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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

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21,490   -0,410   (-1,87%) Dagrange 21,310 - 21,820 4.233.326   Gem. (3M) 2,6M

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:10
    Metalloinvest increases bridge construction steel supplies

    Metalloinvest, a leading global iron ore and HBI producer and supplier, and one of the regional producers of high-quality steel, increased supplies of high quality steel products for bridge construction by 24% in 2017 to 230,000 tonnes, up from 186,000 tonnes in 2016.

    In 2017, several significant infrastructure facilities made with bridge construction steel from Ural Steel (part of Metalloinvest) began operations, including a bridge over the river Volga in Nizhny Novgorod and the bridge over the river Tura in Tyumen. The opening ceremony of the road bridge in Budovo in the Tver region took place at the end of 2017. Ural Steel supplied 974,000 tonnes of steel products for the construction for the construction of this bridge, spanning 122.3 metres.

    The bridge was built from heavy plate made of 14????? atmospheric corrosion resistant steel, which meets the highest durability requirements in low temperatures and the highest integrity standards (lacking internal defects.) The low-alloy 14????? steel grade, in line with the S?? 13657842-1-2009 standard and with increased resistance to atmospheric corrosion, was developed by Ural Steel jointly with I. P. Bardin TsNIIChermet. The corrosion resistance of this steel grade enables it to be used in metal structures without varnish and paint, which reduces operating costs by approximately 30% over a facility's life cycle.

    Among the leading customers for Metalloinvest's bridge construction steel are the largest Russian producers of metal structures, such as Kurganstalmost, Voronezhstalmost, V.A. Sklyarenko BZMMK; the Nizhny Tagil Plant of Steel Structures; Belenergomash Bzem; Chelyabinsk Steel Structure Plant and Mostostroyindustria, among others.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:14
    Midland Steel Company takes part in innovative construction project

    It’s a housing project unlike any other a 15 story building that goes underground instead of above ground. It includes 1,800 square-foot condos, a swimming pool, gym, movie theater and indoor dog park. Midland Steel Company is proud to have been part of the framing construction, which took place about three hours west of Kansas City.

    Utilizing a former missile silo near Concordia, Kansas, Midland Steel worked with project engineers to complete the framing of the living structures in a 176-foot deep hole, 40 percent of which is covered with a 9-foot concrete slab. All the steel for the project was meticulously transported across miles of farmland and delivered through a silo door that caps the silo.

    The frame has a ring beam at the bottom, with pilings built to support the structure. Anchor bolts were used to bridge the two-inch gap between the framing system and the silo walls, and the frame is also attached to the silo’s original cap and the bottom ring beam. The silo shaft walls are a 26-foot radius, while the columns are placed at a 25-foot-3-inch radius.

    This is the second Survival Condo Project Midland Steel has had the pleasure of working on with designer Larry Hall and MAI Design Build. With that first structure’s condos all sold out, Midland Steel is hard at work on the second nearby silo.

    Mr Roger Bibens, president said that “This is an exciting project for Midland Steel. It had its difficulties too. For example, we couldn’t use hand signals as we lowered the steel to the bottom; we had to communicate solely with radios.”

    Special rigging was utilized to bring the steel into the structure, often with only a couple of inches of space to spare. The team used a crane and offset pulley riggings to guide the steel to the bottom up as construction progressed.

    Mr Bibens said that “We have played an integral part in many interesting projects, but this one is probably among the most unique.”

    The condos and amenities are built with survivalists’ mentality in mind, as the original silo was constructed to withstand a nuclear blast. Should a catastrophe occur, such as a global war, a solar flare wiping out the power grid, or a disease threatening humanity, those who buy into the USD 3 million full floor unit condos will have a place to call home.

