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Just Eat Takeaway 2023

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  1. forum rang 4 Johnson 19 januari 2023 14:48

    Daarom schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:45:


    Dat ik volgeladen zit met aandelen JET en geen cashpositie meer heb om bij te kopen. Anders zou ik dit zeker doen!!

    Ik heb nog wel andere aandelenposities, maar die wil ik nu niet verkopen aan m JET te kopen.
    Sorry ik heb de verkeerde vraag gesteld want ik weet wel wat al Inn betekent
  2. Validus 19 januari 2023 14:49

    Steef89 schreef op 19 januari 2023 13:27:

    Operator (Operator)
    [Operator Instructions] We will take the first question from line, Giles Thorne from Jefferies.
    Giles Thorne (Analysts)
    A simple question and 1 for Brent. Given the EBITDA momentum of the business and the impact
    of the deleveraging from the iFood sale on your cash interest, do you now expect to be equity
    free cash flow positive in 2023 on a full year basis. And if you could frame your answer as a
    bridge from EBITDA to cash flow, that would be really helpful, Brent.
    Brent Wissink (Executives)
    Well, taking into account the guidance that we just provided of adjusted EBITDA of EUR 225
    million for '23, we expect cash burn to decrease from EUR 550 million in 2022 to EUR 250 million
    in 2023. So this excludes working capital and other cash movements so we will burn some cash
    next year. That's the EUR 250 million I just quote.
    The cash position ended this year is approximately EUR 2 billion. including repayment of the ING
    loan of EUR 300 million. So that has already been repaid. So we believe that we're in a quite
    very comfortable position for the future to invest in the areas where we believe we should invest.
    Ik snap m nu! Thanks Steef.
    Inderdaad behoorlijk onhandig van Brent.
  3. forum rang 7 wiegveld 19 januari 2023 14:49

    Daarom schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:45:


    Dat ik volgeladen zit met aandelen JET en geen cashpositie meer heb om bij te kopen. Anders zou ik dit zeker doen!!

    Ik heb nog wel andere aandelenposities, maar die wil ik nu niet verkopen aan m JET te kopen.
    Hopelijk zit je niet vol sinds gisteren voor je.
    Maar niet slim om jezelf klem te zetten met aandelenhandel
  4. Big dogs gotta eat - John 19 januari 2023 14:57

    SEVA_ schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:27:


    Transocean gaat toch als een trein? Volgens mij sta je dik in het groen.
    Jazeker, sowieso blij met de ontwikkelingen rondom mijn long aandelen, maar als de markt flink zakt zijn er maar weinig aandelen veilig. ASML is voor de rest ook gewoon een topbedrijf. Mocht Amerika de dalende trend doorbreken cover ik gelijk.
  5. forum rang 4 Daarom 19 januari 2023 14:58

    Kleine hap schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:49:

    [...] Wat betekent dit voor JET?
    Dat de feecaps gaan verdwijnen (of er iets anders voor in de plaats komt).

    Het is in ieder geval goed nieuws. Minimaal 10% stijging. Maar zoals gisteren en vandaag kan de stijging ook weer ‘als sneeuw voor de zon’ verdwijnen.
  6. forum rang 4 Daarom 19 januari 2023 15:01

    wiegveld schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:57:

    Dan zit je niet klem en kun je deel toch met winst verkopen?
    Klopt, maar ga ik niet doen. Ik verwacht de komende tijd een stijging naar minimaal € 30,,-
    Maar net als velen had ik gisteren liever op € 27,50 wat aandelen verkocht om lager terug te kopen. Maar ja… het is nu gewoon afwachten. Heb er alle vertrouwen in.
  7. forum rang 4 Johnson 19 januari 2023 15:05

    Daarom schreef op 19 januari 2023 14:58:


    Dat de feecaps gaan verdwijnen (of er iets anders voor in de plaats komt).

