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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

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  1. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 1 november 2018 10:13
    'Resultaat ArcelorMittal iets tegenvallend'
    Gepubliceerd op 1 nov 2018 om 09:23

    AMSTERDAM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in het derde kwartaal een iets lager resultaat geboekt dan verwacht. Dat laat Goldman Sachs weten in een reactie op de cijfers. De Amerikaanse zakenbank spreekt van een ,,kleine misser''.

    Het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) bedroeg ruim 2,7 miljard dollar. Ook de nettowinst viel wat lager uit dan gedacht, door een afschrijving gerelateerd aan de overname van het Italiaanse Ilva, aldus Goldman Sachs. De nettoschuld was juist wat hoger dan voorzien met 10,5 miljard dollar door een hoger dan verwacht werkkapitaal. Hier had Goldman Sachs een bedrag van 10,2 miljard dollar voorspeld.

    Goldman Sachs spreekt van wisselende resultaten. Het advies staat op convicted buy, met een koersdoel van 35,50 euro.

    Goede marktomstandigheden
    ING geeft eveneens aan dat het resultaat iets lager uitviel dan de consensus van 2,75 miljard dollar, terwijl de nettoschuld hoger uitkwam dan door de bank was voorzien. ING wijst er wel op dat ArcelorMittal nog steeds goede marktomstandigheden in de staalindustrie ziet en de prognoses voor de wereldwijde staalvraag handhaaft. Het advies is buy, met een koersdoel van 31 euro.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 16:33
    Beursblik: weinig verrassing bij ArcelorMittal

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2018 conform verwachting gepresteerd. Dit stelde analist Stijn Demeester van ING.

    De EBITDA kwam uit op 2.729 miljoen dollar, een daling op kwartaalbasis van ruim 11 procent. Analisten rekenden in aanloop naar de cijfers op een iets hoger resultaat van 2.750 miljoen dollar.

    ArcelorMittal sprak echter van een robuuste vraag en gezonde bezettingsgraad in alle segmenten. Reden dat ook de outlook werd gehandhaafd.

    "Maar de kasinstroom was lager dan onze verwachtingen met een onveranderde nettoschuld", merkte Demeester op. Hij schreef dit toe aan een tijdelijk hoger werkkapitaal, als gevolg van seizoenseffecten. Dit zal in het lopende kwartaal weer omkeren, voegde de analist toe.

    ING heeft een koopaanbeveling op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 31,00 euro. Het aandeel steeg donderdag 0,3 procent naar 22,11 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 17:09
    ArcelorMittal presteert conform verwachting

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2018 een hoger bedrijfsresultaat geboekt dan een jaar eerder, zoals analisten ook voorzagen. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit cijfers van de staalgigant.

    De winst voor aftrek van rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie van goodwill (EBITDA) kwam uit op 2.729 miljoen dollar. Analisten rekenden in aanloop naar de cijfers op 2.750 miljoen dollar.

    In het derde kwartaal van 2017 kwam de EBITDA uit op 1.924 miljoen dollar en in het tweede kwartaal van 2018 was dit 3.073 miljoen dollar.

    De nettowinst van ArcelorMittal kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 899 miljoen dollar, tegenover 1.205 miljoen dollar vorig jaar in dezelfde periode. De omzet steeg van 17.639 miljoen naar 18.522 miljoen dollar. ArcelorMittal verscheepte 5,4 procent minder staal dan vorig jaar.

    In een toelichting zei CEO Lakshmi Mittal dat de marktomstandigheden zoals verwacht in het derde kwartaal gunstig bleven, wat leidde tot een "significant" hoger bedrijfsresultaat in de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar. "We blijven een robuuste vraag en gezonde bezettingsgraad zien in alle staalsegmenten", voegde de topman toe.

    Verder meldde ArcelorMittal de overnametransactie van het Italiaanse Ilva te hebben afgerond. De activiteiten gaan verder onder de naam ArcelorMittal Italia.