    The structure also contains a pharmacy, hydroponic vegetable garden, tilapia fish tanks, power generation and a filtration system for extremely clean air among other amenities and has been featured on top news platforms like CNN, National Geographic, Fox News and more.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:37
    ArcelorMittal mulling setting up 600 MW solar farm in Karnataka
    Published on Mon, 19 Feb 2018

    Economic Times reported that ArcelorMittal, which earlier this week submitted a bid to acquire Essar Steel, has said it exploring the possibility of establishing a 600 MW solar farm by utilizing the land in Karnataka originally allotted to it for a proposed USD 6.5 billion project to set up a 6 million tonne greenfield steel plant. The company said its decision was prompted by "excess capacity of steel worldwide and uncertainty in iron ore availability locally." The world's largest steel company said it has sought permission from the state government on this and the proposal is under consideration and added that it hopes to get approval for the same.

    Arcelor said this would contribute to the mitigation of Karnataka's power crisis and to the participation in the National Solar Energy mission of the Government of India.The statement was part of the company's update on previously announced investment projects, including India greenfield projects, in its latest annual report.

    Arcelor said it had explored investment opportunities in India and in June 2010, entered into a memorandum of understanding with authorities in the state of Karnataka in South India that envisaged the construction of the six million tonne steel plant with a captive 750 megawatt power plant, representing a potential aggregate investment of USD 6.5 billion.

    The company has completed all of the necessary steps to acquire the land. ArcelorMittal India Limited received possession certificates for 2,659 acres of private land following the acquisition of 1,827 acres and 832 acres in December 2011 and October 2012, respectively, leaving a balance of 136.33 acres of land owned by the Karnataka government, which is being processed for allocation.

    It added that "However, in view of excess capacity of steel worldwide and uncertainty in iron ore availability locally, the company is also exploring the possibility of utilizing the land in Karnataka for the establishment of a solar farm for generating solar energy.”

    Incidentally, in January 2018 ArcelorMittal decided to took over the assets of Exosun, a company that specializes in trackers for solar farms. Based in Martillac, France, Exosun designs, develops and markets steel solar trackers that allow photo-voltaic panels to follow the sun's path, and thus increase the performance of ground-mounted solar farms.

    In its decade-long existence, Exosun had delivered more than 55 solar farms all around the world, amounting to a total 700 MW installed capacity. I a statement to announce the acquisition in January, ArcelorMittal had said it already operates in the solar energy market with a presence in steel solar frames which are manufactured in units in Europe, China and Egypt.

    Source : Economic Times
  4. marcel13 20 februari 2018 08:57
    20-02-2018 (FD, p.11 - Tel, p.24)

    Staalsector vreest handelsoorlog
    De Europese staalindustrie vreest dat er een handelsoorlog uitbreekt tussen de VS en de EU. De VS overwegen protectionistische maatregelen, zoals een beperking van de staalimport. De EU zal dan tegenmaatregelen nemen. Eventuele handelsbarrières zullen negatief uitpakken voor Europa. Traditionele handelsstromen worden verstoord en goedkoop Chinees staal zal zijn weg vinden naar de EU.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:14
    BHP keert meer dividend uit
    Kasstroom omhoog door hogere grondstofprijzen.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones)BHP Billiton wil flink meer dividend uitkeren, nadat de kasstroom sterk steeg als gevolg van hogere grondstofprijzen. Dit bleek uit de resultaten van het Australische mijnbouwbedrijf.

    In de zes maanden die eindigden op 31 december 2017 behaalde BHP een nettowinst van 2,0 miljard Amerikaanse dollar, ten opzichte 3,2 miljard dollar een jaar terug. Hierin was echter een buitengewoon verlies in verwerkt gerelateerd aan de verlaagde belastingen in Amerika. De onderliggende nettowinst steeg juist met een kwart tot 4,1 miljard dollar.

    Het mijnbouwbedrijf profiteerde van hogere grondstofprijzen, waardoor de vrije kasstroom sterk steeg tot 4,9 miljard dollar. Dit geld werd gebruikt om de nettoschuld terug te brengen met 23 procent tot 15,4 miljard dollar. Tevens wordt de het interimdivdiend verhoogd van 0,40 naar 0,55 dollar per aandeel.

