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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
21,490   -0,410   (-1,87%) Dagrange 21,310 - 21,820 4.233.326   Gem. (3M) 2,6M

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 16:33
    ArcelorMittal furthers its work with startups through its partnership with Plug and Play

    Published on Fri, 16 Feb 2018

    To explore innovative ideas in new technologies for its steelmaking and mining activities, ArcelorMittal today announces that it has partnered with Silicon Valley-based Plug and Play, the world’s largest Innovation EcoSystem which helps connect technology focused startup companies with corporate partners. The purpose of this partnership is to further develop and expand upon the various initiatives which ArcelorMittal is developing and deploying in the areas of digitalisation, big data and Industry 4.0. It is also an opportunity to explore further ideas in new materials, mobility and other emerging technologies.

    Greg Ludkovsky, Vice-President of ArcelorMittal and Head of Global Research and Development, said “We are very excited about this partnership. Our aim is to identify new ideas from startups that may accelerate the transformation of our company and help us develop superior products, processes and services.”

    Plug and Play’s Acceleration and Innovation programs, will offer participating startups the opportunity to collaborate with ArcelorMittal to improve its products and solutions, and accelerate ongoing technology-driven innovation initiatives.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 16:33
    Federal judge approves settlement in Nucor steel mill discrimination case

    Post and Courier reported that workers who claimed they experienced racial discrimination at Nucor Corp.'s steel mill in Berkeley County will get payouts of at least $100,000 apiece as part of a class-action lawsuit settlement approved Thursday by a federal judge in Charleston. The settlement, which one of the attorneys called "substantial" for a lawsuit of its type, ends a court battle that started in 2003. Nucor did not admit any wrongdoing in the settlement.

    Robert Wiggins Jr, a civil rights attorney who represented the workers, said "I'm relieved and happy for my clients that they've finally gotten this behind them. Wiggins said the agreement prevents him and others from speaking in detail about the case.

    Wiggins said his legal team is still trying to determine how many current and former Nucor workers will qualify for payouts. There were 114 claims filed, but not all of them will qualify. That means the average amount paid to each worker could increase from the current estimate. Lawyers representing the workers will get $10 million from the settlement amount.

    Nucor's lawyers told Judge David Norton that they think the agreement is a fair resolution to the case, although they objected to one worker's request to file his own lawsuit instead of abide by the settlement terms. Norton said that issue will be taken up at a later date.

    A lawsuit alleging employment and equal rights violations originally was filed in 2003 against Nucor plants in Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina and Texas. That lawsuit, filed in an Arkansas court, was transferred to South Carolina in 2004.

    Source : Post and Courier
  3. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 16:34
    SAIL shut down Bhilai Steel plant BF No 1 due to crack in hearth

    Economic Times reported that Steel Authority of India was forced to shut down a blast furnace at its Bhilai Steel plant after a crack developed in the bottom part (hearth) of the shell of the furnace (Blast Furnace No. 1) resulting in leakage of hot metal. It said that the situation was brought under control following prompt action. Following the incident, BF No.1 has been taken down for repairs.

    The BF No. 1 was part of the phasing out of older units under SAIL's long term strategic planning, which involves installation of modern facilities.

    The accident comes close on heels of the commissioning of Mahamaya --the plant's Blast Furnace (BF) No. 8 on February 3, which has a capacity of producing 8030 tonnes of hot metal per day or and 2.8 million tonne per annum.

    Source : Economic Times
  4. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 16:40
    Egyptian Iron and Steel losses hit EGP 231 million in first 7 months of 2017

    Amwalalghad reported that state owned Egyptian Iron and Steel Company incurred losses stood at 231 million Egyptian pounds (13 million) during the first seven months ended in December 2017.

    The company earlier, losses reached 188 million pounds during the seven months ended in December 2016.

