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Department politics. Many, many useless meetings. Advice to Management: Stop thinking you are a large company and start acting like the small, versatile company that you are.

Zo maar één van de vele recensies over een AEX-bedrijven op Glassdoor.com, wie het is vindt u in het Glassdoor-AEX-recensie-ABC.

Glassdoor.com is een Amerikaanse website waar u anoniem uw werkgever door de schredder kunt halen of hem een schouderklopje kunt geven. Veel posts bevatten werkervaringen en een advies aan het management. Vergeet niet dat mensen dit soort recensies schrijven vaak als ze boos op het bedrijf zijn, daardoor kunnen die ook wat gekleurd zijn.

Aan goede recensies heeft u als belegger ook baat, daarmee kunt u een inschatting maken hoe het binnen het bedrijf werkt. De Volkskrant, waar we de inspiratie vandaan hebben, gaat in op de recensies van Booking.com, ING, Wolters Kluwer en TomTom. Wij hebben voor u een bloemlezing uit de recensies van alle AEX bedrijven.

U vindt bij elke bedrijfsnaam een link naar alle recensies op Glassdoor.com. Een leuk advies of opvallende ervaring van een nog het liefst in Nederland werkende werknemer voegen we er achter aan toe. Dat is helaas niet bij alle bedrijven mogelijk. Daarnaast hebben de bedrijven een rating gekregen van de recensenten tussen 1 en 5, 1 is heel slecht en 5 is fantastisch. Deze staan tussen haakjes na de bedrijfsnaam.

Eén dingetje: de gebruikers mogen zelf invullen wie hun werkgever is, dus als ik bijvoorbeeld KPN had ingevuld en daar een recensie over had geschreven had Glassdoor dat misschien wel blind geplaatst. Dat u dat even meeneemt.

Dus hier is het Glassdoor-AEX-recensie-ABC, met een bloemlezing uit de recensies:

  • Aegon: (3,1) Advice to Management: If you want to excel as a customer focused company you can only succeed if you treat your employees like you want them to treat your customers.
  • Ahold: (4,2) Resistance to change, long and slow decision making process. Lack of accountability on key elements. Advice to Management: Office culture needs to evolve to a more result oriented organisation.
  • Akzo Nobel: (3,3) Talent is scarce within AkzoNobel. I often feel like the smartest person in the room. Compensation is reasonable but HR is trying to lower salary costs by lowering job grades. Advice to Management: Stick with a strategy instead of changing it continuously.
  • ASML: (3,7) Getting a bit burocratic, not as fast as it used to be when ASML was a much smaller company. Advice to Management: Replace "managing via processes" by "managing via leadership" = let people drive results on the basis of personal responsibility.
  • Boskalis Westminster: (4,6) Lots of politics involved in it department. Not for the starting it engineers. You have to be very self sufficiant in your work. Advice to Management: Organize senior magnagement. Wrong people on the wrong places.
  • Corio: (4,0) - Limited perspectives - Limited bonus. Advice to Management: Enlarge bonus compensation to promote performance.
  • Delta Lloyd: (3,0) Managers and directors do not always communicate what they are doing and they make decisions on their own without consulting their employees. Advice to Management: Remove more of yourselves. You are with too many and block the good things this company can do.
  • DSM: (3,2) Short term financial targets override values and long term goals. Dutch culture / approach too dominant. Advice to Management: Trust your people, push decision making to the lowest possible level - not the highest and Keep it simple.
  • Fugro: (3,6) Advice to Management: Could use more women in higher positions throughout the business. Spending more efforts on actually delivering excellence and not just talking about it.
  • Gemalto: (3,4) Quite imposible to manage all the Gemalto companies solutions. Benefits must be reviewd. Advice to Management: All Gemalto should be more compact and take advantage of the many products and solutions this company offers. Make it a bit easier to get international opportunities in other gemalto companies
  • Heineken: (3,2) Advice to Management: Install more training on modern management practices and team building so that you can retain your younger generation of employees and innovation. GBS is not aggressive enough relative to other companies-don't accept OpCo exceptions to business process and IT common solutions.
  • ING: (3,4) Hard to get things done. Everything needs to be discussed by everyone before implementation. Too many people who don't want to deliver or work hard for their job. At higher levels decisions tend to be made based on internal politics more than on what is the right way to go. ING seems to be heading in the right direction, but we need to move faster. Get rid of the dead weight. Bring in some fresh blood to the management levels currently filled mostly with old school middle aged Dutch men.
  • KPN: (3,4) Department politics. Many, many useless meetings. Advice to Management: Stop thinking you are a large company and start acting like the small, versatile company that you are.
  • Philips: (2,8 tot 4,1) Heeft zoveel verschillende onderdelen, daar valt gewoonweg niet uit te kiezen.
  • Randstad: (3,2) Pay is low, not much room for advancement. Advice to Management: increase pay to compete with competitors.
  • Reed Elsevier: (2,8) Leadership of Elsevier transitioned from common sense and healthy judgement into a cold calculated share houlders value model with the current management. Major overhauling took place in the Finance department mainly due to issues with "new" CFO. High turnover specifically in Finance. Advice to Management: Have a more long term vision
  • Royal Dutch Shell: (4,0) If you're interested into advancing your career, make sure to join the selected bunch (in Shell terms: L/C or SE potential). Slow decision making and bureaucratic organization. So better not rock the boat, unless the CEO asks you to. Anglo-Dutch style of management and culture. Advice to Management: A diverse culture is not just created by executing a formal policy.
  • SBM Offshore(3,4) Senior management are too intent on shuffling themselves around and into safer jobs, with more minions, and a nicer sounding handle! The company has some serious problems, and these are not being addressed. You have to be French or Dutch to get on in the company, although a few Italians have sneaked in! Advice to Management: Wake up, we have problems, all caused by you!
  • TNT Express: (2,9) Uncertainties of the future, red tapes in all projects and heavy processes, waterfall approach, no career path, salary, technology outdated in certain areas. Advice to Management: Keep promises and value your own commitments to your employees, take decisions rather than let people wait to have clear future forever, at least take lessons learnt from previous experiences
  • Unibail-Rodamco(3,6) Some very burnt out people, salaries not at all fantastic,bonuses generally disappointing, a lot of rotation.
  • Unilever: (3,7) Continuous restructuring, Political, Difficult to get better then good performance rating (equalizer) and Strong process pressure. Advice to Management: Make sure you hire the people you need. By imposing global processes to all units you will gain efficiency, but you will loose enterpreneurial mindset and you will transform high performers to process champions
  • Wolters Kluwer: (2,7) Limited opportunities for growth, Clash of European vs US culture, No game changer - rather follower. Advice to Management: Do more to retain your talented people and Promote innovation further.
  • Ziggo: (4,0) Great service provider , great development department. A big comapny that makes communications between departments a bit tuff.


Waar zijn OCI en ArcelorMital is nu de vraag. Er staan helaas geen recensies op Glassdoor over OCI en ArcelorMital. Maar om het goed te maken met u zijn hier als bonus de recensies van BAM (geen rating), Imtech (3,5 tot 4,0) en TomTom (2,9). Onderstaande recensie is over TomTom, want over dat bedrijf zijn er genoeg:

  • Reorganisations at least once a year and reseating at least 2-3 times a year. Communication from upper management is usually lacking. Advice to Management: Product Innovation is still lacking. That requires more dedicated time and people. Communicate better the long time strategy (if any)


Nick Bakker is marketwatcher bij IEX.nl. Nick Bakker kan posities innemen op de financiële markten. De informatie in deze column is niet bedoeld als professioneel beleggingsadvies of als aanbeveling tot het doen van bepaalde beleggingen. Klik hier voor een overzicht van de beleggingen van de IEX redactie.

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Nick Bakker


Van je hobby je werk maken, is dat slim? Nick Bakker doet dat als Market Watcher bij IEX. Hij verzorgt dagelijks het Fondsenrondje, de Slotcall en het IEXNieuws. Daarin houdt Nick u op de hoogte van al het beursnieuws, de AEX en alles wat er maar speelt bij Nederlandse aandelen. Beleggen, stockpicken, maar ook speculeren. ...

Recente artikelen van Nick Bakker

  1. Liveblog: Trump en BAM
  2. Liveblog: Microsoft
  3. Slotcall: Shell en Unies



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