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  1. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 23 april 2012 22:11
    Transform the Front End of Innovation to Develop Bigger, Better Ideas: A Kimberly-Clark Case Study

    Event Date:
    5/3/2012 2:00:00 PM (EST)
    60 mins
    Kimberly-Clark is on a multi-year journey to improve its results from innovation. Like many consumer goods companies, one of their biggest challenges was creating high-value ideas and concepts to grow new product revenue. The quantity of ideas was not the problem -- it was the quality.

    Join Cor Bosselaar, Portfolio Leader at Kimberly-Clark, to learn how Kimberly-Clark is enhancing the front end of innovation to enable bigger and better ideas -- that drive bigger and better business results. During this session, Bosselaar will explore how Kimberly-Clark dramatically improved idea and concept development with a central, global collaboration process and tool.

    Joining Bosselaar are experts from Kalypso and Sopheon to share a "Top 10" list of industry-leading practices for improving ideation and concept development processes that can help consumer goods companies:
    - Link front-end processes and the insights uncovered in consumer research
    - Multiply the business value of good ideas by increasing their reuse across countries, regions, or brands
    - Leverage and build upon learnings from the past -- without reinventing them
    - Adopt repeatable, consumer-centric processes for idea and concept development that are continuously improved

    Sponsored by:

  2. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 25 april 2012 22:07
    Apollo plaatste gisteren een verwijzing naar een interessant webinar van Forrester. Uit de beschrijving - zie hieronder - kun je opmaken dat dit precies gaat over dezelfde punten die sopheon ook altijd noemt.
    Het valt op dat dit nu al de tweede keer is dat sopheon genoemd wordt in webinars van ándere organisaties; zie de posting hierboven door Consumer Goods Technology en hier zelfs dus door het gerenommeerde IT-onderzoeksbureau Forrester!
    Tel daarbij op dat ook Gartner sopheon weer noemt (zie www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1281938/Sopheo... ) en er ontstaat een rooskleurig beeld.

    Monday, May 14, 2012, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Eastern time (16:00–17:00 GMT)
    Presented by Doug Williams


    Product strategists are constantly challenged to innovate products and services to satisfy short-term financial goals as well as create new benefits to meet consumer needs as they evolve over the long term. This webinar addresses why open innovation programs are ideally suited to accelerate and expand the identification of new product and service opportunities across the spectrum of innovation. We also discuss why product strategists should focus on the significant business benefits rather than a strict return on investment (ROI) model in order to justify investments in open innovation.


    The Innovation Dilemma: Balancing Short- And Long-Term Goals
    How Open Innovation Can Promote Incremental And Disruptive Innovation
    How To Justify Investments In Open Innovation
    Vendors mentioned: BrainBank, Brightidea, CogniStreamer, Hype, Hyve, IdeaScale, Imaginatik, Jenni, Kindling, Nosco, Qmarkets, Sopheon, Spigit, and TQS.



    Ed Verbeek
  3. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 28 april 2012 09:36
    PIPELINE 2012

    The Online Conference for Innovative Product Development
    May 10, 2012

    inspire your ideas with proven best practices, real-life case studies, and expert thought-leadership principles.

    Sopheon levert hier zelf geen spreker
    maar wel Kalypso, de consulting partner van Sopheon met wie Sopheon een "new joint offering" heeft ontwikkeld "for enhancing the front end of innovation" (zie www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1282532/1/New-... )
    Sprekers van Kalypso zijn Pamela en Bill:
    Pamela Soin, Pipeline Management Practice Lead en
    Bill Poston, Managing Partner over:
    Driving Innovation Throughout the Product Pipeline.


    Ed Verbeek
  4. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 8 mei 2012 21:44

    Ed Verbeek schreef op 23 april 2012 22:11:

    Transform the Front End of Innovation to Develop Bigger, Better Ideas: A Kimberly-Clark Case Study

    Event Date:
    5/3/2012 2:00:00 PM (EST)
    60 mins
    Kimberly-Clark is on a multi-year journey to improve its results from innovation. Like many consumer goods companies, one of their biggest challenges was creating high-value ideas and concepts to grow new product revenue. The quantity of ideas was not the problem -- it was the quality.

    Join Cor Bosselaar, Portfolio Leader at Kimberly-Clark, to learn how Kimberly-Clark is enhancing the front end of innovation to enable bigger and better ideas -- that drive bigger and better business results. During this session, Bosselaar will explore how Kimberly-Clark dramatically improved idea and concept development with a central, global collaboration process and tool.