    Eind september bedroeg de schuld 10,5 miljard dollar, dat is 1,5 miljard dollar minder dan september 2017 en gelijk aan de schuld in juni dit jaar.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal sloot woensdag op de beurs in Amsterdam 2,3 procent hoger op 22,04 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 17:11
    ArcelorMittal: staalmarkten blijven gunstig

    Gepubliceerd op 1 nov 2018 om 07:27 | Views: 3.785

    ArcelorMittal 16:52
    22,18 +0,14 (+0,64%)

    LUXEMBURG (AFN) - De marktomstandigheden in de staalindustrie blijven positief ondanks de oplopende handelsspanningen in de wereld, de importheffingen en de zorgen over een afzwakkende economische groei. Dat meldde 's werelds grootste staalproducent ArcelorMittal in een bericht over de derdekwartaalresultaten.

    Het in Amsterdam genoteerde ArcelorMittal boekte een bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) van ruim 2,7 miljard dollar, tegen meer dan 1,9 miljard dollar een jaar eerder. In het tweede kwartaal was dit resultaat bijna 3,1 miljard dollar. De omzet bedroeg 18,5 miljard dollar. Het bedrijf verscheepte in de afgelopen periode 20,5 miljoen ton staal. Dat is een daling van 5,5 procent vergeleken met de voorgaande periode.

    In een toelichting verklaarde topman Lakshmi Mittal dat de vraag naar staal robuust blijft, met een gezonde bezettingsgraad. Wel blijft ArcelorMittal bezorgd over de wereldwijde overcapaciteit in de staalsector en de hoge importniveaus in verschillende markten.


    De wereldwijde staalvraag neemt dit jaar naar verwachting met 2 tot 3 procent toe, aldus het bedrijf. Daarmee handhaafde de onderneming haar eerdere prognoses voor de groei van de mondiale staalvraag.

    Het AEX-bedrijf liet verder weten dat de overname van de Italiaanse staalfabrikant Ilva definitief is afgerond. ArcelorMittal gaf aan vertrouwen te hebben in een succesvolle integratie en snelle verbetering van de resultaten van Ilva, dat eigenaar is van de grootste staalfabriek in Europa in de Zuid-Italiaanse stad Taranto.

    Ook won het staalconcern onlangs de overnamestrijd rond de failliete Indiase branchegenoot Essar Steel. ArcelorMittal stelde dat deze overname een unieke mogelijkheid biedt om een sterke positie op te bouwen in India, de snelst groeiende staalmarkt ter wereld.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:16
    SAIL supplied more than 50 percent steel for Statue of Unity

    Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) has yet again proudly partnered in erection of an iconic structure by supplying more than 50 percent steel for construction of ‘The Statue of Unity’, the world’s tallest statue, which is dedicated to the nation by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today. The Statue of Unity is a monument dedicated to Indian independence movement leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on his 143rd birth anniversary. Out of the total 24000 metric tonnes steel required for construction of this 182 meters tall statue, SAIL has supplied approximately 12000 metric tonnes of steel. The total quantity of steel supplied by SAIL include reinforced steel like TMT bars as well as structurals and plates.

    This statue, facing the Narmada Dam, 3.2 km away on the river island called Sadhu Bet is located on a 20,000 square meters sprawling area and is being surrounded by a 12 square km artificial lake. The statue is conceived as a naturalistic depiction of Sardar Patel in characteristic garb and in a walking pose. Being a marvelous work of art, this statue which is 100 times taller than a man’s average height has viewing galleries / observation deck at 153 meters at the chest level that can accommodate up to 200 visitors at one go and the view for that height opens onto the expansive view of the dam and environs. Apart from the statue itself, other outstanding features include an exhibition centre at its base showcasing the life and?- achievements of Sardar Patel, memorial garden, and a 250-metre long designer bridge connecting Sadhu island to the mainland along with several other attractions. The Statue of Unity will be the tallest statue in the world and at 182 meters tall from top to toe, the Statue of Unity in India will stand at around four times the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

    Paying tribute to the ironman of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, on his 143rd birth anniversary, Chairman SAIL Shri Anil Kumar Chaudhary said that SAIL is proud to be associated with this global and historic national achievement. SAIL, in its 60th year of production, has been a part of nation’s development for last six decades and SAIL steel has been used for constructing almost every important national project. And it always strives to meet the growing steel requirements of country.’’