    De omzet steeg met 16 procent tot 21,8 miljard dollar.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:17
    Europese staalindustrie vreest handelsoorlog met VS

    De Europese staalindustrie vreest een handelsoorlog tussen de VS en Europese Unie. De VS zinnen op protectionistische maatregelen zoals beperking van de staalimport, officieel om bedreiging van de binnenlandse veiligheid tegen te gaan.

    Eurofer, de Europese brancheorganisatie voor staalbedrijven, maant president Trump in een verklaring: 'Haal de trekker, die leidt tot een nieuwe handelsoorlog, niet over.'

    Staalproductie bij Arcelor Mittal in Luik.Foto: Tim Dirven

    Mocht Trump toch handelsbeperkende sancties afkondigen, dan kunnen de VS rekenen op tegenmaatregelen door de Europese Unie, aldus Axel Eggert, algemeen directeur van Eurofer. Hij wijst op uitspraken van de Europese Commissie over sancties voor Amerikaanse landbouwproducten. Daarmee zouden vooral Amerikaanse staten getroffen worden waar Trump veel steun heeft.

    'Nationale veiligheid'
    Trump buigt zich op dit moment over een advies van het Amerikaanse ministerie van handel om staalimporten naar de Verenigde Staten in te perken. Het advies voorziet in drie mogelijkheden.

    De eerste mogelijkheid is dat Trump kiest voor een algemene maatregel waarbij de importen uit alle landen aan banden worden gelegd en worden beperkt tot 63% van de hoeveelheid geïmporteerd staal in 2017.

    Lees ook
    Europese staalfondsen profiteren van Amerikaanse tariefplannen

    En ook:
    Analisten voorzien alweer einde aan herstel wereldhandel

    De tweede mogelijkheid is een strafheffing van 24% op alle staalimporten, ongeacht het land van herkomst. De derde mogelijkheid is een gecombineerde maatregel waarbij een bepaalde groep landen - Brazilië, China, Costa Rica, Egypte, India, Maleisië, Rusland, Thailand, Navo-bondgenoot Turkije, Vietnam en Zuid-Korea - een importtarief van 53% krijgen opgelegd en de importen van de overige landen worden beperkt tot 100% van de importvolume van 2017.

    Maatregel kunnen Europa en dus IJmuiden treffen
    In alle gevallen zullen de handelsbarrières nadelig uitpakken voor de EU, vreest Eurofer omdat de maatregelen leiden tot een verstoring van de traditionele handelsstromen, vooral als de VS importen uit China gaan weren.

    Waarnemers in Brussel wijzen op de open Europese grenzen. 'In zo'n geval probeert het goedkope Chinese staal zijn weg te vinden naar Europa', zegt Jeroen Vermeij, directeur marktanalyses en economische studies van Eurofer. De toevloed van goedkoop staal naar Europa heeft een prijsdrukkend effect en zal ook de staalfabriek van Tata Stel Nederland in IJmuiden treffen, aldus een andere marktkenner die niet met zijn naam in de krant wil. 'Je praat dan algauw over 20 tot 30 miljoen ton staal wat naar Europa vloeit.'

    Trump kan ook niks besluiten
    De Amerikaanse minister van handel, Wilbur Ross, tekent daarbij aan dat de Amerikaanse president het laatste woord heeft over de handelssancties. Trump kan een van de adviezen opvolgen, hij kan de maatregelen naar believen aanpassen, bijvoorbeeld om de Navo-bondgenoten te sparen.

    Trump kan ook besluiten de adviezen helemaal niet op te volgen, bijvoorbeeld met het oog op eventuele repercussies die de Amerikaanse economie schade kunnen berokkenen. Trump moet voor 11 april besluiten of hij overgaat tot handelssancties voor staalimporten. Voor een soortgelijk besluit over aluminiumimporten heeft Trump tot 20 april de tijd. 'Hij kan ook totaal iets anders besluiten', aldus Ross.