    Joining Bosselaar are experts from Kalypso and Sopheon to share a "Top 10" list of industry-leading practices for improving ideation and concept development processes that can help consumer goods companies:
    - Link front-end processes and the insights uncovered in consumer research
    - Multiply the business value of good ideas by increasing their reuse across countries, regions, or brands
    - Leverage and build upon learnings from the past -- without reinventing them
    - Adopt repeatable, consumer-centric processes for idea and concept development that are continuously improved

    Sponsored by:

    Bryan Zegscheet van Sopheon geeft als de meer uitdagende ('provocative') lessen van dit webinar:

    1. Innovation isn’t about “getting more ideas.”
    2. As Ed McMahon used to say, “you may already be a winner.”
    3. The best ideas are world travelers.
    (uit www.frontendofinnovationblog.com/2012... zojuist gevonden door Theophiel in www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1283004/1/Week... )

    Je kunt grapjes over zijn naam of uiterlijk maken, maar inhoudelijk is deze Sopheontopper niet te overtreffen, zoveel is mij wel duidelijk.


    Ed Verbeek
  5. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 11 mei 2012 23:21
    How to Keep Your Innovation Projects Aligned with a Fast-Changing World

    Economic volatility, increasingly rapid technological change and ongoing shifts in consumer demand continue to roil the marketplace. Keeping innovation projects in step with changing market conditions and business priorities can be a difficult, time-consuming process.

    If efficient, effective innovation project management is a challenge for your organization, the latest version of Sopheon’s innovation management software can help. Newly released Accolade 8.0 allows you to quickly create and reshape projects to sidestep competitive threats and open the door to fast-moving market opportunities.

    By attending this live, online event you will learn how Accolade can enable you and your team to:
    - Set up an entire innovation project in a minute or less
    - Make project adjustments confidently and quickly
    - Reduce the time and effort required for creation and approval of project-related deliverables
    - Increase enterprise-wide visibility of innovation initiatives through Microsoft’s Sharepoint® and mobile access via iPhones and IPads

    “We live in a complex, fast-changing world. Accolade’s new features have given us the ability to model projects in a very dynamic manner and alter them quickly in response to shifts in market opportunities and needs.”
    Leading Global Electronics Manufacturer

    A live Q&A will follow the presentation.

    archives.subscribermail.com/msg/054c5... gevonden door Theophiel 10 mei 2012 om 21:08

    Dit Webinar staat nog niet op de site van Sopheon aangekondigd.

    Het citaat: “We live in a complex, fast-changing world. Accolade’s new features have given us the ability to model projects in a very dynamic manner and alter them quickly in response to shifts in market opportunities and needs.” is trouwens van Paul De Wit, director of Idea to Market processes for Philips’ Consumer Lifestyle business. Wat zou de reden zijn dat Sopheon de bron van dat citaat niet gewoon noemt, net zoals dat gebeurde in het persbericht over Accolade 8?
  6. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 26 mei 2012 13:31

    Ed Verbeek schreef op 11 mei 2012 23:21:

    How to Keep Your Innovation Projects Aligned with a Fast-Changing World
    Dit Webinar staat nog niet op de site van Sopheon aangekondigd.
    Hmm vreemd, dit Webinar is helemaal niet op de site van Sopheon komen te staan!
    Iemand idee waarom soof hier op haar eigen site niets over heeft gemeld,
    terwijl andere soof-webinars daar tot nu toe wél altijd op hebben gestaan?
  7. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 1 juni 2012 23:01

    apollo schreef op 1 juni 2012 06:14:


    Da's toch knap van soof dat ze zo'n topper hebben weten te strikken

    "The guest speaker is Ludovico Alcorta, Branch Director at UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), and a professor of economics specialized in global technology transfer methods. He will share his rich experience and views on how the world innovates, how governments and industries of BRIC and other fast-growing countries..."

    Daar kan soof nog best eens wat van opsteken; ik dacht niet dat soof al veel doet in Brazilië, Rusland en China, en MAXSOFT in India zou ook wel eens wat meer kunnen opleveren.

    "on average, 40% of new products and services fail to meet their expected revenue contributions."

    Nou, dan is het ook niet zo raar dat ook Sopheon wat herkansingen heeft moeten doen.

    Mooi bericht dus appie!


    Ed Verbeek
  8. [verwijderd] 5 juni 2012 23:04
    Webinar 14 juni 2012

    Consumer-Goods Innovation: Making It “Real” to Drive Improved Business Results

    For today’s consumer goods (CG) manufacturers, delivering organic growth through new products was never more important. But high commodity costs, demanding trade partners and ever-changing consumer needs make it hard to achieve “real” innovation, the kind that creates category growth, drives differentiation and maximizes margins. In response, a growing number of CG firms are rethinking and redesigning their innovation processes from end-to-end.