    Source : Amwalalghad
  5. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 16:40
    Dura-Bond prompts feds to investigate dumped steel imports

    Trib Live reported that a small group of US steel pipe producers, including a company in Export, has managed to nudge the Trump administration on the issue of foreign steel imports. Dura-Bond and several other companies sent President Trump a letter in September asking him to impose tariffs and take actions to end the glut of foreign steel.

    The letter asked for the administration to take action under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, which authorizes the commerce secretary to investigate the impact that imports are having on national security.

    The 2017 letter from the American Line Pipe Producers Association singled out China. The letter said that “Chinese producers are increasingly shipping greater volumes of dumped and subsidized steel to other countries for production of large diameter line pipe that can then be shipped to the U.S. market at lesser duty rates or, in many cases, duty free.”

    Consequently, Dura-Bond and other coalition members have seen their market share decline, along with production, revenue and employment levels, the letter said.

    The letter said that “As an industry, we are operating at only about 30 percent capacity. This situation is not sustainable.”

    Dura-Bond is named as one of five petitioners in the Commerce Department action, along with the American Cast Iron Pipe Co. of Birmingham, Ala., the Berg Steel Pipe Corp. of Panama City, Fla., Skyline Steel in Parsippany, N.J., and the Stupp Corp. of Baton Rouge, La.

    With its corporate headquarters in Export, Dura-Bond operates steel pipe manufacturing and coating facilities in Steelton, Duquesne and McKeesport mostly for the oil and gas industry. The company laid off about 40 percent of its Steelton workforce late last year.

    Source : Tribune Live
  6. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 17:14
    Demolition market could heat up for tanker units soon - Clarkson Platou Hellas

    Things could start to heat up in the ships’ demolition market, as more and more tanker owners are contemplating selling their older units. On the back of this trend, should Pakistan elect to uplift its ban on tanker imports, as is widely rumored among the industry, the market could firm up pretty quickly. In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Clarkson Platou Hellas said that “as more larger tanker units are talked in the market this week, there are ‘stronger’ rumours emanating from Pakistan that the ban on importing tankers will be lifted. However until an official announcement is made, we cannot predict anything at this stage as we have been down this road of ‘opening, not opening’, for the last 12 months. The only point to make, and for all to understand is, that if and when it reopens and allows the import of tanker units again, nothing will happen immediately as it will take some time to ascertain the new regulations and comprehend any new formalities that are put in place by the local authorities. Any cash buyer speculating with firm prices on the basis of this market reopening at the end of this month, as hinted, could be risking a big exposure should these rumours fail to become reality.

    Whilst many units are now being talked into the market, the same argument remains that there appears to be a lack of definite workable tonnage on offer to Buyers. With this in mind, any sales are very competitive and gives the opinion that the market still remains in 4th gear and is not at its most fluid, nor is it particularly transparent with huge disparity over pricing from every buyer, each having their own ideas as to where this market is. Interestingly, several units that cash buyers purchased at the beginning of the year remain unsold which fuels further suspicion that the domestic markets are not as aggressive as would seem. Only time will tell after the latest small cluster of sales reach the waterfront and we then see which destination is the most stable market and attracts more confidence from the cash buyers”.

    In a separate note, Allied Shipbroking added that “there seemed to have been a jump in the level of activity being noted in the recycling market, showing a sharp turn compared to what we were seeing one week prior. This came just in time to soothe somehow the overall thinking of a market that may well have reached a peak in the overall activity we would see moving forward. For the Indian Sub-Continent, things in India have remained firm, with Cash buyers still eager to gather as many demo candidates as possible and compete heavily on any promising tonnage that comes to market, holding a positive sentiment at the same time, following the announcement of the Indian Budget. Bangladeshi buyers have remained relatively close on the heels of their Indian counterparts, committing a fair share of tonnage sent for scrap recently. Pakistan seems to still be in a state of flux, with an eerie pause having taken place of late. It is true that the improved picture in terms of earnings combined with the upward trend of sentiment in the Dry Bulk sector has resulted to a tighter availability in demo units. There still seems to be a fair amount of demo candidates emerging from other sectors, allowing for this relatively fair flow of sales reported this past week”.