    'Bush revisited'
    Mocht Trump tot handelssancties besluiten, dan kan Washington naast Europese tegenmaatregelen ook rekenen op rechtszaken bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie WTO. De handelsbeperkende maatregelen die boven de markt hangen lijken enigszins op die van president George W. Bush in 2002 om in het kader van de 'sectie 201' de Amerikaanse staalindustrie een 'adempauze' te geven om een herstructurering door te voeren. De staalsancties van Bush junior leidden destijds tot een Trans-Atlantische ruzie en een groot aantal geschillen die voor de WTO werden uitgevochten.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:35
    Analysts find Tata Steel bids For Bhushan Steel and Bhushan Steel & Power higher than expected - report

    Nickey Mirchandani of Bloomberg Quint has analyzed the bids for Bhushan Steel Ltd and Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd. As per report, Tata Steel offered to pay up to INR 45,000 crore for Bhushan Steel and INR 24,500 crore for Bhushan Power, which means, it’s valuing the stressed assets much higher than the industry average. According to BloombergQuint’s calculations, Tata Steel will be paying an enterprise value that’s 9 times the earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of Bhushan Steel and 10.2 times the operating income of Bhushan Power & Steel as against the industry average of 6.5 times.

    The report quoted brokerage Investec as saying that “The bid is likely to leave bankers pleased with a lower haircut. We fail to find adequate value in the transaction even with adopting different valuation methods like trading multiples, asset-based valuations and optionality on low-cost expansion.”

    Dharmesh Kant, independent market expert, told BloombergQuint that this definitely doesn’t seem to be a right move. He said “Corus acquisition too was done at higher valuations which led to depressed financials. Now, bidding for both these companies could undo the recovery.”

    Tata Steel currently has 13 MTPA capacity and could get an additional 5.6 MTPA from Bhushan Steel and 2.5 MTPA from Bhushan Power & Steel. That would take it to 21.1 MTPA compared with JSW Steel’s 18 MTPA and Steel Authority of India Ltd.’s expected 21.5 MTPA in the year ended March 2019.

    Source : Bloomberg Quint
  8. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:36
    Mr Trump do not pull trigger on trade war - EUROFER

    The European Steel Association (EUROFER) warns that deployment of blanket trade restrictions will almost certainly be contested by other WTO countries. It will spark prompt retaliation alongside action from the EU to safeguard the Internal Market from the ensuing trade deflection. Axel Eggert, Director General of EUROFER said “The EU steel industry has long been a reliable supplier of high quality steels to the US, sending just over three million tonnes of steel there in the first eleven months of 2017. The EU and US are close partners and NATO allies. Any restriction on steel imports from the EU based on Section 232 would undermine this partnership”.

    He said “EU and US producers have both been suffering financial losses and closures since the Financial Crisis caused by trade distortions from third countries. Import pressures have significantly affected each market. Until now, both have used targeted trade remedies against demonstrably dumped steel products from third countries – and the EU and US are active members on the G20 Forum on Steel Excess Capacity. We are committed to work with the US and other countries to swiftly eliminate the source of these distortions: global overcapacity. This will not be achieved with scattergun, unilateral measures”.

    He said “The European steel industry is concerned that whichever alternative President Trump decides to reach for – other than declining to act, as he is also able to – there could be a massive deflection of previously US-bound steel products to the EU’s open market. This could seriously and unfairly injure EU producers, breaking the fragile recovery the sector has seen over the past few months.”

    He also said “Were either of the two alternatives deployed we would expect swift and vigorous counter action by the EU in order to prevent any potential negative impact on our industry, including necessary safeguard measures mirroring the product scope and types of any US Section 232 trade measures. The EU has an arsenal of trade remedies and safeguards available to defend its interests. These can be ready to launch in very short order in response to an economic threat, and EU industry will demand their immediate application”.

    Mr Eggert concluded “We urge the US President: Do not pull the trigger on a new trade war.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:37
    JISF urges Trump to make careful trade decision on steel tarrifs

    The Japan Iron and Steel Federation in a statement said “On February 16, the U.S. Department of Commerce released its report concerning the Section 232 investigation on the effect of imports of steel mill products on the national security of the United States. It is our view that the recommendations in this report are very regrettable. Imports of steel from Japan are integral to the US economy and do not threaten the national security of the United States. The recommendations in the report that the President to take action to limit the level of imports of steel products violates the principles of free trade, which form the foundation on which the global economy has developed and prospered. Without strict adherence to these principles, the prospect of future growth is uncertain.