    During this webinar, Sopheon will describe its holistic approach to helping consumer goods manufacturers transform their innovation methodologies and results. The session will feature a first-hand look at the combination of intuitive, highly configurable software and industry-specific best practices that are enabling many of today’s most successful CG companies—firms such as PepsiCo, Kimberly-Clark, Electrolux and ConAgra—to improve innovation management and execution across the entire product lifecycle.

    By attending this online event, you’ll learn how consumer goods companies are working with Sopheon to:
    Increase the success rate of brand innovations—achieving commercial targets as much as 75% of the time—while successfully differentiating their offerings from private labels and from competitors
    Create adaptive product portfolios that can evolve quickly and continually to reflect changing consumer needs
    Improve margins by:
    Focusing investments on high-value innovations that increase portfolio values
    Pulling millions of dollars of costs out of operational processes via process innovation
    A live Q&A will follow the presentation.

    About the Presenter

    Bryan Seyfarth
    Bryan Seyfarth, Ph.D., is director of product strategy for Sopheon Corporation. He is the segment leader for the Accolade® solution suite in the consumer goods market. Bryan has conducted extensive research and led consulting projects in the areas of strategic decision-making and innovation management with a primary focus on improving product lifecycle management processes. He has advised clients in the CG, specialty chemicals, pulp and paper, life sciences, and financial industries.


  9. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 6 juni 2012 20:29

    tritace schreef op 5 juni 2012 23:04:

    Webinar 14 juni 2012

    Consumer-Goods Innovation: Making It “Real” to Drive Improved Business Results

    For today’s consumer goods (CG) manufacturers, delivering organic growth through new products was never more important. But high commodity costs, demanding trade partners and ever-changing consumer needs make it hard to achieve “real” innovation, the kind that creates category growth, drives differentiation and maximizes margins. In response, a growing number of CG firms are rethinking and redesigning their innovation processes from end-to-end.

    During this webinar, Sopheon will describe its holistic approach to helping consumer goods manufacturers transform their innovation methodologies and results. The session will feature a first-hand look at the combination of intuitive, highly configurable software and industry-specific best practices that are enabling many of today’s most successful CG companies—firms such as PepsiCo, Kimberly-Clark, Electrolux and ConAgra—to improve innovation management and execution across the entire product lifecycle.

    By attending this online event, you’ll learn how consumer goods companies are working with Sopheon to:
    Increase the success rate of brand innovations—achieving commercial targets as much as 75% of the time—while successfully differentiating their offerings from private labels and from competitors
    Create adaptive product portfolios that can evolve quickly and continually to reflect changing consumer needs
    Improve margins by:
    Focusing investments on high-value innovations that increase portfolio values
    Pulling millions of dollars of costs out of operational processes via process innovation
    A live Q&A will follow the presentation.

    About the Presenter

    Bryan Seyfarth
    Bryan Seyfarth, Ph.D., is director of product strategy for Sopheon Corporation. He is the segment leader for the Accolade® solution suite in the consumer goods market. Bryan has conducted extensive research and led consulting projects in the areas of strategic decision-making and innovation management with a primary focus on improving product lifecycle management processes. He has advised clients in the CG, specialty chemicals, pulp and paper, life sciences, and financial industries.
    Mooi gevonden, dank voor het plaatsen.
    Vooral de laatste alinea is interessant.

    Wel eigenaardig dat dit nu al de 2e webinar is (voor de eerste, zie hierboven) die Sopheon niet aankondigt op haar eigen site, voor 'Webinars' noch op de pagina "Webinar Current Event", terwijl daar NOTA BENE al weken (of inmiddels maanden?) te lezen staat (zie www.sopheon.com/NEWSEVENTS/Webinars/W... ):

    " Please stay tuned for our forthcoming schedule, which will be announced soon."

    Ja hoor-es, moeten we daar soms net zo lang op wachten als op een stijgende koers? (#*&&^$@!?

    Beetje meer marketinggericht graag, Barry!
    Of is het de bedoeling dat we de sopheonsite links laten liggen
    en voortaan alle nieuwe informatie van dit forum halen?
    Hmmm, zou eigenlijk best kunnen; hier wordt immers óók alles geplaatst wat er wijzigt op de sopheonsite. En dus zelfs nog méér!


    Ed Verbeek
  10. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2012 06:23
    In association with The Institute for International Research, Sopheon invites you to join this one hour complimentary Web Seminar. This webinar is a part of IIR's 2012 Innovation Webinar Series: Your resource for innovation on the cutting edge.

