA has argued that the federal standards imposed by the Obama administration are burdensome on auto manufacturers. However, "major automakers have repeatedly said they do not back freezing the requirements but have called for changes to take into account fuel prices and shifting consumer demand," Reuters says.

  9. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:24

    Many observers view the proposed rollback of fuel efficiency standards — which are extremely popular with the American public — as a handout to oil companies that are concerned that the existing standards will cut into oil consumption by the transportation sector.

    The current standards that the trump administration is seeking to roll back are projected to reduce carbon emission by 6 billion tons, save consumers $1.7 trillion in fuel costs, and reduce oil consumption by up to 4 million barrels every day. A recent poll found that nearly seven in 10 American voters want the existing standards to remain in place.

    “Rolling back the Clean Car Standards is one of the most significant attacks on clean air and climate action in history, and, Donald Trump is making it clear his mantra is pollution over everything,” Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said Thursday in a statement. “The clean car standards and the right of states to protect their residents enjoy overwhelming support and are backed by numerous scientific studies.”

    The auto emissions standards were adopted in 2012 with broad support from automakers, labor, and consumers to significantly reduce climate pollution. Since then, drivers have saved more than $57 billion on gasoline thanks to these standards and have reduced emissions by 228 million metric tons, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.


  10. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:30

    izdp schreef op 2 augustus 2018 17:17:

    Het heeft in de 19e eeuw misschien gewerkt, maar als democratie was het in de 20e eeuw al een lachertje.
    Nu feilloos bloot gelegd door Mr. Crook himself.
    Precies. Als je leest wat bv Jefferson zegt over het hele process, en het hoe en waarom, dan wordt duidelijk dat de Founding Fathers een goed idee hadden over de mens, en een systeem hebben bedacht om tirannen en bedriegers te weren. Neem bv het Electoral College. Bedoelt om mensen als trump te weren. Maar zoals alle systemen, als je maar genoeg onderdelen compromiteert, dan faalt ieder systeem.
    Zelfs als je in 1965 een regel invoert om een President af te zetten die niet langer de geestelijke stabiliteit vertoont om een land te leiden.

    It's all there, you just gotta use it!

  11. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:33

    izdp schreef op 2 augustus 2018 17:28:

    Wel grappig is dat er in de US nu discussie wordt gevoerd of staten er uit mogen stappen.

    Dat zou op zich een fijne oplossing zijn. Eindelijk van die uitvreters in het Zuiden af! (Hoop ik wel dat Virginia dit keer bij het Noorden blijft :-))
  12. Al Kipone 2 augustus 2018 17:36

    izdp schreef op 2 augustus 2018 17:26:

    En Sir, hoe groot acht je de kans dat Californië dit gaat verliezen?
    Moeilijk in te schatten, omdat ik er weinig van weet. Maar dat geeft niet, ik verzin wel wat.

    Het zou moeilijk kunnen zijn als de EPA hard kan maken dat autos minder veilig worden als ze zuiniger moeten zijn, doordat fabrikanten veiligheidsmaatregelen achterwege laten vanwege gewicht. Imho klinkt dit als totale BS.
    De publieke opinie is duidelijk VOOR milieumaatregeln.

    Ik denk dus dat CA een grote kans maakt trump cs te verslaan in court.

  13. taurus86 2 augustus 2018 17:40
    On Thursday, the EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a new proposed rule that would instead freeze the standards at their 2020 levels for six years.
    A recent poll found that nearly seven in 10 American voters want the existing standards to remain in place.
    Wie nu dus koopt hoeft tot 2026 niet te vrezen voor versnelde afschrijving (kapitaalvernietiging)i.v.m. voortschrijdende motorspecificaties.
    En 70% van de ondervraagden vinden dat een goed voorstel. Voorstel met Democratische draagkracht.
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