    Meanwhile, in a separate note, GMS, the world’s leading cash buyer of ships, said that “following on from last, another flat week concluded in the recycling markets as a steady reluctance from recyclers to pay some of the ongoing exorbitant Cash Buyer asking prices and some reverberating volatile fundamentals (in tandem with the recently rocky international stock markets) started to tell of a nervous sub-continent recycling market. Indeed, local steel plate prices suffered another set of worrying reversals midweek (just as global stock markets started to plunge), only to find their feet in the final few days of the week, subsequently bringing some needed relief to the anxious ship-recycling sector. Several Cash Buyers are still hoping that the markets hold going into the traditionally quieter Chinese New Year holiday period, as there remain several expensive and unsold vessels in a variety of hands, all of who will be hoping for further market gains in the days / weeks ahead (rather than any declines that could prove disastrous).

    Meanwhile, the VLCC market continues to shed tonnage at pace as news of yet another unit being committed, surfaced this week. This has taken the total to almost 10 units sold / beached for the year already! Overall, it does seem increasingly clear that prices will likely not breach the USD 500/LDT mark any time soon (as many were hoping for), despite some clearly over exuberant market sales having been concluded through early 2018 (which have eventually lost the relevant Cash Buyers considerable amounts on their trades). As the Chinese New Year holidays commence at the end of the coming week, it could be a quieter period (in terms of overall supply) and this should give the markets a chance to steady themselves for a renewed push on levels as February concludes”, GMS concluded.

    Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
  7. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2018 20:51


    Analisten van de Amerikaanse bank Jefferies geloven dat door een stijgende vraag naar staal in China en een blijvend sterke vraag in de VS de aandelenprijzen van staalproducenten in 2018 verder zullen stijgen. Hun favoriete aandeel in de staalsector is de op de Nederkandse AEX genoteerde staalgroep ArcelorMittal.

    ArcelorMittal heeft grote staalfabrieken in 19 verschillende landen over gans de wereld waardoor het bedrijf wordt blootgesteld aan zowel alle groeimarkten als de mature Europese markten en de Amerikaanse markt. In tijden van economische groei is dit een onmiskenbaar voordeel. Bovendien is het bedrijf niet alleen de grootste staalproducent ter wereld, maar is het ook een van de vijf grootste producenten van ijzererts en kolen, grondstoffen die gebruikt worden in zijn eigen staalfabrieken, maar ook in die van de concurrerende bedrijven. Het spreekt voor zich dat de eigen staalfabrieken belangrijke afnemers zijn van het eigen mijnbedrijf, maar ook de vraag van externe bedrijven groeit zeer snel.

    Jefferies kleeft een koersdoel van 42 dollar op het aandeel. Dat impliceert een koerspotentieel van 17% ten opzichte van de huidige beurskoers. Het aandeel noteert aan een pe van minder dan 5,5. Dat is zelfs voor een cyclisch bedrijf zeer conservatief met een versnellende vraag naar staal in het vooruitzicht.


    (met dank aan poster vgekr)
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 februari 2018 17:45
    China dreigt VS na mogelijke heffing op staal
    1 uur geleden in FINANCIEEL

    AMSTERDAM - China dreigt terug te slaan in de strijd met de VS om heffingen op de import van staal. Dat zou een nieuwe stap zijn in de verstoorde handelsrelatie tussen de twee grootmachten.

    Dat meldt zakenkrant Financial Times. De Amerikaanse minister van handel Wilbur Ross raadde vrijdag een mogelijk wereldwijde importheffing op staal aan van minstens 24%. Op de invoer van aluminium zou een tarief van 7,7% gaan gelden. Volgens Ross is de sterk gestegen import van beide materialen de laatste jaar een ‘bedreiging voor de nationale veiligheid’.