    How to Successfully Execute Innovation Strategy: A Parker Case Study

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012
    10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
    1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm BST

    Presenter: Bill Beane, Corporate Director of Winovation Systems, Parker Hannifin
    Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

    Please mention your priority code: Sopheon

    Parker Hannifin is the world's leading manufacturer of motion and control systems. In recent years, the $12B business has been widely lauded for its "Win" strategy, a decade-old, multi-faceted initiative credited with generating record revenues and profits. "Winovation", the innovation-focused pillar of the "Win" effort, is an integral part of the Parker success story, accounting for dramatic increases in portfolio values and steady year-over-year expansion of organic growth from new products.

    Hear one of Parker's top innovation executives provide an instructive, inside look at the strategies, processes and operational principles that underpin "Winovation's" remarkable success. Gain insights into what this Fortune 500 stalwart does to fill its product development pipeline with high margin, new-to-the-world offerings, and how it's able to consistently drive measurable and repeatable business results from innovation investments.

    Participants will learn:

    Why fewer projects can actually mean higher portfolio value
    How to achieve the right balance between creativity and innovation execution
    Best practices for measuring innovation-driven growth
    Six keys to achieving consistent, high-value innovation performance

    Title: How to Successfully Execute Innovation Strategy: A Parker Case Study
    Speaker: Bill Beane, Parker Hannifin
    Date: Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
    Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm BST

    Register Now.
    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

    Sponsored by:

  11. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 28 juni 2012 22:14

    Theophiel schreef op 28 juni 2012 06:23:

    In association with The Institute for International Research, Sopheon invites you to join this one hour complimentary Web Seminar. This webinar is a part of IIR's 2012 Innovation Webinar Series: Your resource for innovation on the cutting edge.

    How to Successfully Execute Innovation Strategy: A Parker Case Study

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012
    10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT
    1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm BST

    Presenter: Bill Beane, Corporate Director of Winovation Systems, Parker Hannifin
    Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

    Please mention your priority code: Sopheon

    Parker Hannifin is the world's leading manufacturer of motion and control systems. In recent years, the $12B business has been widely lauded for its "Win" strategy, a decade-old, multi-faceted initiative credited with generating record revenues and profits. "Winovation", the innovation-focused pillar of the "Win" effort, is an integral part of the Parker success story, accounting for dramatic increases in portfolio values and steady year-over-year expansion of organic growth from new products.

    Hear one of Parker's top innovation executives provide an instructive, inside look at the strategies, processes and operational principles that underpin "Winovation's" remarkable success. Gain insights into what this Fortune 500 stalwart does to fill its product development pipeline with high margin, new-to-the-world offerings, and how it's able to consistently drive measurable and repeatable business results from innovation investments.

    Participants will learn:

    Why fewer projects can actually mean higher portfolio value
    How to achieve the right balance between creativity and innovation execution
    Best practices for measuring innovation-driven growth
    Six keys to achieving consistent, high-value innovation performance

    Title: How to Successfully Execute Innovation Strategy: A Parker Case Study
    Speaker: Bill Beane, Parker Hannifin
    Date: Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
    Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm BST

    Register Now.
    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

    Sponsored by:

    Nu wél ook keurig aangekondigd op www.sopheon.com:

    Goed om te zien dat soof zich verbetert op dit punt van communicatie;
    consistentie in de communicatie wekt vertrouwen bij de belegger.
  12. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 30 juni 2012 00:01

    Theophiel schreef op 28 juni 2012 22:43:

    inKNOWvations, Sopheon's monthly e-newsletter

    June 2012



    Ha Frank, apollo had de nieuwsletter ook al geplaatst in weekdraadje 26 (hier www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1285436/1/Week... ). Ik heb nu alles bij elkaar geplaats (ook om het overzicht van alle nieuwsbrieven te houden) in een nieuw draadje getiteld: "Nieuwe nieuwsbrieven"
    ( www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1285716/Sopheo... )
    Goed dat je de newsletter in een overzichtsdraadje plaats, al is dit draadje voor de Web Events en niet voor e-Newsletters; ook dát is een reden geweest om een apart draadje voor de Newsletters te openen.


    Ed Verbeek
  13. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 29 augustus 2012 20:43

    Blue Chip schreef op 6 juni 2012 14:58:

    Blue Chip schreef op 11 jan 2012 om 09:15:
    Zo zijn er nog een paar."

    De beste Bryan S. is een steeds bettere twitteraar. Van een paar tot januari 2012 tot veel in mei. Stijgende lijn en leuk om te lezen.


