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Gold World Spot (USD) IND:XAUUSD.FXVWD, XC0009655157

Laatste koers Verschil Volume
2.591,82   +5,09   (+0,20%) Dagrange 2.584,85 - 2.594,15 0  

Gold War

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  1. B_B 10 november 2014 14:41

    groundzero schreef op 10 november 2014 14:13:

    Wat nou als Rusland hierna een berg futures koopt en fysieke levering gaat eisen? Aangezien de Amerikanen momenteel de olieprijs laag houden om de Russen te treiteren, zou dit een mooie tegenzet kunnen zijn...
    Putin says China, Russia to settle more trade in yuan
    BEIJING Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:24am EST

    (Reuters) - Russia and China intend to increase the amount of trade settled in the yuan, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday in remarks that would be welcomed by Chinese authorities who want the currency to be used more widely around the world.
  2. B_B 18 november 2014 11:47
    Gold Lending Rate Most Negative Since 2001 on Longer Refining
    By Nicholas Larkin and Laura Clarke Nov 17, 2014 5:47 PM GMT+0100

    The rate at which gold is lent for dollars is the most negative in 13 years as refineries spend longer recasting bars from vaults to meet demand from Asia, where consumers prefer smaller ingots and jewelry.

    The one-month gold forward offered rate was at minus 0.22 percent today, the most negative since March 2001, signaling that dealers are paid to lend metal against cash, rather than paying for the privilege. It’s also a form of backwardation, when earlier prices are more expensive than for later dates.

    Holdings in gold-backed funds have slid to the lowest since 2009 and prices are near a four-year low as a stronger dollar and improving U.S. economy curbed haven demand. The gold lending rate has turned negative because refiners such as those in Switzerland are turning more bars typically weighing 400 ounces into smaller items such as 1-kilogram products. Indian third-quarter bullion imports more than doubled from a year earlier.

    “There’s a lot of demand going into Swiss refineries which are basically transforming those big bars into smaller bars,” Bernard Dahdah, an analyst at Natixis SA in London, said today by phone. “The leasable stuff is only for big bars. Once those bars become small bars and they go into households, they become much harder to go back into the market into a leasable form.”

    Wait times for smaller items at Swiss refineries have grown to as much as three weeks from as little as a day in September, according to Natixis.
  3. B_B 22 juli 2015 11:25
    China Dumping Large Amounts Of U.S. Treasury Bonds
    Jul 22, 2015 06:17AM GMT

    Friday was a surprising day for world markets as The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) announced some interesting data points that have some marked implications for the US. The news wires were awash with commentary on the mystery appearance of an additional 600 tonnes of gold on the PBOC’s balance sheet. However, the real story was missed, and that is the massive net change to China’s foreign exchange reserves.
    A quick review of the central bank’s foreign exchange reserves showed a significant decline of $17.3 billion, leaving the experts guessing as to its disposition. However, a cursory review of China’s Treasury holdings, along with data released by their offshore dealer Euro-Clear, showed something interesting. It would appear that the fall in China’s Forex Reserves mirrors a decline in their Treasury holdings. Subsequently, it would appear that the Asian powerhouse has aggressively sold over $107 billion of their Treasury holdings quietly through their Belgium based dealers.

    What is so unusual about this is that the vast majority of assets that have been liquidated are, in fact, USD denominated. The sale of Treasury assets represents the 4th consecutive quarter of FX reserve depletion and JP Morgan estimates the total cumulative capital outflow at $520bn.
    The continued capital outflow and dumping of US Treasury Bonds is interesting in that it may go some of the way toward explaining the current liquidity issues that exist in US Bond markets. For some time, major traders and institutions have noted that liquidity seems to be drying up and positions that could be liquidated in a single call now seem to require multiple deals till filled.
    The implications to the FX market from the dumping of these assets is profound, however, many are now questioning whether China is being forced into liquidating these assets based on a significant capital outflow. If that indeed is the case, then China is currently facing cash fleeing offshore like never before and this poses real risks to the Asian power house.
    At the time of writing, China still maintains a massive stock of 10-Year US Treasury notes in the amount of approximately $1.3 Trillion. However, if the current trend of liquidation continues, then it begs the question as to what happens when whoever has been absorbing the selling decides to no longer bid.
    Ultimately, any move to dump further large tranches of US debt instruments on what is effectively an illiquid market could cause some significant ramifications to both China and the US. So keep a close eye on the PBOC’s FX Reserves in the coming months because that is really where the story is.