    Het is in ieder geval goed nieuws. Minimaal 10% stijging. Maar zoals gisteren en vandaag kan de stijging ook weer ‘als sneeuw voor de zon’ verdwijnen.
    oké, dankjewel
  8. forum rang 7 Steef89 19 januari 2023 15:25
    Heb eindelijk bericht van IR over die 300 miljoen performance bonus bij ifood verkoop.
    Helaas wil men niet openbaren wat die indicatoren precies inhouden. Dit is alles wat we krijgen.

    The consideration payable by Movile in cash at Completion is approximately
    EUR 1,500,000,000. Movile has also agreed to a deferred, contingent payment of up to
    EUR 300,000,000 (the “Contingent Consideration”) as further described below.
    Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Contingent Consideration shall be payable based on
    the performance of the online food delivery sector as compared between two agreed
    measurement periods, the first starting following the entry into the Purchase Agreement, and
    the second starting 12 months following the start of first measurement period. The
    performance of the online food delivery sector shall be measured by tracking certain forecast
    financial metrics agreed between the parties of a peer set of publicly traded food delivery
    companies against the enterprise value of the peer set, to produce forward financial valuation
    multiples. Payment of the Contingent Consideration is dependent on an improvement of up to
    30% in either of the forward financial multiples in the second measurement period, when
    compared to the first measurement period, with pro-rata payment for improvement and no
    deduction for negative performance. The amount of Contingent Consideration payable by
    Movile shall be determined by an independent expert using the methodologies agreed by the
    parties and is payable by Movile within twenty business days following the date on which the
    Contingent Consideration is determined. The aggregate Contingent Consideration payable by
    Movile pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement shall not exceed an amount equal to
    EUR 300,000,000.
    In addition to the cash consideration referred to above, Movile has agreed to procure that
    IF-JE Holdings transfers all the shares it holds in El Cocinero a Cuerda, S.L. (a company
    incorporated under the laws of Spain) to Just Eat Holding or an affiliate of Just Eat Holding. El
    Cocinero a Cuerda, S.L. is a Spanish holding company of a Mexican joint venture and an
    indirect subsidiary of Just Eat Takeaway.com. The operations of this joint venture in Mexico
    ceased on 4 December 2020
  9. forum rang 7 DeWalt 19 januari 2023 15:30

    Steef89 schreef op 19 januari 2023 15:25:

    Heb eindelijk bericht van IR over die 300 miljoen performance bonus bij ifood verkoop.
    Helaas wil men niet openbaren wat die indicatoren precies inhouden. Dit is alles wat we krijgen.

    The consideration payable by Movile in cash at Completion is approximately
    EUR 1,500,000,000. Movile has also agreed to a deferred, contingent payment of up to
    EUR 300,000,000 (the “Contingent Consideration”) as further described below.
    Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Contingent Consideration shall be payable based on
    the performance of the online food delivery sector as compared between two agreed
    measurement periods, the first starting following the entry into the Purchase Agreement, and
    the second starting 12 months following the start of first measurement period. The
    performance of the online food delivery sector shall be measured by tracking certain forecast
    financial metrics agreed between the parties of a peer set of publicly traded food delivery
    companies against the enterprise value of the peer set, to produce forward financial valuation
    multiples. Payment of the Contingent Consideration is dependent on an improvement of up to
    30% in either of the forward financial multiples in the second measurement period, when
    compared to the first measurement period, with pro-rata payment for improvement and no
    deduction for negative performance. The amount of Contingent Consideration payable by
    Movile shall be determined by an independent expert using the methodologies agreed by the
    parties and is payable by Movile within twenty business days following the date on which the
    Contingent Consideration is determined. The aggregate Contingent Consideration payable by
    Movile pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement shall not exceed an amount equal to
    EUR 300,000,000.
    In addition to the cash consideration referred to above, Movile has agreed to procure that
    IF-JE Holdings transfers all the shares it holds in El Cocinero a Cuerda, S.L. (a company
    incorporated under the laws of Spain) to Just Eat Holding or an affiliate of Just Eat Holding. El
    Cocinero a Cuerda, S.L. is a Spanish holding company of a Mexican joint venture and an
    indirect subsidiary of Just Eat Takeaway.com. The operations of this joint venture in Mexico
    ceased on 4 December 2020

    Dus pas duidelijk zomer 2024
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