    In de afgelopen maand weer één uitstekende tweet van BS
    met een verwijzing naar het boeiende interview met Cor Bosselaar, Portfolio Leader bij Kimberly-Clark, die daarin enkele bijzonder originele en inspirerende uitspraken doet.

    De investeringen die Sopheon de afgelopen jaren in sociale media heeft gedaan (vgl. www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1276641/1/Soph... ) werpen duidelijk hun vruchten af.


    Ed Verbeek

  14. [verwijderd] 18 oktober 2012 13:06
    Nieuwe webevent: www.sopheon.com/NEWSEVENTS/Webinars/W...
    (met dank aan Theophiel)
    Er was iemand die zich afvroeg wat je met de mobile app van soof kunt.
    Wellicht is het een idee voor hem/haar om deze webinar bij te wonen.

    Enable Faster, Better Innovation with Accolade® Mobile

    Thursday, October 25, 2012
    4:00 pm BST /11:00 am EDT / 8:00 am PDT

    Mobile access to work-related information is one of the fastest growing trends in business today. Seventy-nine percent of the organizations participating in a survey by the IT Policy Compliance Group (ITPCG) said that their employees use mobile devices to accomplish their jobs. And the benefits are compelling. Recent research by the Aberdeen Group found that the use of mobile apps to help workers accomplish day-to-day tasks can increase productivity by 45%. Use advantages, according to the study, include improved communication and collaboration among team members and faster delivery of actionable information in support of decision-making.

    This webinar will overview Sopheon’s mobile offering and our strategy to continue to unlock the potential of mobile technologies for business innovation. By attending this session, you will learn:

    - How the Sopheon mobile app for iPhone® and iPad® works
    - The benefits to be gained by using the app
    - IT related requirements for successful deployment
    - Sopheon’s strategy for continued investment in mobile technology

    Vriendalijke Giraroeten
    van Wim van Es **

    Het zou mooi zijn als alle webevents hier in dit draadje worden geplaatst; dan blijft het forum overzichtelijk.
  15. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 7 november 2012 20:37

    Wim van Es schreef op 18 oktober 2012 13:06:

    Nieuwe webevent: www.sopheon.com/NEWSEVENTS/Webinars/W...
    (met dank aan Theophiel)
    Er was iemand die zich afvroeg wat je met de mobile app van soof kunt.
    Wellicht is het een idee voor hem/haar om deze webinar bij te wonen.

    Enable Faster, Better Innovation with Accolade® Mobile

    Thursday, October 25, 2012
    4:00 pm BST /11:00 am EDT / 8:00 am PDT

    Mobile access to work-related information is one of the fastest growing trends in business today. Seventy-nine percent of the organizations participating in a survey by the IT Policy Compliance Group (ITPCG) said that their employees use mobile devices to accomplish their jobs. And the benefits are compelling. Recent research by the Aberdeen Group found that the use of mobile apps to help workers accomplish day-to-day tasks can increase productivity by 45%. Use advantages, according to the study, include improved communication and collaboration among team members and faster delivery of actionable information in support of decision-making.

    This webinar will overview Sopheon’s mobile offering and our strategy to continue to unlock the potential of mobile technologies for business innovation. By attending this session, you will learn:

    - How the Sopheon mobile app for iPhone® and iPad® works
    - The benefits to be gained by using the app
    - IT related requirements for successful deployment
    - Sopheon’s strategy for continued investment in mobile technology

    Vriendalijke Giraroeten
    van Wim van Es **

    Het zou mooi zijn als alle webevents hier in dit draadje worden geplaatst; dan blijft het forum overzichtelijk.
    Nu ook in het archief van Soof beschikbaar, zonder te hoeven inschrijven:

    Zéér overtuigend.
  16. forum rang 5 Ed Verbeek 2 maart 2013 09:29
    Soof blijft maar aan de weg timmeren.
    Nu met alwéér een webinar:

    How to Successfully Link Innovation and Financial Performance
    Upcoming Webinar

    - met dank aan Frank in: www.iex.nl/Forum/Topic/1296443/1/Week...


    Eddepet -en-het-gaat-maar-door- Verbeek
  17. [verwijderd] 24 augustus 2013 11:04

    September 25-26, 2013
    Galveston, TX

    The ChemInnovations conference is programmed by industry leaders, and is designed to provide you with the information you need to prepare for the future of the chemical processes industry. Network with your peers in Galveston, while learning about leading practices and emerging technologies in the chemical industry. In addition to the conference sessions, ChemInnovations has an exhibit floor featuring over 100 companies displaying their innovative technologies and services – visit Sopheon at booth 420 to learn more about how we work with leading chemical companies to improve innovation performance.
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