  4. B_B 18 januari 2016 00:49
    Business News | Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:02am EST
    China launches new AIIB development bank as power balance shifts

    Taiwan elects its first female president; China warns of 'grave challenges'
    Updated 0509 GMT (1309 HKT) January 17, 2016

    China moet zijn macht laten zien om de AIIB te laten slagen en Taiwan onder druk te houden.
    Ze gaan waarschijnlijk hun beurzen steunen met woorden (positief nieuws) en daden.
    Dit is tijdelijk positief voor alle beurzen.
  5. B_B 21 januari 2016 17:07
    China Vice President Vows to ‘Look After’ Stock Market Investors
    January 21, 2016 — 3:30 PM CET

    China is willing to keep intervening in the stock market to make sure that a few speculators don’t benefit at the expense of regular investors, China’s vice president said in an interview.
  6. [verwijderd] 24 januari 2016 13:10
    De goudprijs kan nu alleen maar stijgen. Verschillende mediabronnen melden dat er in 2015 een piek bereikt is qua productie en grote ontdekkingen. Door de toenemende daling van de goudproductie zal er een krapte ontstaan aan de aanbodzijde. Die schaarste zal de prijs alleen maar omhoog stuwen de komende jaren. Terwijl de centrale banken wel degelijk goud blijven kopen.

    LINK: www.mining.com/842582-2/

    LINK: moneyweek.com/chart-of-the-week-peak-...
  7. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2016 10:30
    Nationale banken vechten wereldwijd om de goudstaven terug thuis te krijgen!

    Duitsland haalt 200 ton goud terug.

    De Bundesbank heeft vorig jaar meer dan 200 ton goud terug naar Duitsland overgebracht. Tegen 2020 wil Duitsland de helft van zijn goudvoorraad in eigen land bewaren.

    Duitsland heeft de op een na grootste goudvoorraad ter wereld, na de VS. Door de crisis vragen veel Duitsers zich af waar dat goud zich bevindt. Daarom publiceerde de Bundesbank onlangs nog een lange lijst van waar het goud zich bevindt.

    De Duitse centrale bank wil ook meer goud in eigen land bewaren. Vorig jaar heeft de Bundesbank zo’n 100 ton goud uit Parijs en iets minder uit New York laten overbrengen.

    De komende vijf jaar wil Duitsland nog eens 307 ton in zijn eigen kluizen bewaren. Bedoeling is om tegen 2020 meer dan de helft van de voorraad in Duitsland zelf te bewaren. Een derde blijft in de VS en de overige 13 procent in Londen. In Frankrijk wordt alles weggehaald.

    Iets meer dan 40 procent - zo’n 1.401 ton goud - van de Duitse voorraad ligt nu ondergronds in Frankfurt, terwijl bijna dezelfde hoeveelheid in de VS wordt bewaard. De Bank of England bewaart zo’n 400 ton Duits goud en een deel ligt nog in Parijs.

    link: www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20160127_0209...

    Wie nu nog twijfelt om goud te kopen of goudmijnaandelen zou ik zeggen niet talmen die staan nu aan -70 à 90% korting tegenover hun piek en zijn op hun bodem. Sommigen hebben de bodem al gelegd.
  8. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2016 10:44
    Goudproductie daalt verder en verder...

    "Buying gold and the gold miners...is the best trade in the world...in 2016," reckons Lawrence McDonald, head of the macro strategies group at French investment and bullion bank Société Générale's US operation, speaking to CNBC."

  9. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2016 10:50
    Nog een reden om goud in te slaan!

    Volgens Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Economic Advisor bij Allianz en voormalig CIO van PIMCO, bevindt de wereldeconomie zich aan het einde van een tijdperk. De tijd van 'groei en winst lenen van de toekomst' door middel van monetair beleid is straks voorbij.

    "Ofwel we gaan harder groeien, ofwel we vallen wereldwijd terug in een recessie met financiële wanorde", verklaart hij tegenover Cnbc. De econoom denkt dat één van deze twee dingen binnen drie jaar gaat gebeuren.

    - See more at: www.beursduivel.be/Column/171219/El-E...
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