    JISF added “The Japanese steel industry will study the impact of this report’s recommendations very carefully and will continue to monitor these developments carefully. We will continue to advocate for the adoption of policies based on the principles of free trade. We expect President Trump to make accurate and deliberate judgment to the recommendations in the Section 232 report.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:38
    German Economy Minister criticizes US move to increase tariffs on Steel

    Sputnik News reported that German Economic Affairs and Energy Minister Brigitte Zypries commented on the US Commerce Department's intention to increase tariffs on steel imports, saying that there are no grounds for unilateral US restrictions. Zypries said in her interview to Welt am Sonntag that "We do not share the view that European or even German steel imports can threaten US national security. This is why there is no reason to impose unilateral restrictions on steel imports.”

    Last week, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross recommended to impose a 53-percent tariff on all steel imports from 12 countries (Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam) or a global tariff of at least 24 percent on all steel imports from all countries, including Germany.

    Source : Sputnik News
  11. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:38
    South Korea to consider WTO petition against proposed US steel duties

    Yonap reported that South Korea's trade ministry said that it will consider filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) if the United States opts for levying heavy duties on steel products from a selected list of countries. Mr Kang Sung-cheon, deputy minister of trade, said in a briefing. "It won't be easy to get exemption from the list. We will actively consider filing a WTO complaint if the US decides to impose duties on the select 12 nations.”

    Mr Kang said “South Korea may have been targeted due to its importing of Chinese steel, as the US has long complained about global oversupply caused by China. Outreach efforts will be made to make clear that South Korea's imports of Chinese steel do not target the US market. Of steel exported to the US, Chinese products account for a mere 2.4%.”

    He said "Steel products imported from China are mostly used to satisfy domestic demand in the construction and shipbuilding sectors, while Korean steel shipped to the US is made up of high-value added products for the automobile and energy industries. We will explain that the two are actually separate markets and the volume of steel imports from China has been also decreasing in recent years."

    Seoul's inclusion in the list is frustrating since other close allies of the US such as Canada, Japan and Germany, were excluded from the extra tariff though they are among the top 10 steel exporters.

    Source : Yonap
  12. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:39
    US steel import tariff could hurt South African steel sector - SEIFSA

    Reuters reported that Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa (SEIFSA) said that a tariff on steel imports to the United States could hurt the South African sector which has battled against cheap imports and slow economic growth dampening construction. SEIFSA chief economist Michael Ade said “It is concerned the implementation of the tariff could decrease local production. The latest developments have the potential of further dampening production in the local steel industry, reducing steel exports to the US, squeezing margins and depriving the steel industry of much-needed foreign reserves.”

    The US Commerce Department has recommended steep curbs on steel and aluminium imports ranging from global and country-specific tariffs to broad import quotas, including a tariff of at least 53 percent on all steel imports from 12 countries, including South Africa. South Africa imposed a three-year emergency safeguard tariff on imports of certain flat hot-rolled steel products last year to protect the local industry.

    Source : Reuters
  13. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:40
    Essar Steel bidders caught in eligibility rule web - Report

    Telegraph India reported that strategies deployed by ArcelorMittal and Nu Metal & Steel to extricate themselves from the legalese of the dreaded Section 29A of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016, will determine the future of Essar Steel's corporate resolution process that has rolled into a decisive phase. As consultancy Grant Thornton and solicitor firm Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas scrutinise the eligibility of the bids before they are opened by the committee of creditors, arguments are being made from both sides of the aisle to establish the legal validity of one's bid while trashing the other.

    Section 29A (c) reads as follows: "A person shall not be eligible to submit a resolution plan, if such person, or any other person acting jointly or in concert with such person has an account, or an account of a corporate debtor under the management or control of such person or of whom such person is a promoter, classified as non-performing asset in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India issued under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and at least a period of one year has lapsed from the date of such classification till the date of commencement of the corporate insolvency resolution process of the corporate debtor."