    Een hoge functionaris op het Chinese ministerie van handel noemde het instellen van tarieven op deze grond roekeloos. “Het spectrum van nationale veiligheid is heel breed en zonder duidelijke definitie kan dit argument gemakkelijk misbruikt worden”, zei deze Wang Hejun.

    “Als het uiteindelijke besluit van de VS de belangen van China schaadt, zullen we zeker de noodzakelijke maatregelen nemen om onze rechten te verdedigen”, zei de Chinese ambtenaar.

    Volgens analisten is Peking bang om het handelsconflict te laten escaleren, omdat het land de eigen exportpositie niet wil beschadigen. Daarom richt China zich op specifieke sectoren, zoals sojabonen. China is bestemming nummer 1 voor de uitvoer van Amerikaanse soja.

    “Ik denk dat China het voorlopig houdt bij hardere retoriek” zegt een Chinese analist tegen Financial Times. “Terugslaan door de agrarische sector te raken ligt voor China meer voor de hand aangezien het land een lage voedselinflatie kent.”

    Hardliners binnen de regering Trump willen graag actie ondernemen tegen China. Een van de opties is een gerichte heffing op staal en aluminium import uit China, maar ook Brazilië en Vietnam. Maar als Trump te hard uithaalt, kan hij andere handelspartners van de VS ook raken, en lokt hij een tegenreactie van andere landen uit.

  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 19:07
    Secretary Ross releases Steel 232 reports in Coordination with White House

    Secretary Wilbur Ross released reports on the US Department of Commerce’s investigations into the impact on our national security from imports of steel mill products. These investigations were carried out under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended. All classified and business confidential information in the reports was redacted before the release. Secretary Ross said that “I am glad that we were able to provide this analysis and these recommendations to the President. I look forward to his decision on any potential course of action.”

    The Department of Commerce found that the quantities and circumstances of steel and aluminum imports “threaten to impair the national security,” as defined by Section 232.

    The reports are currently under consideration by the President, and no final decisions have been made with regard to their contents. The President may take a range of actions, or no action, based on the analysis and recommendations provided in the reports. Action could include making modifications to the courses of action proposed, such as adjusting percentages.

    The President is required to make a decision on the steel recommendations by April 11, 2018

    Key Findings of the Steel Report

    1. The United States is the world’s largest importer of steel. Our imports are nearly four times our exports.

    2. Six basic oxygen furnaces and four electric furnaces have closed since 2000 and employment has dropped by 35% since 1998.

    3. World steelmaking capacity is 2.4 billion metric tons, up 127% from 2000, while steel demand grew at a slower rate.

    4. The recent global excess capacity is 700 million tons, almost 7 times the annual total of U.S. steel consumption. China is by far the largest producer and exporter of steel, and the largest source of excess steel capacity. Their excess capacity alone exceeds the total U.S. steel-making capacity.

    5. On an average month, China produces nearly as much steel as the U.S. does in a year. For certain types of steel, such as for electrical transformers, only one US producer remains.

    6. As of February 15, 2018, the U.S. had 169 antidumping and countervailing duty orders in place on steel, of which 29 are against China, and there are 25 ongoing investigations.

    Recommendations of the Steel Report:

    Secretary Ross has recommended to the President that he consider the following alternative remedies to address the problem of steel imports:

    1. A global tariff of at least 24% on all steel imports from all countries, or

    2. A tariff of at least 53% on all steel imports from 12 countries (Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam) with a quota by product on steel imports from all other countries equal to 100% of their 2017 exports to the United States, or

    3. A quota on all steel products from all countries equal to 63% of each country’s 2017 exports to the United States.

    Each of these remedies is intended to increase domestic steel production from its present 73% of capacity to approximately an 80% operating rate, the minimum rate needed for the long-term viability of the industry. Each remedy applies measures to all countries and all steel products to prevent circumvention.