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:23
    EU steel-using sectors grew robustly - EUROFER

    Production activity in the EU steel-using sectors grew robustly in the second quarter of 2018 and outpaced first quarter growth by 0.7 percentage points. For the second half of 2018 and the year 2019 a more moderate growth rate is forecast. Total production activity in EU steel-using sectors grew by 4.2% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2018. Business conditions in the second quarter of 2018 were somewhat similar to those in the first quarter of the year. All steel using sectors in the EU except steel tube industry registered an increase in production activity. All reporting countries registered year-on- year growth in total production activity. In Germany and Belgium, the rise in output of the steel using sectors was quite modest, in contrast with countries such as Austria, Poland and Hungary where double-digit growth in total production activity was recorded. Total output is estimated to have grown by 3.7% in the third quarter of 2018.

    Total steel-using sector forecast 2018-2019

    Prospects for the EU steel-using sectors in 2018 and 2019 are rather favourable. Despite a mild moderation in economic momentum, framework conditions for steel using sectors are expected to remain supportive to continued, though somewhat slower, growth in production activity. Domestic demand, rather than exports, will be the main engine of growth over this period. However, the global economic context has become more uncertain due to rising protectionism and the risk of escalating trade tensions. This might have a negative impact on business confidence and investment. Output in the EU’s steel-using sectors is forecast to grow by 3.5% in 2018 and by 1.8% in 2019.

    Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:27
    A new way to make steel could cut 5pct of CO2 emissions at a stroke

    Technology Review reported that Boston Metal has developed technology to electrify steelmaking, and a pending funding round will kick-start a large demonstration project. If the technology works at scale as cheaply as the founders hope, it could offer a clear path to cutting greenhouse-gas emissions from one of the hardest-to-clean sectors of the global economy, and the single biggest industrial source of climate pollution. After working on the idea for the last six years, the nine-person company is shifting into its next phase. If it closes a pending funding round, the startup plans to build a large demonstration facility and develop an industrial-scale cell for steel production.

    In the main approach to steelmaking today, iron oxide is placed into a blast furnace with coke, a hard, porous substance derived from coal. Under high temperatures, the coke turns into carbon monoxide, which plucks oxygen off the iron, producing an intermediate metal known as “pig iron” along with carbon dioxide that wafts into the atmosphere. This and other steps in the process pump around 1.7 gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, adding up to around 5 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. And that’s before taking into account the fuels required to fire the furnaces.

    But completely eliminating emissions will require either technology that can capture carbon dioxide before it leaves the steel mill, which is both expensive and technically fraught, or the use of alternative materials to remove oxygen from iron oxide. But producing something like steel would require an anode made from cheap materials that wouldn’t corrode under high temperatures or readily react with iron oxide. In 2013, Sadoway and MIT metallurgy researcher Antoine Allanore published a paper in Nature concluding that anodes made from chromium-based alloys might check all those boxes. The previous year, Sadoway, Allanore, and another partner had cofounded a startup known as Boston Electrometallurgical, which would become Boston Metal. The company has raised USD 13 million to date, primarily from Brazilian investor Ingo Wender, the US Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation. The firm declined to disclose the source of a pending investment until that transaction is finalized.

    One of its electrolytic cells sits in the back room of Boston Metal. It’s a squat metal cylinder, with a chimney-like tube emerging from the top and an ovular opening in front. It’s designed to produce ferroalloys, a high-margin material used to produce certain grades of steel and the startup’s initial target market. The “chimney” is actually an anode. A thin layer of metal along the bottom forms the cathode. These positive and negative electrodes together act like a sort of pump, pushing electrons through the electrolyte in the chamber, a mix of metallic minerals and other oxides. The precise ingredients in that electrolyte are a critical part of the company’s core technology. In the case of steel, the other oxides act as a solvent at high temperatures, dissolving the iron oxide without decomposing themselves. As the electric current heats up that soup, oxygen freed from the iron bubbles up to the top, and the resulting metal accumulates at the bottom. Once operators “tap,” or crack through, a lining through the hole in the front, molten metal pours forth in a blazing orange line.

    Source : Technology Review
  8. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:32
    Canada issues notice of final determinations on CR Steel

    On October 31, 2018, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) made final determinations of dumping and subsidizing with respect to certain cold-rolled steel in coils or cut lengths from China, South Korea and Vietnam. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry and will make an order or finding by December 21, 2018.
    Provisional duties will continue to apply on imports of subject goods until the date of the CITT’s order or finding.