    However, there is an escape route: "Provided that the person shall be eligible to submit a resolution plan if such person makes payment of all overdue amounts with interest thereon and charges relating to non-performing asset accounts before submission of resolution plan," the section adds.

    It is being argued that the bid of the world's largest steelmaker may run into rough weather as it was the promoter of bankrupt Uttam Galva Steel Ltd when it submitted an expression of interest for Essar Steel. Moreover, Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, who is the chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal and also its largest shareholder, had a personal stake in KSS, whose Indian subsidiary is KSS Petron Pvt Ltd, a bankrupt company engaged in the oil and gas sector. In order to adequately steer clear of Section 29A, ArcelorMittal sold shares in Uttam Galva and KSS Petron days before the submission of the financial bid for Essar Steel and hoped by doing so the ineligibility criteria in the code would not apply to them.

    The presence of Rewant Ruia, son of Ravi Ruia who is founder of Essar Steel along with his brother Shashi in the consortium with VTB Capital, could muddle the water for Nu Metal. If Rewant Ruia is held part of Essar's promoter group, Nu Metal had to pay the overdue amount to become eligible for the Essar bid. It did not. To extricate itself from the pickle, Rewant Ruia was made a beneficiary of an offshore trust based in Mauritius, with no links to the management of any Ruia companies. The trust is said to be not a promoter group of any Ruia company either. Moreover, it is being pointed that the trust will hold minority stake (25 per cent) with no board representation or management control.

    Source : Telegraph India
  14. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:43
    GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 07 - PAKISTAN POTENTIAL

    Last week, on the back of a meeting between the Pakistan Ship Breakers Association (PSBA) and local authorities, ongoing rumors surrounding a potential Pakistan re-opening for tankers within the next month began to further intensify. The news may well be greeted with the usual degree of outlandish Cash Buyer speculation that we have frequently seen through the course of the recent past. However, the reality is that Pakistan is a market that too has softened in recent weeks and an influx of tanker candidates is hardly going to help in boosting levels from Gadani Buyers.

    That being said, Sinokor of South Korea continued their clear-out of older tonnage with the sales of a Capesize bulker (a highly sought after and rare breed of vessels these days) in addition to an Aframax tanker, at some unsurprisingly bullish numbers.

    Moreover, given the spate of fixtures through 2018, there was of course, another VLCC concluded on private terms this week, to swell the growing ranks of unsold tonnage out there, and perhaps another sign that Cash Buyer confidence on a Pakistan reopening may be well-founded.

    Meanwhile, pricing has remained stagnant for several weeks now, with marginal declines witnessed in both India & Pakistan and Bangladesh just about holding onto their levels, through what has been an overall underwhelming start to the year for Chittagong buyers.

    Finally, Chinese New Year holidays have certainly interrupted the flow of deals and deliveries (as minimal as they have been) this week and it may be a stilted week ahead as people slowly drift back to work from their various holidays.

    Source : GMS Weekly
  15. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 16:50
    JSW Steel Odisha plant land transfer hits foresst diversion roadblock - Report

    Business Standard reported that JSW Steel's plan to procure land for its proposed 12 million tonne steel plant in Odisha has encountered a forest diversion hurdle. An official source said “Except for coal mining projects, the statutory clearances cannot be automatically transferred to the new land allotees in case of industrial projects. For JSW Steel, 2,900 acres of land have been approved by the state government. But, the land could not be transferred due to pending forest clearance issues.”

    It had sought the same parcel of land that was once acquired for the Posco project. The state government through its land acquisition agency, Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Idco), had acquired 2,700 acres for a mega steel plant proposed by Posco. Idco took back the land after the Korean firm froze its plans. Though stage-II forest clearance was accorded to the Posco project, it was project-specific. If the same land parcel is to be transferred to JSW Steel, the forest diversion plan needs to be filed separately. Filing of a fresh forest diversion proposal has apparently thrown a spanner in works for JSW Steel.