    The tariffs and quotas would be in addition to any duties already in place. The report recommends that a process be put in place to allow the Secretary to grant requests from U.S. companies to exclude specific products if the U.S. lacks sufficient domestic capacity or for national security considerations. Any exclusions granted could result in changed tariffs or quotas for the remaining products to maintain the overall effect.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 19:08
    TATA Steel leads the race to buy Bhushan Steel Limited - Report

    Times of India, citing a source familiar with the matter, reported that Tata Steel has offered INR 35,000 crore to the lenders of Bhushan Steel as well as a 12% equity stake and has emerged as the lead bidder in the bankruptcy proceedings. As per report “Tata Steel’s offer has trumped rival JSW Steel’s bid of INR 29,700 crore.”

    Bhushan Steel has a debt of INR 50,000 crore, of which it owes INR 44,000 crore to lenders.

    The liquidation value of Bhushan Steel, which has a capacity of 5 million tonnes, was placed at INR 15,000 crore. According to current rules, any entity willing to bid for the company has to put in an offer that is higher than the liquidation value.

    While several parties initially showed interest in bidding for Bhushan Steel, it later narrowed down to just two entities: Tata Steel and JSW Steel. For Tata Steel, the acquisition of Bhushan Steel will help in strengthening its grip over the Indian metal market where demand for the alloy is predicted to triple to 300 million tons per annum by the end of the next decade. The deal will also aid in scaling up the capacity of Tata Steel, which has been pushed from the top slot by JSW Steel in India.

    Source : Times of India
  11. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 19:09
    US report on steel, aluminum imports groundless - Mr Wang

    Xinhua reported that China's Ministry of Commerce criticized a US government report on steel and aluminum product imports, saying the findings were "groundless" and do not tally with the facts. In a response to the report, Mr Wang Hejun, head of the MOC's trade remedy and investigation bureau, said as most of the US steel and aluminum imports are mid and low end, countries including Canada and China have proven to the United States during the investigation that such imports incur no harm to national security.

    Mr Wang stressed that the United States has already overprotected domestic industries in the two sectors, and it should not "rashly" take more restrictions on such imports.

    Against the background of the still unstable global recovery, Mr Wang urged the United States to exercise restraint in using trade protection tools, and observe multilateral rules to make positive contributions to global economic and trade order.

    He said that "If the United States' final decision affects China's interests, we will take necessary measures to defend our rights.”

    Source : Xinhua
  12. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 19:11
    Primetals Technologies appointed Mr Satoru Iijima as CEO and Chairman

    Primetals Technologies, Limited, a worldwide leading engineering, plant-building and lifecycle services partner for the metals industry, announced that Mr Satoru Iijima has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, effective April 1, 2018. He succeeds Primetals Technologies’ current CEO and Chairman, Yasukuni Yamasaki, who will continue to serve as a Director of the Board and contribute towards the successful implementation of the company’s objectives with his extensive experience in the metals industry.

    Primetals Technologies’ outgoing CEO Yasukuni Yamasaki said that “This is the perfect time for Satoru Iijima to become Primetals Technologies’ next Chief Executive Officer. We've chosen a very strong leader after we have grown together as one company. Our new CEO needs to ensure that the company can thrive in a highly dynamic environment, to be capable of accelerating what we have started and further develop what is working well already. Mr Iijima will translate our vision and strategy into world-class execution and drive results.”

    Mr Satoru Iijima said that “I am honored that I have been chosen to lead this exciting company in this next phase of growth. I look forward to further developing the positive progress made by Primetals to date, and will work to leverage the expertise and passion of our worldwide employees to achieve sustainable growth.”