    Margins of Dumping and Amounts of Subsidy

    Voor cijfers, zie pdf

    The margins of dumping reported in the table above are the margins determined by the CBSA for purpose of the final determination of dumping. In the event of an injury finding by the CITT, the dumping duty for future exports of subject goods will be subject to these anti-dumping duty rates pursuant to a ministerial specification.

    The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers:


    Note that the tariff classification number is for convenience of reference only. Refer to the product definition for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:40
    Scrap Metal Services bags recycling contract from JSW Steel Mingo

    Burnham, Illinois-based Scrap Metal Services LLC (SMS) has announced that its and its mill services division, SMS Mill Services LLC, has entered into a multiyear contract at JSW Steel USA’s electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking facility in Mingo Junction, Ohio. The long-term contract will include slag removal and processing, metal recovery, drop balling and what SMS calls other miscellaneous services. Jeffry Gertler, CEO of SMS, said “We are excited to grow our Mill Services platform and relationship with JSW USA. The contract between the two companies solidifies the values of both companies and their commitments to health, safety and environmental sustainability.”

    Comments John Hritz, president and CEO of JSW USA, “We are pleased to expand our relationship with SMS as JSW USA furthers its vision in Ohio, along with its facilities in Texas, to become the most technologically advanced melt and manufacture entity in North America. The gamut of our vision has grown in a short period of time to improve and install three electric arc furnaces and create 1,000 new jobs in the United States.”

    JSW USA, based in Baytown, Texas, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JSW Group, a $13 billion company based in India with more than 40,000 employees worldwide. JSW describes itself as India’s largest steel producer and says it has a presence in 100 countries. JSW recently purchased the Mingo Junction steel plant and has committed to invest $500 million and create more than 500 jobs in the area.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:40
    Tata Steel to continue talks with EU for Thyssenkrupp JV

    Business Line reported that Tata Steel Ltd said on Wednesday it will continue its discussions with the European Commission after the body raised concerns over its planned steel joint venture with Thyssenkrupp.

    The European Commission has opened a deeper investigation into the proposed steel joint venture over concerns that it could raise prices and harm competition.

    Thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel earlier this year unveiled plans to combine their steel activities in Germany, the Netherlands and Britain to become the continent's second-largest steelmaker after ArcelorMittal.

    Source : Business Line
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:41
    Salzgitter Clean Hydrogen innovation project

    Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Linde AG and Avacon Natur GmbH signed a cooperation agreement on the joint “Salzgitter Clean Hydrogen” innovation project, which signifies a big step toward a hydrogen-based industry. The aim of the project is to generate hydrogen in Salzgitter through electrolysis and electricity from wind power. These activities are to lay the foundation for the future deployment of larger hydrogen volumes to reduce direct CO2 emissions in the production of steel.

    Salzgitter Flachstahl is to plan the construction and operation of PEM electrolysis plant (PEM = Proton-Exchange Membrane) with a capacity of around 400 N.m³/h. Avacon intends to build and operate seven wind turbines on the premises of the Salzgitter Group, three of which on the grounds of the steel mill. Industrial gas supplier Linde will ensure the steady supply of hydrogen. The cost of the entire project (installation of the wind turbines and the hydrogen plant, including linking them up to the existing distribution networks) amount to around EUR 50 million. The financing of this forward-looking industrial climate protection project also necessitates the acquisition of governmental funding. Assuming the project runs smoothly, the production of hydrogen on the plant premises could commence in 2020.

    In the context of this project, the partners are aiming to build up know-how for the environmentally compatible production of hydrogen, as well as gaining experience with the on-site production of hydrogen and its incorporation into an integrated steel mill with its complex production processes.

    Hydrogen delivered by Linde is already used today in the annealing processes that are part of producing steel. In addition, the use of hydrogen in mills opens up the potential of significantly reducing CO2 emissions generated from steel production processes in the future. With a view to achieving this goal, Salzgitter AG conceived the SALCOS (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) project that maps a realistic path toward the gradual reduction of CO2 and, in the long term, steel production that is virtually free of CO2. As part of this project, hydrogen generated from renewable energies is to replace the carbon so far required for the smelting of iron ore.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 19:44
    EU apparent steel consumption - EUROFER

    Apparent steel consumption concerns the supply of all steel products delivered to the EU28 market by domestic producers in the EU and third country exporters. EU28 apparent steel consumption grew by 4.4% YoY in the second quarter of 2018. Healthy levels of real steel consumption in combination with stock building in the steel distribution chain in this period led to this growth. Initial estimates for the third quarter of 2018 signal the usual moderation in apparent steel consumption over the summer period and the start of the usual seasonal destocking in the second half of the year.