    To complicate land transfer in favour of the JSW Steel project, the affected locals had earlier petitioned the National Green Tribunal (NGT) alleging Idco had arbitrarily diverted the forest land for non-forest purposes. This step, they claimed was illegal as the state government did not obtain prior consent to use the forest land for non-forest purpose.

    That apart, Idco has de-reserved around 1,300 acres of forest land straddling six villages in the area. This violated the conditional stage-II forest clearance granted for the Posco project. Locals had also filed individual and community forest rights over the land under Forest Rights Act, 2006.

    Source : Business Standard
  16. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 17:06
    Indian graphite electrode makers agree to cut prices - Report

    Reuters reported that Indian manufacturers of graphite electrodes used in electric arc furnaces are booming on the back of China's pollution crackdown, but soaring prices have set the companies on a collision course with government and steelmakers. In an unusual intervention, India's steel ministry is pushing for electrode makers to cut prices for smaller steelmakers after a 500 per cent surge in domestic prices. The government has also signalled it may introduce an export tax, aiming to boost domestic supply.

    The Ministry asked electrode makers to draw up fixed-term contracts with steel companies to protect them under Prime Minster Narendra Modi's “Make in India” plan to boost manufacturing, according to two company officials who attended the meeting. It also urged them to bring pricing for smaller firms such as Kalyani Steels Ltd and Sunflag Iron and Steel Co Ltd in line with those for big companies such as Jindal Steel and Power Ltd that have entered into long-term contracts. To back up its request, the government has inserted a provision in its latest budget that would allow it to impose an export tariff rate as high as 20 per cent on electrode makers

    Steel Secretary Dr Aruna Sharma told Reuters “This provision will enable Indian manufacturers to have long-term contracts with the manufacturers so the quantity is assured and the rate will stabilize.”

    Electrode makers have since agreed to cut prices for local steel companies by as much as 20 per cent for February and March, two company sources involved in the talks said, although this is well below the 50 per cent price cuts sought by steelmakers.

    India's electrode exports rose 71 per cent over April-August last year

    Source : Reuters
  17. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 17:07
    Steel makers agree to supply steel at fixed price for 2BHK projects in Telengana

    The Hindu reported that Telangana state government’s efforts to convince steel manufacturers to supply the metal at subsidized prices for the double bedroom housing scheme appears to have yielded results. As per report “The steel companies agreed to supply the metal at INR 43,660 a tonne as against the prevailing market price of INR 53,100. The agreement resulting in reduction of price by Rs. 9,400 a tonne would be applicable till April.”

    The decision was communicated to the government during a meeting convened by Industries Minister KT Rama Rao and Housing Minister A Indrakaran Reddy with the steel manufacturers here on Friday.

    The reduction in the steel price and fixing of the base rate at which the steel should be supplied would save INR 264.6 crore to the government. The government had decided to construct one lakh houses in the rural areas and 60,000 houses in urban areas in addition to 2.78 lakh MT for the houses proposed under the GHMC limits, the requirement of steel was pegged at 5.37 lakh metric tonne.

    The prices of steel pegged at INR 32,550 a metric tonne at the beginning of the ambitious project, however, escalated significantly as the project progressed and crossed the Rs. 50,000 mark. The ministers succeeded in prevailing upon the steel manufacturers that they should cooperate with the government in successfully completing the double bedroom housing scheme, a one of its kind initiative in the country, without looking for profits.

    Source : The Hindu
  18. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2018 17:55
    Arcelor aan de slag voor Shell
    Staal voor nieuw petrochemisch complex.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones)ArcelorMittal zal 770 ton staalplaten leveren voor een nieuw petrochemisch complex van Shell in het Amerikaanse Pennsylvania. Dit maakte de staalreus dinsdag bekend zonder financiële details te verstrekken.

    Shell zal in het complex ethaan van schalieproducenten gebruiken om polyethyleen te fabriceren. Dit wordt onder meer gebruikt in sportartikelen, meubels en auto-onderdelen, maar ook als verpakking voor voedsel.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


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