    Mr Iijima began his career with Mitsubishi Corporation in 1986 in the Heavy Machinery Department in Tokyo. From 1990 to 2014, he held project development, export business and Machinery Systems management positions at the company’s headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, Dusseldorf, Germany and Chicago, United States. Starting 2015 he served as President and CEO of Primetals Technologies USA LLC, a group company of Primetals Technologies, Limited. Iijima is a native of Kanagawa Prefecture and holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Waseda University in Tokyo.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 19:39
    Mr Niraj Singhal of Bhushan steel questions NCLT auctions

    Economic Times reported that Bhushan Steel’s promoter Mr Neeraj Singal has questioned the whole process of auctioning off defaulting steel companies through NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal). Mr Singh told ET that "Steel prices have gone up by INR 10,000 per tonne in last six months. The entire issue of default resulted from a Sectoral problem. It was not a promoter issue in the first place. On top of it came external factors like de allocation of captive coal blocks. Each and every steel company suffered, except two JSW Steel and Tata Steel that too because they have access to raw material.”

    He said that along with other steel players we also faced huge competition from cheap steel imports for nearly two years before the government decided to take protective steps like MIR antidumping duty and safeguard the steel sector.

    He asked that "Why are banks taking up to 80% haircut when they can recover their entire money in a few years' time?.”

    He added that "We built the company with our sweat and tears. Our lives have been built around the business and this company. I have made an offer to pay back, the entire amount that is due to our lenders in a few years.”

    Mr Singal pointed out that the steel industry needs to be given one chance to restructure, now that there is an upturn in the sector. Steel is a cyclical industry. Every time there is a downturn it needs a bit of restructuring. JSW Steel went through restructuring. Globally too, a number of companies including ArcelorMittal have been restructured.

    He reasoned "We, as in the steel industry promoters, are now in a much better position to pay back our lenders. I, for one, want to pay up the entire debt in a few years' time. The banks should take up equity and take advantage of the upswing in fortunes of the steel industry to recover their money.”

    Source : Economic Times
  14. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:00
    AK Steel applauds findings and recommendations by commerce on Section 232

    AK Steel applauded US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross for his recommendations to President Trump that broad based relief be implemented to address the surge of steel imports that he determined threaten to impair the national security of the United States. Mr Roger K Newport, Chief Executive Officer of AK Steel said that “We are pleased with the recommendations by Secretary Ross that tough and effective actions be taken in a holistic manner to mitigate the flood of steel imports into the US. We commend Secretary Ross and his team at the Commerce Department for this work, and all that he and others have been doing on important trade issues with President Trump and his Administration. We urge prompt action on these recommendations.”

    Mr Roger Newport said that “We agree that the ongoing high level of imports is a threat to the national security of our country. This is particularly true for electrical steels, which are used to manufacture power generation, transmission and distribution transformers that serve as the backbone of our nation’s electric power grid. It is vital that action be extended downstream to electrical steel intensive products necessary for our electrical grid, including laminations, cores, core assemblies and transformers in order to prevent circumvention of the Section 232 remedy.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:05
    Harsco expands relationship with AK Steel

    Harsco Corporation announced that its Metals & Minerals division has expanded its business relationship with AK Steel, a leading US producer of flat-rolled steel products. The agreement calls for the use of Harsco’s innovative ScrapMaster™ program for scrap management services including inbound scrap handling and inspection, basket preparation and hauling, and delivery route maintenance at AK Steel’s Mansfield, Ohio site. Harsco also currently provides similar services at AK Steel’s site in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Harsco Metals & Minerals Chief Operating Officer Chris Whistler pointed to the AK Steel contract expansion as both a key step in Harsco’s overarching growth strategy, as well as confirmation of its commitment to customer service and satisfaction. He said that “This new contract further increases our presence in the United States, which will prove invaluable as US economic growth positively impacts stainless steel consumption. Significantly, this new agreement signals AK Steel’s confidence in our ability to deliver on our promises. We could not be more pleased to have the opportunity to further build on this already longstanding relationship.”