    In the second quarter of 2018 domestic deliveries from EU mills to the EU market rose by 3.7% year-on-year. Third country imports rose by 9.8% compared with the same period of 2017 and surpassed the already extremely high level of imports registered in the first quarter of 2018 by almost 5%. The share of imports in EU apparent consumption rose from 23.2% in the first quarter to just under 25% in the second quarter.

    The continued sharp increase in import supply in the second quarter appears to confirm previous concerns about the risk of third country exporters pushing extra volumes to the EU market in anticipation of safeguard measures that were expected to be announced by the European Commission, and the willingness of buyers to take certain speculative risks.

    Preliminary estimates for the third quarter of 2018 show apparent steel consumption rising by a modest 0.6% year-on-year. With customs data suggesting a further increase in import pressure due to a 10% year-on-year rise in imports this would imply that EU domestic deliveries at best stabilised around level seen in the previous year.

    Apparent steel consumption forecast 2018-2019
    EU steel market fundamentals are expected to remain supportive to a continued, though moderate, further increase in apparent steel consumption. Nonetheless, ongoing trade frictions with the US and cooling global demand suggest that external risks could continue to climb, which in turn would increase uncertainty and lead to weakening prospects for EU steel users. Moreover, other trade barriers which are being considered by the Trump administration, such as tariffs on EU automotive exports to the US, could have a damaging impact on steel demand and lead to a further escalation of the trade dispute.

    EU apparent steel consumption is forecast to rise by 2.2% in 2018 and by a further 1.1% in 2019.

    Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute

  13. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 20:39
    MMK ranked in top 10 in Russian environmental performance rating

    Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works has become the only Russian company in the metal and steel industry to be included among the top ten ranking Russian companies for environmental initiatives, this is a bi-annual list compiled by the Living Planet channel and the Modern Media Research Institute. In the rankings for the first half of 2018, MMK rose up the list by two places, taking seventh place. In total, 33 companies in the fuel&energy and metallurgical sectors of the economy feature on the full list.

    The experts were highly impressed by MMK’s corporate environmental programme, as well as the set of initiatives featured on MMK’s strategic initiative ‘Clean City’. This includes reducing the level of air pollution in Magnitogorsk from a ‘critical level’ in 2017 to a ‘low level’ by 2025, bringing it in-line with the favourable environmental standards.

    Among MMK's environmental projects, the judges were particularly impressed by the construction of a new sinter plant which will be equipped with modern treatment facilities. With its launch in 2019 and the decommissioning of the old sinter plant No. 4, the environmental effects will be as follows:

    - Dust emissions into the atmosphere would be reduced by 2,075 tonnes/year (that includes 490 tonnes/year of vented emissions and 1,585 tonnes/year of fugitive emissions) and sulphur dioxide emissions would will be reduced by 3,500 tonnes/year.
    - Suspended materials emissions into circulating water system would decline by 600 tonnes per year.
    - 13,750 tonnes/year of sludge from sulphur capture units will be recovered and turned into commercial plaster.

    In 2018, MMK’s total investment into environmental initiatives is expected to amount to 5.7 billion rubles, up 36% from 2017. In total, the Company intends to invest more than 38 billion rubles into environmental initiatives by 2025. In addition to the radical reduction of air emissions, MMK’s environmental programme aims to eliminate the deposit of industrial effluents into the Magnitogorsk reservoir and to ensure environmentally safe waste disposal and reclamation of effected lands.

    The Living Planet and MOMRI rating is intended to demonstrate the importance of environmental awareness among Russian companies, as well as to encourage the use of environmental initiatives as a way of positioning companies in the market and within society.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 20:47
    Nakayama Steel reports product data falsification

    Osaka based Nakayama Steel Works Ltd said that it has found inspection data falsification for some of its steel products supplied to clients including steelmakers and rubber products makers. Inspection data on work rolls that failed to fulfill specifications for toughness and components set by clients were rewritten to appear as if the requirements were met. It said “We are currently manufacturing raw materials such as steelmakers and machine manufacturers manufactured by our engineering headquarters For some of the roll products used in production facilities, as described below, customers who roll delivery Incorrect acts such as describing numerical values different from the actual inspection results in the inspection result sheet submitted to. We apologize deeply from the bottom of your heart that we are worried about the great inconvenience. In the future, in order to prevent such situation from occurring again, in order to prevent recurrence, we will strictly strengthen our Anse System.”

    Overview of target product
    1) Rolls for steel and metal rolling · Applications: Used as a part of production facilities for rolling steel materials and nonferrous metals at steel works It is. · Business partners: steel manufacturers in Japan and abroad, non-ferrous metal manufacturers
    2) Non-metallic roll · Applications: Production of thinly extending floor materials, rubber etc. at manufacturing plants such as building materials and rubber It is used as part of equipment. · Business partner: Domestic building materials manufacturer, rubber manufacturer
    3) Product standard · There is no official standard applicable to the product, specifications negotiated separately with customers Based on.
    4) Sales Heisei era fiscal year 2007 roll business approximately 700 million yen (Consolidated total is about 148.7 billion yen)
    5) Production Factory Our Engineering Headquarters (1 - 66 Funamachi 1 - chome, Taisho - ku, Osaka - shi (within our Funamachi factory))

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2018 20:48
    US steel prices increase by double-digit percentages - Report

    Star Tribune reported that spurred by new trade tariffs, US steel prices have increased by double-digit percentages this year while foreign steel prices sunk. A new American Steel Index report by Business Forward Inc said tariffs increased the prices on American-made, hot and cold-rolled steel 11 percent since February. In contrast, prices on foreign steel fell 4.8 percent on average. Business Forward, which tracks a host of trade issues including North American Free Trade Agreement and its pending replacement, began analyzing the impact of trade tariffs in March. It issued its fist monthly report in June and now reports results monthly. October's report said price differences on steel over seven months may have a disproportionate impact on US manufacturers in highly competitive markets and those manufacturers that export their finished goods. It said that "Those manufacturers are the ones America needs most.”

    Many US iron and steel manufacturers and the United Steelworkers support the tariffs for helping slow the illegal dumping of underpriced steel into the United States. Many that buy steel and other raw materials to make products, though, say tariffs have escalated their costs and disrupted their supply chains.

    Trade groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers urged the Trump administration to restore bilateral trade talks with China and other partners to find a new solution.

    Mr Jay Timmons, the association's president said that "With every day that passes without progress on a rules-based, bilateral trade agreement with China, the potential grows for manufacturers and manufacturing workers to get hurt. No one wins in a trade war, and manufacturing workers are hopeful the administration's approach will quickly yield results. Now is the time for talks, not just tariffs."

    Source : Star Tribune
  16. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2018 15:56
    ArcelorMittal verkoopt fabrieken Luik en Dudelange

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft overeenstemming bereikt met Liberty House over de verkoop van zijn faciliteiten in het Luxemburgse Dudelange en het Belgische Luik. Dit meldde de staalgigant vrijdag zonder vermelding van de financiële details.

    De activa vormen het laatste deel van het desinvesteringspakket, dat met de Europese Commissie is overeengekomen met het oog op de geplande overname van de Italiaanse staalmaker Ilva door ArcelorMittal.

    De afronding van de transactie met Liberty House is overigens pas definitief nadat de overname van Ilva en de goedkeuring van toezichthouders, zoals de Europese Commissie, en lokale toezichthouders rond is.

    Half oktober sloot ArcelorMittal reeds een overeenkomst met Liberty House over de verkoop van vier staalfabrieken in Tsjechië, Roemenië, Macedonië en Italië.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal noteerde vrijdag op een groen Damrak 4,1 procent hoger op 23,14 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
  17. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2018 16:04
    US Steel negatiever gestemd

    (ABM FN) US Steel verwacht dit jaar een lager aangepast bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) te realiseren dan eerder werd voorzien. Dit maakte de staalreus bekend.

    Voor het lopende kwartaal mikt US Steel op een aangepaste EBITDA van circa 575 miljoen dollar, hetgeen voor heel 2018 een resultaat zou betekenen van 1,8 miljard dollar. Bij publicatie van de cijfers over het tweede kwartaal in augustus, mikte het bedrijf nog op een resultaat van 1,85 miljard tot 1,90 miljard dollar. US Steel zag het aantal orders langere tijd onder druk staan. De onderneming voorziet evenwel een aanhoudende sterke vraag naar staal.