    Located in north central Ohio, AK Steel’s Mansfield Works includes production of specialty flat-rolled stainless steels that meet the demands of an array of complex end-use applications, such as automotive fuel and safety systems, appliances, cutlery, HVAC equipment, and processing equipment.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:06
    Canada hopes for leniency as US threatens to impose global steel tariffs

    Canadian Press reported that United States has fired a warning shot in what could become a global trade war over steel and aluminum, threatening to impose a wide range of tariffs and quotas within several months on an undetermined number of countries. Canada has reason to follow this closely. It is the biggest international exporter of both steel and aluminum to the United States, so it has a significant stake in whatever President Donald Trump decides to do with a series of recommendations he received Friday.

    “The process is ongoing,” said Canadian government spokesman Adam Austen, making the point that Canada buys more U.S. steel than the rest of the world combined.

    He said that “We will continue to vigorously represent Canadians’ interests with the US”

    Source : Canadian Press
  17. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:06
    Primetals Technologies implements new spare parts management concept at ARBZ, Kazakhstan

    In November 2017, Primetals Technologies received the order from Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP to implement its new spare parts management concept at the Kazakh company´s rail and section mill. This new concept delivers ARBZ a comprehensive selection of spare parts with fixed pricing as well as a two years warehousing contract. The new system simplifies time-to-time inquiries, leaving the whole supply chain activities to Primetals Technologies including subcontractors. In addition, permanent technical support on site enables immediate response and continuous improvement in operation. The rail and section mill was supplied by Primetals Technologies. It was commissioned in 2015, and the Acceptance Certificate was issued in August 2017.

    The new warehousing system makes available a variety of spare parts for predictable defects that may occur at the mill as well as for unexpected needs. It makes a plant more efficient within its maintenance and has full interchangeability with installed parts and commercial commodities, so steel producers can rely on the warehouse management system and be less likely to have a shut-down, bringing the safety and trustworthiness necessary to a successful business partnership. The service package includes a dedicated Primetals Technologies team at the customer’s premise, granting safekeeping of parts by delivering proper storage and classification. The costumer can also order parts on demand from a comprehensive list, centralizing management or any warranty aspects, making picking parts up from warehouse fast and precise.

    Another major advantage is the engineering support on site, on a daily basis for any request of technical expertise about maintenance and operational aspects.

    Also, a Primetals Technologies advisor is available for any reference visit to the plant and also a consultant for the customer loyalty program, building solid, long term relationships. Such assistance provides follow-up on continuous improvements, bringing in new solutions and technology, pursuing best practices to improve the design and features of Primetals Technologies equipment.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:07
    Gazprom and ChelPipe ink agreement to develop pipes for offshore projects

    Mr Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mr Andrey Komarov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ChelPipe, signed at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi a roadmap for the development and batch production of pipes for offshore projects. In accordance with the document, ChelPipe will adopt the technology to produce pipes from the 25Cr Super Duplex steel and the UNS N06625 nickel alloy. Thanks to these materials, the equipment used in offshore environments will acquire such characteristics as ultra-high strength and corrosion resistance. No pipes of this kind are produced in Russia at the moment.

    It is planned to deliver, test and certify prototypes under Gazprom’s requirements in the course of 2018. The pipes will be used in the manufacturing of domestic equipment for subsea production systems, including manifolds and X-mas trees.

    New heat-treatment facility launched at TMK-ARTROM, Romania

    TMK, the world’s biggest producer of steel pipes, commissioned a new integrated heat treatment line for seamless pipes at TMK-ARTROM, Romania.

    Covering over 12,000 sq m, the facility’s treatment capacity stands at 165,000 tonnes of pipes per annum. The facility includes the main line at Shop 1-ASSEL as well as a water treatment station and a power substation located in separate buildings.

    The facility enables a full range of heat-treatment services, such as tempering and quenching, normalization, soft annealing and hot straightening. The uninterrupted transportation of treated pipes with minimal handling will allow a throughput of up to 120 tubular product units per hour. The high-tech equipment enables precise control of the heat treatment process and monitoring of individual pipe treatment parameters. As a result, the new facility will provide heat treatment for 60–273 mm pipes with 5–60 mm pipe walls, enabling more efficient and cost-effective production of popular premium products.

    The heat treatment facility will also significantly reduce natural gas consumption and environmental impact, as well as reduce nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide emissions.

    “TMK continues to develop its production facilities. The new pipe heat-treatment facility at TMK-ARTROM will extend the ranges of our premium products while simultaneously reducing production costs and improving product quality. The environmental benefits are also worth noting, as the facility will significantly reduce the environmental footprint. This is a unique fusion of innovation and green technology that will allow TMK to strengthen its position in the global market,” said Dmitry Pumpyanskiy, Chairman of TMK’s Board of Directors.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:08
    Warning issued after British Steel pensioners 'bamboozled' in mis-selling scandal

    Gazette Live reported that a major pensions mis-selling scandal is erupting according to MPs, who said British Steel Pension Scheme members had been “shamelessly bamboozled”. The Work and Pensions Committee said it had received worrying evidence about financial advice provided to members of the BSPS. There are a large number of BSPS members on Teesside who worked in the area’s steelworks who could have potentially been affected.

    The MPs said that BSPS members had, over the past year, “been exploited for cynical personal gain by dubious financial advisers in tandem with parasitical so-called ‘introducers”’.

    Steelworkers yet to reach pension age were encouraged to transfer their defined benefit pension rights into a defined contribution pension, known as making a DB transfer.

    DB transfers may offer people readier access to cash and can be in the interests of people with a low life expectancy.

    But transferring away from a DB pension or a “final salary” scheme is not usually in someone’s interests, the committee said - as it means giving up generous and stable benefits in favour of a riskier investment.

    The report said that “The circumstances surrounding the BSPS created perfect conditions for vultures to take advantage.”

    Unsuitable advice on DB transfers is not only confined to BSPS members, the report warned.

    It continued that “Research by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which regulates advisers, shows that only half of such advice nationwide meets its standards. Yet over 100,000 people a year are taking DB transfers on the back of this advice.”

    The report said that “Another major mis-selling scandal is already erupting and we therefore call on the relevant bodies to treat this as such and take urgent action.”
    What is the background?

    The report said the outlines of a deal to save the sponsoring employer of the BSPS, Tata Steel UK, had been in place since May.

    Members were asked to choose between two pension schemes which offered inferior benefits to the BSPS - the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) or a new scheme, BSPS2, it said.

    But many scheme members had lost trust and a member communication plan proved “woefully inadequate”.

    The Pensions Regulator was responsible for ensuring members were not left in the dark.

    But the report continued that“All this failed. Instead, faced with making a life-changing choice in a hurry, many members were attracted to a third option of a DB transfer.”

    Source : Gazette Live
  20. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2018 20:08
    Telangana readies 3 limestone blocks for auction, to pursue steel plant

    Business Line reported that Telangana Mining Department has readied three limestone blocks in Suryapet to offer them for auction. KT Rama Rao, State Minister for Industries, IT, Mines and Geology, said that “The State government has managed to get three limestone blocks ready for auction in a record three months time. This is a not an easy task given the challenges in the mining sector. These blocks have been identified in the Suryapet district of the State after a detailed exploration process.”

    He said that “This would not have been possible without the the Union Mines Ministry’s support. We look forward to the support from the Centre to facilitate the process,.”

    The State is home for huge coal reserves in the southern part of the country and this is being efficiently utilised by Singareni Collieries Company Limited.

    Mr Rama Rao said that “We recognise mineral wealth as a national resource and have identified mining sector as a growth engine. With the series of initiatives, the State has been ranked No.1 in the ease of doing business. The focus on the mining sector has yielded good results and we expect to close this financial year with revenues of INR3,500 crore, up from INR ,170 crore last fiscal.”

    The State has received INR 1,328 crore from the District Mining Foundation pool for taking up welfare measures in the areas where mining has been initiated.

    Source : Business Line
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