    In het afgelopen kwartaal zag US Steel de omzet op jaarbasis stijgen van 3,2 miljard naar 3,7 miljard dollar, waarbij de nettowinst aantrok van 147 miljoen tot 291 miljoen dollar. De aangepaste EBITDA kwam uit op 526 miljoen dollar ten opzichte van 357 miljoen dollar een jaar eerder. De aangepaste EBITDA ligt iets hoger dan de 525 miljoen dollar waar US Steel op mikte.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2018 16:34
    Mr Jim Hoffman is new President and CEO of Reliance Steel & Aluminium

    Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously appointed James D. Hoffman as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2019. Mr. Hoffman currently serves as Reliance’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and will succeed Gregg J. Mollins as President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr Mollins will remain on Reliance’s Board of Directors and will continue in his role as CEO through the end of 2018, after which he will serve as Senior Advisor to the CEO until his retirement in December 2019.

    Jim Hoffman joined Reliance’s executive management team in 2008 as Senior Vice President, Operations. Prior to Reliance’s acquisition of Earle M. Jorgensen Company (“EMJ”) in 2006, Mr. Hoffman held executive management positions at EMJ, including Vice President from 1996 to 2006 and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from 2006 to 2008. In 2015, Mr. Hoffman was appointed Reliance’s Executive Vice President, Operations, a position he held until his promotion to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in 2016.

    Mark V. Kaminski, Reliance’s Chairman of the Board, commented, “Reliance’s Board of Directors extends its sincere thanks and gratitude to Gregg for his long and distinguished service to Reliance. Throughout his career, Gregg has maintained his focus on operational excellence earning the respect of our customers, suppliers, stockholders and employees. Gregg has been an integral part of Reliance’s executive management team for more than 25 years and his tremendous contributions are reflected in Reliance’s culture of integrity and industry leading results. Importantly, as CEO, Gregg led Reliance to record quarterly net sales, gross profit dollars and pre-tax income results.”

    Mr. Kaminski continued: “The Board is pleased to announce the promotion of Jim Hoffman to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Jim’s promotion is the result of the Board’s completion of a strategic, deliberate and well-executed long-term succession planning process and we expect a seamless transition as he undertakes this new position. Jim is an experienced executive with a proven record of improvement and a highly respected leader in the service center industry. We are confident that Jim will draw upon his experience as a Reliance executive and expand upon his record of accomplishments while strengthening our position as the premier metals service center company in North America.”

    “I am very proud of the leadership positon Reliance has earned in the metals service center industry and our unrivaled executive management team,” said Mr. Mollins. “Jim and I have worked closely together since he joined Reliance upon our acquisition of EMJ in 2006. Jim is a proven leader and executive and I believe his strategic vision will continue to drive Reliance’s growth and profitability, and that our customers, suppliers, stockholders and employees are in very good hands.”

    Mr. Hoffman commented, "I am honored by the opportunity to serve as Reliance’s next CEO and the trust and confidence that the Board has placed in me. I am excited to work with the incredibly talented team at Reliance to continue our track record of delivering industry leading results and increasing shareholder value."

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2018 16:35
    Danieli modernization of caster at Huaigang I&S (Shagang Group)

    Huaigang is renewing its confidence in Danieli casting technology with a revamping for CCM#2 billet caster at Huai’an, Jiangsu Province. The Q-SOFT Technological Package will upgrade the mould exit areas with new withdrawal units featuring soft reduction capabilities, installed on all four strands of the 11-m-radius caster. New moulds for 210x210-mm square sections, new dedicated secondary cooling and a new dedicated hydraulic unit capable of delivering the required cylinder pressure are included in the project.

    Danieli Automation will carry out a full revamping of Level 1 controls and integrate a Liquid Pool Control (LPC) system for accurate and balanced secondary cooling, controlled stirring and reduction process for each type of steel produced.

    The upgrade will allow Huaigang I&S to increase the production of highly demanding grades, such as bearing steels -thus the market share- in a very competitive market, by providing superior quality products.

    This is the fifth Danieli conticaster project at Huaigang in the last 30 years. Previous supplies included two casters for jumbo rounds up to 800-mm-round dia, one billet caster and an upgrade to another CCM.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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